Monday 16 November the Hindu Forum Europe (HFE) celebrated Diwali for the first time in the EU Parliament, Brussels. Host MEP, Neena Gill congratulated Hindus with this big success. ISKCON devotees from Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Italy and Swit…
Author Archives: ISKCON News Staff
First Diwali Celebration in the European Parliament
Vatican Emissary Sends Divali Message of Goodwill
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, drafted a message to Hindu communities world-wide on the occasion of Diwali, or Deepavali. Cardinal Tauran led the Catholic delegation to the fi…
London Devotees Lift People’s Spirit on Halloween Night
ISKCON deevotees in London have been going out to do public harinamas every day for decades. The biggest party has traditionally been the Saturday night harinamas. The procession starts in front of the Govinda’s Restaurant, then goes around i…
New Book: “Chasing Rhinos With The Swami” by Shyamasundar Das
“Chasing Rhinos With The Swami” is the intimate account of Prabhupad’s amazing adventures, describing in loving detail the seven years Shyamasundar spent at the side of the Perfect Person; these unique eye-witness stories ha…
Sivarama Swami Addresses World Peace Forum
The World Peace Forum is a worldwide platform that brings together a large number of professionals of all backgrounds and from all corners of the Earth. Their recent meeting was held on October 2-3, 2015 in the European Parliament in Lux…
Dr. Graham M. Schweig on Prabhupada’s Historic Achievements
Sivarama Swami on the European Migrant Crisis
With the European public completely divided over how to treat refugees poring in from war-torn countries, whether Europeans should welcome them or be afraid of them, likewise, being at the epicenter of the crisis, Hungarian devotees have also…
Tulsi Gabbard’s 2015 Janmastami Message
“I want to take this opportunity to offer my deepest respects and gratitude to Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, who 50 years ago made the arduous journey from India to the United States to share Krishna with the Western world. Without him…
ISKCON Hungary Steps Up to Help Middle Eastern Refugees
UN data show that more than 300,000 refugees have tried to reach Europe so far this year. Of those, almost 200,000 landed in Greece and 110,000 in Italy. At the same time, some 2,500 migrants or refugees are estimated to have died or gone mis…
ISKCON 50th Anniversary Inauguration Celebration in Kolkata
On August 13th, ISKCON temples worldwide celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the westward journey of founder A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who, at the age of 69, left India this day in 1965 to introduce Krishna-consciousness to the West…
Sri Mayapur International School Needs High School Math Teacher
ISKCON’s Sri Mayapur International School (SMIS) has a vacancy for the position of a High school Mathematics teacher.
‘Protector of Cows’ Kurma Rupa Das Passes Away
On June 28th, 2015, at 8.45 AM on the auspicious Padmini ekadasi in the greatly auspicious month of Purushottoma, amongst the sacred cows in the holy land of Vrindavan, Mathura, Kurma-rupa Das left his body surrounded by devotees, Vrajavasis,…
Chaitanya Charan’s New Book “GK for PK!” In Response to the Bollywood Movie PK
PK was released in Dec 2014 and went on to become the highest grossing Indian film of all time. Using an alien named PK (drunk) and a journalist as its central characters, the movie exposes the shenanigans of godmen and the gullibility o…
Mayapur Tourism Launched Improved Website
Mayapur Tourism, ISKCON Mayapur’s travels and tours division, has announced the launching of its improved website Sri Mayapur is the birthplace of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu- the most merciful form of L…
Happy Couples, Healthy Families, Strong ISKCON
In April and May 2015, Grihastha Vision Team (GVT) members, Uttama dasi and Partha das spent 5 weeks in Brazil, offering seminars, workshops, retreats, individual couple education and mentor training in various cities across Brazil. The…
Update on Jayapataka Swami’s Health
On May 10th 2015, ISKCON-guru Jayapataka Swami was hospitalized in India due to severe difficulty breathing. As of May 28th, he is still in critical condition. He had to be placed on a ventilator due to his ongoing d…
Mukunda Goswami’s New E-book Spirit Matters Released
Mukunda Goswami’s new book Spirit Matters has been released by Torchlight Publishing is now available as e-book for free download for 3 days only on dates May 11-13. The book is a compilation of Mukunda Goswami’s ar…
ISKCON Online Launched
In 1970, Srila Prabhupada wrote in a letter: “So go on with your organization for distribution of my books through press and other modern media and Krishna will certainly be pleased upon you. We can use everything—television, radio, mov…
Sivarama Swami’s “Krishna in Vrindavan” Book Series Released in E-book Format
Sivarama Swami’s “Krishna in Vrindavan” book series has been recently released in e-book format and available at every major e-book store. The series consists of four books – the Venu-gita, the Na Paraye &rsq…
ISKCON Katmandu Distributes Food to the Earthquake Victims
On April 25th, a massive earthquake hit Nepal, which is now reported to have killed some 2,500 people. The ISKCON community has also been affected, with many devotees injured and having their houses lost. Some of their relatives got buried un…
Massive Earthquake Strikes Nepal – ISKCON Also Affected
A massive earthquake struck central Nepal on Saturday, April 25, affecting Kathmandu and he city of Pokhara. The tremors could also be felt in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. According to international new agencies hundreds of people had been…