Ramananda Raya, A Super-Excellent Vaishnava
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For Gaudiya Vaishnavas, or devotees of Lord Krishna in His form as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the best samvada is a conversation between Chaitanya and Ramananda Raya, recorded in the seventeenth-century text Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita (Madhya, Chapter 8). Their conversation in Vidyanagar on the bank of the Godavari River (east coast of south-central India) details the highest […]

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Aghasura Vadha Chandan Yatra Day- 18
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The utsava Radha Madhva displayed the pastime of killing of the demon aghasura. A huge ferocious snake Aghasura had its mouth open in front of Madhava. The big body of the demon snake coiled around small Radha Madhava. Sri Madhva and Srimati Radharani looked dazzling in their new garments. Madhava with cascading curls circling his […]

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Dome and Kalash Work Update
- TOVP.org

This is where we’re at with the concreting of the domes. Work had to stop due to the extreme heat, as some of the laborers were fainting up there… but now the weather is a little cooler, so we’re back into ‘full swing’. Also the preparation work for the kalash on the main dome has

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Aghasura Vadha Chandan Yatra Day- 17
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The utsava Radha Madhva displayed the pastime of killing of the demon aghasura. A huge ferocious snake Aghasura had its mouth open in front of Madhava. The big body of the demon snake coiled around small Radha Madhava. Sri Madhva and Srimati Radharani looked dazzling in their new garments. Madhava with cascading curls circling his […]

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Rainwater Pipes Installation
- TOVP.org

At present, the rainwater pipes are being put in place for the TOVP. These are the main drainage pipes, which will collect rainwater from the roof of the main temple. They will all be underground, underneath the utility floor. All water will run out to major outside areas, like gardens etc. This gives you an

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Gaja Uddharana – Deliverance of Gajendra – Chandan Yatra Day 16
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Gajendra had been forcefully captured by the crocodile in the water and was feeling acute pain, but when he saw that Nārāyaṇa, wielding His disc, was coming in the sky on the back of Garuḍa, he immediately took a lotus flower in his trunk, and with great difficulty due to his painful condition, he uttered […]

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Boat Festival at Rajapur
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Following the tradition of Jagannath’s boat festival at Narendra Sarovar at Puri, where Lord Jagannath enjoys water pastimes for 21 days of Chandan yatra, at Rajapur, which is non-different from Puri dhama, we celebrated Jagannath Boat festival for 2 days. At the small pukur in front of Simantini mata temple, Sri Jagannath, Baladeva &Subhadra devi […]

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Sadbhuja Gauranga – Chandan Yatra Day 15
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Sarvabhauma saw the Lord’s six armed form as more effulgent than millions of suns. He was wonderstruck and joyfully said “today I have captured the thief who had stolen my heart! O Lord, now please grant me undeviating devotion at Your lotus feet. May my heart, like a bumblebee become deeply attracted to Your lotus […]

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Sri Sri Radha Madhava Salila Vihar 2016 begins!
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Salila Vihara is a summer festival celebrated for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. The festival starts after Nrsimha Caturdasi and continues for 15 days. To keep the deities cool from the scorching heat of sunny days, They are seated in a water pond or ‘Salila’ where They enjoy Their pastimes or ‘Vihar’. Sri Sri […]

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Govardhana Puja – Chandan Yatra Day 14
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All the residents of Vraja worship the Govardhana on the advice of Sri Krishna. Nanda Maharaj hosted golden flags from every peak of the Govardhana Mountain who shone with the bright jewels on His head. This vesa was offered to Sri Madhava on the 14th day of the Chandan Yatra. The residents of Vraja all […]

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Kandarpa Ratha Vesa – Chandan Yatra Day 13
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“My dear friends, just see how Sri Krishna is enjoying the season of spring! With the gopis embracing each of His limbs, He is like amorous love personified. With His transcendental pastimes, He enlivens all the gopis and the entire creation. With His soft bluish-black arms and legs, which resemble blue lotus flowers He has […]

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Sri Narasimha Chaturdasi celebrations in Navadvipa
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Lord Narasimhadeva has His own abode at one of the islands of Navadvipa- Godrumadvipa , known as Narasimha pally. The Lord came here at this beautiful hilly area on the  banks of Mandikini river. It is sais that the Lord washed His hands stained with blood here and drank the sweet waters of Mandakini. All […]

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Rasa Mandala – Chandan Yatra Day 11
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One night in the month of Vaishaka, Krishna brought the gopis to Kumudavana with the desire to enjoy a rasa dance in the charming atmosphere. Radhika gathered some flowers growing plentifully there and as the other gopis watched so many flowers that he looked like the personified deity of spring. She made a crown and […]

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Sri Maha Sudarshana Yajna
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In the morning, for the pleasure of Sri Narasimhadeva the Maha Sudarshana Yajna was performed. The yajna took place in the courtyard of the temple facing Sri Narasimhadeva. 7 pujaris from the Gurukula performed the sacrifice seated in both sides of the sacrificial arena. The pujaris were anointed with chandan and sprayed with rosewater for […]

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Khata Doli (Swing festival) – Chandan Yatra Day 10
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While blissfully absorbed in swinging, Radha and Krishna hurl color powders on the gopis. The sakhis return the volley with their powders, and Radha and Krishna reveal a unique state of fresh beauty. If any powder bomb happens to hit the dark blue body of Krishna, Radhika happily wipes it off with her soft hands […]

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Stephen Hawking On Trial: Confronting the Big Bang – A new book by Vaiyasaki das
- TOVP.org

Vaiyasaki Das, the well-known ISKCON kirtaniya, and author, recently published his newest book, Stephen Hawking On Trial – Confronting the Big Bang. Like his first Blockbuster book Cosmology On Trial – Cracking the Cosmic Code, this book is now also a Bestseller in its category on Amazon. Vaiyasaki has taken seriously Srila Prabhupada’s instruction to

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Sri Raghunath Vesa – Chandan Yatra Day 9
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O King, the pastimes of Lord Ramachandra were wonderful, like that of a baby elephant. In the assembly where mother Sita was to choose her husband, in the midst of the heroes of this world, He broke the bow belonging to Lord Siva. This bow was so heavy that it was carried by three hundred […]

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Boise’s Krishna Cultural Center grows, welcomes the public
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Anna Webb

Boise architect Bruce Poe designed the first temple in 1999 and the new expansion. Poe is not a Krishna devotee, but he has become a good friend to the congregation, said Gupta. Poe said that designing the temple and complex has been a journey for him, learning about the religion and how devotees regard the world, then coming up with a design that responded to those beliefs and particular rules about temple siting and orientation while fitting into a mostly residential neighborhood.

Nauka Keli – Chandan Yatra Day 8
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Hundreds and thousands of elegant white swans glide along Yamuna Devi’s waters, their shrill cries echoing on her curved shores charging the atmosphere with great festivity as Radha and Madhava enjoy their wonderful boat pastimes. Yamuna Devi is an intimate witness to all of Krsna’s wonderful activities. May that Yamuna Devi, daughter of the sun […]

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Chant, Chant, Chant!
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A great opportunity for devotees worldwide to offer your chanting to Sri Narasimhadeva! On the day before Narasimha chaturdasi (19.05.16) the Maha Sudarshana Homa will take place at Sri Radha -Madhava temple courtyard at 10 am. The Sudharshana and Narasimha yantra will then be bathed with water infused with the Hare Krishna Maha mantra japa […]

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The Divine Mother’s Day
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15th May, the appearance day of the mother of the entire universe Jagat-janani Sit Devi and also the appearance day of the mother of the Gaura purnima festival Sri Jahnava devi is indeed the Real Mother’s day. Srimati Sita Devi the consort of Sri Ramachandra is the gem of the Indian culture and heritage. She […]

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Sri Madhu Pandit Goswami
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Srila Madhu Pandit is the disciple of Sri Gadadhara Pandit. Vrajanabha the great grandson of Krishna established the deity of Gopinatha in Vrindavan. This deity was later worshipped by Madhu Pandit. When the great Acharya Srinivas and Narottam and Ramchandra were to start their distribution of books and preaching work Madhu Pandita gave them a […]

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Chakra Narayana – Chandan Yatra Day 7
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Beneath a solitary tree, Krishna manifested his form as four-armed Lord Narayan, replete with divine symbols in his hand, Kausthuba gem and crown. The boys spotted Krishna’s blackish effulgence from a distance and raced to be the first to touch him. But when they arrived at the tree they stopped short, seeing before them the […]

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Gomati Vesa – Chandan Yatra Day 6
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While herding, Krishna runs amongst the cows. While the cows rest, He lies with them. To purify Himself, Krishna enjoys smearing His divine limbs with the dust raised by the cow’s hooves. Krishna considers the cow’s and bulls of Vrindavana His mothers and fathers. He greets them each morning with loving words, “O mother! Have […]

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Mayapur Boat festival 2016
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From the day of Akshaya Tritya, when the Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Panca-tattva and Lord Narasimha deva are covered in chandan, the small Radha Madhava deities enjoy a boat festival and swing festival for 7 days. The Lordships are carried in a Palanquin by the devotees led by a kirtan party to the Prabhupada Pushpa […]

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Chandhan Yatra Day-4
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Vana – Bihari – Frolicking in the forest The cows take the lead directed by Madhava’s flute song- kicking their hind legs in the air, shaking their necks, and repeatedly lowing as they turn their heads to glance lovingly at the divine brothers. The cowherd boys play flute, blow horns and sing about Madhava’s victories […]

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Jahnu Saptami
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Sri Jahnu muni resided in Navadvipa. The Island is named after him as Jahnu dvip. When, Bhagirath from the ikswaku dynasty brought Ganga to earthly planet by great penance to deliver his ancestors he passed by Jahnu muni’s ashram in Navadvipa. Ganga Devi who was following Bhagirath with great force washed away the sage’s hut. […]

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An Unexpected Encounter
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Jananivas Prabhu’s service was to bring frankincense to Srila Prabhupada’s room in the evening. He mentioned that usually after you fill a room with frankincense, you open the doors and windows so that the mosquitos go out with the smoke. Srila Prabhupada however liked to keep the smoke within the room and stopped Jananivas Prabhu […]

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Chandan Yatra Day 3
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Rajadhiraja – King of kings The gopis adorned Srimati Radharani in a way befitting the reigning monarch of Vrindavan. They dressed each other as the queen’s ministers, attendants, bodyguards, and gatekeepers. Wearing a flowing cape, golden slippers, and a regal crown, decorated with strands of necklaces and brilliant ring. Radha was coronated within the central […]

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To the beat of Lord Krsna’s drum
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Hare KrishnaBy Hunter Wells

Five or six hours a day, every day, beating and chanting. “Krsna Krsna, hare hare.” He finds it uplifting and it’s fuel for the long walk. Two thousand kilometres from somewhere called Slope Point, a point further south than Bluff, to Cape Reinga. “We all go on a pilgrimage or a journey in this life.” This monk’s journey on this occasion has got him to Okere Falls en route to Tauranga. “It’s good for my faith and obviously there’s a personal challenge here too.” He’s not in a hurry. He’ll cut it out the 60km in a couple of days. A Hare Krishna life on the road is all in a small backpack. “If it doesn’t fit in the bag, I don’t take it.” There’s a modest blanket in there, men’s things of course, his lunch and his message, a clear message.

Sri Gadadhara Pandit Appearance day festival-6th May
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Sri Gadadhara Pandita, one of the members of the Panca Tattva, appeared on amavasya day of Vaishaka month, which this year , falls  on 6th May. At Sri Mayapur, this festival is celebrated with special darshan of Gadadhara Pandita, lecture on his glories and at noon, there will be abhisheka ceremony and Maha arti will […]

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The Radha-Madhava Deities in Mayapur: what are they made…
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The Radha-Madhava Deities in Mayapur: what are they made of? “Jananivasa told me about a conversation he had had in the temple with a middle-aged Bengali guest who had asked him, “Are Radha-Madhava made of brass or gold?” “Well, what are you made of?” Jananivasa replied. After a pause, the gentleman answered, “Flesh and blood.” […]

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Vrindavan Dasa Thakura – Disapperance day
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Vrindavan das Thakura is the author of Sri Caitanya Bhagavat. He is none other than Vedavyasa, the author of Srimad Bhagavatam, who appeared in Gaura lila as one of the associates – Vrindavan Das Thakur. At Modadrumadvipa, popularly known as Mamgachi in Navadvipa Mandala is his birthplace. On this most sacred disappearance day, many devotees […]

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Bhaktivedanta Manor given planning permission
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Hare KrishnaBy Steven Brown

Planners unanimously gave consent for a new community building at a Hindu temple. The Hertsmere Borough Council’s planning committee officially granted planning permission for a new development on the grounds of Bhaktivedanta Manor, in Aldenham on Thursday. The application is to build a two storey community building or a Haveli, as well as relocating the existing poly tunnels, greenhouses and playground. Gauri das, managing director at the temple, said: “We are exceptionally pleased to receive planning permission to build our community facility at Bhaktivedanta Manor. “Over many years of work including the development of a planning brief, a public consultation, and one and a half years awaiting a determination, we listened carefully and patiently to local residents concerns. “In the end the concerns were all addressed and thus the decision unanimous. We are extremely grateful.”

GLORIES OF VAISAKH MONTH – A Message from HH Jayapataka Swami
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The month of Vaisakh started on 23rd of April 2016 and will last till 22nd May 2016. Krishna says that of all months, Kartik is the best, but some of the Puranas say that better than Kartik is Magha and better than Magha is Vaisakh. In any case, Vaisakh is a special month to do […]

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*Graduation Ceremony 2015-16, 157 students earn bhakti degrees 5th March 2016 was an important milestone in the history of Mayapur Institute. The institute celebrated its 15th graduation ceremony at the Pancatatva extension hall. The Director, Padmanayana das, informed that the Mayapur Institute started in the year 2000 with just 3 Bhakti Sastri students and today […]

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