Harinam and Prasad distribution at Swarup Ganj (Album 127 photos)
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Heroic Servant Pulls Krishna’s Swan Boat Through The Water After Motor Goes “Kaput”!
by Gauranatraj das
Hare Krishna,
I am writing on behalf of the Congregational development team. Saturday June 22nd, we had the first swan boat festival of the of the season. All of us had given up hopes because of the weeds in the lake and the issues with the motor. But “Krishna” had other plans.
For almost 4 days the lake cleaning was going on but the amount of weeds had made it look as though this week it would be impossible to have the swan boat. We had a full house on the 22nd and a bus party eager to watch the swan boat. We also had someone sponsor it.
Finally we brought the dieties onto the boat and the boat started, somehow after a little hitches and stops it reached the other end where the guests and devotees lead by Parampara prabhu were ecstatically chanting. As the boat turned I noticed that there was one person behind the boat in the water and was moving along with the boat and he was none other than our hero “Josef” prabhu who was actually pulling the boat from the swan boat house to the ghat!!!!
Everyone was ecstatic, the sponsors were performing puja . I went up to Parampara prabhu and said , “Did you know, looks like our motor failed and Josef prabhu pulled the boat all the way by swimming in the water” as I said both me and Parampara pr had tears in our eyes. He then pulled the boat back all the way back to the swan boat house.
On the way back Jaya Krsna prabhu asked Josef prabhu “What happened” and Josef prabhu replied “Motor KAPUT!!!!” the motor was dead… and we had a human motor pushing the boat and the dieties. There are no words to describe this wonderful service by Josef prabhu.. He truly is the inspirational head of the congregation development team in New Vrindaban.
HG Bada Haridas Prabhu’s kirtan at Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda Temple 4.11.2013
The post December 20th, 2013 – Darshan appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Whole milk from organic dairies contains far more of some of the fatty acids that contribute to a healthy heart than conventional milk, scientists are reporting.
A study shows that drinking whole organic milk is more likely to lessen the risk factor for heart disease than conventional milk.
The finding, published Monday in the journal PLOS One, is the most clear-cut instance of an organic food’s offering a nutritional advantage over its conventional counterpart. Studies looking at organic fruits and vegetables have been less conclusive.
Drinking whole organic milk “will certainly lessen the risk factor for cardiovascular disease,” said the study’s lead author, Charles M. Benbrook, a research professor at Washington State University’s Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources.
“All milk is healthy and good for people,” he continued, “but organic milk is better, because it has a more favorable balance of these fatty acids” — omega-3, typically found in fish and flaxseed, versus omega-6, which is abundant in many fried foods like potato chips.
Under government requirements for organic labeling, dairy cows must spend a certain amount of the time in the pasture, eating grassy plants high in omega-3s; conventional milk comes from cows that are mostly fed corn, which is high in omega-6s. Nonorganic cows that graze in pastures also produce milk with greater amounts of omega-3s.
The research was largely funded by Organic Valley, a farm cooperative that sells organic dairy products. But experts not connected with the study said the findings were credible — though they noted that the role of milk in a healthy diet and the influence of fatty acids in preventing or causing cardiovascular disease are far from settled.
“I think this is a very good piece of work,” said Dr. Joseph Hibbeln, a nutritional neuroscientist at the National Institutes of Health.
The researchers looked at 384 samples of organic and conventional whole milk taken over 18 months around the country. Although the total amount of fat was almost the same, the organic milk contained 62 percent more omega-3 fatty acids and 25 percent fewer omega-6s.
The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the organic milk was 2.28, much lower than the 5.77 ratio in conventional milk. (The figures do not apply to nonfat milk, which strips away the fatty acids.)
Nutrition experts broadly agree that omega-3 acids offer numerous health benefits. That was the impetus for the United States Department of Agriculture to urge people to eat more seafood when it revised its dietary guidelines in 2010.
But experts disagree sharply whether omega-6 consumption should be reduced.
In ancient times, people ate roughly equal amounts of the two fatty acids. Today most Americans now eat more than 10 times as much omega-6, which is prevalent in certain vegetable oils and thus also fried foods, as omega-3.
While omega-6 is essential, some health studies suggest that such a wide disparity is associated with many ills, Dr. Benbrook said. A shift to drinking organic whole milk — and raising consumption from the currently recommended three servings a day to 4.5 — would take a big step to lowering the ratio, he said, although adjustments would have to be made elsewhere in the diet to offset the added calories of the milk fat.
Donald R. Davis, another of the study’s authors, said the longstanding assumption that the saturated fats in whole milk raise the risk of cardiovascular disease has been questioned in recent years.
Dr. Walter Willett, chairman of the nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public Health, did not question the underlying data in the study. But he said the conclusions and recommendations were based on the “false assumption” that omega-6 fatty acids are harmful.
Dr. Willett said omega-6s were actually associated with a lower risk of heart disease, and he called the ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s “irrelevant.” People should try to eat more of both, he said.
And he noted that milk was not essential to a healthy diet; adults in many countries drink little or none. “We don’t know all the long-term consequences, so I think the best strategy given current knowledge is to keep intake low to moderate (as in the Mediterranean diet) if it is consumed at all,” Dr. Willet wrote in an email.
But Dr. Hibbeln of the National Institutes of Health, who has conducted research on the effects of fatty acids on heart disease, said animal studies showed that high levels of omega-6s interfered with omega-3s.
At the same time, though, he cautioned that the mix of omega-3s in milk is different from that in fatty fish. The simple ratio, he said, “is not as meaningful as we would like it to be.”
Still, he endorsed the organic milk recommendation. “You’re heading in the right direction,” he said.
Organic Valley uses independent milk-processing companies around the country, allowing the researchers to compare samples of organic milk with conventional milk from the same region.
The company provided $45,000 for an independent laboratory to measure the fatty acids, and it is a corporate sponsor of Dr. Benbrook’s program at Washington State. The university spent $90,000 to analyze the data and prepare the paper for publication.
George Siemon, chief executive of Organic Valley, said he was hoping to gain a better idea of how organic foods differ from conventionally produced ones.
“Organics have lacked a science base,” Mr. Siemon said. “I just wanted to know.”
From Muralidhar P
The Lord is not like the mundane lord. The mundane master or lord never enjoys equally with his subordinates, nor is a mundane lord immortal, nor can he award immortality to his subordinate. The Supreme Lord, who is the leader of all living entities, can award all the qualities of His personality unto His devotees, including immortality and spiritual bliss. In the material world there is always anxiety or fearfulness in the hearts of all living entities, but the Lord, being Himself the supreme fearless, also awards the same quality of fearlessness to His pure devotees.
Isvara prabhu, formerly from the UK, now living at New Govardhana for the last 25 years, heads up a weekly Harinam party that chants from Byron Bay to the Gold Coast. There are also other kirtan parties that leave the farm twice a week for other areas.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, September 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.20.13)
We see only the tip of the iceberg and never really know what is going on all levels. We cannot see and that is the whole problem. I may look at the person sitting opposite of me. I may know his name. I may know something about his life. I may know something about his nature and I may think, “I have figured him out! Yes, okay put a number on him.” But the truth is that I do not know who he was in his last life. I have no idea. I do not know who he was in the last hundred lives, I have no idea. Nor do I know what he will be in the next hundred lives, I do not know. Or if he will go back to Godhead in this lifetime? I hope so but I do not know. How can I know? But Krsna knows all these things.
When Krsna acts, all the factors are part of the equation. When we are acting there are always a few factors and when we do something, we hope that it will all work out, “May god help me.” We hope that everything is going to be okay, even after we have made all the plans and executed it perfectly – we hope that it will all work out with fingers crossed and so on. But Krsna makes the perfect arrangement. So certainly, Krsna is interested in the good of all. Krsna is certainly interested in uplifting the entire universe and Krsna is always making arrangements for the spirituality within the universe to be available to all and that the spiritual path remains open.
Kali Yuga series 7.
The post In this age wealth is the sign of good birth, proper behavior and fine qualities and justice is received on the basis of one’s influence appeared first on SivaramaSwami.com.
It’s time for New Vrindaban’s Transcendental Throwback Thursday!
Each week we highlight an earlier era in the history of ISKCON New Vrindaban and ask our readers to identify devotees in the photo.
This week there are ten people who can be named.
Extra credit if you spot the special “accessories” one of them is wearing.
Post your best guesses on the “who, what, when & where” in the comment section at the New Vrindaban Facebook Page.
Technical stuff: We post the photo Thursday and confirm known details Sunday.
Let’s have a bit of fun and see who knows their New Vrindaban history!
HH Indradyumna Swami’s kirtan at Madan Mohan, Sanatana Goswami’s Samadhi 10.11.2013