Pulling the Lords chariots
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Please view the following galleries: Gundica Marjanam Ratha Yatra Gallery At the Rajapur’s Sri Jagannatha Temple, Their Lordships getting dressed in nice outfits and adorned with beautiful ornaments and flower garlands. Amidst a roaring kirtan and in big procession, They are seated on three different chariots. They come to Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir and shower […]

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Recognizing our SMIS Graduates
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On Monday, June 6th, a wonderful ceremony was held to celebrate the graduation of six students from Sri Mayapur International School. Gourangi Gandharvika dd, Ananga Gopi dd, Shevaanni Pillai, Vrinda Carol, Bhavatarini Moreira and Nandarani Dasi have all successfully completed their Advanced level education (A-levels) in accordance with Cambridge International Examinations. The program commenced with […]

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Snana Yatra
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Please view the full gallery: Snana Yatra Pictures Devotees from all over the area came to participate in the annual abhishek our most beloved Lords in their forms as Jagannath, Baladeva, and Subhadra. The festivities started early in the morning with a beautiful darshan of their lordships, and a grand ceremony of bringing Them to Their […]

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Panihati at SMIS
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Please view the full gallery: Panihati @ SMIS Gallery The wonderful children at our Sri Mayapur International School recently hosted a beautiful Panihati Festival. The children had taken a lot of time and effort in painting clay pots with amazing art work. They then filled the pots with delicious chipped rice, kheer, yoghurt, fruits, and […]

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Ganga Puja in Mayapur
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Please view the following gallery: Ganga Puja Festival Two days ago, here in Mayapur, we had a beautiful festival in honor of Mother Ganga. Hundreds of devotees gathered at our Prabhupada Ghat to worship and take bath in Her holy waters. There was melodious kirtan permeating the atmosphere while they made the arrangements for the program. […]

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Radha Nagar Kirtan Program
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By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, Mayapur Local Preaching received another invitation for ‘kirtan mela’ program at Krishnanagar, Radha Nagar Natun Baroary on 02.06.2014, just after Shaktinagar Kirtan Mela on 28.05.14. They where to have 3 days of continuous programs, ISKCON was the first to inaugurate with auspicious Harinam […]

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Ekasdasi Global Kirtan
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After a week of daily chanting for the devotes of Ukraine, the international Kirtan Mela team is calling upon the world Vaisnava community to join in prayer for the protection of the devotees suffering in the civil war in Ukraine. I am including a letter from one of the Ukraine devotees at the bottom of […]

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Spreading the Holy Names in Shaktinagar
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By the will of the Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu the holy name of the Lord is spreading gradually throughout the world in every village and town as predicted by Himself. By the last 50 years’ effort of H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada and his followers, this Hare Krishna movement is becoming more and more  popular throughout the […]

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