Honoring Srila Prabhupada’s Departure
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Please view the following galleries: Abhishek Offerings Evening Dipa Dhan Srila Prabhupada’s day of departure from this world was celebrated in grand style here in Sri Dham Mayapur, beginning with Srila Prabhupada’s procession to the Samadhi Mandir. Everyone then assembled in Srila Prabhupada’s Pushpa Samadhi auditorium to watch an enthralling class by Srila Prabhupada. The […]

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Glories of Govardhan Hill
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Click here to visit the following Galleries: Govardhan Puja Celebrations Daily Darshan Photos Govardhan-puja, the worship of Govardhan Hill is a tradition begun by Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Nanda Maharaj, as the head of the cowherd community of Gokul, was making arrangements to worship Lord Indra. Although He is the Supreme Knower, Krsna […]

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Divali in Mayapur
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Please view the following Gallery: Divali Festivities This commemorates the return of Ramachandra to Ayodhya after He had conquered over Ravana and rescued Sita-devi. The Ramayana states: Lord Ramachandra entered Ayodhya in the midst of a great festival. He was greeted on the road by the princely order, who showered his body with beautiful, fragrant […]

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HG Bhaktisuhrid Das Brahmacari
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Disappearance Celebration of His Grace Bhaktisuhrid Das Brahmacari in Sridham Mayapur on 13 oct 2013 The appearance of a Vaishnava is auspicious and even his disappearance is also auspicious. The Vaisnavas are happy on the disappearance of a Vaishnava knowing that the departed Vaishnava soul is going back to Godhead and is happily engaged in […]

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Gauranga Travels
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We would like to wish you in advance for a very happy, blissful Kartik month. We, at Gauranga Travels take delight to welcome all the pilgrims to Sri Mayapur dhama during the holy month of Kartika. This year, a special event – Navadvipa Mandala parikrama is being organized to take full advantage of staying in […]

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Fall Issue of Mayapur Sanga Released
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It is a great pleasure to announce that the Mayapur.com team has released our Seventh edition of our newsletter entitled “Mayapur Sanga”. It is our desire to regularly update our guests and well wishers, pilgrims and devotees of the many ongoing projects and devotional festivals that take place in this magical land called Mayapur. We maintain […]

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Remembering Hemalavanya Prabhu
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Hemalavanya Prabhu was born in 1957 in Hungary. Later his family had moved to Austria where he went to the school etc. I met Hemalavanya Prabhu in 1995 in Israel where he was serving as the police officer on Golan Heights. We became friends immediately and stayed close friends till his last day. He was […]

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Janani Radha Mataji passes away.
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Janani Radha mataji, known among the Mayapur community as ‘Gopaler Ma’, left her body on 8th October , after battling with cancer for eight months. She is a long term resident of Sri Mayapur dhama and for around 26 years, she has been engaged in the seva of offering Tulasi arti for matajis section. Any […]

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The month of Damodara
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On behalf of the ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry, I would like to share with you the new video we made about the Kartika Month and the Importance of the Damodara Program. It was filmed here in Mayapur and we have some members of our youth participating in the video. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knTzt3_ZVY4 We hope […]

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Mamgachi Yatra
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Please view the full gallery: Mamgachi Yatra Gallery All my life, I have always lived in big cities, where everyone are so-called happy or trying to find happiness some way or the other, somehow or the other. By Kṛṣṇa’s arrangement, even my life was so-called happy surrounded by luxury (and its associated complications). But on […]

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ISKCON Disciples Course
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In pursuance of the GBC’s recent recommendation that the ISKCON Disciples Course be taught to all of the Society’s aspiring initiates, Namhatta leaders and preachers recently attended the course in Sri Dham Mayapur, with the aim of making it available to more than 2000 Namhatta centers throughout West Bengal, Assam, and Odisha. Taking a break […]

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