Friday, July 29th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Friday, July 29th, 2016

Jamaica, Iowa

The Walking Monk Takes His Path Through Ames

Bhaktimarga Swami, who is often referred to as the Walking Monk, made his way through Ames on Wednesday while continuing his mission to walk from New York City to San Francisco.

This is the first time Swami has walked border to border in America, but this is not a new mission.  In the past, he has walked across his home nation of Canada, Ireland, Israel, Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad and Guyana.

These treks are not simply a spiritual journey for the orange-robed Hare Krishna monk but more of a way to spread his message of health and self-consciousness.

“I’m saying let’s slow down.  Let’s get more in touch with ourselves by walking,” Swami said.  “Really, it’s to check the imbalanced lives we live. We are very much in the consumer world, capitalism, and we just don’t take enough time for introspection. So when you walk, you have time to just process things.”

Swami said that being in Ames on Wednesday was also a celebration of a momentous occasion for followers of the Hare Krishna movement because it marked the 50th anniversary, to the day, of the movement being started.

“It’s a movement that has its challenges but it exploded, went all over the world, and  here we are 50 years later,” Swami said.

Born John Peter Vis in 1952 in Chatham, Ontario, Canada, Swami said he found the Hare Krishna movement to be similar in many ways to Catholicism, which was the religion he was raised in as a child.  Since making the transition into being a monk, Swami said he started making his pilgrimages to help spread his beliefs but to also meet people and learn more about himself.

“It’s walking, meditating, connecting with people, getting more in touch with yourself, and your soul and just trying to be more contemplative about things,” Swami said.  “When you walk at the human pace that we’re supposed to, there’s an appreciation and sensitivity that develops.”

While traveling from place to place, Swami said that the vast majority of his encounters have been positive and people are usually very receptive of his message.  However, there have been some troubling encounters as well, including some close calls with grizzly and black bears.

“I have been mistaken many times for being an escapee from a prison wearing an orange jumpsuit,” Swami said.

He added that someone also called the police on him when he was walking near a mental institution close to Iowa City because they were worried that he was an escaped patient.

According to Swami, he averages about 20 miles per day and at that pace he believes he could complete his entire trip in about five months.  However, due to a prior commitment, he will stop for the summer once he reaches Nebraska and then pick up where he left off next summer to continue on to San Francisco.

Swami said that during his trip in America, he has seen a different kind of culture that he hasn’t come across in the other areas he has traveled.  He said that he has seen most affluent of neighborhoods and the poorest of ghettos.  According to him, America has several issues that has caused him to be concerned for the world.

“America’s a place of a lot of extremes,” Swami said.  “Obesity is a big problem.  It’s embarrassing to be human sometimes. People could do better.”

One thing that walking across a country has taught Swami, is that no one is above the pains associated with growing older or putting strain on your body.  He said it is also part of his mission to accept those pains for “austerity purposes.”

“It means to voluntarily take up a little bit of inconvenience so to build character, to toughen up a little bit, to be a tough boy,” Swami said.

May the Source be with you!

20 miles

Thursday, July 28th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

Dallas Centre, Iowa

Trek Sayings

To accommodate a family that came all the way up from Florida, it was decided to route ourselves along some bike trails like the High Trestle Trail.  This route and a similar one today, forming a loop, would be sage for peaceful conversation.  The state of Iowa is blessed to have such excellent and well-maintained trails.

While the caption for yesterday’s blog “More Walking, Less Squawking” is my own dreamed-up slogan, I picked up some really brilliant sayings that were posted along the trail—sayings that promote the walking culture.

Let’s begin with insomniac Charles Dickens who consumed much time in his daily (or rather “nightly”) walks.  He is quoted saying:

1)    “If I could not walk hard and fas,t I would explode and perish.”

2)    “The way to extend your days is by walking steady and with purpose.”

Savour this one:

3)    “Thoughts come clearly while one walks,” wrote Thomas Mann.

4)    “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking,” penned Friedrich Nietzsche.

5)    “It is solved by walking,” is a Latin Proverb.

And, from an unknown source, here is a thought of wit…

6)    “You can’t leave footprints in the sands of time if you’re sitting on your butt.  And who wants to leave butt prints in the sands of time?”

I want to thank Ananta, Vaishnavi and their son, Gopal, for joining us all the way from Florida.

May the Source be with you!

20 miles

Wednesday, July 27th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Wednesday, July 27th, 2016

Ankeny, Iowa

More Walking, Less Squawking

From the “Newton Daily News” Alex Olp wrote:

Bhaktimarga Swami, also known as “The Walking Monk,” made his way through Newton on Thursday as he continues his project to walk coast to coast across the country.

Bhaktimarga Swami, which means “path of devotion,” has done walks before across seven other countries including four in his homeland of Canada.  He is making his first trip across the United States for a couple of reasons — to promote the walking culture and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Hare Krishna movement.

“I think we lost touch with walking, and it’s important to get back to it,” Swami said.  “The one main gain is to get a balance for life.  It’s a good workout of course, but it’s a good ‘work in’ as, well, meaning you take a little time to yourself to look at the little things and the little demons inside of you that you want to address.”

He explains walking as an internal cleaning as it not only provides a physical workout, but improves the mental state as well.

“I really believe strongly in ‘more walking, less squawking,’” he said.  “I don’t like cars.  I don’t like what cars have done to the world and what they’ve done to us.  They made us kind of impersonal.  That’s the big thing about walking — you meet people.”

On some occasions, you meet animals, too.

During one of his walks across Canada, he came face-to-face with a grizzly bear.  A bear, he said, that was interested in him but was luckily scared away by a tractor traveling along the road.

So far, his first walk across America hasn’t had many close calls, but he has caught the eyes of few people.

A couple of occasions in Iowa City left him answering to police after locals dialed 911 after mistakenly identifying him —wearing his orange robes — as an escaped convict.

However, Swami said police have been nothing but nice to him, especially in Iowa which is a state he is visiting for the first time.

“People here are very pious and very kind,” Bhaktimarga Swami said.  “They really look after each other and I’d say there’s a wholesomeness here.  And I don’t see things falling in decline like some other states I have gone through.”

On Thursday, he began walking near Grinnell at 3:30 a.m. to avoid much of the day’s scorching heat.  With a few stops along the way, including Newton Public Library to rehydrate, Swami reached his average of 20 miles per day around 1 p.m. just west of Newton.  Due to an obligation elsewhere, he will put his walk on hold until Monday when he will return to his exact spot on Highway F48 and make his way west to Colfax.

Bhaktimarga Swami began the walk across America last fall making his way from New York to Pennsylvania before winter break.  He returned to Pennsylvania on Mother’s Day and has walked in a relatively straight line since then.  He plans to reach Grand Island, Neb. as a halfway point this year and complete the entire project next summer.

Contact Alex Olp at

May the Source be with you!

20 miles

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

Des Moines, Iowa

Turning Some Souls

Yes, we made it to the big city—big, meaning big for Iowa.  Someone said that its population is just over a half-million.

Frankly, though, there was minimal interaction with people during the course of our walk (Mandala is with me).  We did trek through an area of corn, then an urban sprawling Altoona, followed by Des Moines itself.  Strip mall retail zones, the guts of the city—industrial—along Delaware Ave., then municipal district (capital state building), the artsy area, and then the university.  At one point in the morning rush hour, at Hwy. 6, motorists, noticing the robes, became head-turners.

By noon I had done my day’s quota.  Much of the trek was under the hot sun.  We were like toast!  Mandala, by the way, victoriously did his first 20 miles, ever.

It was in the University City of Ames, north of Des Moines that I could realistically interact with humans.  At Inis Grove Park local students set up a program for a “Tales from Trails” session.  The set topic I was asked to extract from this was “Is the Concept of World Walking Utopian?”

To prepare for my talk to this group of brilliant students, I reviewed my blog notes since beginning this leg of the walk.  It was a refresher looking over the adventures of the last two months.  I realize from the perusal that our team touched many souls.  No way are we poised to convert everyone into a pilgrim or pedestrian, but if by the message more people buy into the walking culture, we will consider to be having some success.

May the Source be with you!

20 miles

Monday, July 25th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Monday, July 25th, 2016

Mitchellville, Iowa

Hawks and Their Direction

It is said that the hawk is known for its powers of focus and observation.  And when a hawk is spotted, either in flight or perched, it is a sign that some initiative should be taken up.

My morning and afternoon were punctuated with the presence of a hawk.  He was, of course, buzzing about, more interested in prey than my prayer.  I enjoyed his camaraderie.  We were moving along somewhat in the same sphere for a while, with him in the air and myself on the ground.

Initiative?  New projects?  Well, maybe!

A film-maker I met last fall in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania had a project in mind, one that would involve some hiking on the Appalachian Trail.  The participants would be leaders of religious denominations.  I have been invited to represent Krishna Consciousness.  The trek would begin at the start of May.  I just received an e-mail. 

My dilemma is that my last leg of the cross-US walk would already be in session.  I’ll be 64.  I don’t know that my knees would take too kindly to the endeavour, although I would truly relish trekking and camping with a priest, a rabbi, a Buddhist monk and a mullah.

So, I question the timeline and whether I can physically take up the challenge, especially if it involves backpacking. Let’s dwell on it.

The hawk of the morning brought good vibes.  Motorists were waving.  One group of people stopped to load Mandala and I with a pile of sweet corn.  The hawk of the afternoon seemed to lead us to a shady bike-path, a relief from the strong sun.

May the Source be with you!

20 miles

Sunday, July 24th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Sunday, July 24th, 2016

Des Moines, Iowa

Conversation in Flight

I sat next to Mike on the plane back to the States and we got to talking.  He works with the mining industry.  We spoke about that and I could see that now, at 55, he’s feeling good about his years of work with his company, his being a loyal husband and father, and that it’s something worth reflecting on.  He seemed content about life’s pursuits.

What about his spiritual side?  He asked me about my Krishna consciousness and my vocation as a monk. Admittedly, it’s a different approach to life from his, and I suppose you could say I spoke with a similar kind of pride about my years in the monastic order, as he expressed with a wholesome pride about his career.

“Have you ever wondered,” I asked him, “where all this leads to, all this living, all this working hard, and for what?  Do we live just to survive?”

I wasn’t sure if he had some belief in God, a higher power or what?  He did say that he’s spent hours of conversation with his wife on the topic of destiny, or the aspect of wonderment over the aim and puzzle of existence itself.

He was curious about my belief and so I began speaking about our sacred text, the “Bhagavad-gita,” the “Song of the Divine,” and how Lord Krishna spoke to His warrior friend, Arjuna, about picking up his low spirit and remaining firm to the sense of duty on two levels—to the body, and secondly to the self (the soul).

To Mike I explained about these two obligations and that the balance is highly important in our life as a Krishna devotee.

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Friday, July 22nd, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Friday, July 22nd, 2016

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

“Walking Monk” Heads Across Iowa

A late-night flight brought me to Saskatoon to attend yet another Chariot Fest.  Forwarded to me was an article by Dann Hayes for “The Des Moines Register.”

Bhaktimarga Swami, known as “The Walking Monk,” says “the walk before” encourages him to keep walking, which got him started on his most recent walk, a walk across America.

Bhaktimarga Swami (formerly John Peter Vis) is a Hare Krishna monk who is walking across America to promote a healthier global lifestyle, a strong spiritual foundation and a simple meditative life.

“I’m also out here to integrate with people,” the 63-year-old Canadian said.  “It’s kind of like a workout and a work-in…to take time to process life.”

He is also walking to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of the Hare Krishna movement.

On this particular day (Wednesday, July 20) he started just outside of Brooklyn on Highway 6 and was stopped just east of Grinnell.

Born in 1952 in Chatham, Ontario, Canada, Bhaktimarga Swami adopted the monastic lifestyle of the Hare Krishna order in 1973.

Traveling on foot is a common practice in various traditions, he said, and it’s an effective way to reach out and communicate the importance of morality and ethical priorities.

“You learn to take it all in,” Bhaktimarga Swami said.  “The heat, the wind, the rain, the traffic, the cold, the black flies, the mosquitos, the public attention or none.  With all of that you learn detachment from the externals and how to go within to be happy.”

Bhaktimarga Swami said that during his travels he has had a number of different experiences.  He usually starts a walk very early each day – recently to beat the heat in Iowa he has started around 4 a.m.  And with wearing an orange robe he has been mistaken for a number of different things in the dark, including an escaped convict.

That normally brings the police, but after a brief discussion, he continues on his way.

In Iowa, Bhaktimarga Swami had only good to say for the law enforcement community.

“The police have been terrific,” he said.  “The cops are nice here in Iowa.”

This tour is made of three parts – he started last fall in Boston, went to Butler, Penn., then into New York.  The second leg started in Butler and brought him to Grinnell.  He plans on stopping near Grand Island, Neb., before continuing on the third leg next summer.

This isn’t new to him, he has trekked across Canada four times, Ireland, Israel, Guyana, Trinidad, the Fiji Islands, Mauritius and other countries.  He was featured in a National Film Board of Canada’s documentary titled “The Longest Road.”

He averages about 20 miles a day, he said.

“While I walk I also meditate,” Bhaktimarga said.  “As a monk you have that obligation to yourself – take to the elements and toughen up inside.”

Thank you Dann Hayes.

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Good Thing

The real good thing about keeping a dog is that he/she forces the master to go for that stroll.  I witnessed this dynamic when staying with my host in Saskatoon.  A three-month-old husky pup, fairly new-acquired, needs that walk through the neighbourhood, to go for an ultimate exploration (checking out just about everything) and going for that workout.

Now this pup, Akela by name, is the cutest thing, with one green eye and one blue.  He rarely barks, but does more howling, as is expected from a canine who’s a wolf-derivative.

In any event, this young pup participated, by leash, at the chanting procession–at least the start of the program–for the Festival of India.

Akela and I get along, but it was another guest who I’ve been bonding with or, shall I say, developing a friendship with.  It’s Mayor Don Atchison who has come to the Festival of India for the second year in a row.

We share a lot of the same interests.  He’s a marathoner, can easily take on a four mile jaunt per hour, and he’s quite excited about the coming completion of the Trans-Canada Trail, a walker’s paradise path.  It will penetrate right though the parameters of the city of Saskatoon—his city.

Next year Canada will be 150 years old and the finishing touches to this trail is the obvious timeline.  This becomes tempting for me.  Shall I, if not next year, on in the future, tackle this most glorious walking challenge?

May the Source be with you!

4 km

Thursday, July 21st, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Thursday, July 21st, 2016

Newton, Iowa

Cold Water Please!

Ice water and Gatorade were coming my way all day.  It was a response by the public to the radio, newspaper, and facebook articles which were being circulated.

Rajasuya and I took to a pretty, shaded, residential street and, as we did so, we encountered Wally, Diana, and grandson, Braden.  Diana’s sister had just passed away.  She asked for my prayers and I was happy to oblige.  Diana kept replenishing our cups with ice water.  We all got quite comfortable being in each other’s company in their front yard.  We even broke out into song with George Harrison’s, “My Sweet Lord,” Simon and Garfunkel’s, “Slow Down,” as well as Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, “Happy Trails.”  Braden, who’s about eight, didn’t have a clue about these songs from the 50’s and the 60’s.

Our meeting went from grave feelings to happy ones.  That’s just what the walking does, even in the midst of steaming heat and fatigue.

Were we ever relieved to enter the cooling AC’d Newton Library.  The weather was unforgiving at times, as we reached high noon.  Some of the water donated to us was taken as head-shower fluid.  At 107 degrees Fahrenheit, who wouldn’t employ H2O in that format? I’ve even found the umbrella as a shield to be effective as the heat rose.

I imagine the desire for water rose in just about everyone in the State of Iowa.  This is all relative to the need within the season.  Had we been in frigid conditions, the element of fire would be most desirable.  Needs change in relation to the body.

In connection to the soul, there is a constant contentment.

May the Source be with you!

20 miles.

Wednesday, July 20th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Wednesday, July 20th, 2016

Grinnell, Iowa

His Eyes

His eye was fully open but the other was closed, and just as the closed eye-lid began to open, the open eye began to move in a slow blink.

This was pretty much how I viewed the full moon and its counterpart, the sun, as these heavenly bodies presented themselves in the early morning sky.  It was purely magical, and while I had the moon before me in the westerly sky, the sun naturally arose behind me.  I was being looked at by God, one eye at a time.

This dynamic occurred yesterday and repeated itself again today.  Yet today, the sun began to be in a relentless mode as the hours moved on.  Water in the air (humidity) was thick in suspension.  It was taxing and dehydrating.

Relief arrived  merely with the visitation of people.  Rajasuya and Mandala came to join me on Hwy. 6.  Then Dan Hayes appeared from the Iowa County Market Newspaper.  A fellow by the name of Rich, a local organic farmer, stopped out of interest.  I was also whisked away to KGRN radio with Chris Johnson as the interviewer. 

Back on the road again, and a woman from nowhere delivered lemonade.  A second one, Lisa, pulled over to hand out some refreshments—ice water and fruit.

“I’ve been following you on the internet.  I drove around knowing you were in town,” said Lisa.  She is very much the big-hearted type of person and it was a pleasure meeting her at the last step of the day’s walk.

These were all lovely people whose paths I crossed today, and it alleviated the physical strain felt initially.

What really stuck in my mind were Dan’s questions. “What prompted you to do this walk? Does it have anything to do with the current political situation?  Isis and so forth?”

“Much to do with it,” I said, and went on to explain that the message from our scripture, the  Bhagavad-gita, is much about taking firm stands when gentleness is taken advantage of.

This is a big topic in and of itself.

May the Source be with you!

19 miles

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

Deep River, Iowa

Walk More, Rush Less

Two papers in the local area, “The Journal Tribune” and “The Pioneer Republican,” carried the story with the above title, by Melinda Wichmann:

“We’re designed for walking but we’re not doing enough of it.”

That is the message Bhaktimarga Swami wants to share as he walks from New York, N.Y. to San Francisco, Calif.

“The Walking Monk,” as he is called, passed through Williamsburg, Tuesday morning, July 12, during his travels.  He left Iowa City before the sun rose that morning and walked along the IWV Road, arriving in Williamsburg about 10 a.m.

The purpose of his cross-country trek is two-fold: first, to encourage people to slow down the pace of their existence, to become more introspective, and to find their spirituality, and second, to celebrate the 50thanniversary of the Hare Krishna movement.

Bhaktimarga is breaking his journey into three parts.  Last year, he walked from New York to Butler, Pa.  This year, he resumed walking in Butler and hopes to complete the middle portion of his journey in mid-Nebraska by August.  He plans to reach San Francisco next year.

Long-distance walking is nothing new.  Canadian-born, he has walked across his home country, four times, as well as  Ireland, Israel and a number of other foreign countries.  He averages about 20 miles a day, logging mostly morning hours to beat the summer heat.  He believes walking enables people to find their spirituality, slow down and become a little more introspective, rather than rushing through the day in a frantic hurry.  No one walks anywhere anymore, he said, they all drive. “We are consumed by the automobile and as a species, it is making us very hard and cold.”  Walking provides a way to connect with one another as well as oneself.

“This part of the country already has a slower pace of life,” he said, by comparison with larger cities and urban areas.  When he told friends he was going to walk across the United States, their reaction was a little skewed, based on American television shows.

“But everyone has a gun there,” his friends told him.

“Clearly, that is not true,” he said.

“The reception has been great,” he says, with the people he passes offering friendly waves or stopping to talk to him.

He is enjoying his trek across the heartland, especially the spacious fields and pastures.

“You have an opulence of space here,” he said.

For more information, visit

May the Source be with you!

20 miles

Monday, July 18th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Monday, July 18th, 2016

Williamsburg, Iowa

1100 Kilometres

We did 1100 kilometres of driving to make it back to the spot where we left off last week.  My walking mission is met with many interruptions; happy ones, of course.  It was a six-day leave of absence from the trail.

Now on our way, before entering the States and in particular the state of Michigan, my driver, for the next four days of companionship, is Rajasuya from Brampton, Canada. Also with us are Mandala, an assistant to replace Uttamanada.  They are in for a treat.  I wanted to bring them down memory lane.  Off the major 401 Highway, we veered onto the Tecumseh Parkway.  This was the road I roamed to go back and forth to elementary school;  a humble, red-brick school house that enrolled rural kids, accommodating eight grades, and with only one teacher.

That’s a miracle in itself!

When you see this structure, boarded-up, and closed down since the sixties, it’s remarkable it is still standing.  The size leads you to believe that this 25 x 30 ft. place could not possibly hold the group of us.  Eight grades in one room!  One teacher!  Imagine that!

We thrived in this type of environment.  The older kids looked after the younger ones.  We lined up outside for drinking water from the pump.  We had little or practically no facility for sports.  Somehow we were happy in this minimalistic life-style.  I won’t forget the wooden desks with holes for the ink jars.  You used pencils in the younger grades.  The use of ink was for the older kids.  Yes, the simplicity was the thing.

May the Source be with you!

0 miles

Sunday, July 17th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

Toronto, Ontario

Some of What Happened

A couple flew in from Hawaii to attend the Chariot fest and I was given the honour to award them diksha(initiation) into the Vaishnavatradition.  Three couples also took second or brahminicalinitiation.  The new initiates are Guru das, an attorney, and his fantastic wife, Amala.

The ritual, which had quite the appeal for the public (as it was held outdoors on Centre Island), was colourful, and was positioned in front of the mystical temple under a marquis.

On the second day of the festival, like the first, I was scheduled to conduct an aerobics class to the sound of drum and mantra.  Held at the youth tent called the Bhakti Cloud, within no time, volunteers who wanted to loosen-up and shake-it-out filled the space.

For my own record, I thought to document  the one hour talk which I gave at the Govardhan Farm tent.  The topic was “Spiritual Ecology and the Age of Machinery.”  As you might imagine, I underscored the culture of “Hands On” and expressed the superiority of manually working with soil and animals, over the use of machines.

We certainly need to have a hard look at what is favourable for mankind and the environment.  The future is in our hands, especially when we plan and act in the present for an improved world which is based on the balance of the physical and the spiritual.

A last point to raise on the outcome of the fest, is that it was record-breaking for spiritual book sales, devotional items, and food.  Also, there were splendid presentations made on the stage.

May the Source be with you!

2 km

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016


What the Gazette Said

In yesterday’s “Iowa Gazette” under the “Faith and Values” section, we have an article.

“Canadian monk walks across U.S. to spread the message of simple living” by Madison Arnold:

On Monday morning, a driver called the police after spotting Bhaktimarga Swami, dressed in his traditional orange garments, as he walked along the highway.  The man thought the monk was an escaped convict.

And more than once, people, spotting him coming from a distance, mistake him at first for an orange traffic cone, Bhaktimarga said.

Bhaktimarga Swami, a monk from Ontario, Canada, is walking from New York City to San Francisco, mostly along the Lincoln Highway, in an effort to encourage people to embrace a lifestyle of “simple living and high thinking.”  He stopped Monday in Iowa City.

“I’m trying to say, ‘You know, folks, let’s slow-down a little bit.  Let’s take a little time to connect with the world around us,’ the Swami said.  ‘My message is universal.  It’s non-denominational and, it’s trying to encourage people to realize their inner potential.’”

Walking out in the open is a very public way to deliver this message and as he believes cars are a sign of consumer culture, he wants to reject that mentality.   Swami said spiritual, long walks are a tradition dating back to the origins of Buddhism and beyond.  He also has completed walks across Ireland and Israel, and four across Canada.  His goal is to travel about 20 miles per day and he usually camps at night, unless a temple or resident offers him a place to stay indoors.  People generally interact with him, especially after they learn what he’s doing, Bhaktimarga said.  The Swami said he expects to walk another month before taking a break and finishing the final leg of his walk next year.

May the Source be with you!

9 km

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Williamsburg, Iowa

The Rain Came

The rain came down quite enthusiastically, like bullets in speed, but not penetrating like bullets.  It was the contact with corn leaves on both sides of me that made a constant sound, at least for three hours.  At 3:45AM I could see hardly a thing and it took an hour and a quarter, from the point of my first footstep, before a vehicle of any sort passed by, it was quiet.

I decided upon wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt over my robes, that way when the rain subsided I would have dry clothes available.  Despite my civilian clothes, someone called the police.  The officer who responded came to see me.  By now, rain retreated.  Some wind also had picked up.

Rather apologetically, the officer who did receive a dispatch of message from yesterday’s police, said, Hi!  I got a call that someone’s walking!”

“It’s not a sin to walk!  I said, restraining some frustration while in my wet civies.

“I know.  People!!!” he said with arms outstretched.

The officer was really nice, like the police from the former county that I tread through yesterday.  I was startled to hear the remark from him when he said, “I don’t follow the news, it’s too depressing.”

I did take the liberty to express that driving is a sin, that 1.25 million die from auto accidents each year, and that the automobile causes major polluting effects, if not by gas emissions, then through creating heaps of trash.  We parted totally as comrades would.

I made it to Williamsburg (pop. 3200), met Melinda from the news.  Motorists and pedestrians saw a monk.  I changed then changed to dry, devotional attire.  All is well.

May the source be with you!

15 miles

Monday, July 11th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Iowa City, Iowa

Instant Everything

When I explained to the officer I met today, the purpose of my walking, which is to encourage “the slowing-down culture,” he was right on board.

“Yes, of course, people are so accustomed to instant everything.  I have to have this and that and I have to have it now,” he remarked.  He was implying that there’s little patience.

He was nice.

When I think about the consistent professions or vocations that I meet, it’s got to be cops and journalists.  They’re great people to have as part of your day.  Both professions help to “keep me on my toes,” so to speak.

To the journalist from the Gazette, Madison was her name, I told of the historical significance of this year, 2016, and what it means for followers of the Hare Krishna leader, Srila Prabhupada.  On July 13th, 1966, his unique community, ISKCON, became a legal entity.  It’s been 50 years.

“We are an ancient tradition with roots from India, but we are newly packaged, done in such a way that our lifestyle can be relevant to a western world as well.”  I did, in fact, let her know that I’m hoping to inspire a slower pace of life through walking.  I also mentioned to her what the police told me earlier on.

“Someone phoned in after seeing me in my exotic garb and figured out that I’m not necessarily from the prison, but perhaps someone who escaped from the local mental institution.”

May the Source be with you!

19 miles

Sunday, July 10th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Sunday, July 10th, 2016

Minneapolis, Minnesota

What Hurts the Heart…

I was asked to deliver a message from the book Bhagavatam as a component to the morning sadhana (spiritual work-out).  Families came to listen from the First Canto of the book.  The verse had much to say about heart-cleansing.  Our hearts have blockages that are described as knots.  Then the purport to the verse, explained by our guru, Srila Prabhupada, addressed what the one major knot is.  In Sanskrit it is referred to as ahankara.  Ahankara means ego.

Most of us are aware of ego.  We all have it and we are all rather good at holding it in place.

In any event, the ego hurts the heart.  It is like some illness that you have.  You cannot understand the source of the malady, only the symptoms.

We had a beautiful discussion on this subject.  Then I got to thinking “That’s what I’m doing almost every day while walking and chanting.”   These two functions alone help towards eradicating ego.  Although I enjoy both activities, I will admit that they don’t necessarily offer adrenalin effects.  No rush.  I do, however, see and feel the power they wield, and how it’s all good for taming the mind through which the ego channels itself.

This is one of those unfortunate days where I did not walk, but some funds were raised over the last two days, for promoting our walking (and chanting) cause.

May the Source be with you!

0 miles

Saturday, July 9th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Saturday, July 9th, 2016

Minneapolis, Minnesota

More News

Taking another one of those breaks became another reality today, as my trusted team, including Gopal and Uttama, drove north to Minneapolis for a speaking engagement on “Tales from Trails.”  Seventy to eighty people showed up.  These talks also assist us financially towards the walking cause.  Donations came our way.

Before it becomes forgotten, I will happily report another newspaper reporting, this time from the Chicago Tribune News, author Urvashi Verma.

Chicago, Il: Bhaktimarga Swami, a 63 year old Canadian born monk has embarked on a transnational walk of 3,000 miles across the United States from New York City to San Francisco to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the coming of the Hare Krishna Tradition to the West and to promote a more green style of living in America.

Swami who has arrived in Chicago, IL on June 11 has traversed open plains, highways, and landmarks. For the general public, Bhaktimarga Swami is best known as “the walking monk”.  To share his message of peace and gratitude he has already crossed Canada four times covering over 17,000 miles on foot.

The Swami is walking to draw attention to the contributions of his own spiritual teacher, or guru, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.  Prabhupada arrived in the USA 50 years ago, on September 17, 1965.  He came practically penniless from India at the age of 70 on the order of his teacher to promote God consciousness, or devotional bhakti-yoga, to the English-speaking world.

“In the broader sense I’m walking to honor all our teachers,” Swami says.  “Our teachers open the doors to the world for us, and to other worlds as well.  I hope to remind us all how grateful we should be to those who give us knowledge, especially knowledge about our inner potential,” he says.

Each day Swami, donned in monastic orange garb and his favorite crocs he walks 20 miles each day along path chartered by his companion assistant Gopala and returns to the same spot where he left the next day to complete another 20 miles.

“Generally it takes about 10 to 12 hours to complete the days walk, because often we have to start from the same spot where we left last day, and many times we get up by 3:30 AM to be able to back to the location where we left off.  On the way we find accommodation is spiritual places and often have meetings with others on the path of spirituality.  The time it takes to complete the 20 miles is not important what is important is make sure that you take every step,” shared Swami in an interview with Desi Talk Chicago.

(Bhaktimarga) Swami, whose name coincidentally means the “path of devotion,” took up the monastic lifestyle at the young age of 20 and since then has dedicated his life to teaching of spiritual knowledge and devotional arts and theater.

“I knew was meant for sanyaas, (monastic life) even at a very young age, and I always knew deep inside that I had already fulfilled my worldly commitments in my past life and that for me this life was supposed to spiritual,” said Swami.

Swami who has traversed more than 1,000 miles in the US so far made his first walk across Canada in 1996.  Since then he has walked across the world’s second largest country four times going both east to west, and west to east and has also trekked across Ireland, the Fiji Islands, Mauritius, Trinidad, Guyana, Israel, and other countries.

“More relevant that the distances covered are the people I encountered,” Swami says.  He reflects on his experiences and adventures in his daily blog, which he calls “Tales from Trails.”  Sometimes we meet the kindest people who provide us food and shelter, we have enlightening conversations about Krishna consciousness, and most are very intrigued for the reasons of the walk.”

Traveling on foot is a common practice in various spiritual traditions, and the walking monk believes that it’s an effective way to reach out and communicate the importance of morality and ethical priorities.

Swami says that when you walk, “You learn to take it all in.  The heat, the wind, the rain, the traffic, the cold, the black flies, the mosquitoes, the public attention or none.  With all of that you learn detachment from externals and how to go within to be happy.”

Thank you, Urvashi, for the article.

May the Source be with you!

0 miles

Friday, July 8th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Friday, July 8th, 2016

Hills, Iowa

Motorists Respond

The public is responding to today’s article in The Muscatine Journal, entitled “The Walking Monk,” and subtitled “Traversing the U.S. on foot.” It was written by Emily Wenger.

MUSCATINE, Iowa— Bhaktimarga Swami, also known as “The Walking Monk,” passed through Muscatine on Thursday as part of his walk across the U.S.

The 63-year-old Swami hopes to encourage people to connect with their spirituality through walking.

He began his trek in New York City and plans to finish his journey in San Francisco in the summer of 2017 after taking a break during the winter months.  He timed the end of the walk to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love.

Although his entry into Muscatine Thursday was greeted with rain, everything around him, Bhaktimarga Swami said, reminds him of his spirituality.

“So when you’re outside walking seven hours a day on average you can’t help but see the spiritual things that creep up around you, the rain has a message to tell you,” he said, “Davenport to Muscatine has been one of the most beautiful days.”

While walking to Muscatine on Highway 22, Bhaktimarga Swami said he encountered a curious police officer, and people who have offered him rides along the way.  In those interactions, he said, he has seen the kindness the Midwest has to offer.

“The people have been very kind, mostly I would say, with offering rides.  And then I have to disappoint them and say I can’t cheat,” he said.

The Swami became a monk in 1973, and said the introspective walks he has been taking for 20 years are a way to raise spiritual awareness.

“It’s my calling,” he said.

What Bhaktimarga Swami has noticed most is the kindness from people along the way.  While traversing the U.S., he said he has had a place to sleep every night.

“The people are phenomenal, they have been really kind,” he said.

Every day Bhaktimarga Swami walks around 20 miles, sometimes beginning as early as 3 a.m. to avoid the worst heat of the day.  He has friends who follow him, and occasionally check in.

“He checks in sometimes just to make sure I’m still alive,” Swami laughed.

He also takes occasional detours from his walks, to drive to a nearby temple to speak, but he always begins where he left off.

The Swami has crossed his home country of Canada three times (actually it’s four), and he said the Iowa cornfields remind him of home.

“The cornfields are what I grew up with,” he said.

Cars have caused a disconnect among people, Swami said.  Returning to walking allows personal connections to form.

“The automobile is cold, you don’t really see each other,” he said.

He hopes that the universal understanding about walking will help raise people’s spiritual awareness.

“It is a kind of non-denominational approach to spirituality,” he said.

The Swami is an instructor of bhakti yoga.  Bhakti means “devotion,” and he said the objective of yoga is connection with the divine.

“It’s a very old traditional practice that has roots in India and like the Mississippi it flows through all people, countries, nations, and races,” he said.

He is also a director and playwright of “morality stories” based on ancient Indian epics, which he said are a spiritual outlet for his creativity.  Bhaktimarga Swami said walking across countries sometimes reminds him of these plays.

“When you put your feet right on the ground and you meet everybody and you see the way their hair blows, you see the skin color, you see the face of the individual whatever it may be, grumpy or cheerful, that’s like having a drama in itself,” he said.

That drama crosses boundaries of religion, and Bhaktimarga Swami said that while appreciating differences, the unity of people is most important.

“The diversity is beautiful but we really have to look at is the oneness factor,” he said.

While moving across the country, Bhaktimarga Swami hopes to remind people of the need for human connection.

“The intent is to try to encourage people to slow down the pace of life and get connected to their soul,” he said.

Beth Van Zandt took a photo whose caption reads. “It’s not every day you see a monk walking down the street of Muscatine, but, Bhaktimarga Swami of Chatham, Ontario, Canada, walks along Cedar Street Thursday in Muscatine as he treks across the United States, walking from New York City to San Francisco.  He is a member of The International Society for Krishna Consciousness and has walked across Canada three times.”

May the Source be with you!

16 miles

Sunday, July 10th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Sunday, July 10th, 2016

Minneapolis, Minnesota

What Hurts the Heart…

I was asked to deliver a message from the book Bhagavatam as a component to the morning sadhana (spiritual work-out).  Families came to listen from the First Canto of the book.  The verse had much to say about heart-cleansing.  Our hearts have blockages that are described as knots.  Then the purport to the verse, explained by our guru, Srila Prabhupada, addressed what the one major knot is.  In Sanskrit it is referred to as ahankara.  Ahankara means ego.

Most of us are aware of ego.  We all have it and we are all rather good at holding it in place.

In any event, the ego hurts the heart.  It is like some illness that you have.  You cannot understand the source of the malady, only the symptoms.

We had a beautiful discussion on this subject.  Then I got to thinking “That’s what I’m doing almost every day while walking and chanting.”   These two functions alone help towards eradicating ego.  Although I enjoy both activities, I will admit that they don’t necessarily offer adrenalin effects.  No rush.  I do, however, see and feel the power they wield, and how it’s all good for taming the mind through which the ego channels itself.

This is one of those unfortunate days where I did not walk, but some funds were raised over the last two days, for promoting our walking (and chanting) cause.

May the Source be with you!

0 miles

Saturday, July 9th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Saturday, July 9th, 2016

Minneapolis, Minnesota

More News

Taking another one of those breaks became another reality today, as my trusted team, including Gopal and Uttama, drove north to Minneapolis for a speaking engagement on “Tales from Trails.”  Seventy to eighty people showed up.  These talks also assist us financially towards the walking cause.  Donations came our way.

Before it becomes forgotten, I will happily report another newspaper reporting, this time from the Chicago Tribune News, author Urvashi Verma.

Chicago, Il: Bhaktimarga Swami, a 63 year old Canadian born monk has embarked on a transnational walk of 3,000 miles across the United States from New York City to San Francisco to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the coming of the Hare Krishna Tradition to the West and to promote a more green style of living in America.

Swami who has arrived in Chicago, IL on June 11 has traversed open plains, highways, and landmarks. For the general public, Bhaktimarga Swami is best known as “the walking monk”.  To share his message of peace and gratitude he has already crossed Canada four times covering over 17,000 miles on foot.

The Swami is walking to draw attention to the contributions of his own spiritual teacher, or guru, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.  Prabhupada arrived in the USA 50 years ago, on September 17, 1965.  He came practically penniless from India at the age of 70 on the order of his teacher to promote God consciousness, or devotional bhakti-yoga, to the English-speaking world.

“In the broader sense I’m walking to honor all our teachers,” Swami says.  “Our teachers open the doors to the world for us, and to other worlds as well.  I hope to remind us all how grateful we should be to those who give us knowledge, especially knowledge about our inner potential,” he says.

Each day Swami, donned in monastic orange garb and his favorite crocs he walks 20 miles each day along path chartered by his companion assistant Gopala and returns to the same spot where he left the next day to complete another 20 miles.

“Generally it takes about 10 to 12 hours to complete the days walk, because often we have to start from the same spot where we left last day, and many times we get up by 3:30 AM to be able to back to the location where we left off.  On the way we find accommodation is spiritual places and often have meetings with others on the path of spirituality.  The time it takes to complete the 20 miles is not important what is important is make sure that you take every step,” shared Swami in an interview with Desi Talk Chicago.

(Bhaktimarga) Swami, whose name coincidentally means the “path of devotion,” took up the monastic lifestyle at the young age of 20 and since then has dedicated his life to teaching of spiritual knowledge and devotional arts and theater.

“I knew was meant for sanyaas, (monastic life) even at a very young age, and I always knew deep inside that I had already fulfilled my worldly commitments in my past life and that for me this life was supposed to spiritual,” said Swami.

Swami who has traversed more than 1,000 miles in the US so far made his first walk across Canada in 1996.  Since then he has walked across the world’s second largest country four times going both east to west, and west to east and has also trekked across Ireland, the Fiji Islands, Mauritius, Trinidad, Guyana, Israel, and other countries.

“More relevant that the distances covered are the people I encountered,” Swami says.  He reflects on his experiences and adventures in his daily blog, which he calls “Tales from Trails.”  Sometimes we meet the kindest people who provide us food and shelter, we have enlightening conversations about Krishna consciousness, and most are very intrigued for the reasons of the walk.”

Traveling on foot is a common practice in various spiritual traditions, and the walking monk believes that it’s an effective way to reach out and communicate the importance of morality and ethical priorities.

Swami says that when you walk, “You learn to take it all in.  The heat, the wind, the rain, the traffic, the cold, the black flies, the mosquitoes, the public attention or none.  With all of that you learn detachment from externals and how to go within to be happy.”

Thank you, Urvashi, for the article.

May the Source be with you!

0 miles

Thursday, July 7th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Thursday, July 7th, 2016

Muscatine, Iowa

Wrinkly Shirt

I started off the day with a wrinkly shirt, or what we call a kurta, but one hour after the walk began perspiration took all creases out.  Problem solved.

I took shelter of our support van today, when another substantial downpour came.  After the rainfall, moisture just hung in the air like a possum hangs from a tree branch.  It’s ‘sticky’ conditions.  Except for construction workers doing extensions to the “Hon” office-chair company, most people prefer to be indoors.  I recommend walking and noticing a vibrancy about the place.  These days it’s rare to find manufacturing going on in North America.

Muscatine was also known world-wide for its production of pearl buttons.  Plastic put that out of business.  I was learning as much about the town from Emily Winger, the reporter from The Muscatine Journal, as she was learning about my walking project.  Actually she was equally keen on knowing about life in the moderate lane, as a monk.

The interview went well, and longer than usual.

I am a little saddened to see the Mississippi leave me.  It makes an acute turn towards the south, and I’m going west.  Some magical moments did happen here, like in almost any place.  I met Alijandro, who hails from Mexico, who greeted me with the mantra “Namah om Vishnu padaya…” This is a mantra which honours our guru Srila Prabhupada.

Alijandro said, from his works pick-up truck, that he was once ready to shave off his hair and be a full-fledged monk when his family stopped him.  That was years ago.

Later on, an officer of Hispanic origin offered to give me a ride to the next town.

“I’m walking to San Francisco.  I can’t cheat,” I said.

“Oh!  I gotcha!”

May the Source be with you!

16 miles

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

Fairport, Iowa

Cool Mississippi Folk

“There aren’t too many monks around here,” remarked the officer.  I was really enjoying the route along the east/west flow of the Mississippi, on Concord St., and then on Hwy 22, headed for the town of Muscatine, where I met the police officer.  To my left, the muddy waters would carry massive barges of cargo.  It is a river that has perhaps as much folklore and social value in America as the Ganges has been to India.  The only feature about the Ganges that distinguishes it from other rivers, is the spiritual power attached to its name.

In any event, people along the Mississippi have been real “cool,” including the police.  There have been so many ride offers.  I have to decline, of course.  People give me water.  This compensates for the loss of it, by way of my sweat.

It’s humid, but over-cast.

Young fellows ask about life as a monk.  A woman asks for a picture of me, which she wants to send on the internet.  There are also questions, “Where did you start?  Why the walking?”  No challenges!  Just interested people asking questions.  Perhaps the most intriguing interaction was with someone named Johnny.

I met Johnny at the side of the river.  He had parked there overnight, tucked amidst the trees and onto the sand.  He has his life’s belongings in his car.  It was a rough night with strong wind gusts, thunder, lightning, and heavy rain; enough to make a sheep rather restless.

I take it that he’s about 40.  He’s from one of the Carolinas and is trying to get to Colorado to start up an existence again.  He’s super friendly, but kind of lost.  I shared with him the maha (great) mantra.  It was his first time meeting a monk.

May the Source be with you!

16 miles

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Davenport, Illinois

Mississippi Milestone

“Just think of those five toes on each foot as being like a team of horses.  They have been working hard and now that it’s rest time, squeeze each one lightly, like you would pat each horse, by the neck, to thank them for their wonderful service.”

Such is what I explained to Uttama as he gave me a massage last evening as I suggested he encourage giving attention to the fine mechanics of the feet.

Well, this paid off, and, with the help of the new kyboots footwear, I felt like I was flying this morning.  I was also childish with anticipation of reaching the Mississippi River today.  That was accomplished.

I was on a conference call, a break to my walking, and one that consumed time.  Badrinarayan Swami, a monk from the west coast who was on the call, remarked, “I think you’re now clearly in the west (having stepped over that line).”

It was at a park by Union Station and near a casino (an actual riverboat), that I made a call, met Kevin Schmidt from the local “Times” for photos, and where I made friends with a black dude.  I offered to show him a hand shake that puzzled him.

Excitedly he said, “Hey, man, that’s new!  Yah learn somethin’ every day. If yah don’t learn somethin’ new every day yah ain’t nothin’ but dead, man!”

May the Source be with you!

15 miles

Monday, July 4th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Monday, July 4th, 2016

East Moline, Illinois

Illinois by Way of Canal

The trek on the Hannepin Canal Trail wraps up today at Cologna, a town just a few miles shy of the Mississippi River.

The solitude is unbeatable.  Even fishermen along the canal are quiet, like focused yogis.  They do give a greeting.  Also serene are the snake, the turtle, the otter, the rabbit, and the cricket– though loud, his sound adds to the calmness.  Voiceless is the coyote.  As is the coyote scat.  It is always something to dodge and it’s interesting that coyotes eat grasses, roots, and berries.  You can tell by their stool samples.  Apparently that’s their easy-to-acquire menu.

After two and a half days by the canal you almost forget what traffic sounds like.  The canal did come to an end near Rock River and so back I went to the noisier side of life.

People are out and about.  U.S. flags are plentiful, set in front of businesses and residences alike.  No, they don’t flap.  The air is still.  It’s humid.  Yes, weather changes and it’s wet in the air.  The canal had been like a mirror.  Only the tiniest of ripples had appeared during a five-minute drizzle– hardly noticeable.

My mantra never changes.  It’s the regular sound that I shelter myself in each morning, which is the time of my walk– the best time.

May the Source be with you!

20 miles

Sunday, July 3rd, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Sunday, July 3rd, 2016

Atkinson, Illinois

He’s A Trip Monk

From the News Tribune an article appeared, authored by Ben Hohenstatt in the city of La Salle, Illinois.

He’s a Trip Monk

If you saw a man with a shaved head in orange robes in the Illinois Valley Thursday that wasn’t an oddly dressed flagger.

A walking journey from New York to San Francisco took Bhaktimarga Swami “The Walking Monk”, a Hare Krishna monk originally from Canada, through Ottawa, Peru and La Salle Friday.

“I’ve been to Chicago, but I’ve never been here,” he said. “We’ve met a lot of nice people…There’s a lot of sweet people…People in the Midwest carry some good values”

In the past, he has crossed Canada four times and walked across Guyana, Ireland, Israel, the Fiji islands and Trinidad and featured in documentaries.

Swami said this walk was to promote physical and spiritual health as well as to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada incorporating the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

“The walk is to encourage people to have a workout and a work-in,” the 63-year-old monk said.

Around 11 a.m. Thursday, he stopped to eat mangoes and cherries in Pulaski Park in La Salle. Swami said his day’s walk began in Ottawa around 5 a.m.

Despite covering dozens of miles a day in weather that is “almost never perfect”, encountering bears and schlepping through the Appalachians and downtown Gary, Ind., Swami said sometimes it can be tough to pause his journey.

“It gets to the point sometimes where it’s hard to stop,” he said.

Swami said he would follow U.S. 6 toward Peru before continuing west toward Davenport, Iowa, and he will be excited to continue westward and cross the Mississippi River.

“I might swim it,” he said. “We’ll see if I can swim it.”

He said he thinks he will be able to make it to the middle of Nebraska before other commitments will cause him to put his walk on hold before being resumed next year.

“Next year, I’m hoping to finish walking to San Francisco

Swami said during his cross-country trek he expects to wear out about four pairs of shoes and several robes, which become faded from sunlight.

While marathon walking, he said he encounters people, wildlife and all manner of weather and tries to engage with his surroundings.

However, the rhythm and repetition of walking also makes it easy to get lost in thought.

“It’s an everyday experience,” he said. “You are very much present, but you’re also someplace else; it’s a great time to dream. Your feet are on the ground, and you’re head definitely isn’t in the clouds.”

Thanks Ben!

May the Source be with you!

18 miles

Saturday, July 2nd, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Saturday, July 2nd, 2016

Sheffield, Illinois

Without Blessings

A police officer, on his highway patrol, stopped over and asked if I was needing anything.  I was moved by his offer.  I had to think quickly as to what to say in response to his openness.

“Water?” he asked.  This is the most common gift offered while on the road– good old H2O.  My companion, Gopal, accepted the gesture.  My conclusion on this is, “Illinois has ‘cool’ cops.”

On the topic of water, related to this are my shoes.  As in the case of practically any new footwear, blisters become a reality.  It took a mean lance through each of the two balloon-like blisters to break open a storehouse of liquid (water mostly).  Uttama then cleaned and bandaged the big and tiny toes that were subject to blistering.

Thanks Uttama!

It was with great pleasure that we tagged on to the trail, a section of the Hemmapin Canal State Trail.  Water, in the form of the canal, accompanied Gopal and I for this stretch, which is really the road less travelled.

Another item to take note of with today’s occurrences was one motorist who, on Route 6, stopped her vehicle to say, “Thank you!  Thank you!  I wish there were more people like you.  I hope it’s alright to say, ‘God bless you!’”

I’m happy she stopped to let us know she’s appreciating the walking efforts.  And in return, we thank her for blessings.  Without blessings it is impossible to succeed in anything.

May the Source be with you!

18 miles 

Friday, July 1st, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Friday, July 1st, 2016

Princeton, Illinois

Down the 6 and the 26

Well, the Midwest is what I thought it would be– fields of corn with intermittent crops of soya beans.  It has a relatively optimistic feel here.  Homes and barns are people’s pride and joy.  Towns are quaint.  Cities are small, to the exclusion of Chicago.

As for this morning, somebody out there is letting others know about the walk.  In a shady-treed area, along Route 26, a fellow pulled over his vehicle ahead of me.  Parking was tight and I imagine he was in a hurry.  He walked across the road some distance, held a bottle of water in the air indicating, “This is for you,” and proceeded to place it on a road guard for me to see.  He then crossed the road back to his car and went on his merry way.


While trekking with Gopal, we passed by a home at the precinct of Princeton.  An elderly couple, enjoying the lawn-chair mood in their front yard on this fine summer afternoon, waved to us passers-by.  The woman said something that was inaudible.  I wished them a happy, upcoming July the 4th.  To this she responded, “And today is Canada Day!”

The two nations, the U.S. and Canada, have enjoyed a long-standing, congenial relationship.  Let it be known that their birthdays are only three days apart.  Perhaps there’s some kind of soul connection.

May the Source be with you!

20 miles

Thursday, June 30th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Peru, Illinois

Farewell to the I & M

Our last day on the ‘I and M Canal State Trail’ had its own power.  There were images and impressions worth remembering.  The canal itself appeared and disappeared, that is, filled with still water or none at all.  Giant reeds were invasive, yet they provided shade.  A magnificent rock wall cut through like a gorge to our sight.

Uttamananda and I viewed the intensely cardinal-red colour of one bird.  During a chanting session we had, a song, in honour of the guru, I spotted two stellar blue birds that went in a flit and a flirt.  Solitary deer came out of thickets to feel the freedom enjoyed on the trail, but upon seeing us they would dash away timidly.

A plaque informed us that Wild Bill Hicock began his nefarious ways along the canal when he was a teen.

Beginning from the city of Ottawa, the trail seems unfrequented by pedestrians.  Of course that might be because we started trekking early.  By the time we got to where the trail cuts through Utica and La Salle, the presence of people picked up.

“Hey, that was you on TV wasn’t it?” asked one elderly man who stopped and dismounted his bike.

Fishermen and fisherwomen began to dot the edge of the canal, some successfully reeling in fish, mostly bass.

Kamlesh, a 59 year old, successful Gujarati businessman in the area decided to join us and even arranged rooms for our night-time stay at the Tow-Rest Motel.  But, before sleep, I was invited to the proprietors’ home for kirtan and a message from the Gita, chapter 8, verse 6, about preparation for positive thoughts at the moment of death.  This is what we dwelt on.

It was a glorious day, but I’m sad to see the trail leave us.

May the Source be with you!

21 miles

Thursday, June 30th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Peru, Illinois

Farewell to the I & M

Our last day on the ‘I and M Canal State Trail’ had its own power.  There were images and impressions worth remembering.  The canal itself appeared and disappeared, that is, filled with still water or none at all.  Giant reeds were invasive, yet they provided shade.  A magnificent rock wall cut through like a gorge to our sight.

Uttamananda and I viewed the intensely cardinal-red colour of one bird.  During a chanting session we had, a song, in honour of the guru, I spotted two stellar blue birds that went in a flit and a flirt.  Solitary deer came out of thickets to feel the freedom enjoyed on the trail, but upon seeing us they would dash away timidly.

A plaque informed us that Wild Bill Hickok began his nefarious ways along the canal when he was a teen.

Beginning from the city of Ottawa, the trail seems unfrequented by pedestrians.  Of course that might be because we started trekking early.  By the time we got to where the trail cuts through Utica and La Salle, the presence of people picked up.

“Hey, that was you on TV wasn’t it?” asked one elderly man who stopped and dismounted his bike.

Fishermen and fisherwomen began to dot the edge of the canal, some successfully reeling in fish, mostly bass.

Kamlesh, a 59 year old, successful Gujarati businessman in the area decided to join us and even arranged rooms for our night-time stay at the Tow-Rest Motel.  But, before sleep, I was invited to the proprietors’ home for kirtan and a message from the Gita, chapter 8, verse 6, about preparation for positive thoughts at the moment of death.  This is what we dwelt on.

It was a glorious day, but I’m sad to see the trail leave us.

May the Source be with you!

21 miles

Wednesday, June 29th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Wednesday, June 29th, 2016

Vancouver / Chicago

The Persons on Either Side

My days of duty are done.  This means the visitations to two devotional communities in British Columbia, to provide encouragement, are now terminated and I’m going back to the road in America.  The flight to Chicago was the dream-time for the return to the Illinois and Michigan Canal State Trail.  I had a person on either side of me on the plane, reminding me of my duty and place.

First of all a young Austrailian chap did a browse on his iPhone.  I caught a glance of a picture of himself with soccer teamsters.  From this glance I knew he was an athlete-of-sorts so, when it came time for him to excuse himself to use the facilities, I suggested, “You’re a sportsman. Why not climb over me?”  I witnessed this act, performed by another athlete, a tri-marathoner from New Zealand.  At that time he was in the window seat when he leapt over me with ease.

Of course, Pat, the middle-aged, sweet lady had to step out into the aisle– with grace.  Our soccer player could in no way leap over two of us.

Pat is from Davenport, Iowa, as she introduced herself.  The place of her residence struck a chord when she mentioned it.

“Davenport!  Oh yes!  That’s where I’ll be walking.  I’m doing this trek to San Francisco.”

A conversation ensued.  And when our soccer friend returned, he too was drawn to the details of the walking mission.

“20 miles.  Slowing down.  Getting more in touch with ourselves.  It’s a work-out, and a work-in!”

I felt like I had two more people rooting for me at the end of the conversation, as the plane descended and landed.

And then there was something I reminded myself of.

“Return the favour and root for the other person(s) as a reciprocation.”

All need encouragement!

May the Source be with you!

0 km / 0 mi

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

Venables Valley, B.C.

The Body

“These bodies are embarrassing,” I said to these young guys, Jacob, Hari and Nikunja.  It was hard to sell, their average age being 10 and trying to convince them of this concept.  It sounded foreign to them when I made the statement as they sat, restful, for a moment on the couch across the room from me.

“Alright then, how about you wake up in the morning and you have white things in the corners of your eyes, you’re groggy and your hair is all over the place?  Isn’t it embarrassing?”

That didn’t seem to register with them.

“How about when you have to deal with the call of nature?  Isn’t that embarrassing, during the process?”

Hari shrugged his shoulders.  Jacob nodded.  Nikunja was just blank.  Maybe they didn’t understand the phrase.

“How about when you pass gas?”

Now the responses came.  Smiles.  Laughter.

“Don’t you find that embarrassing?”  This clicked.

“Now, wouldn’t it be nice to not have a body, but to be liberated?”

That, they also had to think about.  In any event, we agreed to join other residents for a swim in Venables Lake.  That, the body will like.  So there we swam, amidst the birds known as coots.

One thing that the body doesn’t like is getting bit by a rattle snake.  One of our women accidentally stepped on one here in the village of Saranagati.  Her name is Mahatma and she was rushed to the hospital, immediately.  Rattlesnakes reside in the valley, but this was the first time ever that one of the villagers got stung.

As long as you have a body you will be stung by something.  I wish Mahatma well.

May the Source be with you!

1 km of swimming

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

Venables Valley, B.C.

The Body

“These bodies are embarrassing,” I said to these young guys, Jacob, Hari and Nikunja.  It was hard to sell, their average age being 10 and trying to convince them of this concept.  It sounded foreign to them when I made the statement as they sat, restful, for a moment on the couch across the room from me.

“Alright then, how about you wake up in the morning and you have white things in the corners of your eyes, you’re groggy and your hair is all over the place?  Isn’t it embarrassing?”

That didn’t seem to register with them.

“How about when you have to deal with the call of nature?  Isn’t that embarrassing, during the process?”

Hari shrugged his shoulders.  Jacob nodded.  Nikunja was just blank.  Maybe they didn’t understand the phrase.

“How about when you pass gas?”

Now the responses came.  Smiles.  Laughter.

“Don’t you find that embarrassing?”  This clicked.

“Now, wouldn’t it be nice to not have a body, but to be liberated?”

That, they also had to think about.  In any event, we agreed to koin other residents for a swim in Venables Lake.  That, the body will like.  So there we swam, amidst the birds known as coots.

One thing that the body doesn’t like is getting bit by a rattle snake.  One of our women accidentally stepped on one here in the village of Saranagati.  Her name is Mahatma and she was rushed to the hospital, immediately.  Rattlesnakes reside in the valley, but this was the first time ever that one of the villagers got stung.

As long as you have a body you will be stung by something.  I wish Mahatma well.

May the Source be with you!

1 km of swimming

Monday, June 27th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Venables Valley, British Columbia

New Shoes

One of the nicest gifts that ever landed my way was a pair of Ky boots.  While en route to the farm retreat at Saranagati, Ned, Nitai Priya, and I stopped at Langley for a session with Trish, who runs ‘The Core Store.’  I was not allowed to inquire into the price of these remarkable shoes, which I picked up and placed on my ailing feet– well, at least the left leg has been aggravating me. 

The donor, Abhidheya, whom I’ve known from Ontario since the eighties, projected the power of her heart by this kind gift.  When doing marathon walking the whole body is precious, especially the feet.

Trish, the salesperson, was not really out to sell me the shoes.  The company, Ky Boot, born from a ‘genius’ (as Trish put it), is putting out a product that is about caring for the consumer.  What can I say?  I stepped into these shoes, walked around in them and they gave the sensation of moving on air.  It is a kind of magic carpet. 

Trish, also confirmed for me something I’d believed in for so many years.  Footwear with major arch support is not advantageous.  It weakens parts of the sole, hence it may even weaken your soul if your walking is for spiritual purposes.

My initial response to this new acquisition is most favourable and I thank Abhidheya, Trish, and especially Karl Muller of Switzerland, the inventor of an amazing piece of technological wear: for the feet.  When you read the books of our guru, Prabhupada, feet are referenced thousands of times.  Feet are important.

May the Source be with you!

3 miles/5 km

Saturday, June 25th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Saturday, June 25th, 2016

Vancouver, British Columbia

Making Saturday Perfect

It was great to meet Ned again.  With his pic he was plucking away at his unplugged guitar, something he’s likely to master– as he has the saxophone.  Ned was born in Pittsburgh, now resides in New York, and has a fabulous career of music sharing, including having played for Harry Connick, Jr.  He’s travelled the world. 

What an honour it was to have him join in with our bhakti(devotion) team players at kirtanthis evening.  It was the guitar playing that embellished our kirtan, which serenaded the evening at ‘Karma Teachers,’ a venue off of Hastings Street in Vancouver.

This location in an old four story shack-like warehouse, with a charm of its own, is a haven spot in a very challenged neighbourhood.  It’s not the first time I’ve been at ‘Karma Teachers,’ where a form of aerobics with mantras is taught. 

An old buddy of mine, Toshan, had taken me for a stride along a trail by the Frozen River before coming to an enthusiastic group of youthful folks at ‘Karma Teachers.’  Really this group loves kirtan, which is all about sacred sound.  Accompanied by vocals, where I took the lead, we had Anirudha on harmonium, Damodara on mridgangadrum, Nitai on kartals, Nitai Priya on djembe, all while Ned was on guitar, giving it all a special treat. 

If you want to threaten a “Saturday Night Fever” of sorts, the recipe is: kirtan, sacred food, dance, and some words of inspiration.  That’s all!

May the Source be with you!

3 miles/5 km

Friday, June 24th, 2016
→ The Walking Monk

Friday, June 24th, 2016

Vancouver, British Colombia

Obligations to the Guru

From time to time I must jump off the trail and leave it to tend to the obligations of the guru.  One of my responsibilities is to visit centres of Krishna Consciousness and provide a small inspiration.  It goes both ways.  I also become inspired, seeing various acts of devotion being expressed by communities attempting to raise the consciousness amongst themselves.

In my humble efforts to share this higher consciousness I like to greet people along the way, while walking.  Any small encouragement goes a long way.

Today I did no walking, but went to a community pool to swim and take a massage from a professional therapist.  I did reflect on the previous day’s walk with the monks from Chicago.  One of them, Mitch, asked me a question, noticing that I like to greet people in the park by saying, “Hello!”

“Why?” he asked.

Coincidentally I had read, that very day, about a pastime involving our guru, Prabhupada, who interacted with public while walking.  One student of his, Aniruddha, recalls:

“We went on many walks with Srila Prabhupada in San Francisco.  One of his favourite places was Stowe Lake.  Every morning, the same woman would come with her dog and Prabhupada would always say, ‘Hello, good morning, how are you?’  And she’d smile.  Prabhupada never said, ‘Hare Krishna.’  One of our godbrothers said, ‘Swami-ji, why don’t you say Hare Krishna to her?’  Prabhupada said, ‘She would not say Hare Krishna back, but this way she gets the benefit of giving respect to a saintly person.”

May the Source be with you!

0 miles