Another City, Another Continent
I’m in a country, Argentina, where soccer can be considered the heart-beat of the nation and tango dancing has a place in people’s minds. The country is European in flavour, and you see more walking going on than in America; although fast cars are plentiful. The local currency, the peso, is generally not very strong against the American dollar.
The place in Buenos Aires that I visit yearly is the ISKCON Centre at Palermo.
It is not a wealthy community. An acquired private school converted to an ashram/temple is gradually being renovated. Outside this welcoming destination are streets that I’ve reported before as being a bit too dog-ridden. Nothing wrong with dogs. It’s the owners who show irresponsibility. You could be slipping and sliding if you don’t watch yourself.
Balarama, who travelled with me here from Canada, said, “So it’s just like Mexico, my country,” indicating that it’s hard for pedestrians at times, dealing with the dung.
I mentioned about financial-tightness. That’s not always the worst thing. What’s important is to value what you have. And if humility plays a role in your day-to-day life, due to the “less is more” reality, then that’s nothing to necessarily complain about. As my room-mate monk, Gaura Vani Swami, indicated, “Where there is excess of money, that’s where you find the corruption.” And then he said to watch out for the influence of Kali-Yuga, the age of shadiness.
May the Source be with you!