Kartik for the ToVP
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Dear Devotees, Greetings from Sri Dhama Mayapur. The auspicious Kartika month is soon approaching, a favorite month of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas when we are always trying to do extra seva to make advancement and receive the mercy of the Lord. During this month devotional service is enhanced a thousand-fold and brings the devotee immense spiritual […]

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Update on Jayapataka Maharaja’s Health
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New Delhi, 10th October:Jayapataka Maharaja was admitted at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) in Delhi on 06-10-14. Maharaja was admitted due to fluid retention in his body because of a weak liver. ILBS is one of the best institutes in the world to deal with liver related complications. The Director of the […]

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Varnasrama Training Courses
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Dear Devotees, The daiva varnasrama ministry, promoting rural development in INDIA, in association with Mayapur Institute, are conducting various courses during the next few months, the details are below, For registration you can write at Ram.lakshman.brs@pamho.net or visit our website www.iskconvarnasrama.com Varnasrama Training Courses 2014-15 Course 1 –  Cow Care Management – By Dr. Sreekumar 13th […]

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World Holy Name week in Mayapur
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This past week many devotees increased their chanting of the holy names. We had a different group of devotees going out for Nagar Sankirtan every day from the 5th to the 12th. The different groups were the Mayapur brahmacharis, Indian council, Mayapur management, International high school, International primary school, the ISCKON security department, Jagannath temple devotees, […]

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Appearance of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur
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Please view the full gallery here: Srila Bhaktivinoda’s Appearance   The Revelation in a Dream to Bhaktivinoda Thakura For the Discovery of Sri Caitanya’s Birth Site In the year 1887 Thakura Bhaktivinoda thought within himself, “Quickly taking leave from government service I will go to some forest in Vraja on the sandy banks of the Yamuna […]

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Galleries of Radhastami and Vamanadev’s Appearance
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We have been having wonderful festivals lately please take the time to view our galleries of Radhastami, and Vamanadev’s Appearance. Please view the following galleries: Radhastami Darshan Radhastami Abhishek Radhastami Festivities Vamana’s Appearance

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15 Million reached through Namahatta!
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ISKCON Namahatta in Mayapur reaches 15 Million By Iksvaku das (ISKCON CDM Outreach Coordinator) On the auspicious day of Radhastami, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami, co- minister of the Congregational Development in ISKCON, congratulated the Namahatta devotees from Sridhama Mayapur for having reached out to a record number of 15 million people in their last 35 […]

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Tree Planting in Mayapur
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The BSF Kalyani had organized a tree planting program in Mayapur. This was done in the banks of Ganga to protect from erosion. They had planted approximately 100 baniyan trees at Prabhupada Ghat. The IG of BSF joined with the Sri Mayapur Gurukul boys. The BSF School children, BSF force, and the ISKCON management participated in […]

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