Janmastami FOLK News Online Edition
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

You can catch Janmastami FOLK news online here. The printed magazine should arrive in your mailboxes this week.

13JanmastamiFolk.jpg In this issue we feature the major festivals of August and September and stories that expand their glories: Mahanidhi Swami describes the elixir of Srimati Radharani’s name and qualities. Our Founder-Acharya shares his appreciation of what Sri Krishna’s Appearance can mean for you and me today. And we hear how Srila Prabhupada’s desire to conserve, research and reveal the treasures of our historic Gaudiya texts is being expressed in the work of the Bhaktivedanta Research Centre.

In a few weeks we will celebrate Jhulana Yatra (Saturday August the 17th till Wednesday August the 21st), Balarama Purnima (August the 21st), then Janmastami (Thursday August the 29th), Srila Prabhupada's Appearance (Friday August the 30th) and finally Radhastami (Friday September the 13th).

Don't forget to mark these dates in your diary. See you then.

The path of progress
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 24 June 2013, Czech Summer Camp, Slovakia, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.2.33)

flowersWe have to look at our life from a perspective as a whole and not just become lost in the moment, “Oh, romantic springtime. Oh, beautiful daffodils and sweet fragrant flowers. Oh, wonderful valleys. Oh, enjoyment in the material world.”

For a while, even when we are enjoying in the material world, it is still not fulfilling. There is enjoyment but it is not enough to fill the emptiness in our heart. But, if we want some, then that is authorized in the Srimad Bhagavatam but within the boundaries of pious life. Not that we enjoy in a sinful way because if we enjoy in a sinful way then we become very much tied up in sinful reactions!

So, those who wish to enjoy the senses are allowed to but within the boundaries of what is authorized. If we desire sexual activities then we must express it in a responsible way. If we want to express our sex desire then marriage is the option. “What do you do? What do you do when you suddenly get attacked by a strong sex desire? What do you do?”

Best is (to do) nothing - that is the best option! But if we feel that we have to do something then it must be done in an authorized way because if we are doing it in an unauthorized, sinful way then we are bound to material existence, and bound to suffering conditions. So, anyone who is somehow or other breaking the rules of scriptures, is binding himself in the future sufferings of the material world. This is foolishness.

So therefore, we must take shelter, as it is mentioned here, we must take shelter of the principles of dharma. In the Srimad Bhagavatam, it is indicated that a man, if he so desires, may get married. Then it is described that the wife is like a fort and that he just focuses himself on this one wife and no other one – only this one, with all the good and bad! And then, there (within marriage) he may satisfy his material desires according to the direction of the scriptures. Then this relationship will actually protect him from lust otherwise lust can drop us in all kinds of directions where we should not really go. So in this way, whatever we do in life, we must always be on the path of progress.

etāvaj janma-sāphalyaṁ
dehinām iha dehiṣu
prāṇair arthair dhiyā vācā
śreya-ācaraṇaṁ sadā, (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.22.35; CC Adi-Lila 9.42)

We should always act according to śreya. So śreya means the long-term benefit, the path of progress. Somehow or other, this path of progress must be on our mind.


Houston Festival of Chariots at Discovery Green
→ Nityananda Chandra Das' Blog, ISKCON Dallas

Yesterday we ventured down to the Houston Ratha Yatra Festival.   About 50 devotees went down from Dallas in a tour bus and several others drove as well.  The festival was held at Discovery Green, an attractive and very popular park in downtown Houston.  This park draws big crowds and many of the general public happily dove into the singing and dancing .

Festival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - Houston

Festival of Chariots - Houston

At the Houston temple we got to have darshan on the beautiful forms of Sri Sri Radha Nila Madhava and see Their magnificent upcoming temple.   We also got to play at the Krishna playground. 

Festival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonISKCON HoustonISKCON HoustonISKCON HoustonISKCON Houston

Houston Festival of Chariots at Discovery Green
→ Nityananda Chandra Das' Blog, ISKCON Dallas

Yesterday we ventured down to the Houston Ratha Yatra Festival.   About 50 devotees went down from Dallas in a tour bus and several others drove as well.  The festival was held at Discovery Green, an attractive and very popular park in downtown Houston.  This park draws big crowds and many of the general public happily dove into the singing and dancing .

Festival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - Houston

Festival of Chariots - Houston

At the Houston temple we got to have darshan on the beautiful forms of Sri Sri Radha Nila Madhava and see Their magnificent upcoming temple.   We also got to play at the Krishna playground. 

Festival of Chariots - HoustonFestival of Chariots - HoustonISKCON HoustonISKCON HoustonISKCON HoustonISKCON Houston

Parts & Parcels: BTG Article – July 1968
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

Back To Godhead Cover - July 1968

BTG Cover – July 1968

The very first mention of New Vrindaban in the Back to Godhead Magazine!

Parts & Parcels
by Nayana Bhirama Dasa
Site Of New Vrindaban, West Virginia

Site Of New Vrindaban, West Virginia

In September, 1965, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami a holy man in the renounced order of life landed in New York and introduced the Hare Krishna movement to the West. The movement is based on the chanting of the holy names of God: HARE KRISHNA, HARE KRISHNA, KRISHNA KRISHNA, HARE HARE/HARE RAMA, HARE RAMA, RAMA RAMA, HARE HARE. It has from time to time known great popularity in India, and now the Swami has set out to spread its influence in America. By July, 1966 Swamiji had already attracted enough young disciples to form the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. located in the East Village at 26 Second Avenue. In the religious corporation papers, it is noted that one of the main purposes of the society in propagating Krishna Consciousness is “to develop the idea within the members and humanity at large, that each soul is part and parcel of the quality of Godhead (Krishna).” The present column, devoted to the activities of the various Krishna Consciousness temples is therefore named Parts & Parcels in keeping with the Society’s mission.

New Hare Krishna centers are constantly being opened in order to fulfill Lord Chaitanya’s prophecy that Hare Krishna will someday be sung in every village and town throughout the world. Our latest center is called New Vrindaban, and is considerably more ambitious than any of our past endeavors. Located outside the Appalachian mountain town of Moundsville, 10 miles south of Wheeling, West Virginia, its purpose is “to serve as a holy place of transcendental pastimes, dedicated to Krishna, the Personality of Godhead.” New Vrindaban consists of 133 acres of land, including a stream with a waterfall and bathing ghats, woods, fields, and pasturage; and a knoll called “Goverdan Hill.” Only a house and a barn stand there now, but plans for the future are evolving quickly. As with all centers of Krishna Consciousness, this one is not located in the material world, but is spiritual by virtue of the work done there in devotion to God. Vrindaban in India is where Lord Krishna displayed His childhood pastimes as a cowherd boy, and one special feature of New Vrindaban is cow protection. Because of the great endeavor to build a spiritual city in the wilderness, with the dynamic determination to create a new and perfect human society, New Vrindaban will not be like the numerous country club ashrams popular with Yoga groups nowadays. Hayagriva Das Brahmachary, co-founder of the project, invites anyone interested to communicate with him c/o the Hare Krishna Temple at 26 Second Avenue in New York

Nayana Bhiram Das Brahmachary

Cooking classes
→ The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland

Indian Festival Menu This Friday 19th July, is the next vegan/vegetarian cooking class with Acyuta bhava and Kasi priya and here is the delicious mouthing watering menu: Lemon Basmati Rice Rajma Curry Aloo Patra (spiced potato swirls) with fresh raisin chutney Vadai (savory lentil donuts) with coconut & coriander chutney North Indian Salad Chai Spiced [...]

The post Cooking classes appeared first on The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland.

The Process Of Improving Habits PT.1
→ Japa Group

"First we should spend one week observing our japa. Because the idea of reform, it is called ‘Japa Reform’, reform means to improve. So you can’t improve something unless you recognize the need for improvement right? If you think everything is fine, then you won't try to reform or improve. So for the first week… because we want to change our habits, our chanting maybe isn’t very good. We want to improve the quality of our chanting, the quantity and the quality."

From Process Of Improving Habits
By Mahanidhi Swami

The Process Of Improving Habits PT.1
→ Japa Group

"First we should spend one week observing our japa. Because the idea of reform, it is called ‘Japa Reform’, reform means to improve. So you can’t improve something unless you recognize the need for improvement right? If you think everything is fine, then you won't try to reform or improve. So for the first week… because we want to change our habits, our chanting maybe isn’t very good. We want to improve the quality of our chanting, the quantity and the quality."

From Process Of Improving Habits
By Mahanidhi Swami

ISKCON Silicon Valley Temple Opening Part 2, July 6, San Jose
Giriraj Swami

9267969020_3a6eda9d3a_c“Mukunda and his wife, Janaki, were actually planning to go to India. It occurred to Mukunda that maybe he should ask the Swami whether or not there was something he could do for him before he went. The answer was, ‘Since you are going to the West coast, why don’t you see if you can open another center.’ That wasn’t exactly what Mukunda had in mind, but he accepted the desire and instructions of Srila Prabhupada. So, he came to collect my husband and me, who at that time, as members of the hippy tradition, were not married but were living together on the top of a mountain in Oregon. We were employed by the federal government to look out for fires. The only fire we were not thinking of was the fire of devotional service. So, they stopped and asked if we would like to join them to open a temple. And I, in my infinite wisdom, asked him, ‘What is a temple?’ And he truthfully answered, ‘It is a storefront painted white.’ “ — Malati dasi

Malati dasi
Devamrita Swami
Vaisesika dasa
Rtadhvaja Swami

Jhulan Yatra Festival
→ ISKCON Melbourne, AU

Jhulan Yatra- the Swing Festival of Sri Radha-Krishna - begins in a few weeks.

13JhulanYatra.jpg In Vrindavana during the springtime Holi festival Krishna performed this festival. It is the perfect object of meditation for those desiring a taste of devotion.

You can personally swing the Lords from Saturday August the 17th till Wednesday August the 21st at 7pm. nightly.

We hope you will join us.

The Lord pulled along by his devotees
→ Mayapur.com

Please view the following gallery: Ratha Yatra Procession ne of the major festivals in Sri Mayapur’s busy calendar is surely Jagannath Ratha Yatra – A “Festival of the Heart”. The Lord of the Universe comes out of His temple to give His audience to one and all. The possibility of rain didn’t prove to be [...]

The post The Lord pulled along by his devotees appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Thursday, July 11th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Comparing Notes

Niagara Falls, Ontario

Bhakti Chaitanya Swami and I trekked along the Great Gorge. He liked it, it’s quite impressive. We even took to the aero car, a moving suspension unit that ski lifts you over a whirlpool of water. Who says that a monk can’t be a tourist and have some fun?

In all frankness we are far from being hermits. Our time together provided the opportunity to gain each other’s association. The exposure to the public is also good. Bhakti Chaitanya and I are both world travelers, although we travel in different directions and end up in different places. Generally we are always with people, formally, for meetings, and less so at festivals. Downtime is necessary, he just came from Siberia.

We compared notes. He said ticks are a big problem over there in Siberia. Many people die contracting fever from them. Also, Russian mosquitoes are huge and aggressive he said. He never heard of our vicious black flies that we have in Canada. The main principle is that there are many little vampires about in both lands in the raw of Siberia and Canada.

What about comparing the people? It seems that wherever there has been a communist regime, people are left with a curious mind, whereas capitalistic folks have become over stimulated. I leave it to you, the readers, to figure out who is who in this regards.

6 KM

Thursday, July 11th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Comparing Notes

Niagara Falls, Ontario

Bhakti Chaitanya Swami and I trekked along the Great Gorge. He liked it, it’s quite impressive. We even took to the aero car, a moving suspension unit that ski lifts you over a whirlpool of water. Who says that a monk can’t be a tourist and have some fun?

In all frankness we are far from being hermits. Our time together provided the opportunity to gain each other’s association. The exposure to the public is also good. Bhakti Chaitanya and I are both world travelers, although we travel in different directions and end up in different places. Generally we are always with people, formally, for meetings, and less so at festivals. Downtime is necessary, he just came from Siberia.

We compared notes. He said ticks are a big problem over there in Siberia. Many people die contracting fever from them. Also, Russian mosquitoes are huge and aggressive he said. He never heard of our vicious black flies that we have in Canada. The main principle is that there are many little vampires about in both lands in the raw of Siberia and Canada.

What about comparing the people? It seems that wherever there has been a communist regime, people are left with a curious mind, whereas capitalistic folks have become over stimulated. I leave it to you, the readers, to figure out who is who in this regards.

6 KM

Put Your Heart Into It
→ Japa Group

Hare Krsna my dear devotees, I hope your chanting is blessed and you are being able to chant with your heart.

Today I was listening to a class of a devotee from Vrindavan and he said some stories of how some devotees are so attached to the Holy names that they can't stop chanting for a minute - I thought it was a very good feeling to have because when we feel attached there is no need to think of anything else - our mind won't wander anymore and we will be able to give 100% to the Lord through chanting.

This is an amazing goal to achieve and it can happen to anyone, even the ones that are in the beginning of devotional service. The main thing is to hear the mantra and  the Lord Himself who is the His holy names come and join us & enter in our hearts and we can feel the eternal relationship of service with Him.

I pray so I can reach this level of service and I can chant with my whole heart absorbed in  the process.

Hoping you all have a nice weekend of chanting and service.

your servant,

Aruna devi

Put Your Heart Into It
→ Japa Group

Hare Krsna my dear devotees, I hope your chanting is blessed and you are being able to chant with your heart.

Today I was listening to a class of a devotee from Vrindavan and he said some stories of how some devotees are so attached to the Holy names that they can't stop chanting for a minute - I thought it was a very good feeling to have because when we feel attached there is no need to think of anything else - our mind won't wander anymore and we will be able to give 100% to the Lord through chanting.

This is an amazing goal to achieve and it can happen to anyone, even the ones that are in the beginning of devotional service. The main thing is to hear the mantra and  the Lord Himself who is the His holy names come and join us & enter in our hearts and we can feel the eternal relationship of service with Him.

I pray so I can reach this level of service and I can chant with my whole heart absorbed in  the process.

Hoping you all have a nice weekend of chanting and service.

your servant,

Aruna devi