Helicopter Service to Sri Mayapur
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Please view the full gallery: Helicopter Test Landing We are happy to announce the successful test landing of Mayapur’s helicopter service today at 12.10pm. Captain Malhotra of Pawan Hans, along with Mr. Virendra Singh, Chief of Airport Operations – Durgapur Airport of West Bengal, were received with a warm Vaisnava welcome by the Deputy directors […]

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Memorial for HG Advaita Hari Das
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A few days ago we had a wonderful program in honor of HG Advaita Hari Das. Many devotees and family that were close to him came and spoke words of appreciation and praise. We all then gathered to offer flowers to him, this was a very touching moment for all of those attending, tears of […]

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Preaching in Rathtala, Krishnanagar
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There was a Kirtan Mela Program at Krishnagar Rathtala on 09-05-2014, Where 18 devotee took part including 15 foreign devotees. This program was specifically for the purpose of collectively chanting of Hare Krishna mahamantra with different musical instruments, where  more than 500 Krishnagar local inhabitants joined in that assembly. The whole campus was full of local […]

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Dhubulia Bhakti Vriksha
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Under the banner of Sri Mayapur Local Preaching, there was a huge Bhakti Vriksha Nagar Sankirtan Program on 14-05-2014 at Dhubulia town. Total 30 devotees from Mayapur including 7 foreign devotees participated. At one of our Bhakti Vriksha member Sri Sambhu Putatunda’s house, the local Bhakti Vriksha members received the devotees with throwing flowers on […]

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Deputy director Advaita Hari Das passes away
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Sri Advaita Hari Das, a disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami, serving as Deputy Director of Mayapur, left his body today at Bellevue Hospital in Kolkata. He had suffered a heart attack in Mayapur on 19th May, subsequent to which he was hospitalized at Bellevue hospital in Kolkata. He was put into ventilator support yesterday, and departed today morning […]

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Road Station Nagar Sankirtan
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Apart from weekly Bhakti Vriksha Program Mayapur Local Preaching (MLP) also holding Nagar Sankirtan Programs at a certain interval to those particular locality where the Bhakti Vriksha Centers are located, just to awaken people regarding Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission for their spiritual benefit. Generally we start Nagar Sankirtan from Bhakti Vriksha center and after one […]

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Sri Jagannath Boat Festival
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Yesterday in Rajapur a wonderful boat festival was held for the pleasure of Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladeva & Subhadra devi. The small deities or vijaya vigraha of Their Lordships had a boat ride in the lake in front of Simantini temple and gave darshan to the devotees. The boat was sparkling like made out of […]

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Nrisimha Chaturdasi Pics!
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Please view the following galleries: Darshan Gold Dress Yajna Procession Adivas Abhishek We have now posted many amazing photos of the Nrisimha Caturdasi festivities, including 170 pictures of the abhisek. The extremely elaborate Sudarshan yajna was performed the previous day this year  being well planned out and conducted by our Gurukula boys, headed by HH Bhakti Vidya […]

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Last chance to help sponsor Nrisimha Chaturdasi
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Dear devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Sri Narasimha Bhagavan ki Jai! On 13th of May, we shall be celebrating the appearance day festival of Lord Narasimhadeva- Sri Narasimha Caturdasi Mahotsav. I am pleased to inform you that preparations are underway for a grand festival at Sri Mayapur dhama. Devotees […]

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Nagar Sankirtan at Bhatjanla
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There was a Bhakti Vriksha Nagar Sankirtan program at Bhatjala, Krishnagar, organized by Advaita Bhakti Vriksha Gosthi Under Mayapur Local Preaching. Total 16 No. of devotees came from mayapur , including 3 foreign devotees. The Nagar Sankirtan sarts at 5:30 pm for one hour and we came back to stage. There we had Mangalacaran , […]

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Bhakti Vriksha Training Class at Dhubulia
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Recently Bhakti Vriksha Training Class Module-1 completed for 3rd time at Dhubulia for 5 days (22,23,24,29 and 30th  April,14) at Sri Binoy Bhushan Saha’s house, who is one of our active Bhakti Vriksha member. There was 15 full time attending candidates from different location namely, Binoy Bhusan Saha and Kalpana Saha (Dhubulia), Shambhu Putatunda and […]

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