I like Germany. This is partially to do with my having grown up here, but also because Germany has a very deep history and culture. Just turn on one of the many classical radio stations to see what I mean. Of course, any piety that is left in Germany is rapidly dwindling due to the influences of Kali-yuga pop-culture. Such a shame, Germany has/had so much potential.
Example: I talked to a neighbor last week (Frau Schott). A 91-year old lady. She was still sharp-witted, living with and giving advice to her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her body was strong enough to walk up the town's step hills carrying her shopping basket. Certainly some very good karma there for a very nice lady.
I also met some old friends from high-school. It was interesting to hear what has happened to everyone. I can see that they are all just harvesting the results of the karma: some have gotten married (most haven't), some have children (mostly accidentally), some are still studying (forever aimless students), some are working (and are too busy to do anything else but work). I could see, in every case, that whatever my past classmates were experiencing was pre-determined. Everyone was automatically getting their various desires fulfilled by the laws of nature according to their various stocks of pious-credits. Very little free will (although quite a bit of good karma).
The same would also have happened to me. I too would be living the same, old, boring, mundane, dry, been-there-done-that life that everyone seems to take so seriously. But in the period from 2000 until 2002 I gradually made the conscious decision to switch trains: from the Karma-merry-go-round to the Krishna-Express. Looking back, I'm glad I did.
(My eternal gratitude to those devotees who influenced and advised me.)