14 The importance of Goals in Krishna consciousness with Vaisesika Prabhu
→ Successful Vaisnavas

Why are goals important in Krishna consciousness? Find out in the latest episode of the Successful Vaisnavas Podcast – an interview with His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu, (http://vaisesikadasa.com/) who is a Prabhupada disciple, based in Silicon Valley, California. He is a driving force behind innovative ways to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books.

In this practical and inspiring interview we discuss:

  • the importance of goals in Krishna consciousness
  • time management
  • how to stay inspired in Krishna consciousness

Vaisesika Prabhu is a very knowledgeable, saintly devotee with a big heart.

What sort of goals do you set in Krishna consciousness?
Let us know by leaving a comment below or leave a voice message on Speakpipe.

Here is a video from 2012 where Vaisesika Prabhu is emphasizing the importance of setting goals for book distribution.

Transcription: Podcast Introduction SelectShow

Transcription: Vaisesika Prabhu Interview SelectShow

Live at Heart and Soul Yoga
→ KKS Blog


During his visit of Australia in Oct 2013 Kadamba Kanana Swami visited the Heart & Soul Yoga Studio in Cronulla. There he recorded 3 kirtan tracks during a kirtan evening on the 15th of Oct 2013. Those tracks were made available by Kunja on a new Bandcamp page. All three tracks are available for 7 AUD. Individual tracks are AUD 1.50.

All proceeds go to Kadamba Kanana Swami

Live at Heart and Soul Yoga

(View or buy this album on bandcamp if the player below does not display)


More (older) albums will be released soon on bandcamp also, including Waves of Mercy.

Check out some photos from Australia

Up On The Hill
→ travelingmonk.com

Yesterday our group walked a short distance down the Vrindavan parikrama path and climbed up a small hill to visit the temple of Madan Mohan and the samadhi of Srila Sanatana Goswami. We stayed for 5 hours chanting and discussing the pastimes of that holy place. As Kartika draws to a close we hold in [...]

→ Gita Coaching

MY FRIENDS ALANA AND RAMA ARE OFFERING YOU SOMETHING SPECIAL READ CAREFULLY Dear friend, Alana and I we are working with Bohemian Tours a great company directed by my good friend  who are really experienced with providing exciting tours of India. So we would like to share the opportunity with you also and it's benefits. We all know how life is expensive and how every dollar counts! We

A visit to the temple of Madan Mohan and the samadhi of Srila Sanatana Goswami (Album 193 photos)
→ Dandavats.com

Indradyumna Swami: Yesterday our group walked a short distance down the Vrindavan parikrama path and climbed up a small hill to visit the temple of Madan Mohan and the samadhi of Srila Sanatana Goswami. We stayed for 5 hours chanting and discussing the pastimes of that holy place. As Kartika draws to a close we hold in our hearts many sweet memories to take home Read more ›

14 Krishna conscious Goals with Vaisesika Prabhu
→ Successful Vaisnavas – Personal Development for Hare Krishnas

Why are goals important in Krishna consciousness?  – an interview with His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu. In this practical and inspiring interview we discuss: the importance of goals in Krishna consciousness time management how to stay inspired in Krishna consciousness Click play to listen to the episode Vaisesika Prabhu (http://vaisesikadasa.com/) who is a Prabhupada disciple, based in Silicon […]

The post 14 Krishna conscious Goals with Vaisesika Prabhu appeared first on Successful Vaisnavas - Personal Development for Hare Krishnas.

Friday Cooking Class
→ The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland

This weeks theme is Vegetarian Italian Cuisine This popular cooking class is back this Friday 15th Nov starting 6 till 8pm. Acyuta bhava and Kasi priya are heading up an amazing evening, where you will cook, learn and taste. Book now or ring to confirm 021 039 3708 or 09 379 7301. Waged $25 and Student [...]

The post Friday Cooking Class appeared first on The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland.

Thursday, November 7th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Going South
Toronto/ Miami/ Buenos Aires
My brahmachari assistant, Maha Mantra, and I got to experience the air of the airport in these three cities before our nostrils hit the out-of-doors in Buenos Aires. Walking wasn’t much; whatever you go through in the corridors of the airport is the sum total of your steps.
“Watch my luggage, will you?” I asked Maha Mantra in Toronto, “While I pace a bit back and forth.”  So, I went off in Terminal 3 to pass by shops, passengers and officials, waiting or busy. On the news, monitors display the ground breaking broadcast highlighting Toronto’s mayor admitting to taking crack. You get a little tired of hearing about all the blunders. By the time I reached another screen, another new item covered the one before about a victim of some oppression and how now some healing took place. It appears media occupies itself in so many sob stories, they will be repeated to death again and again.
Our flight was pleasant enough. We took to reading the book “Ramayana Smarana” the book “Bhagavatam” on his iPad. It shows you the difference in generations. There were many hours to kill on this jet flight so we treated ourselves to watching a movie - `”Jobs” about Steve Jobs, the technical visionary who passed away two years ago. It is a known fact that Steve used to travel on foot to have his vegetarian meals at the Hare Krishna Temple, and in the film he is shown to be at the campus lawn to hear some Indian pundit speak. Now I have not read on his life story but it would be my speculation that he was in regular contact with Krishna on some level.
We came for a landing at Buenos Aires. Temperature is great. The screen showed a comfortable just below the 20 Celsius mark. But before we hit the outside a young woman in the airport the boutique was selling perfume. She was tall, beautiful, and sported a golden smile. As Maha Mantra and I were about to pass by her she, raised her palms in pranams and said “Hare Krishna”.
What a welcome.
May the great Source be with you!
0 KM

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Cutting Edge Guru
Toronto, Ontario
November 14th, 1977, by the lunar calculation corresponds with today’s solar projected date. It is a significant mark on the calendar for those of us who observe the anniversary of our teacher`s passing. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our guru, left his body for a divine destination 36 years ago. He also left behind thousands of mourning followers who were confronted with the classic question,  “Now that our leader is gone, what will happen? What’s next?”
Naturally, such a prime query had arisen amongst some of us prior to his departure. His personal assistants for instance (not me) contemplated the consequence. Mixed motivation ranging from selfless to selfish shadowed and gave light to the quest.  The history thereafter got interesting as his family is enjoying a current maturation or at least a sorting of things. Today, fortunately, is a reflection time of all the positive transformational occurrences that happened in the lives of the monks, nuns and members of the Krishna Conscious family. Facetiously we sometimes speak of personal transition within house terms such as demon-to-devotee, hippie-to happies and punks-to-monks.
In addition to our personal miracles we can credit His Divine Grace to be a remarkable cutting-edge guru, as the one who insisted on a vegetarian culture, a fore-running advocate of the science of reincarnation, one who openly challenged Darwinism, one who introduced to the west ancient festivals of the east, one who spearheaded the kirtan mantra culture. His writings, commentaries on the ancient Vedas of India, baffled scholars of a philosophical capacity for his mammoth insight (I am sure I am missing something from the list - I have my limitations).
Today I have decided to pace back and forth in the temple ashram in order to feel close to him in the form of his murti (icon) situated at the rear of the sanctuary. A small group of us kick started our morning with a devotional song honouring the guru, Guruvastakam. It`s what we do every day, yet today is different because today marks the day we count the endless contributions by a person who really was so influential and yet who is so humbly set in the background. When you ask the average person who Swami Prabhupada is, they may be embarrassed to respond. It's not necessarily a bad thing. He is Krishna’s, we are confident that he has the attention of the person that counts.
May the Source be with you!
5 KM

Kartik meditations – Part V
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 11 October 2011, Melbourne, Australia, Home Program)

Damodarastakam, Verse 2

(Seeing the whipping stick in His mother’s hand) He is crying and rubbing His eyes again and again with His two lotus hands. His eyes are filled with fear, and the necklace of pearls around His neck, which is marked with three lines like a conch shell, is shaking because of His quick breathing due to crying. To this Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, whose belly is bound not with ropes but with His mother’s pure love, I offer my humble obeisances.

kusum-sarovarNow we can see how the Supreme Lord is just completely reciprocating with his devotee. For Yasoda, he becomes a child. He is the Supreme Lord, the all-powerful Supreme but for Yasoda, he becomes like a child and he acts like a child. And she cares for him like a child, she is teaching him like a child. But then of course, when she saw him like that, in fear, what could she do? She could not do anything. She could not punish him, that was not possible.

It is like that because Yasoda’s only interest is Krsna’s happiness and nothing but that. She is simply thinking, “I have to make sure that he does not become spoilt.” She is thinking, “I am giving him the best at home. Special cows that are fed special grass are producing special milk and from this special milk, the best yogurt and the best sweets are made. Still, this lusty boy goes to other people’s houses to steal! Incredible! Everyone is saying: ‘O Nanda, your son is so wonderful.’ But actually, he is a problem child, stealing everywhere!

So in this way, we see how much this Damodar-lila is very wonderful. How the Supreme Lord can act like this – the same one who is the controller of the universe is now acting like a child. That is extraordinary! Who can imagine that? So this Damodar-lila is quite extraordinary and for one month we are meditating on this whole mood of Krsna. We see that the whole meditation of the month is how to capture Krsna.

Yasoda is capturing Krsna – how can WE capture Krsna? So that is the aim of every devotee – how to capture Krsna. Not how to capture money, not how to capture power, not how to capture stability in one’s post or how to capture a beautiful lady or a handsome husband, no, no, no, none of these things! We are only interested in Krsna and all other things should be put aside, that is the idea.

When we go to Vrindavan, we may not be pure devotees but in Vrindavan, we must be pure, in Vrindavan you cannot do any nonsense. Vrindavan is not for that. If one commits nonsense in Vrindavan then the reactions are much stronger than anywhere else. So in Vrindavan, one must be pure. Therefore it is said that if one is not able to be pure, then one should stay three days only because three days everyone can manage. For three days: no tea, no smoking, nothing! It is possible – it is difficult but can be done. Even three days brahmacari, alright! Then back to maya but one who is more serious in spiritual life, he can stay three months. One who is very serious can stay thirty years, so the whole life. Vrindavan is like that. This month is also for that, it is a month to just be serious and why can we not do that? The Muslims are doing Ramadan quite seriously – that is the one thing they really do. Whatever else they may do but they do Ramadan, they do their fast, they are serious about their dharma. So they get blessings for that actually. So we cannot be so weak that we say, “One month, oh how can I do one month!?” No, no – if they can do, we can also do.


Radha’s Tears
→ travelingmonk.com

The lake of Mansarovara was formed by the tears of Radharani when She was angry with Krsna for arriving late at the Rasa Dance. The natural scenic beauty of the spot was perfect for our bhajans and discussions on the pastime. We all enjoyed a surprise visit by Deena Bandhu prabhu who enlightened us with [...]

Our Natural Tendencies, November 10, Juhu Beach, Mumbai
Giriraj Swami

11.10.13_04.JuhuGiriraj Swami read and spoke from Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.53.

“The only thing that matters to Krishna is if we want to serve Him with love. So there is no point trying to change the type of work that we perform according to our natures, because we will be forced to perform that type of work anyway, and Krishna does not discriminate between different types of service. He accepts all types of service equally. What He does consider is the mood of devotion—the purity of purpose. That said, there is a special service that Krishna especially appreciates—the service of preaching. In the Bhagavad-gita He says that for one who explains the confidential science of the Bhagavad-gita to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Him. Lord Krishna says, ‘There is no servant in this world more dear to Me, nor will there ever be one more dear.’ And that service can be done by anyone. It is the same process of sravanam kirtanam performed by every devotee, but instead of doing it alone one does it with others.”

SB 6.1.53 Juhu Beach

Radha’s Tears (Album 128 photos)
→ Dandavats.com

Indradyumna Swami: The lake of Mansarovara was formed by the tears of Radharani when She was angry with Krsna for arriving late at the Rasa Dance. The natural scenic beauty of the spot was perfect for our bhajans and discussions on the pastime. We all enjoyed a surprise visit by Deena Bandhu prabhu who enlightened us with his deep knowledge of Sri Vrindavan Dhama. Read more ›

Back to the Streets: New York’s Hare Krishna Movement Grows! (5 min video)
→ Dandavats.com

Lilah, a student at NYU, frequently walked past our chanting party at Union Square. Her mother remembered seeing the devotees chanting in the 1970s. Lilah decided to do a video story on the return of Hare Krishna chanting to the streets for a school project. Her friend Ronan was her cameraman. For hours she interviewed devotees involved in the harinama party and in the Brooklyn temple and produced this brief video Read more ›