Srila Prabhupada’s First Known Recorded Mention of New Vrindaban in a Lecture – August 22, 1968
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit


The first known recorded mention of New Vrindaban by Srila Prabhupada during a Srimad Bhagavatam 7.9.13-14 Lecture — Montreal, August 22, 1968.

“So fortunately, one of our students, he has taken a very large tract of land in West Virginia to develop a society like that, that simple life, eat simple things, grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and save your time for advancing in Krsna consciousness. Don’t be implicated in the ugra-karma. Modern civilization is implicated in ugra-karma— vast machinery, everything complicated. The government complicated, the society complicated, economics rule complicated, foreign exchange complicated. Everything has become complicated. So Narottama dasa Thakura has sung very nice song. Satsanga chari kainu asatye vilas, ei karane lagila more karma bandha-phansa. Because we have given up Krsna consciousness, therefore we have been entangled in the different varieties of material activities. Now we have to simplify it. The Krsna consciousness movement is to simplify, to save the valuable life, to save the time of valuable life. This human form of life is very valuable. Bahunam janmanam ante BG 7.19 . After many, many births we have got this important life. So we have to save our time to utilize it for Krsna consciousness. That should… So far we have got this material body, we want to maintain it. The body and souls live together. That is all right. For that, Krsna has given every chance. Anywhere you sit down, you have got land and cow. You produce something and cow’s milk. That is sufficient for maintenance. So let us try to make an attempt to organize a New Vrindaban scheme, and I shall request all my students to develop this idea and show a good example to this Western part of the world where people are always engaged in ugra-karma, asuric- karma.”

Full transcript below:

sarve hy ami vidhi-karas tava sattva-dhamno
brahmadayo vayam ivesa na codvijantah
ksemaya bhutaya utatma-sukhaya casya
vikriditam bhagavato ruciravataraih

SB 7.9.13

So Prahlada Maharaja is requesting Lord Nrsimha that “Now You can become peaceful because the disturbing element, my father, is now finished.” So there are two missions when Krsna appears, incarnation: paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam BG 4.8 . This material world is a field of activity for the persons who have forgotten Krsna. But there are regulative principles, Vedic knowledge. If we act according to the regulative principle, then we can enjoy. Not actually enjoy, but we think we enjoy. Because in the material world, there is nothing enjoyable for the spirit soul. Just like a fish, it is an animal of the water. It has nothing to enjoy on the land. So if, by mistake, a fish thinks that “I shall become an elephant and enjoy in the land,” that is not possible. Similarly, we spirit soul, aham brahmasmi, we are all Brahman, and we have nothing to do with this material world. But because we are Brahman… Brahman means anandamaya. Ananda-cinmaya-rasa. The Supreme Brahman is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah. Isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah [Bs. 5.1] . And we are part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman. Therefore we are also sac-cid-ananda, eternal, blissful, and full of knowledge. But somehow or other, iccha-dvesa-samutthena… BG 4.8.

Iccha-dvesa-samutthena. The real basic principle of our materialistic life is dvesa. Dvesa means when we become envious of Krsna, that “Why Krsna shall be the supreme enjoyer?” In this world, in practical experience, we have seen that many people say that “Krsna enjoyed rasa-lila. Why we shall not?” So this is, imitation rasa-lila is going on in this material world, but they cannot be satisfied because it is imitation. Just like if a female takes the part of a male and wants to imitate the enjoyment, it is simply false. Similarly, we are constitutionally female, enjoyed, prakrti. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, apareyam itas tu viddhi me prakrtim para jiva-bhutam maha-baho BG 7.5 . Prakrti means female, enjoyed. So jiva is described in the Bhagavad-gita as prakrti. The first prakrti is the material elements, eight.

bhumir apo ‘nalo vayuh
kham buddhir mano eva ca
prakrti me bhinna as?adha

BG 7.4

These are separated energy. But apareyam, they are inferior. Apareyam itas tv anya para. Besides this material nature, this dull matter, there is another nature: prakrti, para prakrti, the jiva. So the real life is to be enjoyed by the Lord. Enjoyed. That means real life is to become eternal servitor. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, jivera svarupa haya nitya krsna-dasa CC Madhya 20.108-109 . That is his constitutional position. But by imitation he wants to become the master. And when, iccha, when he develops that desire and envies the Lord, that “Why Krsna shall be enjoyer? I shall be enjoyer also,” this is iccha-dvesa-samutthena sarge yanti parantapa CC Madhya 20.108-109 . Sarge means in this creation.

So any living entity who is within this material world, they have come here with that two principles— iccha, dvesa. Iccha means they want to be happy with material enjoyment and “What is God? I am God.” These two things. The whole disease is on these two principles—denying the supremacy of the Lord and to try to be happy by material adjustment. But that is not possible. This is simply disturbing. Simply disturbing. Therefore Rupa Gosvami has mentioned in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu that,

pancaratriki-vidhim vina
aikantiki harer bhaktih
utpatayaiva kalpate

[Brs. 1.2.101]

Persons who are ignorant of the Vedic principles, sruti, and smrti, corollaries to the sruti, and Purana… There are eighteen Puranas. Srimad-Bhagavatam is called Maha-puranam. So sruti-smrti-puranadi [Brs. 1.2.101] and pancaratriki-vidhi, Narada-pancaratra. So one should be conversant with all these authoritative scriptures. Without knowing these, if there is an imitation of devotional service, Rupa Gosvami says that is simply disturbance. Simply disturbance. Therefore we see that in India the original principle is Vedic principle, but due to so many reasons, there being no real king or government who can control the citizens, or India being for so many years under the control of foreigners, and at the present moment forgetting their own real culture… Not only India, everywhere the same thing. So they are creating disturbances. Disturbances. Asuric civilization, demonic civilization.

So Prahlada Maharaja said, “My dear Lord, now the, my father who was atheist and always disturbing… These demigods, they are Your devotees. They are not disturbing elements.” Brahmadayo vayam ivesa. Brahmadayo. “All these demigods standing here, headed by Brahma, they are not like us, like demonic persons like my father and his associates. So You can now be peaceful. Don’t show Your anger.”

tad yaccha manyum asuras ca hatas tvayadya
modeta sadhur api vrscika-sarpa-hatya
lokas ca nirvrtim itah pratiyanti sarve
rupam nrsimha vibhayaya janah smaranti

SB 7.9.14

So there may be a question that “Then was Prahlada Maharaja very glad that his father was killed?” This question may be raised, that “What kind of devotee he is? He’s such a great devotee of Lord, and before him his father was killed, and he is requesting the Lord, ‘My dear Lord, the disturbing element is already finished.’ That means he’s glad that his father was killed.” So from social conventional point of view, if a son is glad on the death of his father, do you think it is very nice? No. These points are to be considered. But Prahlada Maharaja gives very nice evidence. This is the peculiarity of Krsna conscious persons, that whatever they will say, they will give full support. What is that? He says, tad yaccha manyum asuras ca hatas tvayadya. Asura. “My father was asura. So because Your mission was to kill, so that, he is killed. And by this killing process, not only myself, but sadhu, all sadhus they are also pleased.” Sadhur api. Just see.

So do you think that sadhu, those who are sadhu, they are pleased when a person is killed? Not ordinary person. He is giving very nice example. Modeta sadhur api vrscika sarpa-hatya SB 7.9.14 . Vrscika means scorpion and sarpa means snake. Naturally, whenever a scorpion is found or a snake is out, every man is prepared to kill it. Every man. “Oh, here is a snake. Kill it.” When I was in Allahabad, in my bed there was a snake. I do not know how it came, but I informed to the servants, and they came with all stick immediately. So when the bed seat was taken away, it was under the, I mean to say, quilt. So that snake was there, and from the face of the snake I could understand that she was, it was so afraid. He could understand that “Now I’m going to be killed by so many people. They have come.” So I told them that “Don’t kill this poor fellow. Better take it and send it to the forest.” But they took it away, but I later on understood they killed it. So once I saw in our Mayapur, Lord Caitanya’s birthplace, so a snake was going, a black snake with… In Bengal there are many snakes. So my Guru Maharaja was on the upstair and everyone asked the permission whether this should be killed. He said immediately, “Yes. He should be killed.” So at that time I thought that “How Guru Maharaja ordered for killing the snake?” Then, after so many years, when I began to read Bhagavatam and came to this passage, Prahlada Maharaja assertion, modeta sadhur api vrscika sarpa-hatya, then I thought that “My Guru Maharaja did right thing.” Here also, modeta. Even a sadhu. Then why a sadhu is pleased when a sarpa, a scorpion, or snake is killed? The reason is that these two kinds of creatures, they bite innocent persons without any fault. Without any fault. Or for little fault. The venomous snake. Immediately. By nature they are so angry and so envious that they feel pleasure if somebody is bitten and immediately die. That is their nature. Therefore killing a snake and scorpion means to save it from so many sinful activities. Because it is nature. It will kill so many persons, so many animals, because its nature is innocent person, bite innocent person, kill him. So if there is seen by killing another, it will continue. Better to kill it to stop its sinful activities. That is the reason here it is said, modeta sadhur api.

So the asuras, the atheists, are just like vrscika and sarpa, scorpion. Without any reason they occupy somebody’s country, somebody’s place, and kill somebody. This is going on. In the Manu-samhita it is stated that when a king hangs some murderer it is a great favor to him. It is a great favor to him. In every country, in every civilization, the punishment is “Life for life.” If you have killed somebody, then you shall be killed. And it is supported in Manu-samhita that when the king orders that a murderer should be killed, that is a favor to him. Because if he is not killed, then the sinful activities, reaction, will continue, and the next birth he’ll suffer. But if he’s killed in this life, then all his sinful activities finished. He’ll have no more to suffer the reaction. So it is friendly action. Similarly a vrscika or a sarpa, a scorpion or a snake, if it is killed that means to save it from further, I mean to say, sinful activities. Therefore sadhu, it is said by Brahma, I mean to…, Prahlada Maharaja, that modeta sadhur api vrscika sarpa-hatya SB 7.9.14 . Yata artho ‘yam manusya ca asura sadhunam santosam santosartham arti hatah (?). Sridhara Swami is annotating that this killing of Nrsimha, here, uh, this killing by Nrsimhadeva of Hiranyakasipu was for the pleasure of the saintly persons. Was for the pleasure of the saintly persons. Nanu anyesam vadhena sadhu kim modeta.

Does it mean that those who are saintly persons, they take pleasure in other’s killing? They try to stop killing. Even animal killing they want to stop. How it is that, they take pleasure in another’s killing? Nanu anyesam vadhena sadhu kim modeta tatra ha vrscikadeh. Not all. A… Persons, living creatures like the scorpion and serpents. Not all. Everything has got exception. So a sadhu, a saintly person, a righteous person, a religious person, will never be happy by other’s killing. But killing of persons like scorpion and serpent… And the Canakya Pandita says that a person who has envious nature, he’s more dangerous than the serpent. Canakya Pandita has enunciated that sarpah krurah khalah krurah. There are two envious creatures: one is the snake, and another, a man envious, unnecessarily envious of others. So sarpat kruratarah khalah. That man, envious, he’s dangerous, more dangerous than the snake. Why more dangerous? Mantrausadhi-vasah sarpah khalah kena nivaryate. You can subdue a snake by herbs and by chanting particular type of mantra. There are many snake charmers in India, by mantra they can charm the snakes. But a person who is envious, you cannot pacify him in any way. Therefore sarpah kruratarah khalah. Just like Jesus Christ was crucified by some envious persons. Even the Roman judge denied that “This man should not be… There is no such fault.” But because they were envious, they were persistent, “Yes, he should be crucified.” So this is the nature of envious person. Therefore killing of envious persons like Hiranyakasipu… Unnecessarily… He was a child. Prahlada Maharaja was a child, innocent child. And his son, and youngest son. And his only fault was that he was chanting Hare Krsna. And this person was after him, giving him all kinds of trouble. Just see the nature of the envious person. He doesn’t care even his son, a child, a devotee. “Oh, this boy must be tortured. This boy must be tortured because he is Krsna conscious.” “This man must be crucified because he is preaching God consciousness.” This is the nature of envious persons. More dangerous. Therefore their killing is the pleasure for the saintly persons. Modeta sadhur api vrscika sarpa-hatya. So Prahlada Maharaja was glad that his father was killed. So tatraha (reads commentary) vrscikadeh parapadraka karina anyathaiva jatina kutra vadhena tasyaiva tad bhadram jatam (?). It is good for it because he is stopped creating nuisance. Creating. If he’s stopped, then it is a great benefit for him because his nature is to become envious and torture others. Therefore to kill such person is a great welfare act for him. Tad bhadram yatram eti and sadhur api modeta. And sadhu, saintly persons are also glad. (reads commentary) Tarhi bahunam sukhavaham tam amum krodham na tyajami ceti praha lokas ca nirmitteh prakta-santi-pratinirjanti samhara pratiksante (?).

So Prahlada Maharaja is requesting, “Now, my Lord, Your business is finished, and by Your, this action, all saintly persons are pleased. So You can become now peaceful.” Lokas ca nirvrtim itah pratiyanti sarve rupam nrsimha vibhayaya janah smaranti. “Now people are praying that Nrsimhadeva, Nrsimhadeva is to protect the devotees.” Just like a lion. A lion is ferocious to other animals, but he is not ferocious to the cubs. He’s very affectionate father, mother, although it is lion. So the cubs, they haven’t got to be afraid of the lion. So Prahlada Maharaja says that “My dear Lord, I am not asking You to be peaceful. Don’t think that I have become afraid of You.” He’s so confident. “He is my Lord.” He has come in the appearance, in this ghastly appearance, half lion and so big, and He’s groaning like anything. So he knows that “He is my Lord. He’s same Krsna.” Narayana-parah sarve na kutascana bibhyati SB 6.17.28 . One who is elevated in Krsna consciousness, he is not disturbed in the greatest, facing greatest danger.

yam labdhva caparam labham
manyate nadhikam tatah
yasmin sthite na duhkhena
gurunapi vicalyate

BG 6.20-23

Krsna consciousness is so nice that if one is perfectly situated in Krsna consciousness, then his condition will be like this, that yam labdhva caparam labham manyate nadhikam tatah. Achieving that stage, he’ll forget for any other profit. We are hankering after profit, profit after profit. I have got so much money, I want to make it double. When it is double I want to make it ten times. When it is ten times, I’ll make it hundred times. Go on increasing. The civilization is increasing. Formerly, people were satisfied if they could build one…, construct one brick house, kota bari. Now they are not satisfied with kota bari, or brick house. They want to make it hundred— or two hundred—, five-hundred-storied house. And when they’ll build, construct five-hundred-storied house, they’ll think of thousand-story house. This is the nature. This is the nature. So labha. Everyone is hankering after more profit, more profit, more profit. But if one is situated in Krsna consciousness, then he is satisfied.

Svamin krtartho ‘smi varam na yace CC Madhya 22.42 . Dhruva Maharaja said, “My dear Lord…” Here also you’ll see. It was in the previous… When Prahlada Maharaja was offered to take benediction from the Lord, he refused. He said that, “My Lord, I am not a merchant that I am Your devotee for some material gain.” This will be explained. So a devotee who is in pure Krsna consciousness, he is satisfied with that consciousness only. Ahaituki. He has no other reason, “Oh, I am trying to become Krsna conscious because I want such and such thing.” He has no demand. Simply that consciousness is sufficient. It is so pleasing. It is so satisfying that yasmin sthite, if one is actually situated in Krsna consciousness, then gurunapi duhkhena na vicalyate. Just see the Prahlada Maharaja. He is… So devastating incidences are taking place, when all the demigods have become afraid and his father is killed and very ghastly appearance and the lion form incarnation of the Lord is groaning. But he is not afraid. He’s not at all afraid. Yasmin sthite gurunapi duhkhena na vicalyate CC Madhya 22.42 .

So next verse will be discussed sometimes later on because I am leaving this place tomorrow. So tomorrow, of course, Radhas?ami, we shall have meetings in daytime. And… Of course, those devotees are present, please come tomorrow, Radhastami. Try to understand the Radha’s position in relationship with Krsna. This Krsna consciousness movement is very nice. Try to understand it in so many ways. We have got immense literature. If lifelong we try to understand, there is sufficient stock. It is not hackneyed. You’ll get nava-navayaman. Newer and newer things you’ll get, experience. Anandambudhi-vardhanam. And the more and more you get relish in Krsna consciousness, your transcendental pleasure becomes more and more appreciated. It is so nice. Anandambudhi-vardhanam. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said, ambudhi… Ambudhi means ocean. In the ordinary course, the ocean does not increase. If ocean would have increased, then there would…, so many towns would have been washed away. Sometimes it happens of course, temporarily. But anandambudhi. The spiritual ocean is so nice that it increased, and the enjoyer of that ananda, he also increases. Brhanatyat. Brahma life is that brhatya-brhanatyat. It is the greatest; still, it has the potency of expanding more and more. It is very inconceivable. If something is the greatest, superlative, then what is beyond superlative? Still, there is beyond superlative. Anandambudhi-vardhanam. So Srimad-Bhagavatam is so nice, transcendental literature that anywhere you sit down, chant Hare Krsna, as the Gosvamis used to do it… Nama-gana-na?ibhih kalavasani-krtau. They were passing their time chanting, dancing, and reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, writing on it. So far the bodily necessities are concerned, they were not very important things for them. They forgot. Spiritual life is so nice.

So fortunately, one of our students, he has taken a very large tract of land in West Virginia to develop a society like that, that simple life, eat simple things, grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and save your time for advancing in Krsna consciousness. Don’t be implicated in the ugra-karma. Modern civilization is implicated in ugra-karma— vast machinery, everything complicated. The government complicated, the society complicated, economics rule complicated, foreign exchange complicated. Everything has become complicated. So Narottama dasa Thakura has sung very nice song. Satsanga chari kainu asatye vilas, ei karane lagila more karma bandha-pha?sa. Because we have given up Krsna consciousness, therefore we have been entangled in the different varieties of material activities. Now we have to simplify it. The Krsna consciousness movement is to simplify, to save the valuable life, to save the time of valuable life. This human form of life is very valuable. Bahunam janmanam ante BG 7.19 . After many, many births we have got this important life. So we have to save our time to utilize it for Krsna consciousness. That should… So far we have got this material body, we want to maintain it. The body and souls live together. That is all right. For that, Krsna has given every chance. Anywhere you sit down, you have got land and cow. You produce something and cow’s milk. That is sufficient for maintenance. So let us try to make an attempt to organize a New Vrindaban scheme, and I shall request all my students to develop this idea and show a good example to this Western part of the world where people are always engaged in ugra-karma, asuric- karma. Things are becoming very implicated, complicated.

Thank you very much. Any question?

Young man: [break] …defending for us?

Prabhupada: He’s always defending, but you should not be idle. It does not mean “Because God is defending, therefore we shall stop our work.” No. Yudhyasva mam anusmara BG 8.7 . Krsna advises Arjuna that “You have to fight, but at the same time think of Me, Krsna conscious.” You have to fight. Just other people are fighting with all circumstances, we have to fight also, but we must have faith that Krsna will save. Not that “We depend on Krsna. Because we are Krsna conscious, Krsna will do the act. Let me sleep.” No. Karmany evadhikaras te ma phalesu kadacana. You have to act according to the rules, and so far the result is concerned, leave it to Krsna.

Nanda Kisora: If the spiritual master gives you any instruction, should we look upon that as the same as life?

Prabhupada: Yes.

Nanda Kisora: It wouldn’t be… How would we know if it’s maya or not?

Prabhupada: Ask your spiritual master. He will answer you. Why you in maya while your spiritual master is physically present? You can ask, if there is any question, you can ask. [break] …yourself in doubt. Everything should be cleared.

Gargamuni: You said we’re not supposed to tolerate any blaspheming of the Lord, not of His name or in any way. How are we supposed to not tolerate that? It happens where I work people are sometimes blaspheming His name as a matter of course. How do you not tolerate? How do you…?

Prabhupada: The demons will always do that. You chant Hare Krsna. What is that?

Pradyumna: …for Krsna.

Prabhupada: Yes. You remember Krsna. That’s all. The rule is that when there is blasphemy, there are three kinds of activities. First thing is that one who is blaspheming, you should argue and defeat him by your arguments, by your evidences. If you are unable to do that, then you should die. That is the injunction. And if you are unable to do that, then you should go away from that place. That’s all. Three things. First of all, you should fight with him. Then if you are unable to fight, then you should die. And if you are not able to die, then leave that place and go away. Hare Krsna. Yes?

Jayapataka: Can you explain Sri Radha’s appearance day?

Prabhupada: Yes. Tomorrow. (Hindi) (end)

Upside Down
→ Seed of Devotion

On my way to Hawaii, I get a window seat. For over 5 hours I mostly stare out the window while we fly over the Pacific Ocean. There's something strange and surreal to be hurtling through the air at 500 miles per hour and the landscape never changes. The ocean is a constant, neverending blue.

Hour after hour, I gaze out at the clouds, sky, ocean. Suddenly, my vision seems to flip upside down. I seem not so much to be staring down at the ocean but up at the sky.

If we're willing to look at something or someone long enough, maybe we'll be surprised by how our world flips upside down.

Jai Uttal’s Yoga & Kirtan Camp – 12/28/13

Jai Uttal's Yoga & Kirtan Camp
Saturday, December 28, 2013
8:00pm - for more info: or visit - All Ages Buy Tickets
8:00pm - All Ages
Guiones sur, Playa Guiones
Nosara, Guanacaste
Costa Rica
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Come and bring in the New Year with us!

Visvambhar and Vrinda Sheth of The Mayapuris (and their soon-to-be-born-newborn baby) will be joining Jai Uttal, his wife Nubia Teixeira, and their son Ezra Gopal in Costa Rica for their 10th annual Winter Kirtan Camp at Blue Spirit Retreat in Costa Rica.

This lovely retreat center/resort is one of Omega Institute's International centers. Right on the beach, nestled into he jungle, this paradise is an amazing place to really let go and be guided by nature and mantra and the sweet tropical breezes into a deep space of devotional feelings. And the swimming pool is simply off the charts!

For more information, contact Nubia:

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Firing The Mind
→ Japa Group

In this Japa retreat lecture, Sacinandana Swami takes us on a journey of the mind and all it's ramblings and thoughts. This illustrated very well how important it is to ignore the mind during our chanting.

Email subscribers please click the blue link above for the audio.

What’s Amazing? Everything! Really? YES!
→ Karnamrita.das's blog

(this blog is recorded on the full page: quick time player is needed; works best with Firefox or Explorer; if you are using Google Chrome it will automatically play, so to not listen, mute your speakers.)
 photo 1378465_10151752350423884_149217755_zps8d685f71.jpg

Part of the downside, or the disease even, of being an adult in the modern industrialized world, is to lose the amazement and curiosity of a child, becoming almost oblivious to our surroundings in the name of time management, progress, or efficiency. We become jaded by familiarity or thinking we understand things. We also live in a world of overstimulation, and infatuation with newness and change. Our modern gadgets seem to save us time, but then they force us, and we are expected, to move faster and do more, in less time. Many people can’t sit still and “smell the roses,” finding it necessary to multitask even when on vacation, or accompanying their small children to the playground. What used to be part of life’s simple pleasures, like taking a walk in the park, or just quietly sitting, seem like a luxury or waste of time.

I have been blessed with a life which isn’t hurried and is surrounded by the beauty of the countryside. I only have to go out a few times a week, and can be focused on my spiritual practices, service, and self-improvement. We have lived in rural North Carolina for ten years, and I have gradually noticed a change in me. I have slowed down and am more in tune with my environment than I was when I lived in Baltimore and was busy with work and the fast pace of modernity. This is part of the reason that I can write and consider so many topics. As it is said, 50% of life is just showing up. To me, part of showing up, is to slow down, or be present enough, to observe our surroundings—or as Ramdas said many years ago, “Be here now,” or we could refer to this as mindfulness.

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Christmas Eve
→ Ramai Swami


Christmas eve for many around the world is celebrated in preparation for Christmas Day, a commemoration of Lord Jesus’s appearance more that two thousand years ago.

Jaya Sri and Pratapana, who run the Lotus Room centre in Darlinghurst Sydney, decided to host a dinner for devotees at their apartment nearby.
Some of the devotees who attended such as Kurma, Cittahari, Dvaipayana and Camari were pioneering devotees in Australia from the early seventies. Among others who came were Sri Prahlada, Ekacakra, Gitanjali, Vayu, Citti, Kavi and Karana Krsna.
Everyone had a great time in each others association and of course the prasadam was excellent.


Join us this Sunday for the association of our guest speaker His Grace Acharya Thakur Das

Sunday Love Feast


Sunday, December 29th
Program starts at 11 am


6 George Street South
Brampton, Ontario
L6Y 1P3, Canada

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Bhagavad Gita - 17.1
The Divisions of Faith
arjuna uvaca
ye sastra-vidhim utsrjya
yajante sraddhayanvitah
tesam nistha tu ka krsna
sattvam aho rajas tamah
Arjuna said, O Krsna, what is the situation of one who does not follow the principles of scripture but who worships according to his own imagination? Is he in goodness, in passion or in ignorance?

(To expand on this or get an understanding of the answer, please visit Iskcon Brampton this Sunday)

The Sunday Feast program consists of arati, kirtan (devotional chanting), philosophical discussion and prasadam.  Please come, get inspired and inspire others through your desire to share Krsna Consciousness!

Program Schedule:
11.00 – 11.15                Tulsi Puja                                           
11.15 - 11.30                  Guru Puja                                            
11:30 – 11:55                Aarti & Kirtan                                      
11.55 - 12.00                Sri Nrsingadev Prayers                        
12.00 – 1:00                 Vedic Discourse by His Grace Acharya Thakur Das
1:00 – 1:30                    Closing Kirtan

Please note that ISKCON Brampton is a nut free environment inorder to support those with allergies. Your cooperation is appreciated.

December 31st 2013 - Candle light Kirtan with His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada's Disciple: His Grace Gaura Das
  • Program starts at 8:00pm with Prasadam followed by Kirtan from 9:00pm to Midnight.
  • Movie and resting areas for Children.
  • Please contact Acharya Thakur Das at 647.928.4108 for more information or sponsorship.

January 1st 2014 - New Year's Day Program with His Holiness Bhaktimarga Swami
  • Program starts at 10:00am
  • Special Initiation Ceremony taking place commencing at 11:00am
  • Discourse by His Holiness Bhaktimarga Swami at 12:00pm
  • Closing Kirtan at 1:00pm
  • Prasadam served at 1:30pm
  • Please contact Acharya Thakur Das at 647.928.4108 for more information or sponsorship.

New Vrindaban Daily Darsan @ December 28, 2013
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

Please see the link for all photos …

Whose heart would not be enchanted by Vrindavana where Sri Radhika-Madanamohana enjoy many pastimes, where there are many trees and flowering vines, where the ground is paved with jewels, and where the birds, deer and other animals are all maddened with transcendental bliss?
[ Source : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrndavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, 1-19 Translation ]

New Vrindaban Daily Darsan @ December 28, 2013.
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

Whose heart would not be enchanted by Vrndavana where Sri Radhika-Madanamohana enjoy many pastimes, where there are many trees and flowering vines, where the ground is paved with jewels, and where the birds, deer and other animals are all maddened with transcendental bliss?
[ Sourcs : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrndavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, 1-19 Translation ]01

You’ve Got Everything Now
→ Load Film in Subdued Light

Camera: Polaroid EE100 (with Big Swinger meniscus lens) | Film: Fuji FP-100C

Camera: Polaroid EE100 (with Big Swinger meniscus lens) | Film: Fuji FP-100C

After a bit of testing, I’ve discovered that I need to do more testing. I removed the single element meniscus lens from the black & white only Polaroid Big Swinger 3000. First, I placed it in the Colorpack II, after removing the three glass elements. I found that only things about four feet away were in focus – everything else was blurry.

Hardly discouraged, I dug the plastic lenses out of my Polaroid EE100 and plopped the BS3k lens in their place (this was no where near as easy as I make it sound). Because the two cameras thus far mentioned had the same focal distance (114mm), I got the same results in both. However, since the EE100 is a folding camera, I can reduce the focal length so that (in theory – I’ve not tested this yet … much) everything is in focus (as it was in the BS3k).

Though I’ve yet to test it with film, I was able to test it with wax paper! This was an exciting bit of brain storming that I later discovered was already known by pretty much anyone who has ever built a camera. Anyway, by dismantling an empty film pack, I was able to tape a piece of wax paper to the spot where the film otherwise would sit. From a dark room, I pointed the camera out the window and moved the front piece of the camera (containing the lens and shutter) back towards me until things were in much better focus. All said, it was about a half inch back – give or take.

All this was because Fuji stopped making black & white Polaroid film, thus rendering my B&W only BS3k obsolete. Taking a HUGE que from this post, I popped the lens out of the BS3k (without breaking anything) and eventually placed it not in a ridged bodied camera but in a “new” folding camera, the EE100 (which is basically the same thing as the Reporter). I used an xacto knife and finally a dremmel, but was able to cut away enough plastic to fit the lens, but not enough to damage anything beyond use.

The photo above was taken with the EE100 (w/ BS3k lens) before I realized that I could actually get everything in focus by pulling the lens closer to me. While I really love the look of the photo, 90% or more of what I shoot are wide landscape scenes. I almost never have a subject in the foreground. If I do, then usually there really isn’t a background. This was going to force me to look at things in different ways, to retrain my eye to see in 3D (or something). I was really excited about it.

But now I’m even more excited that I might not have to relearn this! Actually, since the camera defaults to a close focus, and since only by manually pulling back the shutter/lens can I get to (and past) the infinity stop, it will serve as a constant reminder to look for subjects rather than at landscapes only. Basically, I turned the Big Swinger 3000 from a fixed focus black & white only camera to a scale focus color (and b&w – the EE100 has a setting for 3000iso) camera. There are, of course, no markings to tell me when something may or may not be in focus. Basically, I’ve created the trombone of Polaroids. Dig me!

Sorry for being so long-winded, but I figure that someone out there might want to try this modification.

And if I really wanted to, I could just desaturate it.


And the winner is …Bhakta Mikey Jay (UK)!

In the Fall 2013, ISKCON News Website called out to Krishna devotee videographers to send their short videos of inspiring Krishna-conscious people, stories, interesting Krishna-conscious projects, events or activities, or their Krishna-conscious music videos. There were over 50 contestants applied from 14 different countries, and shared their inspiring short films of various subjects, including festivals, spiritual retreats, Deity worship, outreach and artistic programs. -- Read more ›

“Everything You Need is Here in New Vrindaban”
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

An Interview with Krsna dasi from England

Dec. 20, 2013

Lilasuka dasi:  Krsna dasi, what made you think of coming to New Vrindaban?

Krsna dasi: Many reasons, really. But the main reason was that New Vrindaban was a very dear project to Srila Prabhupada. If I was going to go anywhere outside of my home country, it’s New Vrindaban because it was so dear to Srila Prabhupada.  Actually, I saw an advertisement online in January this year from Jaya Krsna inviting people to come to New Vrindaban. I was working at the time, so I couldn’t go right away. But I did come here as soon as I got a chance.  New Vrindaban is a major historic project for ISKCON – the perfect place to spend some time.

LD: There are parts of New Vrindaban’s past history that aren’t so pleasant. Did you know about this and did you decide to come anyways?

KD: Yes, I knew some of the history and had heard bits of things, but I deliberately didn’t catch up on it.  I wanted to experience New Vrindaban as it is today, first-hand.  I didn’t care to know about the history.

LD: What was the actual impetus that made you finally decide to come?

KD: I replied to Jaya Krsna that I’d like to come and volunteer for a few weeks for whatever was needed.  I told him that I could do things like office work, or cooking.  He replied, “Yes! Sure! Please come!”

LD: So you’re had some experience cooking for Krsna?

KD:  Yes.  I cooked back home in 1987.  Then, from 1987 to 2000, I used to cook at the Sunday feast at whatever temple I was visiting. I had visited many temples in Europe.  After I came to New Vrindaban, I got to cook for a Sunday feast once. I think it’s great when a Sunday feast has lots of sweets, so I cooked sweets for the feast.  I like to bake.

LD: What do you like about New Vrindaban?

KD: Wow! That’s a big question. The first thing is that New Vrindaban is an old ISKCON project that Srila Prabhupada really wanted. This is important to me.  Also, there are lots of older devotees from the early days that stuck with New Vrindaban. That’s inspirational.  Finally, everywhere you go in America, you pretty much know that you’re in America. But here, it is a world apart.   And everything you need to live is here!   At least, that’s my experience.  You don’t even have to leave once you’re here.

Also, we can have the association of all different kinds of devotees, with different backgrounds and experiences.  In the summer time, especially, lots of young, enthusiastic devotees come and stay for a while and serve.  New Vrindaban is really vibrant.  There’s a great morning program with a lot of devotees attending.  I mean, compared to some temples where I’ve been, sometimes there are only one or two devotees attending, and if you are not a singer, it’s very difficult.

LD: Tell me more.  I’m getting enlivened just listening to you!

KD: Well, there’s a real sense of community here. One thing is that so many devotees take breakfast and lunch together, which reminds me of the old days.  It’s really nice.

It’s a busy place where everyone is always busy with so much service to do.  When you see that everyone is engaged either in pujari work, cooking, gardening, wood chopping, the restaurant, the lodge, whatever – it’s encouraging.

I also like the way the kitchen is set up, with all stainless steel.  Obviously it needs a bit of work, but it’s easy to cook in and I love the big double ovens. It works!  I love the scenery in New Vrindaban.  I’ve always loved walking.  At home, I walk six and a half miles to work every day, which takes about one hour and 10 minutes.  So I love going for long walks here too.

LD:  I understand you’re leaving in a few days. Are you planning to come back?

KD: If I’m allowed!  I would like to. I love it here.  I’ve always felt welcome.  The devotees look after me and the ashram is quite comfortable.

LD: You make New Vrindaban sound like Utopia!

KD:  Well, I especially like the service I do when I come here.  A person can get engaged in their own propensity. It’s such a big place so no matter what you like to do, there’s something here for you.  As a matter of fact, I have thought of services for some of my friends if they would ever come here.  I know exactly where they’d fit in.  I’ve also asked my son and daughter to come here. They’d love it.

LD: Thank you very much, Krishna dasi.


Beautiful scenery at New Vrindaban

Beautiful autumn scenery at New Vrindaban

Indradyumna Swami regains his health and shares the latest views of Radhakunda (Album 60 photos)

Indradyumna Swami: My doctor advised me to start exercising by taking short walks. So taking my camera I went with a small group of devotees by taxi to Radha Kunda and walked two times around the sacred lake. It took 30 minutes. By following the doctors orders hopefully my health improved and surely I got unlimited spiritual benefit. All glories to Sri Radha Kunda! So happy to be back in Sri Vrindavan dhama -- Read more ›

If gambling makes people do foolish things, why are kshatriyas ordained to gamble when challenged?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Vikas Kumar:


Answer Podcast