Distinguished guests visit TOVP
- TOVP.org

During Kartik, many distinguished ISKCON leaders and senior disciples of Srila Prabhupada came to Mayapur and were given special tours of the TOVP project by Vraja Vilas Das, the Director of Development and Sadbhuja Das, the Managing Director. These include His Holiness Devamrita Swami, the GBC representative for Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Brazil;

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Anonymous Donor Pledges $1,000,000
- TOVP.org

An initiated devotee of ISKCON, who wishes to remain anonymous, approached his Guru Maharaj, Srila Devamrita Swami, that he wished to donate 1 million dollars to some project in ISKCON. Devamrita Swami maharaj immediately motivated his disciple to donate this money to the TOVP project, which is at the present the most important project of

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ISKCON 50th Anniversary Gratitude Coin Announcement
- TOVP.org

2016 marks the Fiftieth Anniversary celebration of ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada’s great movement to spread Krishna consciousness throughout the world and bring the teachings of Lord Caitanya and the yuga dharma, chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, to all the conditioned souls on this planet (and perhaps beyond). We are extremely fortunate to be living at

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TOVP in the last issue of Back to Godhead magazine
- TOVP.org

TOVP The Future in The Making Metaphorically, prominent acaryas in Lord Caitanya’s line laid the foundation for the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium by Ajita Nimai Dasa The construction of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) – the biggest Vedic temple in the world – is well under­way in the holy town of Mayapur,

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ISKCON Indian Bureau Director and Mayapur Co-Director Visit TOVP
- TOVP.org

Many ISKCON leaders visit the TOVP project during their travels throughout the year. Recently Bhima prabhu, ISKCON’s Indian Bureau Director and BBT Manager, along with Hridaya Chaitanya prabhu, Mayapura’s Co-Director visited the TOVP. They were amazed by the progress of the construction over the past year. They were particularly impressed to see how fast the

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TOVP Design Used in Jagaddhatri Puja
- TOVP.org

The festival of Jagaddhatri puja has been celebrated for the last 300 years in Bengal. Generally, Jagaddhatri is considered another name of Durga. In Sanskrit, Bengali, and Assamese the word ‘Jagaddhatri’ literally means ‘Holder (dhatri) of the World (Jagat)’. In Bengal it is popularly believed that Maharaja Krishna Chandra of Nadia started Jagaddhatri Puja. Around

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Ambarisha Prabhu and Svaha Mataji Visit TOVP
- TOVP.org

The Сhairman of the TOVP project, Ambarisha das together with his wife Svaha dasi visited Mayapur recently. They were very impressed to see how everything is progressing nicely and how quickly the construction is going. Anybody who comes to the construction site can now get a clear picture of the temple as its transcendental form

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The TOVP Main Dome Planetary Display
- TOVP.org

Srila Prabhupada envisioned the TOVP/Mayapur City project as a grand display of devotional service and Vedic science (the combination of religion and science) which would attract the whole world to the Krsna Consciousness Movement. While in Mayapur for the annual Gaura Purnima festival in 1976, he stated, “We shall show the Vedic conception of planetary

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First GRC Mold Sample
- TOVP.org

An interview with Parvata Muni das, Director of Research and Development. GRC (glass reinforced concrete) is a composite material made out of white cement, white sand, polymers from 6 plasticizers, and fiberglass. It is an alternative decorative element. Our temple will have so many decorative pieces. To make them out of carved marble would be

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The Making of the Golden Brick
- TOVP.org

Sometimes we are asked where the Golden Bricks come from; who makes them? Well, they are made right here in Sridhama Mayapur at the Vishwakarma Workshop run by His Grace Sriman Dina Chaitanya prabhu. Each brick goes through a time-consuming and painstaking process to make it suitable for use on the new Pancha Tattva altar,

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Fabricação do Tijolo de Ouro
- TOVP.org

Às vezes, nos perguntam de onde vêm os Tijolos de Ourto; quem os fabrica? Bem, eles são fabricados exatamente aqui em Sridhama Mayapur na Oficina Vishwakarma que é administrada por Sua Graça Sriman dina Chaitanya prabhu. Cada tijolo passa por um processo demorado e exaustivo para que se torne apropriado para uso no novo altar

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Изготовление Золотого Кирпича
- TOVP.org

Иногда нас спрашивают, откуда берутся Золотые Киопичи и кто их делает? Они изготавливаяются Его Милостью Шриманом Диной Чайтаньей прабху непосредственно в Маяпуре, в мастерской Вишвакарма. Каждый кирпич требует длительной и кропотливой работы, чтобы быть достойным для нового алтаря. Изготовление происходит в несколько этапов, которые завершает нанесение имени спонсоров на них. Посмотрите это небольшое видео, которое

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- TOVP.org

We happily welcome this most miraculous month of Kartik! As was announced by HG Radha Jivana Prabhu, the TOVP fundraising team prepared lamps for offering to the Lord on behalf of the Golden Brick donors. We made list with around 700 donor’s names and are expecting this to increase. Our two cheerful sisters, Mitra Vrinda

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Подношение на Каритку
- TOVP.org

С большой радостью мы встретили самый чудесный и самый благоприятный месяц Картика. С легкой руки Радха Дживаны прабху, команда сбора пожертвований для ТОВП подготовила лампадки для предложения Божествам от имени тех, кто пожертвовал «Золотые Кирпичи». Мы составили список, в котором уже есть около 700 имен и полагаем, что к концу Картики список расширится. Митра Вринда

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Последние новости со стройки в Октябре
- TOVP.org

Внешняя и внутренняя кирпичная кладка Сооружение главного алтаря Строительство алтаря для Господа Нрисимхадева Начало изготовления глиняного мурти Шрилы Рупы Госвами Мост Шрилы Прабхупады Вид ХВП с Навадвипы

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Kartik Offering
- TOVP.org

We happily welcome this most miraculous month of Kartik! As was announced by HG Radha Jivana Prabhu, the TOVP fundraising team prepared lamps for offering to the Lord on behalf of the Golden Brick donors. We made list with around 700 donor’s names and are expecting this to increase. Our two cheerful sisters, Mitra Vrinda

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TOVP Fundraising Stalwarts in Anapa, Russia
- TOVP.org

From September 6-11, the beautiful city of Anapa in the Russian Federation was transferred into the spiritual realm. Around 5,000 devotees came there for the Sadhu-sanga” Festival. In the opening lecture, His Holiness Bhakti Vijnana Goswami three times mentioned two special guests. As you can guess, he was referring to H.G. Vraja Vilas and H.G.

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Передовики сбора пожертвований для Храма Ведического Планетария посетили Анапу
- TOVP.org

С 6 по 12 сентября красивый город в РФ, Анапа, был преобразован в духовную обитель. Более 5000 преданных съехались туда на фестиваль «Садху-санга». На открытии, Шрила Бхакти Вигьяна Госвами Махарадж трижды упомянул о приезде особых гостей. Ими были ЕМ Враджавилас прабху и ЕМ Радха-дживана прабху. Они приехали на фестиваль с целью вдохновить всех на участие

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Seeking an Immutable Metal
- TOVP.org

When it is perfection that is being pursued, there is nothing that can deter your success. There isn’t a dearth of corroborative examples and the following account is surely one such. As a representative of the team, Vilasini devi dasi, the Head Architect for ToVP arrived at Shanghai on 18th September. The purpose of this

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В поисках незыблемого металла
- TOVP.org

Если мы ищем совершенство, то ничто не может стать нашей преградой. Этому можно найти множество подтверждений и следующий рассказ как раз служит доказательством. 18 сентября Виласини деви даси, представитель команды ТОВП и наш главный архитектор, прибыла в Шанхай, с целью встретиться с технической командой местной Корпорации металлов – ведущей в производстве и поставке металлов и

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Fourth dome ring completed!
- TOVP.org

A few days ago the fourth ring of the main dome was completed, and almost immediately the fifth ring was begun. Each of the segments will be installed every two days. We look forward to seeing the finished gigantic main dome, and how this transcendentally unique structure which will attract the minds of the entire

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Kartika Promotion Announcement
- TOVP.org

Dear Devotees, Greetings from Sri Dhama Mayapur. The auspicious Kartika month is soon approaching, a favorite month of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas when we are always trying to do extra seva to make advancement and receive the mercy of the Lord. During this month devotional service is enhanced a thousand-fold and brings the devotee immense spiritual

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Donor Bio – Guru Gauranga Das & Family
- TOVP.org

My family and I are currently based in Durban South Africa, we also have a home in Orlando Florida. I met ISKCON devotees in the early ‘80s and joined ISKCON at Soho Street London in the winter of 1984. I first visited Mayapura in 1988 and fell in love with the wholesome atmosphere of Vaishnava

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TOVP Exhibits
- TOVP.org

In the mid-1990’s ISKCON scientist Sadaputa das (now deceased) of the Bhaktivedanta Institute was instrumental in designing the planetarium as well as various scientific exhibits for the TOVP project. In this Srimad Bhagavatam lecture/video (3.29.6) from 1997 his genius and intelligence stand out as he explains the nature and purpose of some of the exhibits,

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Let There Be a Temple – Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita, Vol 5
- TOVP.org

From Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta, by HH Satsvarupa dasa Goswami. He had sent two of his disciples, Tamala Krsna and Bali-mardana, to purchase land in Mayapur. Six days had passed, however, and still they had neither returned nor sent word. He had told them not to return until they had completed the transaction, but six days

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Old and New Mayapur
- TOVP.org

In the photo on the left you can see how ISKCON Mayapur looked in 1979. A big field of vegetables in front of the main gate was all that was there at that time. Now you can see the beautiful Temple of the Vedic Planetarium quickly rising, with the fourth ring of the main dome

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View from a Distance
- TOVP.org

This is a view of the TOVP from Nabadvip Ghat. We can see how wonderful and immense the TOVP looks from a greater distance. In this photo we have captured a beautiful monsoon cloudy day. Also you can see the fourth ring of the main dome coming up. One can imagine how beautiful the TOVP

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Planetarium Chandelier Model Developement
- TOVP.org

The сenterpiece of the temple complex is the grand chandelier which will hang in the main dome of the TOVP serving as a model of the universe to provide visitors an enlivening tour of the various regions of the cosmic creation. This giant model will be built according to descriptions in the Fifth Canto of

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Coming up Fast
- TOVP.org

In the first two photos you can see the construction of the TOVP fundraising building. It will serve as headquarters for the TOVP project and will be situated in the far right corner of the site. The estimated completion date is October, 2014. The next two photos record the construction progress of the utility building.

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Prabhupada’s bridge
- TOVP.org

Moving the Deities into the new temple will be a great step forward in the Deity worship. The Mayapur Deity department is the largest in ISKCON and many pujaris will be serving the Deities of Sri Panca-tattva, Sri Sri Radha Madhava. Lord Narasimhadeva and the Guru Parampara. They will be housed in the Long Building

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Unity In Diversity – A Community Creates The TOVP
- TOVP.org

In celebration of Sri Krishna Janmasthami and Srila Prabhupada Vyasa Puja Part Two of the film series documenting the construction of Prabhuapada’s flagship project Temple of the Vedic Planetarium in Mayapur, West, Bengal, India, has been released. While Part One entitled “The Cosmos out of the Rice Fields” explores the history and start-up of the project, Part Two

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