Prabhupada Letters :: Anthology 2014-11-08 03:31:00 →
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Websites from the ISKCON Universe
Continuing from the third verse, we conclude the four-verse Bhāgavatam-core with Canto Two, Chapter Nine, Text Thirty-Six
etāvad eva jijñāsyaḿ tattva-jijñāsunātmanaḥ |
anvaya-vyatirekābhyāḿ yat syāt sarvatra sarvadā ||
Brahmā: How can I personally realize all these things?
Hari: You must certainly investigate them to the fullest extent!
Brahmā: How?
Hari: By inquiring.
Brahmā: From who?
Hari: From individuals who have themselves comprehended these truths.
Brahmā: How did they realize these truths?
Hari: By their own investigative inquiry.
Brahmā: From who?
Hari: From those who inquired before them.
Brahmā: Does this chain of inquiry have an origin?
Hari: I am the origin. It is only by my mercy that anyone can realize anything about me, who am beyond everyone. My mercy spreads out in the world through those who have already availed themselves of it.
To put it simply, I am saying that you will learn the method of realizing these truths by inquiring from one who has already realized, guru. Without receiving my mercy through this channel, it’s not possible to comprehend me by independent conjecture.
Brahmā: How should I inquire?
Hari: Always and everywhere, directly and indirectly.
Brahmā: Would you elaborate on “always and everywhere”?
Hari: There is no circumstance in which you cannot strive for me. No matter who you are, where you are, when you are, or what your condition is – pious or impious – you can always immediately strive for me via sincere inquiry and investigation.
Another implication is that the process of searching for me is itself transcendental and eternal. Even in perfection, the essence of this adventure does not cease.
Brahmā: Would you elaborate on “directly and indirectly.”
Hari: Inquire directly: “What am I?”, and indirectly: “What am I not?” Directly: “What is the Absolute Truth?” Indirectly: “What is ignorance of the Absolute Truth?” Inquire about the value of my love, and the worthlessness not having my love. Inquire about the direct taste of my love when united with me, and the indirect taste of my love when separated from me.
Who | Sacred Sounds |
When |
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Where |
Rutgers University (map)
New Brunswick, NJ, USA
I used to have a Deviant Art account. I would post my digital photos and some poetry and for a time I really liked it. Then Flickr came along and I stopped. Also, Instagram came along and made the Photoshop process of turning normal images into photos that looked like medium format shots became all too easy. I stopped taking photos all together, until I rediscovered film and started this blog.
So I’ve been thinking about restarting my Deviant Art account, but I’m not really sure why. I’d still continue this blog, of course, but it’s nice to have all my photos in an easy-to-view place specifically set aside for people who insist upon calling themselves artists. Flickr is great, but there’s just so much out there and not as user-friendly (especially the newish Flickr incarnation.
I first captured the above scene in 2006 with a digital camera. I later doctored the image and posted it to DA. You can still view it here along with my other stuff – some of it from nine years ago.
You can also view this shot on Flickr.
28 Sep – 11 Oct 2013
Australia is always a country full of programs. As soon as he arrived in Melbourne, Kadamba Kanana Swami went into full-speed mode to participate in the many programs that were planned for him which included a visit to the Botanical Gardens, the university, many programs at the temple and a seminar based on the Sri Hamsaduta. It was a full schedule with lots of opportunity to hear from Maharaja. Below you can find recordings of all the classes. Video recordings were made and edited by Russel Sara and Syamachandra das.
If some videos cannot be viewed below, then please visit the youtube channel of Russel Sara. This channel has all the recent, as well as older videos, of Kadamba Kanana Swami in Melbourne.
29 Sep 2013
(Watch on youtube)
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
29 sep 2013
(Watch on youtube)
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
(Watch on youtube)
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
(Watch on youtube)
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
4 Oct 2013
(Watch on youtube)
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
6 Oct 2013
(Download mp3 - right click & save as…)
8 Oct 2013
(Watch on youtube)
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
9 Oct 2013
(Watch on youtube)
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
10 Oct 2013
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
6 Oct 2013
(Watch on youtube)
(Download mp3 – right click & save as…)
The devotees in Melbourne organized a harinam around the city center and afterwards joined Kadamba Kanana Swami at the Botanical Gardens for a lovely picnic. Maharaja led some bhajans to increase the appetite for the holy name and for the wonderful picnic prasadam. (Watch on youtube)
Sri Hamsaduta, a book by Srila Rupa Goswami. Seminar by Kadamba Kanana Swami, October 2013
Part 1 – 1 Oct 2013 (Watch on youtube)
Part 2 – 2 Oct 2013 (Watch on youtube)
Part 3 – 3 Oct 2013 (Watch on youtube)
(Kindly recorded and edited by Russel Sara and Syamacandra Das. Thank you!)
Mantra Meditation with Kadamba Kanana Swami at the University of Melbourne, Bhakti Yoga Club. (Watch on youtube)
11 Oct – 18 Oct 2013
The next part of the Australia Experience was Sydney. Kadamba Kanana Swami arrived here on 11 October. After being fetched from the aiport by Nayanabhiram prabhu, he went to the Sydney Temple which is where he stayed. During this time, Maharaja gave the morning Srimad Bhagavatam classes. Other programs were also planned like a short discourse on Sri Hamsaduta which was similar to the seminar presented in Melbourne and he visited Wahroonga, Cronulla, Heart & Soul studio and Govinda Valley.
Cronulla is more than just the beach and surfing. You have the Heart & Soul cafe and an affiliated yoga studio. Kadamba Kanana Swami was invited to give a class on yoga philosophy on 12 October. A few days later, on 15 October, he led an evening of mantra mediation and kirtan for the local yoga attendees.
(Listen Part 1 on Soundcloud)
(Listen Part 2 on Soundcloud)
Govinda Valley offers a peaceful and quiet environment and Maharaja took this opportunity to recuperate. On Monday, Maharaja visited a local spa for some relaxation and treatments.
On Tuesday, he visited the Valley to meet with his friends and disciples. Our family got extended again during a small and private initiation ceremony. We welcome Pritha devi dasi, Madhava dasa and Arjuna das to the family. Silpa Karini devi dasi received second initiation.
After a very busy time in Australia, Maharaja found time to hop over to Canberra for the weekend and later on also to Brisbane. Australia is always exciting and busy. On the 28 October, Maharaja left for Vrindavan. Time for some rest and introspection in India. A Swami’s life is never quiet.
Event: Tour Of New Vrindaban
Date: Saturday, November 9th, 2013
Time: 10:00 am to 1:30 pm
Place: Starting at the Bahulaban Barn
Dear New Vrindaban residents and well-wishers,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
As you may be aware, the board members of ISKCON New Vrindaban and ECO-Vrindaban will gather for a bi-annual face to face joint boards’ meeting the weekend of November 8th – 10th, 2013.
On behalf of the board members, I invite you to join us on a tour through parts of New Vrindaban. We will start at Bahulaban and include stops at the Old Vrindaban Farm, Srila Prabhupada’s Palace, Garden of Seven Gates and perhaps a few other locations as well.
Our goal is to visit each of these places before having more in depth discussions about them throughout the weekend.
We would be pleased if you accompany us and express your cares and concerns, ask questions and engage in open dialog along the way.
We appreciate your participation and look forward to seeing you!
Hare Krishna.
Your servant,
Jaya Krsna dasa
ISKCON New Vrindaban Community President
P.S. While this is a walking tour of each location, we will be driving from one place to the next. Please make sure to arrange your transportation ahead of time. Immediately afterwards we will partake in lunch Prasad at the Temple and you are welcome to join us then as well.
Well the coal black sea waits for me me me
The coal black sea waits forever
The waves hit the shore
Crying more more more
But the coal black sea waits forever
The tornados come up the coast they run
Hurricanes rip the sky forever
Though the weathers change
the sea remains the same
The coal black sea waits forever
There are ashes spilt through collective guilt
People rest at sea forever
Since they burnt you up
Collect you in a cup
For you the coal black sea has no terror
Will your ashes float like some foreign boat
ot will they sink absorbed forever
Will the Atlantic Coast
have its final boast
Nothing else contained you ever
Now the coal black sea waits for me me me
The coal black sea waits forever
When I leave this joint
at some further point
The same coal black sea will it be waiting
The post Due to Internet problems I regret that I cannot post a podcast today appeared first on
H.G Hari Sauri Prabhu(ACBSP) – SB 4-31-2
“O Maharaja Parikshit, this entire universe, with its great, exalted demigods like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, and Lord Indra, is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yet the Supreme Lord has one transcendental attribute: He comes under the control of His devotees. This was now exhibited by Krishna in this pastime.” (SB 10.9.19)
I thought, ‘This is the answer! Just as Krishna comes under the control of His devotees, Srila Prabhupada also comes under the control of his devotees.”
There is another aspect to what Srila Prabhupada taught us at the end. As we recite every day in the Damodarastaka (3): “By such pastimes He is drowning the inhabitants of Gokula in pools of ecstasy and revealing to those devotees who are absorbed in knowledge of His supreme majesty and opulence that He is conquered only by devotees whose pure love is imbued with intimacy and is free from all conceptions of awe and reverence. To this Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, whose belly is bound not with ropes but with His devotee’s pure love, I offer my humble obeisances.”
Of course, Krishna lila is different, because in Vrindavan the devotees forget that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. With the spiritual master, however, there is always an awareness that he is the spiritual master and we are his disciples. Still, Srila Prabhupada was trying to bring us to a higher, more spontaneous platform in interacting with him, which is also the message of the Damodara lila.”
Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day Talk
Today at the temple, many would have gathered to remember the disappearance day of our beloved founder-acharya Srila Prabhupada. I am at work though at the moment and completely forgot that I could tune-in LIVE to hear the remembrance talks. Hopefully, they are recorded and I can listen to them later on.
During my lunch time, I decided to watch any YouTube video of him and the first one that came up was a collection of his time preaching in the western countries. Shortly into the videos, this particular one came up – him in Melbourne 1974.
Smiling at what he said, I continued to honor the Maha Prasad (food offered to the Lord) which I had collected yesterday from the temple.
Thank you Prabhupada for everything.