There is only one word to describe the Next Generation Leadership conference – excitement. There was a buzz felt throughout the two-day virtual conference, by youth and youth leaders that lingered on after in group chats and social media.
Author Archives: Kumari Kunti Dasi
Sharing the Love: ISKCON 3.0 Leadership Conference Series
Rebuilding the Communications Team in the USA
What do John Lennon, Indira Ghandi, Allen Ginsberg, Sterling Moss (Formula One Racer), have in common? They all met Srila Prabhupada. To say Srila Prabhupada, was an epic “Communications” person, is an understatement.&nb…
Amsterdam Will Dance – Kingsday Harinam 2015
Amsterdam – known for being one of the largest street markets in the world, orange coloured everything, and its yearly Kingsday festival with music concerts, street performances, and lots of intoxicated people. So what better way to spread Kr…