As an aspiring devotee of Krishna, I face a moral problem: I am pro-dairy but anti-cruelty and anti-slaughter, and I know that the dairy industry and the slaughter industry are partners in cruelty and killing.
Author Archives: Jayadvaita Swami
Introducing “Ahimsa Balancing”
Nothing that a Goat Won’t Eat Nothing that a Goat Won’t Eat
According to an Indian proverb, there’s nothing that a goat won’t eat and nothing that a madman won’t say.
The Myth of Old Age
Not long ago, someone in our community passed along to me a magazine pitch she’d received in the mail. On the front of the oversize envelope, a headline announced—blue type on a bright green background—”Old Age Isn&rsq…
Green, Righteous and Dead?
Thirty years ago no one gave a damn. You could gum up a river with factory sludge, chop down rain forests wholesale, spray fluorocarbons into the air like a kid sprinkling confetti , and non one would say boo. No longer.