faith and the iPhone
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I was watching this interview with Apple CEO Steve Jobs and tech-writer Walt Mossberg on (among other things) the upcoming iPhone. One thing definitely comes through in the video: Jobs really believes in his product. He isn't trying to "push" or "hype" the iPhone. He simply and truly believes that it will be the best phone, iPod and Internet communicator in the world. Such genuine faith is very compelling and much more effective at making others believe similarly than trying to be artificially enthusiastic, as, for example, Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer famously has been.

Indeed, such authentic enthusiasm is the best preaching. In my experience the best way to tell other people about Krishna consciousness is to be so genuinely enthusiastic about it that you can't help but tell everyone you know how great it is (not counting the initial "fanatic" stage that most people go through when they first take up the Krishna conscious practices). Faking it just doesn't work (as Sitapati also recently blogged about). People can tell the difference. Just like I'm sure everyone can tell the difference between Steve Jobs and Steve Balmer's enthusiasm.

faith and the iPhone
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I was watching this interview with Apple CEO Steve Jobs and tech-writer Walt Mossberg on (among other things) the upcoming iPhone. One thing definitely comes through in the video: Jobs really believes in his product. He isn't trying to "push" or "hype" the iPhone. He simply and truly believes that it will be the best phone, iPod and Internet communicator in the world. Such genuine faith is very compelling and much more effective at making others believe similarly than trying to be artificially enthusiastic, as, for example, Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer famously has been.

Indeed, such authentic enthusiasm is the best preaching. In my experience the best way to tell other people about Krishna consciousness is to be so genuinely enthusiastic about it that you can't help but tell everyone you know how great it is (not counting the initial "fanatic" stage that most people go through when they first take up the Krishna conscious practices). Faking it just doesn't work (as Sitapati also recently blogged about). People can tell the difference. Just like I'm sure everyone can tell the difference between Steve Jobs and Steve Balmer's enthusiasm.

Travel: Brisbane city
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The next destination in my travels (a short plane flight away) was Brisbane, Australia.

Brisbane is very different from Melbourne. While the climate in Melbourne is mild, Brisbane is downright tropical. I did not like it very much. Too hot. The city also has more of a never-ending sprawling feel to it, while Melbourne felt more like a central city with distinct suburbs.

I stayed in the temple in Brisbane. It is not as huge or impressive as Melbourne temple, but also managed very nicely by Tirtharaja dasa. Despite being in the city, the temple was surrounded by nature. For example: I was amazed that there were quite a few wild turkeys running around the temple's gardens. My stay was comfortable. The devotees were bending over backwards to host their guests.

Besides the temple there is a Govinda's restaurant in the city center. Close to Govinda's is Atma Yoga, Brisbane's outreach center. It has been in existence a bit longer than Urban Yoga, but is also still quite new. It is managed by the venerable Sitapati dasa and his team of expert devotees.

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to visit either of these establishments, but from what I hear, they are excellent places to be.

Travel: Brisbane city
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The next destination in my travels (a short plane flight away) was Brisbane, Australia.

Brisbane is very different from Melbourne. While the climate in Melbourne is mild, Brisbane is downright tropical. I did not like it very much. Too hot. The city also has more of a never-ending sprawling feel to it, while Melbourne felt more like a central city with distinct suburbs.

I stayed in the temple in Brisbane. It is not as huge or impressive as Melbourne temple, but also managed very nicely by Tirtharaja dasa. Despite being in the city, the temple was surrounded by nature. For example: I was amazed that there were quite a few wild turkeys running around the temple's gardens. My stay was comfortable. The devotees were bending over backwards to host their guests.

Besides the temple there is a Govinda's restaurant in the city center. Close to Govinda's is Atma Yoga, Brisbane's outreach center. It has been in existence a bit longer than Urban Yoga, but is also still quite new. It is managed by the venerable Sitapati dasa and his team of expert devotees.

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to visit either of these establishments, but from what I hear, they are excellent places to be.

Travel: Melbourne
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Thumb Pict3471I took a 6 week break from my PhD study. During that break I traveled to various places down-under. My first destination: Melbourne, Australia.

I stayed in the glorious Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir. It is a beautiful and amazing temple run under the skillful direction of Aniruddha dasa. The temple buildings were originally an old school complex situated in a rich suburb of Melbourne.

In addition to the temple, the devotees also run two restaurants in the city centre: Gopals - an up-market restaurant, and Crossways - a cheaper all-you-can-eat restaurant aimed at massive prasadam distribution. Both restaurants are within 1 minute walking distance from each other on one of the busiest streets in Melbourne.

Above Crossways is Urban Yoga, a newly opened outreach center. A place for yoga, meditation, discussion, cooking classes, etc. Tri Yuga skillfully manages this inspiring program. Many young people are taking advantage and developing an interest in Krishna consciousness in this convivial setting.

I took many pictures during my visit. They are viewable in the gallery section of this website.

Travel: Melbourne
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Thumb Pict3471I took a 6 week break from my PhD study. During that break I traveled to various places down-under. My first destination: Melbourne, Australia.

I stayed in the glorious Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir. It is a beautiful and amazing temple run under the skillful direction of Aniruddha dasa. The temple buildings were originally an old school complex situated in a rich suburb of Melbourne.

In addition to the temple, the devotees also run two restaurants in the city centre: Gopals - an up-market restaurant, and Crossways - a cheaper all-you-can-eat restaurant aimed at massive prasadam distribution. Both restaurants are within 1 minute walking distance from each other on one of the busiest streets in Melbourne.

Above Crossways is Urban Yoga, a newly opened outreach center. A place for yoga, meditation, discussion, cooking classes, etc. Tri Yuga skillfully manages this inspiring program. Many young people are taking advantage and developing an interest in Krishna consciousness in this convivial setting.

I took many pictures during my visit. They are viewable in the gallery section of this website.

Servant's Report 2007-04-20 12:54:51
→ Servant's Report

Emotions all mixed up. Thoughts bring dualities, one moment happiness and then distress. I have someone, finally, a spiritual partner- dreaming of this my whole life. But then mother is now in the hospital, broken down after years of struggle. I’m with a spiritual master, serving and learning. But sister is not better, no end in sight.

I don’t know where I’m going, afraid to plan. For when everything seems to be falling into place, just like that all topsy-turvy again, like the castle in the sand.

Servant's Report 2007-04-20 12:54:51
→ Servant's Report

Emotions all mixed up. Thoughts bring dualities, one moment happiness and then distress. I have someone, finally, a spiritual partner- dreaming of this my whole life. But then mother is now in the hospital, broken down after years of struggle. I’m with a spiritual master, serving and learning. But sister is not better, no end in sight.

I don’t know where I’m going, afraid to plan. For when everything seems to be falling into place, just like that all topsy-turvy again, like the castle in the sand.

Vedicsoc session #2.20 two hours and remote control
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Just two people for the last session before the easter break. I discussed a little bit about the story of Srila Prabhupada and all the amazing things he did. We also discussed some general questions and answers.
Use of technology: everyone is really impressed by my using the Apple Remote to effortlessly control the background music of the yoga. Since the thing is so small that it can be concealed within the palm of my hand, it appeared that I was controlling the sound by the power of my mind. Doing the same thing with one of the Windows Media Center remote controls that come with some PCs would have been impossible.
Realization from the last few weeks: 2 hours are is long for a session. I was okay last year, but now almost everyone excuses themselves after 1.5 hours and leaves. Some people can only stay for 1 hour. Better to have fewer shorter sessions for the busy people of today's world that are under the illusion that 2 hours is too long to spend doing any one thing in any one place.

Vedicsoc session #2.20 two hours and remote control
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Just two people for the last session before the easter break. I discussed a little bit about the story of Srila Prabhupada and all the amazing things he did. We also discussed some general questions and answers.
Use of technology: everyone is really impressed by my using the Apple Remote to effortlessly control the background music of the yoga. Since the thing is so small that it can be concealed within the palm of my hand, it appeared that I was controlling the sound by the power of my mind. Doing the same thing with one of the Windows Media Center remote controls that come with some PCs would have been impossible.
Realization from the last few weeks: 2 hours are is long for a session. I was okay last year, but now almost everyone excuses themselves after 1.5 hours and leaves. Some people can only stay for 1 hour. Better to have fewer shorter sessions for the busy people of today's world that are under the illusion that 2 hours is too long to spend doing any one thing in any one place.

High school reunion
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klassentreffenI went to a Klassentreffen (high school reunion) of my former high school in Germany (the Taunusschule K??nigstein) over the Christmas vacation. It was interesting and nice to see all my school mates again.
Funny that at least one third of them had been to New Zealand in the last 10 years. NZ must be a very popular destination for Germans. Tons of them take an interest in Krishna consciousness while they are there, that's for sure (non from my high school, though).

A few of the people were still students, but most have graduated now. Lots of people working for the various many banks in Frankfurt.

Only one other PhD I heard of (someone doing a PhD in chemistry). One medical doctor though.

A gallery of pictures is on my website.

High school reunion
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klassentreffenI went to a Klassentreffen (high school reunion) of my former high school in Germany (the Taunusschule K??nigstein) over the Christmas vacation. It was interesting and nice to see all my school mates again.
Funny that at least one third of them had been to New Zealand in the last 10 years. NZ must be a very popular destination for Germans. Tons of them take an interest in Krishna consciousness while they are there, that's for sure (non from my high school, though).

A few of the people were still students, but most have graduated now. Lots of people working for the various many banks in Frankfurt.

Only one other PhD I heard of (someone doing a PhD in chemistry). One medical doctor though.

A gallery of pictures is on my website.

Video blogging
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The market for amateur video content on the Internet is growing rapidly. A creative and unique video weblog (also known as vLog) can attract millions of young viewers. Carana Renu also recently blogged about this opportunity.

Market analysis
Vlogging is the practice of posting low-budget home-made video on a blog website. User created content on the net is exploding. It even has big-media companies worried. People might stop watching their stuff (heaven forbid). People are already watching less TV and spending more time on the Internet.

More successful companies like Google have also entered the market. Google recently bought an up and coming video sharing website (YouTube) for $1.65 billion. Analysts estimate that the total market worth of online video in the United States alone will be $7 billion in 2010.

Technical background information
Media players like the Apple iPod, most smartphones and the newly introduced iPhone all play video content. Practically all computers can, of course, also play video. These devices can be set to automatically download video from the Internet for later playback on the go (using a process call podcasting and rss feeds). Many people watch vlog content they have subscribed to while e.g. on the train to work. They get the new episodes automatically delivered to their device as they are published. They watch the shows they want to watch, when they want to watch them. It is time shifted TV (with more interesting content).

Examples of vlogs
All successfully vlogs have a few things in common: they have their own unique style and personality and don't try to copy something that already exists. They are fresh, funny, creative and hosted by energetic presenters who genuinely care about what they are doing. A good length for a video 3 - 5 minutes.

Here are some examples of successful vlogs:
Ask a Ninja
Jetset Show
Happy Slip

Potential benefit of a Krishna conscious vlog
The Internet is the Maha-Brihad Mrdanga of our time. A normal mrdanga can be heard only in a small radius, while Bhaktisiddhanta Saravati's brihad mrdanga was book distribution. But books have to be printed and physically distributed. The Internet is not bound by physical limitations. Content can be distributed to an almost unlimited number of people, as long as they are willing to watch. More and more people are coming online every day, all seeking interesting and entertaining content. For example: 300,000 people download each episode of Rocketboom and 100 million videos are downloaded from YouTube each day! YouTube recently had an award competition for the best online videos of 2006.

Most Krishna conscious video content that I've seen freely available on the Internet is either low quality or very old. Some DVD material is much better, but suffers from very limited distribution and is too long for the short attention spans of today's youth.

A Krishna conscious vlog done correctly could have major local and global impact!

A show that covers issues local to the city will naturally attract views in that city and connect with the local population. Moreover, a member of the media (i.e. a person with a camera, distribution mechanism and audience) has a license to interview almost anyone. The vlog presenters could have access to the local celebrities, asking them relevant spiritual questions, selling them books and maybe even introducing them to Krishna consciousness. Another George Harrison would work wonders for KC. Of course, such a vlog would also help attract people to the local center or temple.
Vlog content could be be re-used globally as part of presentations anywhere in the world.

Possible topics

  • Authoritatively smashing the bogus so-called spiritual activities
  • Interviews with celebrities
  • Ask a Hare Krishna
  • Interviews with normal people on the street
  • Highlighting the evils and dangers of birth, death, disease and old age
  • Answering viewer submitted questions
  • Teaching of yoga postures with KC commentary
  • Enticing people with images of the prasasdam
  • Video renditions of plays
  • Covering of local news and current events from a spiritual angle
  • Covering the festivals in a "news" style
  • Teaching Krishna conscious philosophy and science (but keep it short, light and funny)

Potential problems

  1. The production quality could be too low, or the content could not be interesting enough for normal people and no one would end up watching the vlog.
  2. Someone creating a devotee vlog might not have had enough expose to the vlog medium to be able to style it in such a way that it is successful and attractive to audience.
  3. The hosts might will not have the necessary enthusiasm (which will come through in the video) and it will not be very attractive.
  4. Devotees might start, but, after a few episodes, loose interest/motivation and fail to produce new shows. The project would eventually fizzle out and disappear like many, many one-off hit videos that are popular one day and forgotten the next. The only successful vlogs are the ones that remain popular episode after episode.

Video blogging is a new upcoming style of media. A Krishna conscious vlog is a great, fun opportunity to communicate Krishna consciousness to millions of people. Someone should do it. In fact, everyone should do it.

Video blogging
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The market for amateur video content on the Internet is growing rapidly. A creative and unique video weblog (also known as vLog) can attract millions of young viewers. Carana Renu also recently blogged about this opportunity.

Market analysis
Vlogging is the practice of posting low-budget home-made video on a blog website. User created content on the net is exploding. It even has big-media companies worried. People might stop watching their stuff (heaven forbid). People are already watching less TV and spending more time on the Internet.

More successful companies like Google have also entered the market. Google recently bought an up and coming video sharing website (YouTube) for $1.65 billion. Analysts estimate that the total market worth of online video in the United States alone will be $7 billion in 2010.

Technical background information
Media players like the Apple iPod, most smartphones and the newly introduced iPhone all play video content. Practically all computers can, of course, also play video. These devices can be set to automatically download video from the Internet for later playback on the go (using a process call podcasting and rss feeds). Many people watch vlog content they have subscribed to while e.g. on the train to work. They get the new episodes automatically delivered to their device as they are published. They watch the shows they want to watch, when they want to watch them. It is time shifted TV (with more interesting content).

Examples of vlogs
All successfully vlogs have a few things in common: they have their own unique style and personality and don't try to copy something that already exists. They are fresh, funny, creative and hosted by energetic presenters who genuinely care about what they are doing. A good length for a video 3 - 5 minutes.

Here are some examples of successful vlogs:
Ask a Ninja
Jetset Show
Happy Slip

Potential benefit of a Krishna conscious vlog
The Internet is the Maha-Brihad Mrdanga of our time. A normal mrdanga can be heard only in a small radius, while Bhaktisiddhanta Saravati's brihad mrdanga was book distribution. But books have to be printed and physically distributed. The Internet is not bound by physical limitations. Content can be distributed to an almost unlimited number of people, as long as they are willing to watch. More and more people are coming online every day, all seeking interesting and entertaining content. For example: 300,000 people download each episode of Rocketboom and 100 million videos are downloaded from YouTube each day! YouTube recently had an award competition for the best online videos of 2006.

Most Krishna conscious video content that I've seen freely available on the Internet is either low quality or very old. Some DVD material is much better, but suffers from very limited distribution and is too long for the short attention spans of today's youth.

A Krishna conscious vlog done correctly could have major local and global impact!

A show that covers issues local to the city will naturally attract views in that city and connect with the local population. Moreover, a member of the media (i.e. a person with a camera, distribution mechanism and audience) has a license to interview almost anyone. The vlog presenters could have access to the local celebrities, asking them relevant spiritual questions, selling them books and maybe even introducing them to Krishna consciousness. Another George Harrison would work wonders for KC. Of course, such a vlog would also help attract people to the local center or temple.
Vlog content could be be re-used globally as part of presentations anywhere in the world.

Possible topics

  • Authoritatively smashing the bogus so-called spiritual activities
  • Interviews with celebrities
  • Ask a Hare Krishna
  • Interviews with normal people on the street
  • Highlighting the evils and dangers of birth, death, disease and old age
  • Answering viewer submitted questions
  • Teaching of yoga postures with KC commentary
  • Enticing people with images of the prasasdam
  • Video renditions of plays
  • Covering of local news and current events from a spiritual angle
  • Covering the festivals in a "news" style
  • Teaching Krishna conscious philosophy and science (but keep it short, light and funny)

Potential problems

  1. The production quality could be too low, or the content could not be interesting enough for normal people and no one would end up watching the vlog.
  2. Someone creating a devotee vlog might not have had enough expose to the vlog medium to be able to style it in such a way that it is successful and attractive to audience.
  3. The hosts might will not have the necessary enthusiasm (which will come through in the video) and it will not be very attractive.
  4. Devotees might start, but, after a few episodes, loose interest/motivation and fail to produce new shows. The project would eventually fizzle out and disappear like many, many one-off hit videos that are popular one day and forgotten the next. The only successful vlogs are the ones that remain popular episode after episode.

Video blogging is a new upcoming style of media. A Krishna conscious vlog is a great, fun opportunity to communicate Krishna consciousness to millions of people. Someone should do it. In fact, everyone should do it.

DHL Hell: they don’t deliver
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DhlI ordered a new suitcase from a very nice suitcase store in Germany. As with almost every store in Germany, they ship using DHL.
I wasn't in when the delivery was first attempted. The card said "sorry me missed you when we tried to deliver at time: pm". "pm" is kind of vague time, but ok, "no problem", I thought. I'll just phone them and arrange for another redelivery.

So, I phoned the DHL redelivery line and got an automated service. It asked me to speak clearly all kinds of information: package number, my name, my address, my phone number. It offered no feedback as to if it was using some kind of voice recognition, or if some poor soul was going to listen to the recording and enter the data into a computer manually.

So, the day when I asked that the next delivery occur: nothing. I stayed at home all day waiting and nothing came.

So, I phone DHL again. This time working my way though the number menu until I finally get a human being one the phone. The guy tells me that "yes, we've been having some trouble with the automated system, I'll manually book a delivery for you". So, I arrange for a delivery the next day and ... nothing. Again, no DHL package for me.

So, once again I phone the (expensive) DHL line. This time I insist that they phone the local distribution office and find out that is going wrong. The person in the local office tells me that someone has just phoned them to pick up my package from the depot. "What?! I certainly didn't phone to pick up my package".

It appears that someone somewhere wrote a wrong package number on my package and that's why the re-delivery attempts were not happening. So, I ask them to redeliver again the next week. The response: "we will try to deliver on Monday, if not then on Tuesday."

What kind of courier service doesn't know when they will deliver a package?! Do they expect me to stay at home all day for weeks on end waiting for their messed up logistics to serendipitously deliver?!

The lady promises to give me a phone call first thing Monday morning and tell me if it will be Monday or Tuesday.

Monday passes. No phone call. No package. This is getting really annoying.

So, I (again) phone DHL. They tell me that the package has been scanned for delivery and put onto the van, but no delivery was made and no card was left. So, the operator I spoke to thought they must have mistakenly scanned the card and not actually put it into the truck for delivery. They'll deliver tomorrow. Promised!

"Tomorrow" comes and goes. No delivery. I phone DHL again (!) and ask for the number of the local branch. The first person I talk to offers to arrange for a redelivery and phone me back. I say: "no way, not again" and ask to speak to the manager. The manager is understanding and explains that they probably have a new driver who ran out of time yesterday because he was driving in a new unknown area. He offers to personally go down into the warehouse, find the parcel and prioritize the delivery for the next day. I ask him to deliver to it to my office address instead of my home, since, if they mess up the delivery date again, at least someone will be at the porters office in the University at all times.

The next day, I'm in the office, but no delivery comes. So, at the end of the day, I once again phone DHL and ask to speak to the manager I spoke to the day before. His phone rings a few times and then the connection cuts off with a busy signal. I try again after a few minutes. Same result.

So I choose another path through the DHL phone navigation network and get a "customer feedback" representative. She explains that it is illegal for customers to redirect their delivers to alternate destinations (something to do with insurance law). I (completely frustrated at this point and thinking I have no hope of ever getting the delivery) ask that the package be delivered the next day and that she please makes sure this happens, no matter what (not that that hasn't been promised many times before).

I get home and, much to my surprise, there is a big box waiting for me outside my door with a note from my landlord. It turns out that he was doing some repair work in the flat below mine during the day and just happened to be at the door when the DHL delivery truck came (it seems that they re-tried delivering to my home address when they couldn't change the delivery to my office address; although, of course, they didn't think it might be a good idea to tell me about this so I could be at the right location to receive the delivery).

So, after over two and half weeks of trying, I finally have my order. However, it took providential arrangement to make it happen. It seems DHL need divine intervention to successfully deliver a package.

Bottom line: please, if you at all help it, don't ever use DHL!! (and I sincerely hope I cost DHL a lot of business with this blog post).

Philosophical lesson: you are not the doer (BG 3.27).

DHL Hell: they don’t deliver
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DhlI ordered a new suitcase from a very nice suitcase store in Germany. As with almost every store in Germany, they ship using DHL.
I wasn't in when the delivery was first attempted. The card said "sorry me missed you when we tried to deliver at time: pm". "pm" is kind of vague time, but ok, "no problem", I thought. I'll just phone them and arrange for another redelivery.

So, I phoned the DHL redelivery line and got an automated service. It asked me to speak clearly all kinds of information: package number, my name, my address, my phone number. It offered no feedback as to if it was using some kind of voice recognition, or if some poor soul was going to listen to the recording and enter the data into a computer manually.

So, the day when I asked that the next delivery occur: nothing. I stayed at home all day waiting and nothing came.

So, I phone DHL again. This time working my way though the number menu until I finally get a human being one the phone. The guy tells me that "yes, we've been having some trouble with the automated system, I'll manually book a delivery for you". So, I arrange for a delivery the next day and ... nothing. Again, no DHL package for me.

So, once again I phone the (expensive) DHL line. This time I insist that they phone the local distribution office and find out that is going wrong. The person in the local office tells me that someone has just phoned them to pick up my package from the depot. "What?! I certainly didn't phone to pick up my package".

It appears that someone somewhere wrote a wrong package number on my package and that's why the re-delivery attempts were not happening. So, I ask them to redeliver again the next week. The response: "we will try to deliver on Monday, if not then on Tuesday."

What kind of courier service doesn't know when they will deliver a package?! Do they expect me to stay at home all day for weeks on end waiting for their messed up logistics to serendipitously deliver?!

The lady promises to give me a phone call first thing Monday morning and tell me if it will be Monday or Tuesday.

Monday passes. No phone call. No package. This is getting really annoying.

So, I (again) phone DHL. They tell me that the package has been scanned for delivery and put onto the van, but no delivery was made and no card was left. So, the operator I spoke to thought they must have mistakenly scanned the card and not actually put it into the truck for delivery. They'll deliver tomorrow. Promised!

"Tomorrow" comes and goes. No delivery. I phone DHL again (!) and ask for the number of the local branch. The first person I talk to offers to arrange for a redelivery and phone me back. I say: "no way, not again" and ask to speak to the manager. The manager is understanding and explains that they probably have a new driver who ran out of time yesterday because he was driving in a new unknown area. He offers to personally go down into the warehouse, find the parcel and prioritize the delivery for the next day. I ask him to deliver to it to my office address instead of my home, since, if they mess up the delivery date again, at least someone will be at the porters office in the University at all times.

The next day, I'm in the office, but no delivery comes. So, at the end of the day, I once again phone DHL and ask to speak to the manager I spoke to the day before. His phone rings a few times and then the connection cuts off with a busy signal. I try again after a few minutes. Same result.

So I choose another path through the DHL phone navigation network and get a "customer feedback" representative. She explains that it is illegal for customers to redirect their delivers to alternate destinations (something to do with insurance law). I (completely frustrated at this point and thinking I have no hope of ever getting the delivery) ask that the package be delivered the next day and that she please makes sure this happens, no matter what (not that that hasn't been promised many times before).

I get home and, much to my surprise, there is a big box waiting for me outside my door with a note from my landlord. It turns out that he was doing some repair work in the flat below mine during the day and just happened to be at the door when the DHL delivery truck came (it seems that they re-tried delivering to my home address when they couldn't change the delivery to my office address; although, of course, they didn't think it might be a good idea to tell me about this so I could be at the right location to receive the delivery).

So, after over two and half weeks of trying, I finally have my order. However, it took providential arrangement to make it happen. It seems DHL need divine intervention to successfully deliver a package.

Bottom line: please, if you at all help it, don't ever use DHL!! (and I sincerely hope I cost DHL a lot of business with this blog post).

Philosophical lesson: you are not the doer (BG 3.27).

Vedicsoc session #2.19 rain and taxes
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3 people for this week's session. One new person (though not the person from last week). The new person was a medical student and frequented Brahma Kumari silent meditation sessions. She said chanting Hare Krishna was comparable with mindfulness and other meditation techniques she was used to.

I kept our group chanting going for 20 minutes, because everyone seemed quite alert and was chanting strongly.

We then discussed the second verse of the beautiful Light of the Bhagavad: a book of Chinese Gongbi art, poetry from the Srimad Bhagavatam and purports of Vedic philosophy by Srila Prabhupada.

"The scorching heat of the sun evaporates water from the seas, rivers, and reservoirs, and there is little water anywhere. The people become thirsty and always look overhead for rain, but in despair. Yet just at the right moment, torrents of rain begin to fall everywhere in the land, even on the hard stones, and the land becomes overflooded."

Taxes should be collected in good times and redistributed back to the people in times of necessity. However, corrupt politicians disturb this process by profiteering from the tax collection. In a democracy the blame for this lies squarely with the people. Unqualified people elect unqualified leaders. If the people were qualified God conscious individuals, then they would a elect a qualified God conscious leader. However, as it currently stands, they people elect a leader who is just as stupid as they are. So, the presence of rampant cheating and corruption should be of no surprise to anyone.

"Taxes should therefore be spend to build the character of the people in general. That will bring happiness to the citizens of the state."

Vedicsoc session #2.19 rain and taxes
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3 people for this week's session. One new person (though not the person from last week). The new person was a medical student and frequented Brahma Kumari silent meditation sessions. She said chanting Hare Krishna was comparable with mindfulness and other meditation techniques she was used to.

I kept our group chanting going for 20 minutes, because everyone seemed quite alert and was chanting strongly.

We then discussed the second verse of the beautiful Light of the Bhagavad: a book of Chinese Gongbi art, poetry from the Srimad Bhagavatam and purports of Vedic philosophy by Srila Prabhupada.

"The scorching heat of the sun evaporates water from the seas, rivers, and reservoirs, and there is little water anywhere. The people become thirsty and always look overhead for rain, but in despair. Yet just at the right moment, torrents of rain begin to fall everywhere in the land, even on the hard stones, and the land becomes overflooded."

Taxes should be collected in good times and redistributed back to the people in times of necessity. However, corrupt politicians disturb this process by profiteering from the tax collection. In a democracy the blame for this lies squarely with the people. Unqualified people elect unqualified leaders. If the people were qualified God conscious individuals, then they would a elect a qualified God conscious leader. However, as it currently stands, they people elect a leader who is just as stupid as they are. So, the presence of rampant cheating and corruption should be of no surprise to anyone.

"Taxes should therefore be spend to build the character of the people in general. That will bring happiness to the citizens of the state."

Manchester Gaura Purnima
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Gaura Purnima Manchester GalleryGaura Purnima. The Golden Moon festival. The appearance of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The most important day of the year for Vaisnavas.
This year I went to the Manchester temple for this auspicious event. It was great! The devotees performed a very good play: the story of the Chand Kasi (Maulana Sirajuddina or Habibara Rahamana). A muslim magistrate who about 500 years ago outlawed the chanting of Hare Krishna. Caitanya organized a civil disobedience march to counter the ban. Thousands of devotees chanted in the streets and surrounded the Kasi's house.

The Kasi eventually emerges from his house and discusses the philosophical differences of Islam and Vaisnavism with Lord Caitanya. After debating according the scripture the Kasi admits that the reasons and argument for meat-eating in the Koran is not very sound, but he must accept them nevertheless for the sake of his community (CC Adi 17.170+171). He accepts the Vedas as bona-fide scriptures and passes a law the the chanting of the Maha Mantra must never be impeded.

The ecstatic kirtan after the play confirmed the power and bliss of chanting the Maha Mantra.

The pictures of the day are in the gallery

Manchester Gaura Purnima
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Gaura Purnima Manchester GalleryGaura Purnima. The Golden Moon festival. The appearance of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The most important day of the year for Vaisnavas.
This year I went to the Manchester temple for this auspicious event. It was great! The devotees performed a very good play: the story of the Chand Kasi (Maulana Sirajuddina or Habibara Rahamana). A muslim magistrate who about 500 years ago outlawed the chanting of Hare Krishna. Caitanya organized a civil disobedience march to counter the ban. Thousands of devotees chanted in the streets and surrounded the Kasi's house.

The Kasi eventually emerges from his house and discusses the philosophical differences of Islam and Vaisnavism with Lord Caitanya. After debating according the scripture the Kasi admits that the reasons and argument for meat-eating in the Koran is not very sound, but he must accept them nevertheless for the sake of his community (CC Adi 17.170+171). He accepts the Vedas as bona-fide scriptures and passes a law the the chanting of the Maha Mantra must never be impeded.

The ecstatic kirtan after the play confirmed the power and bliss of chanting the Maha Mantra.

The pictures of the day are in the gallery

Vedicsoc session #2.18 entanglement
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5 people for this week's session, including one new visitor. We did some gentle slow-deep stretch yoga to help heal everyone's bad backs. The then did mantra chanting, as usual. The time passed surprisingly quick. Chanting for 10 minutes seemed like a flash.

We discussed: entanglement.

  1. What entangles us in the thorn bush of material world? (desires)
  2. Why it is difficult to escape? (the more we struggle, the tighter the vines/ropes/modes bind us)
  3. How to get free? (practice karma-yoga (BG4.14) (BG4.22))
  4. How to practice karma yoga? (offer the results of action to Krishna (BG5.12))
  5. How to learn how to sacrifice the results of action? (get help)
  6. How to get help? (surrender unto a bona-fide spiritual master (BG4.34))

Now, after the session, the following quote from a conversation with Prabhupada in the Science of Self-Realization comes to mind:

Mr. O'Grady: The problem is to find this spiritual master.
Srila Prabhupada: That is not the problem. The problem is whether you are sincere. You have problems, but God is within your heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam. God is not far away. If you are sincere, God sends you a spiritual master. Therefore God is also called caitya-guru, the spiritual master within the heart. God helps from within and from without. Everything is thus described in the Bhagavad-gita. This material body is like a machine, but within the heart is the soul, and with the soul is the Supersoul, Krishna, who gives directions. The Lord says, "You wanted to do this; now here is the chance. Go and do it." If you are sincere, you say, "Now, God, I want You." Then He will give you directions. "Yes, now you come and get Me like this." This is kindness. However, if we want something else, that is all right. We can have it. God is very kind. When I want something, He is in my heart directing me and telling me how to have it. So why should He not give directions on how to have a spiritual master? First of all we must again be eager to revive our God consciousness. Then God will give us a spiritual master.

One person revealed a significant source of entanglement for her: a property developer was in the process of dispossessing her of some land she owns. This kind of thing might be expected in a place like Kazakhstan, but not in a place as supposedly civilized as the UK. So, what to do? A long entangling bureaucratic legal fight to the death, or give up and let them have their way?

Any advice? What would you do?

Either way, this situation may be a special favor from Krishna. Krishna takes everything away from those devotees that he especially favors (SB10.88.8). And ultimately, as time, he takes everything away anyway (SB9.4.53).

Vedicsoc session #2.18 entanglement
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5 people for this week's session, including one new visitor. We did some gentle slow-deep stretch yoga to help heal everyone's bad backs. The then did mantra chanting, as usual. The time passed surprisingly quick. Chanting for 10 minutes seemed like a flash.

We discussed: entanglement.

  1. What entangles us in the thorn bush of material world? (desires)
  2. Why it is difficult to escape? (the more we struggle, the tighter the vines/ropes/modes bind us)
  3. How to get free? (practice karma-yoga (BG4.14) (BG4.22))
  4. How to practice karma yoga? (offer the results of action to Krishna (BG5.12))
  5. How to learn how to sacrifice the results of action? (get help)
  6. How to get help? (surrender unto a bona-fide spiritual master (BG4.34))

Now, after the session, the following quote from a conversation with Prabhupada in the Science of Self-Realization comes to mind:

Mr. O'Grady: The problem is to find this spiritual master.
Srila Prabhupada: That is not the problem. The problem is whether you are sincere. You have problems, but God is within your heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam. God is not far away. If you are sincere, God sends you a spiritual master. Therefore God is also called caitya-guru, the spiritual master within the heart. God helps from within and from without. Everything is thus described in the Bhagavad-gita. This material body is like a machine, but within the heart is the soul, and with the soul is the Supersoul, Krishna, who gives directions. The Lord says, "You wanted to do this; now here is the chance. Go and do it." If you are sincere, you say, "Now, God, I want You." Then He will give you directions. "Yes, now you come and get Me like this." This is kindness. However, if we want something else, that is all right. We can have it. God is very kind. When I want something, He is in my heart directing me and telling me how to have it. So why should He not give directions on how to have a spiritual master? First of all we must again be eager to revive our God consciousness. Then God will give us a spiritual master.

One person revealed a significant source of entanglement for her: a property developer was in the process of dispossessing her of some land she owns. This kind of thing might be expected in a place like Kazakhstan, but not in a place as supposedly civilized as the UK. So, what to do? A long entangling bureaucratic legal fight to the death, or give up and let them have their way?

Any advice? What would you do?

Either way, this situation may be a special favor from Krishna. Krishna takes everything away from those devotees that he especially favors (SB10.88.8). And ultimately, as time, he takes everything away anyway (SB9.4.53).

Vedicsoc session #2.16 new day
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I decided to move the Vedicsoc session from Tuesday to Thursday. A number of people told me they could no longer make it on Tuesday and a number of potential people said they never came because they couldn't make it on Tuesdays.

People are so busy.

Two people came. One new person coming for the first time emailed me asking why no one was there on the Tuesday.

We did a little bit of physical yoga and discussed current events from a Vedic perspective.

Vedicsoc session #2.16 new day
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I decided to move the Vedicsoc session from Tuesday to Thursday. A number of people told me they could no longer make it on Tuesday and a number of potential people said they never came because they couldn't make it on Tuesdays.

People are so busy.

Two people came. One new person coming for the first time emailed me asking why no one was there on the Tuesday.

We did a little bit of physical yoga and discussed current events from a Vedic perspective.

Changing Signs
→ Servant's Report

A friend recently told me about how she got her Vedic astrological chart done and it turned out that she was a different sign all together from her Western one. This is because the Vedic one calculates based on the moon rather than the sun, or something like that. So she encouraged me to get mine done too, and I’ve already been thinking about it. But now I’m worried. You see, up to this point I’ve really identified with my Western sign. Since the time my grandmother told me I was a Pisces when I was a young boy I have always seen the many similarities described about that sign in my own personality, both the good and bad. Although it wasn’t easy, I liked being a Pisces. The dreamer and spiritual seeker. Sometimes irresponsible but if he gets his head out of the clouds can do great things in this world. And she also told me about avoiding fire signs—although we would be attracted to each other, we would clash. So whenever I met a fire sign I warned myself to watch out. Stay away, if possible. I did end up having relationships with them and yes, it was never boring.

But now I question myself, if I get my Vedic chart done, what if I’m also something different? Or even worse, what if I am a dreaded fire sign? How will things change? Will I become like them? Was I always that way, but just never realized it? Who am I and who have I been all this time? Did I just become what I thought I was supposed to be based on my sign? Sometimes it is said that we are simply actors on a stage. We make up an image we want others to perceive us as, and often even fool ourselves.

These questions make us realize that we are conditioned in so many ways, and therefore develop various identities based on that conditioning. If it’s not from our sign, it’s based on our race, sex, country or ethnicity. The Gita explains that these are all false conceptions, but the real self is none of these things. The body is actually always changing—in this life from childhood to youth and youth to old age; and changes again into another body at death. But the soul is unchangeable, something completely different. Another friend told me how she was a singer since a young age and then one day, due to overuse of her vocal chords, couldn’t sing anymore. It proved to be a life changing experience as she then questioned her identity and began seriously her spiritual pursuit.

So maybe this will prove to be a good thing; that I will be able to renounce my attachment to my birth sign and the conditioning resulting in that; the story I’ve told myself about my life. For I am beyond all of these things-- I am an eternal soul, servant of the Supreme Lord. That, and that alone, is all I need to realize. With that said, I still hope that I won’t be a fire sign.

Changing Signs
→ Servant's Report

A friend recently told me about how she got her Vedic astrological chart done and it turned out that she was a different sign all together from her Western one. This is because the Vedic one calculates based on the moon rather than the sun, or something like that. So she encouraged me to get mine done too, and I’ve already been thinking about it. But now I’m worried. You see, up to this point I’ve really identified with my Western sign. Since the time my grandmother told me I was a Pisces when I was a young boy I have always seen the many similarities described about that sign in my own personality, both the good and bad. Although it wasn’t easy, I liked being a Pisces. The dreamer and spiritual seeker. Sometimes irresponsible but if he gets his head out of the clouds can do great things in this world. And she also told me about avoiding fire signs—although we would be attracted to each other, we would clash. So whenever I met a fire sign I warned myself to watch out. Stay away, if possible. I did end up having relationships with them and yes, it was never boring.

But now I question myself, if I get my Vedic chart done, what if I’m also something different? Or even worse, what if I am a dreaded fire sign? How will things change? Will I become like them? Was I always that way, but just never realized it? Who am I and who have I been all this time? Did I just become what I thought I was supposed to be based on my sign? Sometimes it is said that we are simply actors on a stage. We make up an image we want others to perceive us as, and often even fool ourselves.

These questions make us realize that we are conditioned in so many ways, and therefore develop various identities based on that conditioning. If it’s not from our sign, it’s based on our race, sex, country or ethnicity. The Gita explains that these are all false conceptions, but the real self is none of these things. The body is actually always changing—in this life from childhood to youth and youth to old age; and changes again into another body at death. But the soul is unchangeable, something completely different. Another friend told me how she was a singer since a young age and then one day, due to overuse of her vocal chords, couldn’t sing anymore. It proved to be a life changing experience as she then questioned her identity and began seriously her spiritual pursuit.

So maybe this will prove to be a good thing; that I will be able to renounce my attachment to my birth sign and the conditioning resulting in that; the story I’ve told myself about my life. For I am beyond all of these things-- I am an eternal soul, servant of the Supreme Lord. That, and that alone, is all I need to realize. With that said, I still hope that I won’t be a fire sign.

For all my working friends out there
→ Servant's Report

"Other devotees play with Krishna as friends on equal terms. They do not know that Krishna is God; to them, Krishna is their lovable friend, and they cannot forget Him for a moment. All day and all night, they think of Krishna. At night, when they are sleeping they think, "Oh, in the morning I shall go and play with Krishna." And in the morning they go to Krishna's house and stand by while Krishna is decorated by His mother before going out to play with His friends in the fields. There is no other activity in Krishnaloka. There is no industry, no rushing to the office, or any such nonsense. There is sufficient milk and butter, and everyone eats plentifully. Krishna is very fond of His friends, and sometimes He enjoys stealing butter for them. One can actually live this way, and that is the perfection of existence. We should hanker for that perfectional stage of life. Krishna consciousness is the process to attain it."

From The Science of Self-Realization, page 295

For all my working friends out there
→ Servant's Report

"Other devotees play with Krishna as friends on equal terms. They do not know that Krishna is God; to them, Krishna is their lovable friend, and they cannot forget Him for a moment. All day and all night, they think of Krishna. At night, when they are sleeping they think, "Oh, in the morning I shall go and play with Krishna." And in the morning they go to Krishna's house and stand by while Krishna is decorated by His mother before going out to play with His friends in the fields. There is no other activity in Krishnaloka. There is no industry, no rushing to the office, or any such nonsense. There is sufficient milk and butter, and everyone eats plentifully. Krishna is very fond of His friends, and sometimes He enjoys stealing butter for them. One can actually live this way, and that is the perfection of existence. We should hanker for that perfectional stage of life. Krishna consciousness is the process to attain it."

From The Science of Self-Realization, page 295

Vedicsoc session #2.15 prison
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Prison bars For this week's Vedicsoc session we got two of our regulars. We discussed prison.

I asked: who wants to be imprisoned? Who wants to be restricted in their activity? Who wants someone else constantly telling them what to do? Who wants their life dictated to them? Who wants to do the same things over and over and over again?

Well, guess what? That is our present situation in the material world.

We all must suffer birth, death, disease and old age. We don't have a choice. The various sense objects control us.

(have you ever done anything you knew was bad for you?)

Breaking the four regulative principles of freedom imprisons us because we turn into animals without free will. Drunkards (and other drug addicts) can't control their senses and become utterly predictable in their behavior. A gambler can't help but gamble his wealth away. Eating meat turns people into violent wild beasts. And finally, illicit sex is the strongest of all. It makes up the invisible bars in the prison of the material world. It makes us desire to remain in the prison even if we know better, let alone if we are completely under its sway.

Even discounting all that, we still can't do what we want. Material nature and our previous activities (karma) control us. I told the story of the blood donor scandal in China that caused millions of people to become infected with HIV and hepatitis. Listen to that story here (really shocking). These people didn't choose their plight, and yet material nature forced it upon them. Again, no freedom.

There is danger at every step in this world (SB10.14.58). Everyone is controlled, but everyone is thinking they are in control (BG 3.27).

So, what is the solution? Eliminate desire altogether? No! That is impossible (BG3.5).

The solution is to control the senses by following the regulative principles of freedom (BG2.64). We must act without attachment to the fruit of our work and practice karma yoga (BG3.19). And ultimately, if we do this, Krishna will help us out and free us from this prison (BG7.14). After all, he is the director of the prison (BG9.10).

I ended by telling the story of King Citraketu. He desires a son and gets lots of joy, followed by even greater misery. However, this learning experience motivates him to become self-realized (after some preaching by Narada Muni). He is later cursed by Uma (Siva's wife) to take birth as a demon. However, he doesn't mind at all. As long as he can remember Krishna, birth in a demon body is irrelevant for him. Siva's response: "just see, such is the character of a devotee".

Tvasta summons this demon now named Vrtrasura to kill Indra (because Indra beheaded Tvasta's son Visvarupa). The demigods attack the giant demon but have all their weapons eaten by the monster (which is kind of depressing for them). Indra consults Visnu who tells him to construct a weapon from the bones of the sage Dadhici. Dadhici is quite happy to sacrifice his body for the higher purpose of killing the demon. He doesn't mind at all. Visvakarma (the architect of the demigods) then uses the bones of Dadhici to construct a lightning weapon for Indra (Indra is the same guy who is known as Zeus / Jupiter in Greek / Roman mythology - hence the thunderbolt).

The demigods once again attack the demon. This time there is an evenly matched fight between Indra and Vrtrasura.

Indra throws his club, but Vrtra catches it with his left hand and smacks Airavata (Indra's mighty elephant). Indra heals Airavata with his magic hand. Vrtra throws his trident, but Indra blows it up in mid-air with his thunderbolt and cuts off Vrtra's arm in the process. Vrtra then uses his remaining arm to attack Indra with his mace and manages to knock his thunderbolt away. Indra is disheartened and wants to give up, but Vrtra preaches to him and tells him to pick his weapon back up and continue fighting. Vrtrasura says:

Everything is controlled by Krishna: only a fool thinks he is in control. If we understand the power of Krishna then we get freedom from distress, happiness, fear, etc. No one wants death, yet is comes; everything is dependent on Krishna, so don't worry: see fame/infamy, victory/defeat, life/death as all the same and know you are just an observer, not the material body.

Encouraged by the sage/demon's words, Indra resumes fighting. He manages to cut off Vrtra's other arm. Vrtra uses his mahima mystic perfection to grow in size and swallows Indra. However, Indra is protected by Narayana-Kavaca which he obtained in a previous story. He cuts a hole in the belly of Vrtrasura and cuts off the demon's head.

Indra and the demigods win the day, and Vrtrasura, the reincarnation of the pious King Citraketu, goes back to Godhead.