Divyavani news: Earth-welfare delegation receives assurances, intervention expected
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(by Jayadvaita Swami - Copyright 2005 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. www.Krishna.com)

NEW YORK The delegation of ??oedemigods?? that sought out Lord Vishnu earlier this week to plead the case of Bhumi, the earth-welfare organization, has received assurances of his help, sources close to the delegation said today. Precisely what sort of help he has offered is not yet known.

The assurances seem to have been given personally to Lord Brahma, the head of the delegation, in a highly confidential message. Brahma then informed the other demigods.

??oeIt was sort of mystical,?? a returning delegate told a reporter for DNS. From publicly available documents, Lord Vishnu is known to live on an island in the Milk Ocean, and ??oewe were all just standing there on the shore,?? the delegate said. ??oeNo ferry, no helicopter, nothing. So we just stood there on the shore and??"what else could we do???"we prayed.?? Brahma meditated for a while. Time passed. Nothing happened. ??oeAnd then all of a sudden Brahma said he got a message,?? the delegate said. ??oeBeats me how he got it. With Vishnu you never know. You stand there with nothing, and next thing you know you??(TM)ve got the whole package.?? Highly confidential information in the message, the delegate said, convinced him the message was for real.

No specifics of the message have been made available to the press. A spokesman for the delegation said only that Lord Vishnu had promised ??oesome sort of intervention.??

In response to a plea by Bhumi, the earth-welfare organization, the delegation had gone to seek help in countering an alleged pattern of political oppression and military buildups the delegates say have become a global crisis. Spokesmen for the major world powers say no such pattern exists.

Political analysts said they don??(TM)t expect changes overnight. Most likely, they said, Vishnu will come up with a long-term plan. But when he finally acts, one analyst said, the action will be dramatic: ??oeVishnu doesn??(TM)t do things small.??

Divyavani news: Earth-welfare delegation receives assurances, intervention expected
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(by Jayadvaita Swami - Copyright 2005 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. www.Krishna.com)

NEW YORK The delegation of ??oedemigods?? that sought out Lord Vishnu earlier this week to plead the case of Bhumi, the earth-welfare organization, has received assurances of his help, sources close to the delegation said today. Precisely what sort of help he has offered is not yet known.

The assurances seem to have been given personally to Lord Brahma, the head of the delegation, in a highly confidential message. Brahma then informed the other demigods.

??oeIt was sort of mystical,?? a returning delegate told a reporter for DNS. From publicly available documents, Lord Vishnu is known to live on an island in the Milk Ocean, and ??oewe were all just standing there on the shore,?? the delegate said. ??oeNo ferry, no helicopter, nothing. So we just stood there on the shore and??"what else could we do???"we prayed.?? Brahma meditated for a while. Time passed. Nothing happened. ??oeAnd then all of a sudden Brahma said he got a message,?? the delegate said. ??oeBeats me how he got it. With Vishnu you never know. You stand there with nothing, and next thing you know you??(TM)ve got the whole package.?? Highly confidential information in the message, the delegate said, convinced him the message was for real.

No specifics of the message have been made available to the press. A spokesman for the delegation said only that Lord Vishnu had promised ??oesome sort of intervention.??

In response to a plea by Bhumi, the earth-welfare organization, the delegation had gone to seek help in countering an alleged pattern of political oppression and military buildups the delegates say have become a global crisis. Spokesmen for the major world powers say no such pattern exists.

Political analysts said they don??(TM)t expect changes overnight. Most likely, they said, Vishnu will come up with a long-term plan. But when he finally acts, one analyst said, the action will be dramatic: ??oeVishnu doesn??(TM)t do things small.??

Divyavani news: delegation seeks relief from arms buildup
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(Jayadvaita Swami's newspaper style article - Copyright 2005 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. www.Krishna.com)

NEW YORK Responding to what many perceive as a needless global buildup of weapons and military forces, a delegation of dignitaries has gone to the Milk Ocean, the reputed headquarters of Lord Vishnu, to seek relief. The specifics of their requests have not been disclosed. The delegation went to express ??oeextreme alarm?? about oppression and exploitation by presidents, kings, and other heads of state, a delegation spokesman said today. ??oeThese kings, dictators, and presidents are unfit to be in charge of anything,?? he said. ??oeThey squeeze their citizens for every tax dollar they can, spend billions on so-called military defense??"in plain words, on war??"and couldn??(TM)t care less about the welfare of their people.??

According to sources close to the delegation, which has yet to return, the dignitaries are acting in sympathy with Bhumi, the earth-welfare organization, known by its symbol of a cow. The delegates are convinced, the source said, that Bhumi ??oeauthentically represents the welfare of the earth.??

??oeThe stories Bhumi told us were appalling,?? one delegate was quoted to have said. ??oeWhole countries devastated, villagers driven from their homes, innocent people killed and tortured. And this??"it??(TM)s so sickening??"all over the world. And for what? So a handful of politicians and money men can suck up as much oil and gold and power as they can? If you ask me, they??(TM)re just demons.??

This ??oemurder for money,?? the spokesman alleged, is going on practically worldwide??"in Africa, South America, the Middle East, the Far East. ??oeAnd is Europe exempt??? he asked. ??oeName me a place, I??(TM)ll show you the terror and oppression.??

The delegates, reporters were told, are headed by Lord Brahma, the eminent scientist, engineer, philanthropist, and scholar. Lord Vishnu, it is believed, has yet to respond. But the delegation spokesman was optimistic: ??oeWe??(TM)re confident that he will.??

Only Lord Vishnu, the delegation is said to think, is powerful enough to intervene. ??oeWithout him,?? the spokesman said, ??oewe??(TM)re hopeless.??

In Washington, the State Department declined comment. But in London a spokesman for the Foreign Office dismissed the delegation as ??oea pack of extremists and fanatics.?? In India a spokesman for King Kamsa of Mathura, characterized by Bhumi as particularly cruel and despotic, said, ??oeThe king is unaware of any such delegation.??

Whatever the outcome, a Bhumi spokesman said, Bhumi is ??oeextremely grateful?? to the delegation. ??oeWhat can I say??? the spokesman told reporters. ??oeThey??(TM)re demigods.??

Divyavani news: delegation seeks relief from arms buildup
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(Jayadvaita Swami's newspaper style article - Copyright 2005 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. www.Krishna.com)

NEW YORK Responding to what many perceive as a needless global buildup of weapons and military forces, a delegation of dignitaries has gone to the Milk Ocean, the reputed headquarters of Lord Vishnu, to seek relief. The specifics of their requests have not been disclosed. The delegation went to express ??oeextreme alarm?? about oppression and exploitation by presidents, kings, and other heads of state, a delegation spokesman said today. ??oeThese kings, dictators, and presidents are unfit to be in charge of anything,?? he said. ??oeThey squeeze their citizens for every tax dollar they can, spend billions on so-called military defense??"in plain words, on war??"and couldn??(TM)t care less about the welfare of their people.??

According to sources close to the delegation, which has yet to return, the dignitaries are acting in sympathy with Bhumi, the earth-welfare organization, known by its symbol of a cow. The delegates are convinced, the source said, that Bhumi ??oeauthentically represents the welfare of the earth.??

??oeThe stories Bhumi told us were appalling,?? one delegate was quoted to have said. ??oeWhole countries devastated, villagers driven from their homes, innocent people killed and tortured. And this??"it??(TM)s so sickening??"all over the world. And for what? So a handful of politicians and money men can suck up as much oil and gold and power as they can? If you ask me, they??(TM)re just demons.??

This ??oemurder for money,?? the spokesman alleged, is going on practically worldwide??"in Africa, South America, the Middle East, the Far East. ??oeAnd is Europe exempt??? he asked. ??oeName me a place, I??(TM)ll show you the terror and oppression.??

The delegates, reporters were told, are headed by Lord Brahma, the eminent scientist, engineer, philanthropist, and scholar. Lord Vishnu, it is believed, has yet to respond. But the delegation spokesman was optimistic: ??oeWe??(TM)re confident that he will.??

Only Lord Vishnu, the delegation is said to think, is powerful enough to intervene. ??oeWithout him,?? the spokesman said, ??oewe??(TM)re hopeless.??

In Washington, the State Department declined comment. But in London a spokesman for the Foreign Office dismissed the delegation as ??oea pack of extremists and fanatics.?? In India a spokesman for King Kamsa of Mathura, characterized by Bhumi as particularly cruel and despotic, said, ??oeThe king is unaware of any such delegation.??

Whatever the outcome, a Bhumi spokesman said, Bhumi is ??oeextremely grateful?? to the delegation. ??oeWhat can I say??? the spokesman told reporters. ??oeThey??(TM)re demigods.??

Steve Jobs: Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
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In a speech at Stanford University Apple CEO Steve Jobs talks about his life after dropping out of College. He describes how he used to walk 7 miles to the local Hare Krishna temple to get a good meal.

Hmm, Jobs has been purified by prasadam. Preaching opportunity I wonder?

Steve Jobs certainly was some kind of demigod in his previous life. You need some special kind of karma to create a $2 billion company by the age of 30. He also is reputed to have quite an ego: "My way, or the highway". Another symptom of his having had some serious power in his previous life. Now, of course, the question is: where is he headed next?

In his speech, he also talks about a piece of advice he was given when he was 17. The Srimad Bhagavatam recommends that you live your life as if today were the last day of your life. He doesn't mention the Bhagavatam, of course, but that's probably where he got it from. In any case, he took that advice to heart and has accomplished so much.

So then: let's go out there and do something amazing! (and if we can recruit Steve Jobs' help, all the better...)

Steve Jobs: Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
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In a speech at Stanford University Apple CEO Steve Jobs talks about his life after dropping out of College. He describes how he used to walk 7 miles to the local Hare Krishna temple to get a good meal.

Hmm, Jobs has been purified by prasadam. Preaching opportunity I wonder?

Steve Jobs certainly was some kind of demigod in his previous life. You need some special kind of karma to create a $2 billion company by the age of 30. He also is reputed to have quite an ego: "My way, or the highway". Another symptom of his having had some serious power in his previous life. Now, of course, the question is: where is he headed next?

In his speech, he also talks about a piece of advice he was given when he was 17. The Srimad Bhagavatam recommends that you live your life as if today were the last day of your life. He doesn't mention the Bhagavatam, of course, but that's probably where he got it from. In any case, he took that advice to heart and has accomplished so much.

So then: let's go out there and do something amazing! (and if we can recruit Steve Jobs' help, all the better...)

Compassion for oneself
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Listening to a series of lectures by Sacinandana Swami. He makes a point that I need to heed a little more.

(Based on Sridara Swami's maxim: "Be yourself and contribute.")

"When you are tired, then you need to rest. This is so simple. I remember Prabhupada used to send devotees to bed to rest. When you are tired you become miserable, can't understand anything even in the nicest seminars, develop water in the feet when you become older because the heart doesn't work correctly, etc. When we are tired we can rest a little bit more.

This point is so natural. When you are tired, this means that you are tried. It took me my fiftieth birthday to discover this. It is not maya, or anything else. This is my honest opinion. If you are tired: sleep!"

Compassion for oneself
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Listening to a series of lectures by Sacinandana Swami. He makes a point that I need to heed a little more.

(Based on Sridara Swami's maxim: "Be yourself and contribute.")

"When you are tired, then you need to rest. This is so simple. I remember Prabhupada used to send devotees to bed to rest. When you are tired you become miserable, can't understand anything even in the nicest seminars, develop water in the feet when you become older because the heart doesn't work correctly, etc. When we are tired we can rest a little bit more.

This point is so natural. When you are tired, this means that you are tried. It took me my fiftieth birthday to discover this. It is not maya, or anything else. This is my honest opinion. If you are tired: sleep!"

Comment spam combat
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Just got hit with 7 comment spam postings for an online casino. So now: no more comment spam allowed on this website. After some googling I found what looks like the best spam protection plugin for WordPress. Hashcash makes the commenting client webbrowser generate a hash code before allowing the comment to be submitted. Simple, effective and totally transparent to the user. I like it.

Comment spam combat
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Just got hit with 7 comment spam postings for an online casino. So now: no more comment spam allowed on this website. After some googling I found what looks like the best spam protection plugin for WordPress. Hashcash makes the commenting client webbrowser generate a hash code before allowing the comment to be submitted. Simple, effective and totally transparent to the user. I like it.

Passed (again)
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I had my post-1st-year transfer-interview interview today. My supervisors were very pleased with the corrections and additions I made since the interview. Now I've utterly and completely passed my first year. Finally, the axe that has been floating over my head for the last 3 months has been lifted away completely.

Speaking with Rahil, a fellow PhD student, she said that it took her about a month to get back into what she was actually supposed to be doing. It takes a while for the fog-of-uncertainty to lift.

Passed (again)
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I had my post-1st-year transfer-interview interview today. My supervisors were very pleased with the corrections and additions I made since the interview. Now I've utterly and completely passed my first year. Finally, the axe that has been floating over my head for the last 3 months has been lifted away completely.

Speaking with Rahil, a fellow PhD student, she said that it took her about a month to get back into what she was actually supposed to be doing. It takes a while for the fog-of-uncertainty to lift.

Acupuncture (part 2)
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Having gotten back from my tour of Germany I had an appointment with my doctor, Philip Weeks. I wasn't feeling too bad, so I decided to cancel. I really didn't feel like more traveling. I can't imagine how travel weary the ever-traveling Swamis must be.

Anyway, I found an answering machine message request that I keep my appointment anyway, even if I'm feeling better. Oh well, I thought, I'll go, after all, it's only 5 more hours of train riding. (I'm lucky to have a doctor who actually cares about his patients.)

Dr. Phil asked how I was doing, took my six pulses and refreshed the acupuncture treatment he has given me a few weeks before. Apparently, it had held quite well, though treatments do tend to fade away with time.

After some more diagnostics he decided to apply two more needles. This time in my armpits. The effect was far out: The weird tingling feeling that occurs when a needle connects with an acupuncture point shot down all the way to my hand, paralyzing my arm for about half a minute. Philip had triggered some major shifts of energy in my body.

The next day I felt a little better: digestion seemed to be working.

The day after I felt even better: I could once again digest rice. Oh happy day!

Ah, material happiness = relief from distress. Up and down I go. I hope this experience will prepare me to be more tolerant of the next "down". I'll still need to practice not to be too elated with this temporary "up". Good training for death, in any case.

Acupuncture (part 2)
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Having gotten back from my tour of Germany I had an appointment with my doctor, Philip Weeks. I wasn't feeling too bad, so I decided to cancel. I really didn't feel like more traveling. I can't imagine how travel weary the ever-traveling Swamis must be.

Anyway, I found an answering machine message request that I keep my appointment anyway, even if I'm feeling better. Oh well, I thought, I'll go, after all, it's only 5 more hours of train riding. (I'm lucky to have a doctor who actually cares about his patients.)

Dr. Phil asked how I was doing, took my six pulses and refreshed the acupuncture treatment he has given me a few weeks before. Apparently, it had held quite well, though treatments do tend to fade away with time.

After some more diagnostics he decided to apply two more needles. This time in my armpits. The effect was far out: The weird tingling feeling that occurs when a needle connects with an acupuncture point shot down all the way to my hand, paralyzing my arm for about half a minute. Philip had triggered some major shifts of energy in my body.

The next day I felt a little better: digestion seemed to be working.

The day after I felt even better: I could once again digest rice. Oh happy day!

Ah, material happiness = relief from distress. Up and down I go. I hope this experience will prepare me to be more tolerant of the next "down". I'll still need to practice not to be too elated with this temporary "up". Good training for death, in any case.

Swansea tour (day 11)
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5:00am - all the devotees crowd into a house from a cold and windy mid-summer street in Swansea. The occasion: a pure devotee was departing. Devamrita Swami drove off as we all looked on.

Next stop for him: Finland.
Next stop for me: Manchester.

(also: I've post the pictures I took during the trip: take a look)

Swansea tour (day 11)
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5:00am - all the devotees crowd into a house from a cold and windy mid-summer street in Swansea. The occasion: a pure devotee was departing. Devamrita Swami drove off as we all looked on.

Next stop for him: Finland.
Next stop for me: Manchester.

(also: I've post the pictures I took during the trip: take a look)

Swansea tour (day 10)
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I had recovered somewhat from exhaustion of the journey. Today was learning time. After the morning program I drove with my spiritual master to Dharmasetu's house where he was staying. While there I took instruction from both Vrikash and his wife. They are Indian (Gujarati) devotees who council young devotees in male/female issues. Time for me to learn to understand my emotional side, as deeply buried under my hard technical shell that it is. Also, some lessons in ironing.

A japa-walk on the beach, Sunday Feast program and good spiritual food (prasadam) and it was time to wrap things up. I, of course, apologies for all my stupidities, space-outs and offenses as I was accompanying my spiritual master. DS's response: "oh, you've committed no offenses!"

Swansea tour (day 10)
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I had recovered somewhat from exhaustion of the journey. Today was learning time. After the morning program I drove with my spiritual master to Dharmasetu's house where he was staying. While there I took instruction from both Vrikash and his wife. They are Indian (Gujarati) devotees who council young devotees in male/female issues. Time for me to learn to understand my emotional side, as deeply buried under my hard technical shell that it is. Also, some lessons in ironing.

A japa-walk on the beach, Sunday Feast program and good spiritual food (prasadam) and it was time to wrap things up. I, of course, apologies for all my stupidities, space-outs and offenses as I was accompanying my spiritual master. DS's response: "oh, you've committed no offenses!"

Swansea tour (day 9)
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Swansea was a veritable reunion. Many disciples and aspiring disciples magically materialized in Wales for our brief visit. Kishore Muri das, Simon (ex-yacht captain for the ultra-rich), Stambha Bhava das ("the right kind of ecstasy"), Simon (ex-carpenter who almost single-handedly built/is-building the new Cardiff soul centre), as well as ex-Manchesterites Dave and Hitesh were all present.

Very enthusiastic singing and dancing (kirtan). More rest for me. My health isn't what it used to be (back in 1994 when times were good - yeah right).

Devamrita Swami talked about the ISKCON organization and how people nowadays don't want to "join" a spiritual organization. Organized religion is an oxymoron. The folk notion is that: "only you can know what is right for your spiritual life". We therefore shouldn't hit people over the head with this notion of "joining-up", which might have been cool in the '70s, but doesn't strike a cord in today's world.

Swansea tour (day 9)
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Swansea was a veritable reunion. Many disciples and aspiring disciples magically materialized in Wales for our brief visit. Kishore Muri das, Simon (ex-yacht captain for the ultra-rich), Stambha Bhava das ("the right kind of ecstasy"), Simon (ex-carpenter who almost single-handedly built/is-building the new Cardiff soul centre), as well as ex-Manchesterites Dave and Hitesh were all present.

Very enthusiastic singing and dancing (kirtan). More rest for me. My health isn't what it used to be (back in 1994 when times were good - yeah right).

Devamrita Swami talked about the ISKCON organization and how people nowadays don't want to "join" a spiritual organization. Organized religion is an oxymoron. The folk notion is that: "only you can know what is right for your spiritual life". We therefore shouldn't hit people over the head with this notion of "joining-up", which might have been cool in the '70s, but doesn't strike a cord in today's world.

Germany tour (day 7)
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I spent the night at my parent's house and picked up my German driver's license in the morning. It had been quite an endeavor to get it exchanged for my US military license.

Devamrita Swami and I departed back to England. Dina Sarani departed back to Burg Hohenstein. Carana Renu had departed back to Slovenia the day before.

After a short flight, having arrived back in Manchester, I lost my keys in the taxi from the airport to my flat. Terrible embarrassment: there I was outside my door with my spiritual master unable to let him in. Luckily, my landlord was in town and arrived 30-minutes later, letting us in.

A quick lunch had to be prepared and DS requested Kurma's Pasta Salad (Great Vegetarian Dishes: page 77), which he had greatly enjoyed as lunch on the flight to Germany. This time it didn't turn out so well. Hint 1: use less lemon juice, the dressing needs to be thick. Hint 2: let it sit for a while to allow the flavors to seep into the vegetables.

(also: I've posted the pictures from the Germany trip: have a look, if you like.)

Germany tour (day 7)
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I spent the night at my parent's house and picked up my German driver's license in the morning. It had been quite an endeavor to get it exchanged for my US military license.

Devamrita Swami and I departed back to England. Dina Sarani departed back to Burg Hohenstein. Carana Renu had departed back to Slovenia the day before.

After a short flight, having arrived back in Manchester, I lost my keys in the taxi from the airport to my flat. Terrible embarrassment: there I was outside my door with my spiritual master unable to let him in. Luckily, my landlord was in town and arrived 30-minutes later, letting us in.

A quick lunch had to be prepared and DS requested Kurma's Pasta Salad (Great Vegetarian Dishes: page 77), which he had greatly enjoyed as lunch on the flight to Germany. This time it didn't turn out so well. Hint 1: use less lemon juice, the dressing needs to be thick. Hint 2: let it sit for a while to allow the flavors to seep into the vegetables.

(also: I've posted the pictures from the Germany trip: have a look, if you like.)

Germany tour (day 6)
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Enthusiastic morning program at Goloka Dhama. Among other things, DS talked about how to attract more people to Krishna consciousness. Scores of Germans start practicing KC in New Zealand, but no new devotees seem to come forth in Germany (in fact: another one emailed DS just the day before). What is different in New Zealand? Why can't the German temples spark interest in the German people?

Goloka Dhama is located in the Hunsr? 1/4 ck region of Germany. It is always windy and cold, even in the summer. The heating in the temple doesn't seem to work that well either. The result: all of us caught a cold. I'm still getting over it.

Bala Gopala das initiated me into Reiki healing (level 1). I can now harness the energy of the Bhramajyoti and heal people by laying-on of hands. I'm skeptical, of course. I don't tend to be very much into the more subtle (non-computer science like) sciences, but, then again, anything is possible. It can't hurt, in any case.

Around noon we then set off (in a much too small car) to Heidelberg. After a grueling car trip we arrived in the small temple that my father visits every other weekend. Heidelberg used to be the main, hip and happening, place-to-be, guns-blazing, new-devotee-generating-machine temple of Germany. However, for various reasons, the prime, inner-city temple building became too expensive to continue renting and the preaching fizzled out. The current temple is a two-story apartment in a suburb of Heidelberg. (It does have very good internet access though. Lots of iMac and Powerbook users in Heidelberg temple, it seems)

Sacinandana Swami arrived in time for the evening program. He encouraged Devamrita Swami to speak whereupon he launched into an almost two-hour long soliloquy on how to heal the German yatra. He actually intended to speak about how the same old boring thing keeps going on-and-on in cyclical-time, day after day of Brahma, but Krishna had other plans, it seems.

Germany tour (day 6)
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Enthusiastic morning program at Goloka Dhama. Among other things, DS talked about how to attract more people to Krishna consciousness. Scores of Germans start practicing KC in New Zealand, but no new devotees seem to come forth in Germany (in fact: another one emailed DS just the day before). What is different in New Zealand? Why can't the German temples spark interest in the German people?

Goloka Dhama is located in the Hunsr? 1/4 ck region of Germany. It is always windy and cold, even in the summer. The heating in the temple doesn't seem to work that well either. The result: all of us caught a cold. I'm still getting over it.

Bala Gopala das initiated me into Reiki healing (level 1). I can now harness the energy of the Bhramajyoti and heal people by laying-on of hands. I'm skeptical, of course. I don't tend to be very much into the more subtle (non-computer science like) sciences, but, then again, anything is possible. It can't hurt, in any case.

Around noon we then set off (in a much too small car) to Heidelberg. After a grueling car trip we arrived in the small temple that my father visits every other weekend. Heidelberg used to be the main, hip and happening, place-to-be, guns-blazing, new-devotee-generating-machine temple of Germany. However, for various reasons, the prime, inner-city temple building became too expensive to continue renting and the preaching fizzled out. The current temple is a two-story apartment in a suburb of Heidelberg. (It does have very good internet access though. Lots of iMac and Powerbook users in Heidelberg temple, it seems)

Sacinandana Swami arrived in time for the evening program. He encouraged Devamrita Swami to speak whereupon he launched into an almost two-hour long soliloquy on how to heal the German yatra. He actually intended to speak about how the same old boring thing keeps going on-and-on in cyclical-time, day after day of Brahma, but Krishna had other plans, it seems.

Germany tour (day 5)
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DS rested from the program the night before, so Dina Sarani dd gave the Bhagavatam class in the morning. Afterward we traveled in a (large, well-organized) car to Abentheuer in the Saarland region of Germany. Located there: German Krishna headquarters, Goloka Dhama.

The devotees greeted us very nicely. I felt immediately welcome and at home. Everyone was helpful, personal, welcoming and caring. Lots of families live in and around the temple, but no youth. Everyone is either over 40, or under 10 years old.

The deities (Sri Sri Radha-Madana-Mohana) were transcendentally beautiful. I remember seeing them in a picture at Bhaktivedanta Manor over two years ago and instantly falling in love. Devamrita Swami talked about how he had been under their shelter back in 1978 years ago, when he was preaching in the former east-block communist counties and using Germany as a base. He said how seeing their Lordships again brought back lots of memories.

One first time temple visitor was interested though somewhat cautious. Incidentally, when asked what he thought of the deities, he described how he could not see anything on the alter. After repeated questioning it was clear the Sri Sri Radha-Madana-Mohana had hidden themselves from his vision.

(side node: my spiritual master was situation in Schloss Rettershof temple, a 10-minute drive away from my home town of K??nigstein around the time I was born. Coincidence?)

Germany tour (day 5)
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DS rested from the program the night before, so Dina Sarani dd gave the Bhagavatam class in the morning. Afterward we traveled in a (large, well-organized) car to Abentheuer in the Saarland region of Germany. Located there: German Krishna headquarters, Goloka Dhama.

The devotees greeted us very nicely. I felt immediately welcome and at home. Everyone was helpful, personal, welcoming and caring. Lots of families live in and around the temple, but no youth. Everyone is either over 40, or under 10 years old.

The deities (Sri Sri Radha-Madana-Mohana) were transcendentally beautiful. I remember seeing them in a picture at Bhaktivedanta Manor over two years ago and instantly falling in love. Devamrita Swami talked about how he had been under their shelter back in 1978 years ago, when he was preaching in the former east-block communist counties and using Germany as a base. He said how seeing their Lordships again brought back lots of memories.

One first time temple visitor was interested though somewhat cautious. Incidentally, when asked what he thought of the deities, he described how he could not see anything on the alter. After repeated questioning it was clear the Sri Sri Radha-Madana-Mohana had hidden themselves from his vision.

(side node: my spiritual master was situation in Schloss Rettershof temple, a 10-minute drive away from my home town of K??nigstein around the time I was born. Coincidence?)

Germany tour (day 4)
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A very nice (long) morning class started off the day. Two interested guests talk which DS personally afterwards. He certainly made an impression on them. They both liked his personal nature. "Er ist sehr annehmbar", one Zen-Buddhist/Devotee said.

Carana Renu fixed DS's lunch. Amazingly she (frantically) managed to prepare it in half the time it should have sensibly taken. Good to see things haven't changed with her.

I proceeded to loose my spiritual master's icebreaker merino wool hat in a shopping mall we were walking through. He handed me his jacket and hat, though I didn't realize the hat was part of the package and must have dropped it. A few minutes later, when we noticed, the hat was no where to be found. I am indeed foolish. (I've since ordered him a new hat).

Devamrita Swami's comment: I'm lucky, I could have lost my life.

In the evening we traveled to Aachen for a university program. However, they were unable to book a room at the actual university, so it ended up being held in a nearby flat. The plan was for both Carana Renu (PhD Astrophysics) and me (aspiring PhD Computer Science) to speak in addition to Devamrita Swami. However, it turns out that there were only Hindus at the program, so DS gave a talk trying to get them to actually read the Bhagavad-Gita. They turned out to be quite a lively audience. DS ended up staying much longer than he had planned, answering their questions and arguments.

Germany tour (day 4)
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A very nice (long) morning class started off the day. Two interested guests talk which DS personally afterwards. He certainly made an impression on them. They both liked his personal nature. "Er ist sehr annehmbar", one Zen-Buddhist/Devotee said.

Carana Renu fixed DS's lunch. Amazingly she (frantically) managed to prepare it in half the time it should have sensibly taken. Good to see things haven't changed with her.

I proceeded to loose my spiritual master's icebreaker merino wool hat in a shopping mall we were walking through. He handed me his jacket and hat, though I didn't realize the hat was part of the package and must have dropped it. A few minutes later, when we noticed, the hat was no where to be found. I am indeed foolish. (I've since ordered him a new hat).

Devamrita Swami's comment: I'm lucky, I could have lost my life.

In the evening we traveled to Aachen for a university program. However, they were unable to book a room at the actual university, so it ended up being held in a nearby flat. The plan was for both Carana Renu (PhD Astrophysics) and me (aspiring PhD Computer Science) to speak in addition to Devamrita Swami. However, it turns out that there were only Hindus at the program, so DS gave a talk trying to get them to actually read the Bhagavad-Gita. They turned out to be quite a lively audience. DS ended up staying much longer than he had planned, answering their questions and arguments.

Germany tour (day 3)
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After a small morning program in Burg Hohenstein, breakfast and over two hours of trying to organize suitable cars for travel, we set off for K??ln. When all was said and done everyone arrived just in the for the Sunday Feast program in K??ln. I was surprised at the number of young people in the audience. The program was well organized and very well attended. A full house.

The house itself reminds me of Soho-Street temple. 4 stories, restaurant on the ground floor, temple above that, shop and ashram above that, another ashram above that. However, the temple is located about 5 kilometers from the K??ln city center in a bad part of town. Cheap rent, I guess, but not the best location for attracting people to Krishna consciousness.

Devamrita Swami gave the Sunday Feast talk.

Germany tour (day 3)
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After a small morning program in Burg Hohenstein, breakfast and over two hours of trying to organize suitable cars for travel, we set off for K??ln. When all was said and done everyone arrived just in the for the Sunday Feast program in K??ln. I was surprised at the number of young people in the audience. The program was well organized and very well attended. A full house.

The house itself reminds me of Soho-Street temple. 4 stories, restaurant on the ground floor, temple above that, shop and ashram above that, another ashram above that. However, the temple is located about 5 kilometers from the K??ln city center in a bad part of town. Cheap rent, I guess, but not the best location for attracting people to Krishna consciousness.

Devamrita Swami gave the Sunday Feast talk.

Germany tour (day 2)
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My father, mother and me traveled to an art school in central Wiesbaden. DS was to speak at a program there. The devotees in the Wiesbaden area come together every month for a Saturday-Feast program. Lots of people came. DS talked about the difficulties of being Krishna conscious when dealing with practical matters in the "real world". An old friend of mine, Carana Renu devi dasi, was also there. She would accompany Devamrita Swami, Dina Saranai devi dasi (the GBC for Germany) and me on the tour.

Germany tour (day 2)
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My father, mother and me traveled to an art school in central Wiesbaden. DS was to speak at a program there. The devotees in the Wiesbaden area come together every month for a Saturday-Feast program. Lots of people came. DS talked about the difficulties of being Krishna conscious when dealing with practical matters in the "real world". An old friend of mine, Carana Renu devi dasi, was also there. She would accompany Devamrita Swami, Dina Saranai devi dasi (the GBC for Germany) and me on the tour.

Germany tour (day 1)
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Last week I went on a tour of Germany with my spiritual master (Devamrita Swami).

Arriving in Frankfurt/Main airport we were greeted by Bhakta Marcus and my father. The plan was for me to spend a day with my parents in K??nigstein and Devamrita Swami to spend the day at Burg Hohenstein.

Germany tour (day 1)
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Last week I went on a tour of Germany with my spiritual master (Devamrita Swami).

Arriving in Frankfurt/Main airport we were greeted by Bhakta Marcus and my father. The plan was for me to spend a day with my parents in K??nigstein and Devamrita Swami to spend the day at Burg Hohenstein.