Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-12-31 10:54:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
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Monthly Meeting Minutes of the Boards of Directors for ISKCON New Vrindaban & ECOV - 12/19/13
ISKCON New Vrindaban (INV) Vision Statement: Founded in 1968, Srila Prabhupada boldly envisions New Vrindaban as a sacred place known worldwide for Cow Protection, Self-Sufficiency, Holy Pilgrimage, Spiritual Education, and, above all, Loving Krishna.
ECO-Vrindaban Mission Statement: ECOV is dedicated to cow protection, sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency and simple living — all centered around loving service to Sri Krishna, as envisioned by the ISKCON New Vrindaban Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Present INV: Jaya Krsna, Gopisa, Dayavira, Jamuna, Chaitanya Mangala, Tamohara & Ranaka.
Present ECOV: Madhava Gosh, Ranaka, Chaitanya Mangala & Anuttama.
Recording Secretary: Laxmi Honest.
1. INV Appointed Auxiliary Board Member for ECOV
As had been previously discussed at the INV board meeting, it was agreed that Ranaka will be the INV representative on the ECOV board starting January 1st, 2014.
2. Snyder Gas Well Update
Gopisa reported that Chevron made payments they claim are now up to date. Based on his preliminary research he thinks their assertion is reasonable, though he will continue to do more investigating. Chevron has until March of 2014 to report totals from 2013.
3. Dates for 2014 Semi-Annual Joint Board Meeting
It was agreed that the next semi-annual board meetings will be held March 21 & 22.
4. ECOV Food Production
Madhava Gosh reported that ECOV is working on this. A spreadsheet was created detailing Jebbia’s prices to give an idea of what INV might pay for produce grown locally.
The service opportunity announcement for a garden manager has been edited and posted on the Brijabasi Spirit. Jaya Krsna will ask Lilasuka to post it on Dandavats and other ISKCON related websites as well.
From my journal, November 1st, 2001 (I was 14)
I just got this way cool, WILD, FAR-OUT, FANTASTIC totally unbelievable idea.
It's a literary magazine that's Krishna Conscious and you get kids from all over the world to write in it... all talking of Krishna consciousness. It would be a sister publication of Back to Godhead, and they would help out with the publishing, reality-checks, lay-out, etc.
And then there would be ambassador "kids" from each country! Of course, the kids would have to be over 15 or 16, but there would be ambassadors from the major countries, and in America, even states! We would print it in several languages and there would be a summit meeting every year or so.
I just invented a career for myself.
Karmi (worldly) adults would see how philosophical even a teen can be, devotee kids would get interested in Krishna Consciousness again, and regular devotees would pay attention to what we're saying.
I would get to travel around the world to all the temples, meet new people, and preach!
Hmmm... I just had a very funny feeling about that previous sentence... like it wasn't "good". It wasn't a good feeling.
Anyway, I've got to start soon! With my life goal, you see.
P.S. I know why I felt funny: I was being selfish!
Darshan of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath ,ISKCON Temple,Chowpatty,Mumbai; on 21st December 2013
Question: Spirituality should be silent and sober like in meditation. When devotees sing loudly and dance vigorously, how can such a noisy activity be considered spiritual?
Answer: Sankirtana, the congregational chanting of the holy names of Krishna to the accompaniment of music and dance, is actually meditation in its most profound, potent and practical form. Let’s see how.
The purpose of meditation is to connect with and experience spiritual reality. Silent meditation, as done through breathing exercises and yogic postures, tries to achieve this by negating the material, by deactivating the body and the mind. But since we're habituated to physical and mental activity, wouldn't it be easier and more natural if somehow the body and the mind could be used to raise ourselves to spiritual levels of consciousness? That is precisely what sankirtana does. Engaging the body in graceful dance for the pleasure of the Lord, and the mind in prayerful contemplation on the sound of His holy names—especially the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare—quickly and efficaciously transports our consciousness to the joyful realm of divine love.
Sankirtana acts like spiritual-music therapy to heal the soul in the current Iron Age, Kali-yuga. Just as a stone burdens the person carrying it, negative thoughts and emotions burden most people in the present age. Sankirtana floods the heart with positive, uplifting emotions like love, faith and joy and flushes away negative, burdensome emotions like hatred, anxiety and sorrow.
Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who appeared some five hundred years ago, revived and popularized sankirtana all over India. Lord Chaitanya displayed divine dance so enchantingly that His golden complexion, graceful gait, and intense devotional emotions charmed everyone—from aristocrats like the king of Orissa down to crime-hardened rogues.
Indeed, Shri Chaitanya's dance charmed even the Muslim emperor Akbar, who lived half a century later: "Hail Thee, O Chaitanya, the victor of my heart.... O my heart's Lord, how can I express the love I have for Thee? Shah Akbar craves a drop from the sea of Thy love and piety." (Quoted by D. C. Sen in Chaitanya and His Age)
These verses composed by a Muslim emperor in glorification of one who is commonly considered a Hindu saint illustrate the universal appeal of this dancing meditation.
As a spiritual master in Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's line, Shrila Prabhupada, through his ISKCON, popularized the divine dance of sankirtana in our times. Chanting and dancing devotees are now a familiar sight in major cities all over the world. Given that dance, an exuberant physical activity, and meditation, an introspective spiritual activity, intersect in sankirtana, it can well be called the ultimate dance.
The post December 31st, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on
From Kiran P
I always find easier and effective to control the head or mind through the heart, otherwise mind is very turbulent and chaotic and needs our heart and will power to control it, orelse i get lost somewhere. Heart is easy to control and more within one’s control and more satisfying to control too.
From Aditya Kumar Jha
I’ve been reading your gita daily articles since last two months and they are inspiring me a lot. I’m connected with ISKCON, East Kailash, New Delhi. I’m currently in final year of my engineering in ECE course. Prabhuji! my point is sometimes i feel like i’m very much closer to Krishna and at other times due to my surrounding i feel frustrated and doubtful of myself. I want to prepare myself as an extensive preacher and i want to know in what way should i make a balance between my sadhana and studies? I’m studying Embedded Systems and preparing myself for this field to join a private company but then i feel as an engineer the products which we make are all based on concept of creating unnecessary wants in the market. How can i then devote my time and brain in studying these things while knowing that i’m also a part of the group who are running away from the reality and forcing people to think that technology is the only thing which can make you happy?
His Grace Bhimasena das (Mr. Roberto Fucaloro) passed away on October 9th, 2013 in New York City. He su A dedicated disciple of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Bhimasena prabhu lived in New York City for practically his whole life. He became a full time member of ISKCON in 1975, and his primary service as a devotee was acting in dramas with the famed New York ‘Vaikuntha Players’, with many legendary devotee actors including Lohitaksa Das and Rasajna Devi Dasi.
In 1999, he took up the service as the Director of the New York temple drama troupe, and till his last days was always eager to present dramatic performances at the temple for festivals, or on the big stage at the annual New York Ratha Yatra festival.
We miss his association very much and pray that Lord Nityananda Rama and Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu bless Bhimasena das Prabhu with engagement in Their causeless devotional service forever.
At the risk of brazen redundancy, I wanted to share a negative scan of a photo taken with the EE100BSL (Polaroid EE100 with a Big Swinger single element, plastic meniscus lens).
Above is the negative scan, and below is the original photo peeled off of it.
These are two very different images. The negative is grainy and has lots of contrast, while the photo is much softer. The feel of the Big Swinger lens comes through in the photo much more than in the negative. In the photo, you’ve got an obvious soft focus, while all you notice in the negative is the grain.
Normally, I give the photos away and scan the negatives, but maybe with the EE100BSL, I’ll scan the photos.
The following New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Programs will be held in the temple at New Vrindaban. Everyone is invited!
Tuesday December 31th 2013
5:00 am Mangala Aratika
5:45 am Japa session
7:00 am Milking the cows at the Goshala
7:30 am Sringar Darshan
7:40 am Guru Puja
8:00 am Srimad Bhagavatam Class
12:30 pm Rajbhog Aratika
12:30 pm Gopi dots face painting and more for kids with Gopi Priya devi Dasi
4:30 pm Dhupa Aratika
5-6 pm Sacred Stories told by resident story teller H. G. Sankirtan Prabhu
6 pm Go Puja in the Goshalla (Venkat Prabhu)
7:00 pm Gaura Artika
7:45 pm Prasadam
8:30 pm Shayan Darshan
9:00 pm Fire Jagja to invoke auspiciousness for a Good New Year (Venkat Prabhu)
10:00 pm Bhajan (Lilasuka Mataji)
Wednesday January 1st 2014
5:00 am Mangala Aratika
5:45 am Japa session
7:00 am Milking the cows at the Goshala
7:30 am Sringar Darshan
7:40 am Guru Puja
8:00 am Srimad Bhagavatam Class
12:30 pm Rajbhog Aratika
1:30 pm Prasadam
4:30 pm Dhupa Aratika
7:00 pm Gaura Artika
8:30 pm Shayan Darshan
Temple Program for Tuesday December 31th 2013
5:00 am Mangala Aratika
5:45 am Japa session
7:00 am Milking the cows at the Goshala
7:30 am Sringar Darshan
7:40 am Guru Puja
8:00 am Srimad Bhagavatam Class
12:30 pm Rajbhog Aratika
12:30 pm Gopi dots face painting and more for kids (Gopi Priya devi Dasi)
4:30 pm Dhupa Aratika
5-6 pm Sacred Stories told by resident story teller H. G. Sankirtan Prabhu
6 pm Go Puja in the Goshalla (Venkat Prabhu)
7:00 pm Gaura Artika
7:45 pm Prasadam
8:30 pm Shayan Darshan
9:00 pm Fire Jagja to invoke auspiciousness for a Good New Year (Venkat Prabhu)
10:00 pm Bhajan (Lilasuka Mataji)
Temple Program for Wednesday January 1st 2014
5:00 am Mangala Aratika
5:45 am Japa session
7:00 am Milking the cows at the Goshala
7:30 am Sringar Darshan
7:40 am Guru Puja
8:00 am Srimad Bhagavatam Class
12:30 pm Rajbhog Aratika
13:30 pm Prasadam
4:30 pm Dhupa Aratika
7:00 pm Gaura Artika
8:30 pm Shayan Darshan
Please see the link for all photos ….
The materialists, who are strongly attached to the objects of sense gratification, the ascetics, who cannot tolerate even a glimpse of sense happiness, the earnestly endeavoring yogis, the impersonalists, whose minds are merged in Brahman happiness, and the devotees whose minds have entered the lotus flower of Lord Govinda’s feet, are all enchanted by the transcendental qualities of Sri Vrindavana.
[ Source : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrndavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, 1-21 Translation ]