The four regulative principles. Bhakta Derek who studies at San…

The four regulative principles.
Bhakta Derek who studies at San Jose State University in California joined me for book distribution. Derek was talking to one of the professors who came to the table, the professor mentioned that he tried to meditate but it is very difficult. Derek responded back in a gentle yet firm way. He said, “If one lives a pure life of no meat eating, no gambling, no intoxication and no illicit sex, then one’s meditation is thousand times easier.” The Professor was deeply impressed by his response and he immediately took the book and gave a good donation.
Your servant,
Madhava Govinda Das

The All India Padayatra’s Journey In Kerala & The Devotees…
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The All India Padayatra’s Journey In Kerala & The Devotees Who Helped Them – A Tale Of Vaishnava Kripa.
Acarya Dasa: Our pāda-yātrā party travelled through the state of Kerala for five months starting from April 5th in Trivandrum and then to Kasaragod by September 21st. Kerala is inhabited by people who are mostly of Christian and Muslim faith, despite this we continued on. There were a few obstacles but they were easily overcome by the mercy of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar. Many Vaishanavas helped us during our stay in Kerala and it is through their efforts that we were able to hold many preaching programs and distribute lots of books. This is a dedication to those devotees who assisted us it is also a summary of our journey through this state of India.
Breaking language barriers
We experienced many problems with language because no one spoke Hindi, the main languages are Malayalam or English which, none of our pāda-yātris could speak or understand. Thankfully there was always at least one local devotee who would join us for a few days to make the pāda-yātrā announcements. Satyamegha Dasa from Kottiyam helped us a great deal by recording, in the local language, the announcements we usually make after we have saṅkīrtana and ārati. It worked every well, whenever we played the announcement people would come and take darśana. We also relied on the recording whenever we were not accompanied by a local devotee. He also made two posters stating the glories of Bhagavad-Gita and listing the price. While circumambulating the pāda-yātrā cart people would read the poster and purchase a Bhagavad-Gita or give donations and if they did not have money they would donate rice or wheat. He translated a few sentences for us to speak during the saṅkīrtana too, such as: “The most merciful Lord has come to your door, take darśana. The All India Padayatra walks all over India spreading the mercy of Lord Caitanya who is Lord Krishna Himself, who has appeared in Kaliyuga.”

Trivandrum | Jagadsakshi Dasa & Pesal Gopal Dasa

In Trivandrum we had a lot of assistance from Jagadsakshi Dasa and Pesal Gopal Dasa. Pesal Gopal Dasa the leader of the local Nama-hatta spent almost a month with us and travelled with us in and around Trivandrum. He assisted with the advance party services and informed all the devotee leaders that we were coming to their towns. So, when we arrived they were ready to welcome us and serve Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar with all their hearts.

Yasoda Dasi

We met Yasoda Dasi in a small village near Trivandram 15 years ago when she served pāda-yātrā. She always prayed for the success of the ‘All India Padayatra’ and when we visited her this time she helped us again. She was very happy with our preaching mission.

Cochin | Gopal Guru Dasa

Our journey to Cochin was made easier with the help of Gopal Guru Dasa. The Cochin coast is significant for devotees because it was there that Srila Prabupada’s volumes of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam arrived from Bombay. These books were then loaded onto the ship before Srila Prabhupada left to America. We distributed books in Cochin but quickly ran out, luckily Gopal Guru Dasa helped us to procure more books. Books are the basis and saṅkīrtana becomes powerful when book distribution goes on. Thanks to the support of Gopal Guru Dasa we could do both in Cochin.

Guruvayur | Mehatal Gopal Dasa & the Guruvayur team

We were all touched and overwhelmed by Mehatal Gopal Dasa. He had served Rupa Raghunath Maharaj when he was travelling with us. One day he said to me, “Whenever someone is not well please let me know. I will be pleased to come and serve.” He loves to serve devotees. Just as in Maharastra, Pandharpur is famous similarly in Kerala, Guruvayur is famous. There we were supported by Balaram Dasa, Ashokatma Dasa and Gopibhava Dasa. They assisted us with all our programs and when one of our bulls became ill they all helped us to get him well. The temple president of ISKCON Guruvayur, Lohidas Dasa invited us to the temple as well.

Kannur | Caitanya Rasamrita Dasa & Mr Haradev

We celebrated Janmastami in Kannur. The program was sponsored by Caitanya Rasamrita Dasa, disciple of Jayapataka Maharaj. He also helped us to find accommodation and he arranged fodder for the bulls. Caitanya Rasamrita Dasa assisted us for our almost month long stay in the Kannur district. He not only informed everyone in the nearby towns and villages of our arrival but in addition he asked everyone to make arrangements for our stay there too.

While in Kannur it had begun to rain for several days and dry accommodation was difficult to find. I contacted our friend, Mr. Haradev who works and lives in Muscat, Oman. I told him that pāda-yātrā would be coming to his hometown and if he could arrange some accommodation for us. He said he was very busy and could not assist. We had already planned our schedule and had to move on, but before we could there was more rain and we arrived at the village a day late. Then I received a message from Mr. Haradev saying that he and his family would be travelling to India that night. When we reached the village he was there to welcome us with ārati and garlands. He made all the arrangements for our accommodation, prasādam, the bulls and he gave us a donation. He came with us to all the programs we had in the area which included saṅkīrtana and book distribution.

Calicut | Shyam Caitanya Dasa

In Calicut Shyam Caitanya Dasa helped us with book distribution. He took us to different areas in the city where we had various programs and distributed books.

Vijaymukunda Dasa

Vijaymukunda Dasa from Kozhikode joined us on padayatra for two months. He did all the announcements, joined the saṅkīrtana and distributed books.

Malappuram | Uma Mataji

When we arrived in Malappuram we met Uma Mataji and her husband, a disciple of Radhanath Maharaj. She is actually aspiring for Lokanath Maharaj as her Guru. She heard about the glories of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar and the ‘All India Padayatra’ and had a strong desire for us to visit her town. The town is mostly inhabited by Muslims but we went anyway and had a grand saṅkīrtana program there. One of our pāda-yātris fell ill with dengue fever and was initially admitted in hospital. Uma Mataji, who is a doctor, later took him in and along with her husband took care of the pāda-yātri for 10 days. Her husband also accompanied us on pāda-yātrā for two days.

Kasaragod | Dr Ranjeet & Santana Sankirtana Dasa

We met Dr. Ranjeet at Kasaragod. He was very happy to have the darśana of our Lordships. Lokanath Swami, our spiritual father is very caring and he is always providing us with guidance and advice on our diets and summer protection on pāda-yātrā. So, when he instructed us to drink only filtered water when travelling we followed strictly and bought water daily. Maharaj advised that if we drank the local tap water it may affect our health since water quality changes from place to place. Dr. Ranjeet noticed us buying filtered water and decided to sponsor us a water filter. Now we don’t have to purchase water anymore. Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar will surely bless him. Sanatan Sankirtan Dasa is a Nama-Hatta leader in Kasaragod. He enthusiastically participated in all the programs we held there. He also instructed all the local ISKCON leaders to help us whenever we travelled to their areas for saṅkīrtana.

Trissur | Rajendra Dasa

We met Rajendra Dasa at Trissur when Bhakti Vinod Maharaj was travelling with us. He was very inspired by Maharaj. Wherever we went in Trissur, Rajendra Dasa helped us especially with all our programs.

Kuttipuram | Rasanidhi Dasa

Some of us stayed in Kuttipuram while others travelled to Pandharpur for Lokanath Swami’s Vyasa Puja. This is when we met Rasanidhi Dasa, he took care of the pāda-yātris that remained in Kuttipuram. He sorted out all our accommodation arrangements and the bulls.

Payyanur | Sri Krishna Yadav Dasa

Sri Krishna Yadav Dasa is originally from Maharastra but now lives in Payyanur. He served at the ISKCON Aravade Temple some time ago. Aravade is a small village in the Sangli district, it is a very special place for us because it is the birth place Lokanath Maharaj. When he received news that we would be in Payyanur he invited us to his house. He has a large house and so he arranged for our accommodation as well as for Bhaktivinod Maharaj. He also sponsored the bulls fodder.

Kerala’s special mercy

We received special mercy in Kerala when our pāda-yātrā grew by three more devotees. Patitpavan Jagannath Dasa, Vijaymukund Dasa and Bhakta Brajesh joined us. We were also fortunate to have celebrated Janmastami twice in one year because in Kerala people celebrated on September 12th. Due to all the help we received from the Vaishnavas our visit to Kerala was successful. May Lord Gauranga shower them with His blessings.

The All India Padayatra Book Score

Kerala, 2017

Maha Big Books – 46,163
Big Books – 6,748
Medium Books – 55
Small books – 14,606
Srimad Bhagavatam – 61 sets
Caitanya Caritmrita – 2 sets
Total 67,572,

All made possible by the mercy of our Lordships, Srila Prabhupada, Gurudev and the above mentioned Vaishnavas.

Jai Nitai Gaurasundar ki! Jai!
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Paramatma comes to help again. Ashfield is usually rated as one…
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Paramatma comes to help again.
Ashfield is usually rated as one of the toughest suburbs in Sydney for book distribution, and is famous for it across the Congregational Book Distribution Team in Sydney. I have been there a few times already. So this time I started doubting that anything will go out.
When I entered the van, on the verge of giving up entirely in my attempt, His Grace Radhika Prasad Prabhu enlightened me with enthusiasm to preach. When we were about to go out on the dreaded streets, Prabhu read out loud the peom that Srila Prabhupada wrote on board the Jaladutta. What a devotee. Again I was inspired!
I met a number of people and had unsuccessful attempts. I was on the verge of giving up, when I remembered a verse by Kunti maharani. Obstacles only come so that we can remember Krishna. For once, I had faith in this verse, and bang, everything changed!
This person here was a Buddhist, and I first greeted him with a ‘HARE KRISHNA’ and BANG, we got into a conversation. I was showing him the pictures, and I would explain it to him. At first, he was very reluctantly flicking though the Bhagavad Gita as it is, and I literally clutched my beads, while chanting like I have never chanted before, praying to Parramatma, until, after the longest 30 seconds of my life, he asked, ‘What else have you got?’ He ended up taking FOUR BOOKS- BHAGAVAD GITA AS IT IS, KRSNA, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, The Nectar of Devotion, and SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM 1.1!!!
Your servant,
Bhakta Keshav

A Lovely Lake Of Tears (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami:…
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A Lovely Lake Of Tears (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Prema Sarovara is a lake in Vrindavan that manifested from the combined tears of Radha and Krsna as They were experiencing separation from each other. It is a deeply spiritual place while at the same time it’s external beauty is beyond compare!
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Agnideva prabhu better. Dear devotees, friends and…
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Agnideva prabhu better.
Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers:
Here is the latest update on Agnideva prabhu:
Over the past weekend doctors conducted a CT scan of Agnideva’s chest. The Pneumo Thorax showed clear of any serious damage and no cause for fluid buildup. Amazingly after this test the lung drainage system showed zero fluid. As a result, the doctors removed the drainage pump with tubes from his lungs. They also stopped administering oxygen. He was happy to have his first shower in 2 weeks as well as have some ice, water and juice.

On Tuesday, he was finally moved out of ICU and into the Respiratory ward. He is very tired, speaks with difficulty, but has a great sense of humor. Yesterday he said, “I like to eat, so who is responsible for my meals?” Yesterday he was cleared to have soft foods and ate a few bites. Today devotees promised him mango lassi if he eats his breakfast. The speech therapist, neurologists and respiratory specialists will be seeing him tomorrow. In summary, he has made a great leap forward in the recovery process and we appeal for your continued prayers and kind donations.

Thank you everyone!

Your servant,
Indradyumna Swami

ISKCON Participates in Inaugurating Indo-Iranian Interfaith…
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ISKCON Participates in Inaugurating Indo-Iranian Interfaith Dialogue.
New Delhi – Over two hundred guests including spiritual leaders, scholars, university students and journalists came together last week at the India International Center in New Delhi to participate in the inaugural session of a two day dialogue between spiritual leaders and scholars from India and Iran on the theme of “Spirituality in Hinduism and Islam”.
To read the entire article click here:

“Harree Kreesshhna, please give me some Arabic…
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“Harree Kreesshhna, please give me some Arabic books”
I was rushing through the back streets of Campsie (Sydney) on my return visit to the town after a frustrating search for a parking spot.
There was an elderly Middle Eastern gentleman on the bus-stop seat of an isolated street. I was about to walk past him. But something in me said: I know there will be no chance of him understanding Krishna, but the point is, “the more you ask the more you sell.”
He was shaking from Parkinson’s Disease and could hardly speak, but mumbled something in reply. I suppose he was asking me to get lost. But no!
I put my ears close to his mouth and heard him say “Harree Kreesshhna, please give me some Arabic books” Until he repeated this a second time, I couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
I asked “Oh, wow! How do you know about Krishna?”
He responded, “I think all the prophets that came to this world were sent by Him and ultimate returned back to Krishna. I read a lot of books, some of which specifically demonstrated some missing years in Christ’s life, and that during those years he was practicing mystic yoga in the Himalayas. Well, you know, in those days greater India was not divided by so much fruitive demigod worship. There was just one God, and He was Krishna. All the scriptures say that. So it can’t be hard to guess who Jesus was praying to for mystic sidhis.”
At this point, in my mind I was flat on the ground begging him to be my siksha guru. Thanks to a FEME consignment, I had plenty of Arabic books.

Fortunate souls get Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental…
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Fortunate souls get Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental books (Album with photos)
There is no higher pleasure than to see conditional souls relishing nectar of the Lords Holy Name’s, dancing in ecstasy and taking home the highest treasure of Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental books.
Find them here:

Krishna is a Cowherd Boy (video)The Cow Seva Kirtan Mela…
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Krishna is a Cowherd Boy (video)
The Cow Seva Kirtan Mela Festival was hosted by the Hare Krishna devotees of the ISKCON New Talavan farm community in Mississippi, USA. During the festival, Balabhadra das, president of ISCOWP, gave three Srimad Bhagavatam classes about the importance of cow protection. Here is a video of one of the classes entitled “Krishna is a Cowherd Boy.”
Watch it here:

Conch, the newsletter of the New Govardhana community. THE…
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Conch, the newsletter of the New Govardhana community.
THE MAGNIFICENT TOVP: The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) is a jewel in the sacred crown of Mayapur. Visible from miles away, the structure is a surprising sight amidst the lush countryside.
ISKCON’s Mayapur project – began in the early 1970s with a small plot of land and just a handful of devotees – is now a community of thousands.
The TOVP and its three imposing domes powerfully dominate the skyline. As an indication of its size, Premavatar Gauranga dasa, Construction Manager of the TOVP, explains, “Once aviation lights are installed on the top of the main dome, it is likely to be seen from
as far as Kolkata.”
Lord Nityananda predicted more than five centuries ago that a magnificent temple would be built in Mayapur, and Bhaktivinoda Thakura, as he stood before his window and looked across the Jalangi toward what is now ISKCON-owned land, experienced a spiritual vision of a great temple rising.
In order to fulfil these prophecies, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ISKCON’s Founder-Acharya, often expressed his deep desire that his disciples build a unique “Vedic Planetarium” to present the Vedic perspective of life to the public.
The three domes, which are the dominant features of the structure, are impressive. The central dome at 113m (approximately 370ft) has the greatest height and width compared to many famous dome structures worldwide, including St Paul’s Cathedral, London, and the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.
Srila Prabhupada desired a state-of-the art temple in honor of his spiritual preceptors and one that would draw people from around the world to be given a chance for a spiritual education.
On 20 November, New Govardhana will have the privilege of hosting the TOVP’s fundraising event and providing the devotee community the opportunity to help fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s instructions.
To read the entire Newsletter click here:

Final Day of Kartik Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama (Album with…
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Final Day of Kartik Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama (Album with photos)
“Of the seven holy places giving salvation – Ayodhya, Mathura, Gaya, Kashi, Kanchi, Avanti and Dwaravati – Sri Mayapur is the most important place of pilgrimage. Sriman Mahaprabhu with His advent made His own Svetadvipa descend here, and four centuries after the disappearance of Sriman Mahaprabhu this place of pilgrimage will be superior to all other places of pilgrimage of the world. Living in this place removes all sins and offenses and helps pure devotion to grow.” – Jaiva Dharma, by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur
On the sixth and final day of Kartik Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2017, devotees visited Nidaya Ghat, Rukumpur, Panchavatra Shiva, and Belpukur. Many devotees shared realizations they had while on parikrama, and were especially blessed to have the association of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, who is the inspiration behind this Kartik Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama.
It was with some sadness that this year’s parikrama came to an end, but fortunately next year’s parikrama is already being planned! Join us on November 6th, 2018 for Kartik Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2018!
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Care For Cows (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami: Yesterday…
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Care For Cows (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Yesterday our parikrama party visited ‘Care For Cows,’ a cow protection program started and maintained for many years in Vrindavan by my late godbrother, Kurma Rupa dasa. We walked on village roads for over an hour until we reached the large gosala. The first to greet us were the cows themselves!
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Meet Ranadhira Dasa And Madhumati Devi Dasi. Clarissa Pollack:…

Meet Ranadhira Dasa And Madhumati Devi Dasi.
Clarissa Pollack: Avid Gardeners On The New Govardhana Property, Madhumati Devi Dasi And Ranadhira Dasa Have Been Sharing Their Love Of Gardening With The Local Community At Regional Markets.
“Our Produce Is Grown Using Traditional Natural Methods,” Says Ranadhira.
Ranadhira’s association with New Govardhana devotees began in 1988 when he helped to train bullocks for ploughing fields. He lived on the property for a couple of years and returned in 2007 to live here permanently.
Since 2009, Ranadhira and Madhumati have gardened together. Their methods are shared in a gardening pamphlet that they produced to describe their methods for gardening in the local climate and soil conditions. Copies of this pamphlet will be available to the temple soon. In the future, they also plan on producing one on traditional building using bamboo and earth.
The couple give informational lectures to others about the joys of healthy eating and food production.
Madhumati and Ranadhira are inspiring, long-term servants here at New Govardhana. Madhumati began her devotional life in Manilla, Philipines, in 1984. Her services included book distribution, serving with Food for Life, and finally as personal chef for her guru maharaja. After some years she moved to Australia in 2006.
Once in Australia Madhumati devoted her life to full-time temple service for the next nine years, which she describes “brought great joy”.

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Subhangi devi dasi: If you go to Surfers Paradise, especially on a Friday night, it is usual to see crowds of tourists gathered around a hari-nama party dancing and chanting.
The Bhakti Centre Gold Coast is a satellite centre for Radha Govardhanadhari that my husband, Jamal Arjuna dasa (ACBSP), established. I have tried to assist him in his preaching endeavours over the years.
The Centre facilitates those busy professionals working in the area who want to associate with other Vaishnavas to chant and learn about bhakti-yoga. They cannot always drive to New Govardhana, so the Bhakti Centre is the ideal point of contact for them. They take darshana of Jagannatha, Baladeva, Lady Subhadra, and Gaura Nitai along with Srila Prabhupada and engage in various services.
The Bhakti Centre was started approximately nine years ago. Jamal Arjuna had established a Govinda’s restaurant in the heart of Surfers Paradise and it became apparent that there was a need to further expand Srila Prabhupada’s preaching mission.
Many devotees who started their path to bhakti at the Bhakti Centre have taken initiation from various ISKCON gurus. There are families and many children attending our programs on Wednesday and Saturday nights. It’s not unusual to see all the little gopis and gopas who have grown up while attending the Bhakti Centre dancing enthusiastically in the kirtanas. This year alone more than 500 people attended the Centre’s Janmastami festival and there are ever-expanding preaching initiatives by our members.
Over the years we have had many home programs and even established worship of Gaura Nitai Deities in many homes. We also do hari-namas and have distributed a lot of Srila Prabhupada’s books in the streets and market stalls.
Several years ago, ISKCON’s ‘Vishvakarma’ Janmejaya dasa built a Ratha-yatra cart for parades Australia wide. We have even won awards for our cart and hundreds of thousands of people have seen the Lord, courtesy of the chariot.
We also sponsor various kirtaneers and arrange programs to help spread the holy name. Now we have a monthly kirtana and picnic in the Southport Broadwater Parklands. We also distribute prasadam at various vegan festivals.
Of course none of it would be possible without the ongoing support of our members and well-wishers.

CATERING MAKEOVER. Govindas Catering’s new traveling prasadam…
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CATERING MAKEOVER. Govindas Catering’s new traveling prasadam pavilion. We travel all over Eastern and Southern Australia!
Krsna Gana dasa: The concept of having an image of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) as the stall frontage for Govindas Catering was something I had desired to do for a long time. I had first wanted to try and do this when we built the original white catering kitchen, but it just wouldn’t have had the impact I wanted.
When we purchased the big marquee (now down by the farm lake), we also acquired two smaller 5m x 5m tents. We decided that we would use the smaller tents for ‘Splendour in the Grass’ festival this year. So I thought, “This is my chance! I can do it with these tents.” So the race began to design the new facade, to decide how to fix it to the tent – and then build a frame to hold all the panels together to give us the finished product.
Literally, the day before we had to set up we completed the new frontage. We are very happy with the final result. The picture speaks for itself.

Krsna Gana das, who formerly lived near Cairns in North Queensland, became a devotee several years ago and joined the asrama at New Govardhana. After a while, he began traveling with Braja Gauranga das all over Australia doing prasadam catering at different festivals.

Harinama in Medellin, Colombia 2017 (Album with photos)…
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Harinama in Medellin, Colombia 2017 (Album with photos)
Dharmatma Das: We’re greeted by Jambavan prabhu who rented a nice Villa near the City Center. Many devotees and friends from near and far joined us in Programs and Harinama’s. The owner of the Villa, Gustav and his friend Valentine served us nicely and got a wonderful dose of Krishna Consciousness.
Find them here:

Our only hope is Srila Prabhupada and his parampara! Giriraj…
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Our only hope is Srila Prabhupada and his parampara!
Giriraj Swami: Every evening, after reciting the Damodarastaka, we read from Srimad-Bhagavatam about the Damodara lila, and one of tonight’s verses and purports, related to Krishna’s deliverance of the two demigods cursed to stand as twin Arjuna trees, struck me as especially relevant.
Lord Krishna said, “Although these two young men are the sons of the very rich Kuvera and I have nothing to do with them, Devarsi Narada is My very dear and affectionate devotee, and therefore because he wanted Me to come face to face with them, I must do so for their deliverance.” (SB 10.10.25)
Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport, “Nalakuvara and Manigriva actually had nothing to do with devotional service or seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face, for this is not an ordinary opportunity. It is not that because one is very rich or learned or was born in an aristocratic family one will be able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. This is impossible. But in this case, because Narada Muni desired that Nalakuvara and Manigriva see Vasudeva face to face, the Supreme Personality of Godhead wanted to fulfill the words of His very dear devotee Narada Muni. If one seeks the favor of a devotee instead of directly asking favors from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is very easily successful. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has therefore recommended: vaisnava thakura tomara kukkura bhuliya janaha more, krsna se tomara krsna dite para. One should desire to become like a dog in strictly following a devotee. Krsna is in the hand of a devotee. Adurlabham atma-bhaktau. Thus without the favor of a devotee, one cannot directly approach Krsna, what to speak of engaging in His service. Narottama dasa Thakura therefore sings, chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba: unless one becomes a servant of a pure devotee, one cannot be delivered from the material condition of life. In our Gaudiya Vaisnava society, following in the footsteps of Rupa Gosvami, our first business is to seek shelter of a bona fide spiritual master (adau gurv-asrayah).”
Our only hope is Srila Prabhupada and his parampara, disciplic succession.

Varsana! (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami: Every Gaudiya…
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Varsana! (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Every Gaudiya Vaisnava’s dream is to visit Varsana, the sacred home of Srimati Radharani, again and again. Our parikrama party was blessed the other day to circumambulate the entire area. A special treat was meeting the residents of Varsana as they went about their daily chores of tilling the fields and herding their cows.
Find them here:

Vaisesika Dasa: The New Oxford American Dictionary defines,…
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Vaisesika Dasa: The New Oxford American Dictionary defines, opportunity cost, as “the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.” And here’s another simple definition by an economist: “ An opportunity cost is the cost of a missed opportunity.”
In the following verse from the Gita, Lord Krishna encourages us to use our time and energy to advance in Krishna consciousness, as by doing so, one gets the greatest value for one’s life:
“In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.” (Bhagavad-gita 2.40)
Especially for a human being – who is afforded the chance to free himself from birth and death and to go back to Godhead – the opportunity cost of missing even a second outside the practice of devotional service is huge.

Therefore, Visnu Purana states: “If even for a moment remembrance of Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is missed, that is the greatest loss, that is the greatest illusion, and that is the greatest anomaly.”

Knowingly or by consent everyone incurs loss by the choices they make throughout their lives. Economists, businesspeople, financial advisers, and others therefore, carefully consider opportunity costs so that they may make the best and most profitable choices.

Serious bhakti yogis also meticulously calculate the opportunity costs of their actions and investments. Those who do this never lack the incentive to stay steadily engaged in devotional service and to forsake inferior activities.

The Governor of Geneva: If everybody joins your movement, what…

The Governor of Geneva: If everybody joins your movement, what will happen to the economy?
Guru-Gauranga: On May 29, 1974 Prabhupada landed in Geneva and was accompanied by Satsvarupa Goswami and Nitai.
We picked Prabhupada and his team up at the airport and brought him to the temple.
I was very busy with all the arrangements for Prabhupada’s meetings and programs and for the official reception of Srila Prabhupada by the Governor of Geneva.
I was unaware of the fact that Lilavati dasi, a disciple of Prabhupada’s, had previously arrived to Geneva to do typing for Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada’s Unique Achievement. Late 1966. “It took…
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Srila Prabhupada’s Unique Achievement.
Late 1966. “It took Hopkins a while to adjust to the idea of a Vaishnava temple replete with a printing operation in the middle of the Lower East Side of New York City. “It’s an astonishing story,” he reflected. “If someone told you a story like this, you wouldn’t believe it. Here’s this person, seventy years old, coming to a country where he’s never been before. He doesn’t know anybody, he has no money, no contacts, none of the things you would say make for success. He’s going to recruit people not on any systematic basis but just picking up whomever he comes across—and he’s going to give them responsibility for organizing a worldwide movement? You’d say, ‘What kind of program is that?’ There are precedents perhaps. Jesus of Nazareth went around saying, ‘Come follow me. Drop your nets, leave your tax collecting, and be my disciple.’ But in Jesus’s case, he wasn’t an old man in a strange society dealing with people whose backgrounds were totally different from his own. He was dealing with his own community. Bhaktivedanta Swami’s achievement, then, must be seen as unique.”
From the book Swami In A Strange Land: How Krishna Came To The West

Update on HG Agnideva Prabhu. Dear devotees, friends and…

Update on HG Agnideva Prabhu.
Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers,
Here is an update on Agnideva prabhu:
On Wednesday neurologists were planning a spinal tap to check for the dreadful Gullian Barr’e Syndrome. But on Thursday Agnideva prabhu was able to move his hands and lower limbs as well. This recovery in mobility is not symptomatic of GBS, so they continued trying to improve his breathing. He was achieving good oxygen levels and by Friday very minimal oxygen was being administered. At that point, Agnideva prabhu was able to speak and recognized everyone. He also remembered everything; the kirtans, japa, reading etc. at his bedside from the past few days, even while he was heavily sedated at the time. Yesterday the doctors got him to sit in a chair for two hours, but it was very exhausting for him. Although he is improving with reflexes, it’s very slow and his condition remains as serious.
Although his Oxygen levels are better, fluid continues to accumulate in his lungs, requiring drainage. Daily X-rays show slight improvement each day, but a CT scan of the chest is now scheduled to help respiratory specialists see what is causing the fluid and the lung collapse. Depending on the results, they may have to operate and insert a special liquid that draws the lungs towards the rib cage helping them inflate normally. Afterwards, surgery will also be required to repair the holes in his lungs made for drainage.
Agnideva prabhu is in a positive state of mind. He requested to hear his recording of Srila Prabhupda’s poem, “Krishna tabe puniya habe bhai.” He also announced that he has decided that his next recording will be dedicated to Lord Caitanya.
We did not anticipate the complexity of his condition, his long stay in intensive care, the probable surgery of the lungs, and thereafter his heart and the rehabilitation program. Agnideva prabhu, as well as his family and his friends, are overwhelmed by the loving support received. As the path of treatment becomes clearer we may need to call for further continued assistance from you all. Thank you everyone.
Your servant,
Indradyumna Swami

Bhakti: pure, devotional, loving service to God.The great…
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Bhakti: pure, devotional, loving service to God.
The great medieval theologian, Rupa Goswami, defined bhakti as pure, devotional, loving service to God that is free from any selfish desire, including impersonal moksha – the merging of the soul with Brahman – and desires for personal profit, in this life or the next. Such love for God, he wrote, frees one from all suffering, bestows good fortune, and fills the heart with an inexplicable joy. It is rarely attained, and is so powerfully attractive that it even attracts God Himself.
His nephew, Jiva, continued his work by writing books on the theology and practise of bhakti. In one book he writes of eleven essential practises of Bhakti. I reproduce it here with the addition of a few notes of explanation.

Gopasthami. (This lecture was given by H. G. Visvadhika Dasi,…
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(This lecture was given by H. G. Visvadhika Dasi, disciple of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, on Gopasthami 2016 at Mayapur Goshala).
Today is Gopasthami. Gopasthami is the coming of age party for Krsna and Balarama. Nanda and the other elder cowherd men, after consulting with famous astrologers, chose Krsna’s graduation ceremony to be on the 8th day of the bright fortnight of Karttika. What was the nature of this “graduation”? Before this day they were vatsa palas (calf herders). On Gopasthami day they became old enough to become Gopalas. They both had just entered their Pauganda age. Srila Jiva Gosvami writes this was a 3-day festival…. I am sure Dayal Mukunda Prabhu is very pleased that he did no have to organize a 3-day festival this year…Maybe next year.
On this day :
· Krsna and Balarama dressed in new clothes, cowherd clothes
· Brahmanas blessed the boys
· Cows were worshipped with foot wash and arghya, fed sweet chick peas
· Krsna and Balarama offered obeisances to the cows and circumambulated them
· Offered obeisances to the priests and brahmanas
· Nanda offered Krsna jeweled cowherd boy stick
· Mother Yashoda put Tilaka on Krsna’s forehead…. And instructed Balarama and cowherd boys to protect Krsna
Every day, when Krsna and Balarama left with all the cows for the forest and pastures, the residents of Vraja were merged in feelings of deep separation being bereft of the sight of the 2 transcendental brothers. This wonderful exchange would take place every morning.
Krsna das Kaviraja tells us: Nanda and Yasoda wanted Krsna to wear shoes and carry an umbrella when they left for the pasture. Gopala would refuse: “How can I wear shoes if the cows have no shoes…Mata I will wear shoes if you make shoes for all my cows” So if you quickly do the math that means: 900,000 cows x 4 = 3,600, 000 shoes. Even for Mother Yasoda that was too many shoes to make so she said to her Son: “AT least you must take an umbrella…” Same reply! But cows can’t hold umbrellas so it would take 900,000 cowherd men to hold umbrellas over their heads.
Knowing that Krsna would not wear shoes because they had none the cows reciprocated by resolving to trample the pebbles and stones to dust for Their soft feet. Such is the love between Krsna and his cows.

We think of Krsna, we think of cows.
· Govinda
cintāmaṇi-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vṛkṣa- lakṣāvṛteṣu surabhir abhipālayantam lakṣmī-sahasra-śata-sambhrama-sevyamānaḿ govindam ādi- puruṣaḿ tam ahaḿ bhajāmi
I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending the cows, yielding all desire, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of purpose trees, always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds of thousands of lakṣmīs or gopīs.
Sri Brahma Samhita 5.29
· Gopis and Gopalas
· Goloka Vrndavana
So in Goloka Vrndavana, there may or may not be computer analysts needed, or rickshaw drivers, secretaries to the Temple president, guest reception personnel…. But there will openings for these positions…Gopalas and Gopis.
So it is good we are all here today to begin our training…
And what are we in training to do?
To become Gopalas and Gopis who give protection to the cows.
Yes, even our respected GBC and sannyasis must be so trained, and temple presidents, and the bhaktas who clean the Prasadam room, and mothers who change diapers and worry about their children. We are all destined to eventually be Gopalas or Gopis, or serving Gopalas and Gopis, or the servants of the servants of Gopalas and Gopis…because ultimately Our final destination is Goloka Vrndavana, the Loka of Cows.

Srila Prabhupada tells us in SB 10.8.16 in the purport
“His pastimes in Gokula are always favorable to the brahmanas and the cows. HIS FIRST BUSINESS is to give all protection to the cows and the brahmanas. In fact, COMFORTS FOR THE BRAHMANAS ARE SECONDARY and comfort of the cows is His first concern.”
For this Gopasthami celebration, Dayal Mukunda Prabhu was telling me of special arrangements for the comfort of the disciples of Srila Prabhupada…. But his real business is to every day make special arrangements for the comfort of Krsna’s cows.
If cows keep healthy and happy, men and women shall also keep disease free and prosperous. May the cow eat green grass and pure water. May they not be killed and bring prosperity to us.
That must be the priority of our whole Mayapur community, to make special arrangements for Krsna’s cows. Not just because we want to go to Goloka and enjoy with Krsna and his cows. That is our enjoying propensity rearing its ugly head again. Protection of Krsna’s cows must be our priority because:
1. Srila Prabhupada has told us to make it a priority….along with all the other priorities. On the Spiritual platform one priority does not exclude another. They complement each other.
2. Every morning we chant “Govindam adi purusham tam aham bhajami” We worship the Supreme Lord who tends cows.
3. This is an important part of our preaching mission for a world that is drowning in the confusion of not knowing what is to be done what is not to be done. Srila Prabhupada knows what is going on in this crazy world we live in and he knows what needs to be done to “make it right again.”
“Unfortunately because people in the Kali Yuga are mandah-all bad, and sumanda-matayah, misled by false conceptions of life, they are killing the cows in the thousands. Therefore, they are unfortunate in spiritual consciousness, and nature disturbs them in so many ways, especially through incurable diseases like cancer and through frequent war among the nations. As long as human society continues to allow cows to be killed in slaughterhouses, there cannot be any question of peace and prosperity.” Srimad Bhagavatam Purport 8.8.11
Protecting the cows and making them comfortable is part of our preaching mission. How wonderful is that! We can bring peace and prosperity to our community and to the whole world just by taking care of our cows at Mayapur Goshala.
It is indeed a basic religious principle of Varnasrama Dharma to care for Krsna’s cows. Again Srimad Bhagavatam and Srila Prabhupada’s purport
Although the cow is beneficial because one can draw religious principles from her, she was now rendered poor and calf less. Her legs were being beaten by a sudra. There were tears in her eyes, and she was distressed and weak. She was hankering after some grass in the field.
Purport: The next symptom of the age of kali is the distressed condition of the cow. For a sanathanist (follower of Vedic principles) it is the duty of every householder to have cows and bulls and other household paraphernalia, not only for drinking milk, but also for deriving religious principles. The calf is not only beautiful to look at, but she also gives satisfaction to the cow, and she delivers as much milk as possible. But in the Kali yuga, the calves are separated from the cow as early as possible. The cow stands with tears in her eyes, The sudra milkman draws milk from the cow artificially, and when there is no milk then the cow is sent to be slaughtered. These greatly sinful acts are responsible for all troubles in present society.
In this purport Srila Prabhupada again points us to our duty,
It is the duty of every householder to have cows and bulls and other household paraphernalia, not only for drinking milk, but also for deriving religious principles.
We are very fortunate in Mayapur, along with our “other household paraphernalia” …. Sometimes we have too much!….. We have Mayapur Goshala. We have cows and bulls, over 310 of them. Never too many cows and bulls. Each one cared for with affection brings auspiciousness to our whole community.
Mayapur Goshala is not a just a department of ISKCON Mayapur, it is our Community Goshala. These are our cows:
Nirmala, Sridama, Kausalya, Tundi, Visnu priya, Vidura, Radhe Syam, Sudama, Purnamasi, Gopal, Jagannath priya, Champakalata, Visakha, Jatila, Savitri, Kamadhenu, Visvapujita, Sarasvati, Vamsi priya, Gaura, Nrsnga, Narayani, Krishna, Gopali, Bhima, Kanai, Amrta keli, Patita pavana, Banumati, Kalindi, Jalangi, Natharaja, Varsana, Govardhana, Sita Thakurani, Gauri priya, Ganesh
And our new born calves: Mallika, Vamanadeva, Narayana, Dvaraka pati
Our small or big contribution to Mayapur Goshala makes us eligible to share in the “auspiciousness” of Cow Protection. One person can contribute 3,000 rupees a month, another more. Another devotee may be struggling and only able to contribute 100 to 300 rupees a month. I saw one little 3-year-old gopi a few months ago contributing her share by dragging bundles of grass bigger than herself to eager cows and bulls. The quantity of the giving does not matter. What matters is that together as a community we provide and care for Krsna’s cows
If cows keep healthy and happy, men and women shall also keep disease free and prosperous. May the cow eat green grass and pure water. May they not be killed and bring prosperity to us.

Preaching programs in Bogota, Columbia, 2017 (Album with photos)…
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Preaching programs in Bogota, Columbia, 2017 (Album with photos)
Dharmatma Das: Many havens of Krishna Consciousness. Sweet devotees who welcomed us with open arms. Celebrated Govardhana Puja and Srila Prabhupada’s Disapearance Festivals and had great Harinam in the City.
Find them here: