TOVP Tour Diary Day 19-23 – A Week in Towaco and Plainfield New Jersey

On Monday, March 30th, we drove to Towaco New Jersey for an entire week of evening programs with Jananivas prabhu at both the Towaco and Plainfield, New Jersey temples (March 30 – April 3). Every evening he spoke on subjects such as Deity worship, Mayapur Dhama, the TOVP, etc. We also visited the homes of

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 24 – Jayapataka Maharaja Vyasa Puja Celebration and Plainfield, New Jersey TOVP Presentation

On the morning of Saturday, April 4th after a short stop to the home of Devakinandana prabhu and his family for breakfast prasadam, we made our way to attend a celebration of Jayapataka Maharaja’s Vyas Puja at the home of Sukhada das and his family in Feastieville, Pennsylvania. Many devotees came including Sikhi Mahiti and

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 18 – Visiting the New Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Temple

On Sunday, March 29th, we made our way by car to the newly purchased temple building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. A crowd of almost 100 Indian devotees had gathered, including some devotees from Gita Nagari, for the evening celebration of Rama-navami. The Padukas received an abhisheka to lively kirtan as Jananivas prabhu placed the Sitari on

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 17 – Rama-navami at New Nilacala Dhama

On Saturday, March 28th, we celebrated Rama-navami at the Philadelphia temple in great bliss with over 125 devotees attending. The festival included an elaborate abhisheka of Sita Rama organized by Jananivas prabhu, kirtans by Visnu Gada prabhu and others and a lecture by Jananivas. Sikhi Mahiti then introduced the TOVP Team and handed the program

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 15 – Visiting Govinda’s To Go, Gaur Nitai, and Harinama

On Thursday, March 26th, we went to South Philadelphia to visit the temple/restaurant run by Haryasva prabhu for the last 20+ years. He has been worshiping Gaur Nitai Deities made in Ekachakra made by the same devotee who made Aindra prabhu’s Deities. After enjoying his special veggie wraps we went on Harinama and then returned

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 14 – A Visit to Gita Nagari

On Wednesday, March 25th, we brought the Padukas, Sitari and Jananivas prabhu to visit the historic Gita Nagari farm established by Srila Prabhupada and home of Sri Sri Radha Damodar, the beloved Deities of Visnujana Swami during the Radha Damodar Traveling Sankirtan Party days. After being greeted by the devotees with kirtan, the Padukas and

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Governor of Assam Padmanabha Acharya visits the TOVP

Padmanabha Balakrsna Acharya is the Governor of Assam, Nagalnd and Tripura. He has come to Mayapur during his visit to West Bengal. Padmanabha Acharya has been very fortunate to be able to serve Prabhupada by welcoming Him in is his home for 40 days, during the opening of the Iskcon Temple in Mumbai. He is

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2nd Tribal convention held in Mayapur

  26th of March 2015, saw the inauguration of ISKCON Mayapur’s second annual tribal convention called, ‘The festival of Gau, Ganga, Gita’. This three day convention hosted 600 members from 10 different tribal groups belonging to six Indian states.  Some of the tribes that participated were Chakma (Tripura), Chenchus( Orissa), Khasis (Assam), Kuki (Manipur), Mikirs […]

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66th Vyasa puja celebration of HH Jaypataka Swami

66th Vyasa puja celebration of HH Jaypataka Swami Maharaj took place in Sri Mayapur dham from 30th March to 1st April. Many of His disciples came to Mayapur on this occasion. An adhivas ceremony took place on 30th evening to invoke auspiciousness. As is the custom, 24 items were offered to HH Jaypataka Swami Maharaj […]

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 13 – Arrival at ISKCON Philadelphia, New Nilacala

On the morning of Tuesday, March 24th we set out by car on a 7 hour drive to our next destination, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Although not the original temple in Philadelphia, the Hare Krishna movement has been present there since Srila Prabhupada’s time. We arrived around 7pm in the evening greeted by kirtan and discussed our

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Puri Tour by Mayapur Local Preaching

Hare Krishna, For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Pancatattva, Sri Nrisimha Dev, Sri Jagannath Baladev Subhadra Maharani and Srila Prabhupada, Mayapur Local Preaching (MLP) went to Sri Jagannath Puri for a six day tour from 10th to 15th March. 70 Bhakti Vriksha members went for the trip and by the mercy of […]

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 12 – Jananivas Prabhu Deity Seva Seminar

On the evening of Monday, March 23rd, the temple filled up again to hear Jananivas prabhu speak on Deity worship. For almost two hours he spoke, bringing great happiness to all the devotees present.

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 11 – $230,000 Raised in New Goloka Dhama

On the morning of Sunday, March 22nd, the Lord’s Padukas and Sitari were greeted at the temple with kirtan and an abhishek and arati, and placed on the altar. In the evening we made our TOVP presentation to the Hillsborough community. This temple was built and started by His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami in the

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 10 – Travel to Hillsborough, North Carolina, New Goloka Dhama

Saturday, March 21st was a day of traveling, flying to North Carolina to the community of devotees in Hillsborough, North Carolina. We arrived too late in the evening for any temple greeting and went straight to our accommodations at the house of Aditya Narayana prabhu and his wife.

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 9 – $200,000 Pledged from Denver Temple

On Friday, March 20th, the TOVP presentation took place to an audience of about 75 devotees. The Padukas received an abhisheka during an ecstatic kirtan while Jananivas placed Lord Nrsinghadeva’s Sitari on everyone’s head. Temple President Tusta Krishna prabhu introduced the TOVP Team consisting of Jananivas prabhu, Radha Jivan prabhu, Vraja Vilas prabhu and Sunanda

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Prabhupada katha lecture by His Excellency P.B Acharya

On 26th March, we had a Prabhupada katha lecture in Mayapur Temple by His Excellency P.B Acharya (the governor of Assam, Tripura and Nagaland). He’s a Vaisnava born in Udupi, Karnataka and had the fortune of serving Srila Prabhupada at his house in Bombay for 40 days. During that time he had many memorable experiences […]

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 7 – Travel to Denver, Colorado, New Badarikashrama

From Dallas, our next stop is Denver, Colorado, home of Sri Sri Radha Govinda, Gaur Nitai and Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra. Like Dallas, this is one of the original 108 temples established by Srila Prabhupada which he personally visited and installed the Deities. We arrived on Wednesday, March 18th greeted by an ecstatic group of

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 8 – Jananivas Prabhu’s 71st Birthday Celebrated

On Thursday, March 19th the Denver devotees congregated to observe the 71st birthday of Jananivas prabhu (and Pankajanghri prabhu). Just as Srila Prabhupada came to America at the advanced age of 70 to bring the message of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and the parampara, Jananivas left India for the first time in 43 years to do “whatever

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 6 – Jananivas Deity Seva Seminar

While traveling with us, Jananivas prabhu is giving Deity Seva Seminars and other talks at the temples in-between traveling. On the evening of Tuesday, March 17th he gave his first Deity Seminar at the Dallas temple to another packed temple room of devotees eager to learn from him.

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Bhaktin Sakshi Donates Scholarship for TOVP Construction

Bhaktin Sakshi from Delhi, India decides that the scholarship money she received from her college would best be spent on “higher education” by helping to build the TOVP to fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s desire to bring millions of people to Mayapur, and ultimately back to Godhead. This is truly the best use of intelligence in the

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Watch the TOVP Tour With Jananivas Prabhu Live

The TOVP North American Tour with the Lords’ Padukas and Sitari, along with Jananivas prabhu, can be viewed live on many North American temples’ live broadcasts available through and Go to the link below to see the tour schedule, connect to the live broadcast, and travel with us across North America. See Schedule

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Italian General Consulate Visits the TOVP

Today we received a visit from the Italian Consulate General, Cesare Bieller. He came from Kolkata to visit and meet with a few devotees and to see the TOVP. He has heard a lot about the Temple and immediately upon his arrival he was very eager to see the project. He was very inspired and impressed by

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Waterproofing the Chatris

A chatri is the roof section on top of a temple dome. On the TOVP there are 8 small domes with their chatris and they are yellow in color. As part of our preventive maintenance program to help the temple withstand the test of time and the onslaughts of nature we are waterproofing the chatris.

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As the TOVP Bell Tolls

As you enter the gates of Sridhama Mayapur’s ISKCON complex, you will see rising before your eyes the enormous structure of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium, built by the efforts of many devotees throughout the world who have contributed their hard-earned income for constructing this historic mandir. A new addition to the TOVP area

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TOVP Tour Diary Day 5 – An evening at Mr. and Mrs. Vora’s Home

On Monday, March 16th, while still in Dallas, Texas, the TOVP Team visited Mr. Vora’s home at his invitation, bringing the Lord’s Padukas and Sitari. The previous evening at the temple during the TOVP presentation Mr. Vora had pledged a Silver Gratitude Coin and he wanted to encourage some of his friends to do the

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TOVP Tour Day 4 – Dallas, Texas Tops Alachua

Early Sunday morning, March 15th, the TOVP Team consisting of Jananivas prabhu, Radha Jivan prabhu, Vraja Vilas prabhu and Sunanda prabhu flew to the Lone Star State, Dallas, Texas. Arriving at Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji Dhama, the Lord’s Padukas and Sitari were greeted by a large kirtan and gave darshan to all the devotees. In

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TOVP Tour Day 3 – The Tour Begins: New Raman Reti Dhama in Alachua, Florida

On Saturday, March 14, the first TOVP program was inaugurated at New Raman Reti Dhama in Alachua, Florida, America’s largest devotee community. A packed temple room of 300+ devotees from all over Florida had come and were engaged in ecstatic kirtan while having darshan of Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and receiving Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Sitari on their

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Seminar on Cow Therapy

A seminar was conducted on Cow therapy in Mayapur . The seminar was organized by HG Akhand Anand Prabhu from Vrindavan. The seminar was conducted twice: once in English and other time in Bangla. We provide an overview of the topics discussed below. Prabhu explained that cow should be seen as  a reservoir of mercy […]

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VIP Visits Mayapur

Mr. Cesare Bieller, Consul General of Italy at Kolkata, visited ISKCON Mayapur. Around 40 different nationals live peacefully as a community in Mayapur. We have few devotees from Italy residing at Mayapur and they came together to welcome and meet the Italian Consul General. Ganga Das (an Italian National), our Deputy Director had invited Mr. […]

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Upcoming Classes by H.H Bhanu Swami & H.H Devamrita Swami!
→ The Hare Krishna Movement

H.H Bhanu Swami is visiting Auckland from Friday the 20th to Wednesday 25th March. Temple Classes: Morning Srimad Bhagavatam class at 7:30am on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. Maharaja will be speaking on Harinam Cintamini at 6:30pm on Tuesday evening. H.H Devamrita Swami will be giving the morning Srimad Bhagavatam class on Sunday the 22nd of March at 7:30am

Day 2 – Ambarisa and Svaha prabhus greet the Lord and His Devotees

On Friday, March 13, the Lord’s Padukas and Sitari were taken to Radha Jivana’s office where They were greeted with kirtan, and Jananivas prabhu spoke to all the devotee employees. From there they went to Ambarisa and Svaha prabhus’ home in Gainesville, Florida for a special reception. Arati was performed and prasadam distributed to all

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Day 1 – Arrival at Radha Jivana’s Home

On Thursday, March 12 around 6:30pm the Lord in the form of His Padukas and Sitari arrived at Radha Jivana prabhu’s home to an ecstatic reception kirtan led by devotees from the Gainesville Krishna House. The Padukas and Sitari received an abhishek, and Jananivas prabhu received a foot washing and spoke about Mayapur and the

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Jananivasa Prabhu in America

  In early morning hours on Tuesday (March 10th) in Mayapur, Jananivas prabhu and myself (Vraja Vilas), to the nectarine sound of Krishna Kirtan, departed for the U.S. in a grand procession carrying with us the divine Padukas of Lord Nityananda and Sitari of Lord Nrsinghadeva. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in […]

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Disappearance day of HH Sridhar Swami

  Today i.e. 14th March is the disappearance day of HH Sridhar Swami. Special programs were held in Mayapur  to honor him on the occasion. A recorded video lecture was played during morning class time. Then, he was offered arati and puspanjali at his samadhi near Srila Prabhupada’s samadhi mandir. Some of the assembled devotees showed him […]

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A big HARIBOL to our Gaur purnima 2015 sponsors

Devotees from around the world came forward to sponsor one or the other seva during Gaura Purnima 2015. Our heartfelt THANKS and HARIBOL to all these devotees. We pray to Their Lordships Sri Sri Panca Tattva, Sri Sri Radha Madhav and Sri Sri Nrsimhadev to grant them pure devotional service unto Their lotus feet.   […]

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Books everywhere during Gaur Purnima festivities

A large number of  books with a devotional element were displayed and distributed to visitors during recent Gaur purnima festivities in Mayapur.  There were also posters of some newly released books and books that shall be released in near future. Through this post, we are sharing the images of books and posters that were on display in Mayapur Temple. […]

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Initiation in Mayapur on Gaura Purnima day

  An initiation ceremony took place on auspicious Gaura Purnima day (5th Mar, 2015) in auspicious Mayapur dham. Around 300 devotees got initiated from HH Jaya Pataka Swami Maharaj .There were several others who became Maharaj’s aspiring disciples. Many devotees also took His shelter on the occasion. The ceremony took place in Namhatta prasadam hall […]

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International book distribution award ceremony

    An international book distribution award ceremony was held on 3rd March during the Morning lecture.  HG Vijaya Prabhu and HG Pragosh Prabhu facilitated the award distribution ceremony. HH Jaya Pataka Maharaj was the guest of honor and he enlightened the audience with his words before distribution of awards.  He told about the amazing potency […]

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Vyasa puja celebration of HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj

On 26th Feb, Vyasa Puja celebration of HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj took place at the community hall near Prabhupada Samadhi. Firstly, there was glorification of Maharaj by senior Vaisnavas who had gathered on the occasion. Some of the salient points were: He was an intellectual as shown by his BA in psychology and African American […]

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