Blissful morning programme of the 14th October in Iskcon’s Krishna Balarama Mandir in Vrindavana during Kartika (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Radharani and the gopis, they are on the same status, but the gopis know that “Radharani is the better worshiper than us.” Therefore their only business is how to take Radharani and join with Krishna. This is Vaikuntha understanding. They are not envious that “Krishna loves Radharani so much.” Delhi, November 4, 1973
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Blissful morning programme of the 14th October in Iskcon’s…
“It was the philosophy that kept me”
Ananga Manjari:…
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“It was the philosophy that kept me”
Ananga Manjari: We were in Los Angeles and somehow I got myself right behind Prabhupada while he was paying his obeisances to the deities.
When I went to pay my obeisances, his lotus feet were right in front of my face and I thought,
“What an opportunity. This is the opportunity of many life times. What can I do? I don’t want to touch him and disturb him at all, because he is in meditation praying to his Lord.”
But there was a carnation petal stuck to the bottom of his foot.
It was very invitingly sticking out, so I thought maybe I could take this petal and get his mercy without disturbing him.
Very carefully I plucked that little carnation petal off his foot and then I got very frightened thinking that someone might see me and they’re going to think that I am disturbing him.
I could just imagine some sannyasi booming, “What did you just do?”
I got so scared that I popped it in my mouth, like I was eating the evidence.
As I swallowed the petal, I thought,
“This is the holiest communion I have ever had in my life. This petal is going to keep me here forever.”
And it did.
Srila Prabhupada arrived at the New York airport, and like many devotees have described, Prabhupada seemed to float through the airport as if he was on an escalator, and we would all be running to keep up.
They sat him down and he gave a little talk in the airport.
There were some policemen watching our crowd from a distance and a reporter asked Prabhupada,
“Why do you wear these clothes and this mark on your forehead?”
Prabhupada said, “It is just like a policeman. A policeman wears a uniform to show that he is an authority of the government. He represents the government, so if anyone needs help in that way, they can go to the policeman.”
The policemen in the back started nudging each other and feeling very proud and happy that Prabhupada had noticed them.
I thought that he was doing a few things at once.
He was instructing us and winning their hearts.
He wasn’t just satisfying the reporter and of course he was preaching to all of us, but he noticed the policemen specifically.
I thought that significant in that he wanted to say, “Thank you” for their service.
Prabhupada was a grateful person, even for anyone who did the least little thing.
I think that the gratitude that Prabhupada showed us is something we all can imbibe.
Sometimes as devotees we see another devotee doing their service quietly and we think,
“They are just an ordinary devotee and that my service is more important.”
But if we can show gratitude and appreciation, then everyone can feel uplifted.
Prabhupada saw everyone equally and saw only the good in everyone.
That is one of the main qualities of a devotee.
Then someone asked Prabhupada something about why he was chanting and he said,
“We are chanting, but we also have many books.”
He always wanted people to understand that there was knowledge behind this philosophy.
Then he said, “But for those who can’t read, just chant. It doesn’t matter but otherwise we have many books on philosophy.”
I thought that was very significant and important for me because I was into the philosophy.
That is what kept me going as well.
The mantra caught me whereby I could not stop chanting Hare Krishna, even as a hippie.
But it was the philosophy that kept me.
—Ananga Manjari
Giriraj Swami: Today is Rama-ekadasi, the date on which Srila…
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Giriraj Swami: Today is Rama-ekadasi, the date on which Srila Prabhupada completed his translation of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. The event is described in the following excerpt from my forthcoming book I’ll Build You a Temple, about Srila Prabhupada and Juhu.
Every morning just before six I would walk up the stairs to Prabhupada’s room to accompany him on his morning walk. But when another devotee and I went on the day after Rama-ekadasi, on November 11, we were surprised to find the doors—both to his quarters, on one side, and to his staff’s quarters, on the other—locked. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I gently knocked on both doors. After a minute or two, Prabhupada’s secretary, Harikesa, opened the assistants’ door just a little and said that Prabhupada had stayed up all night and completed his translation of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, that at the end he had written the most beautiful glorification of his guru maharaja, and that he was in an ecstatic mood and had said that we should celebrate by having a feast.
In his Concluding Words, Prabhupada had written, “Today, Sunday, November 10, 1974—corresponding to the 10th of Kartika, Caitanya Era 488, the eleventh day of the dark fortnight, the Rama-ekadasi—we have now finished the English translation of Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami’s Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in accordance with the authorized order of His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Gosvami Maharaja, my beloved eternal spiritual master, guide and friend.”
Prabhupada recounted his first meeting with his guru maharaja and receiving his instruction “to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in English in the Western countries.” At first he had resisted the order. “Because at that time I was a complete nationalist, a follower of Mahatma Gandhi’s, I submitted to His Divine Grace that unless our country were freed from foreign subjugation, no one would hear the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu seriously… . but at last I was defeated and convinced that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s message is the only panacea for suffering humanity. I was also convinced that the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was then in the hands of a very expert devotee and that surely the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would spread all over the world. I could not, however, immediately take up his instructions to preach, but I took his words very seriously and was always thinking of how to execute his order, although I was quite unfit to do so.”
When in 1950 Prabhupada had retired from family life and then taken sannyasa, he had finally been “completely ready to discharge the order of my spiritual master… . By the mercy of His Divine Grace, I was able to come to New York on September 17, 1965. Since then, I have translated many books, including Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Teachings of Lord Caitanya (a summary), and many others.
“In the meantime, I was induced to translate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta,” Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s favorite book. “I think that [he] is always seeing my activities and guiding me within my heart by his words. As it is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam, tene brahma hrda ya adi-kavaye [SB 1.1.1]. Spiritual inspiration comes from within the heart, wherein the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His Paramatma feature, is always sitting with all His devotees and associates… .
“It is my wish that devotees of Lord Caitanya all over the world enjoy this translation, and I am glad to express my gratitude to the learned men in the Western countries who are so pleased with my work that they are ordering in advance all my books that will be published in the future. On this occasion, therefore, I request my disciples who are determined to help me in this work to continue their cooperation fully, so that philosophers, scholars, religionists and people in general all over the world will benefit by reading our transcendental literatures.”
Hare Krishna.
Prasadam distribution by Iskcon Botswana devotees (Southern…
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Prasadam distribution by Iskcon Botswana devotees (Southern Africa) during a local Food Festival (Album with photos)
Srila Prab…Read More…
Blissful initiation ceremony in Govardhan, India (Album with…
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Blissful initiation ceremony in Govardhan, India (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
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The Older Brother (7 min video)Indradyumna Swami: The village…
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The Older Brother (7 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: The village of Dauji, not far from the town of Vrindavan, is steeped in devotion to the deity who resides there. The deity is also called Dauji, a name for Lord Balarama meaning ‘elder brother.’ The mood of the small village is reminiscent of Vrindavan several decades ago; small, quiet, quaint, and bursting with devotion. A must see for any devotee desiring to dive deep into the spiritual atmosphere of Sri Vrindavan Dhama.
Watch it here:
SB Class in Melbourne, 13 October 2017 by HH Hanumat Presaka…
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SB Class in Melbourne, 13 October 2017 by HH Hanumat Presaka Swami (video)
Srimad Bhagavatam Purana excels for:
The beauty…Read More…
TOVP: The final stage of one of the domes (Album with…
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TOVP: The final stage of one of the domes (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: Dear Devotees,
We are now decorating the ribs …Read More…
Ecstatic Harinam Sankirtan at 34th street Pen station Thursday,…
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Ecstatic Harinam Sankirtan at 34th street Pen station Thursday, October 12th (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If one some…Read More…
Ujjain darshan by GBC MEMBERS (Album with photos)Al the…
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Ujjain darshan by GBC MEMBERS (Album with photos)
Al the devotees who came for the GBC midterm meetings visited Ujjain’s famous temple.
Ujjain is the place where the Supreme Personality Of Godhead came to “Sandipani Muni Ashrama” with his elder brother Lord Balaram and His friend Sudama for studying, He became master in 64 arts in just 64 days. also in Ujjain, there is one of the Jyotirlinga called “Mahakaleshvara” and river “Shipra” where Kumbh Mela taking place in every 12 years. Some of the highlights of today.
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Govardhan Retreat 2017 (Album with photos)
Giridhari Swami: We…
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Govardhan Retreat 2017 (Album with photos)
Giridhari Swami: We held our annual retreat/parikram at Govardhana from September 23-Oct. 5. 100 devotees from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Philippines were blessed by the association of Rtadhvaja Swami Maharaja, Asita Krishna Maharaja and Krishna Baladeva Prabhu. The first week was spent in a retreat-style setting with increased focus on improving japa, as well as hearing relevant topical seminars and classes from these very qualified speakers. As it is said, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and these photos speak volumes.
The well-known kirtaniya, Govinda Prabhu and his kirtan team led the devotees in two enlivening, “Aindra Prabhu style” afternoon kirtan sessions, which had everyone on their feet and dancing with abandon by the end.
Sri Giriraja Govardhana ki-jaya!
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1970s Hare Krishnas perform in downtown Toronto.
Cynthia Reason…
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1970s Hare Krishnas perform in downtown Toronto.
Cynthia Reason ( This week’s “ThrowbackThursday” documents an early 1970s performance by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) – more commonly known as the Hare Krishnas – in downtown Toronto.
Taken sometime between 1970 and 1972, the photo was captured in front of the Bank of Montreal on the north-east corner of Yonge and Queen streets.
In 1976, ISKCON Toronto opened its own Hare Krishna Temple in a circa-1896 church at 243 Avenue Rd. Still in operation today, the temple opens its doors every Sunday evening to the “spiritually seasoned and the somewhat curious” for a weekly Love Feast, featuring kirtan musical mantra meditation, chanting, drumming, spiritual discourse and a free vegetarian feast served to all.
“ThrowbackThursday” is a weekly feature from Metroland Media Toronto showcasing fascinating photos from this city’s olden days, courtesy of the Toronto Archives.
“As invisible as an insect that has fallen into a fire,…
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“As invisible as an insect that has fallen into a fire, the Asura (Hiranyakasipu) disappeared into the effulgence of Nrisimha” (video)
SB Class by H.G.Bhurijan Prabhu, 12.10.2017 in ISKCON Vrindavan.
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Religious Freedom in Danger in Russia: A Cause for Concern in…
Religious Freedom in Danger in Russia: A Cause for Concern in Europe.
Rome – A seminar, held on September 26th, 2017, in Italy’s House of Parliament, at the Sala del Refettorio, and organized in co-operation with MP Lacquaniti, has discussed the problems of religious freedom in Russia, a cause of serious concern in Europe.
The presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion on Religious Liberty in Russia, presided by Raffaella Di Marzio (LIREC, Rome, Italy); with the participation of members of various religious communities and human rights activists, including Fabio Pianigiani (Narada Muni das, ISKCON).
To read the entire article click here:
Amitabh Bacchan getting a copy of Srila Prabhupada’s…
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“Of the many objects of favoured delight and of all the lovable damsels of Vrajabhumi, Srimati Radharani is certainly the most treasured object of Krishna’s love. And, in every respect, Her divine kunda is described by great sages as simi…
19th Ratha Yatra Festival of ISKCON Sri Lanka.
Mahakarta Das:…
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19th Ratha Yatra Festival of ISKCON Sri Lanka.
Mahakarta Das: The Ratha Yatra festival was celebrated in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 05th of October 2017 with the participation of thousands of devotees and congregational members. Hon. Minister Mano Ganesan was there for the inauguration of the festival as Chief Guest. Desamanya Duraisamy Chettiar – Chief Trustee of Sri Venkateshwara Maha Vishnu Temple was there as a Special Guest of Honor. H.G. Rohit Das Prabhu came from India and conducted the fire sacrifice ceremony and other ceremonies for the Ratha Yatra.
The procession commenced at 9.00 am from the temple and traveled along the main streets in the city of Colombo and returned to the temple by 4.00 pm. Annadanam (Prasadam) was distributed at the end of the program.
Mexico City Harinam Fiesta (Album with photos)
Mexico City is a…
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Mexico City Harinam Fiesta (Album with photos)
Mexico City is a great place for Harinama. The people enthusiastically particip…Read More…
Monthly Sankirtan Festival With HG Manidhar Prabhu In Zagreb,…
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Monthly Sankirtan Festival With HG Manidhar Prabhu In Zagreb, Croatia (Album with photos)
On sunny Saturday, September 30th, we had an ecstatic Monthly Sankirtan Festival with special guest HG Manidhara Prabhu, who encouraged us to the highest limits and took us out on book distribution. People loved him and us, too. 25 devotees took part, some in harinam, some in book distribution, cookie distribution and cooking for devotees. By Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, in only a few hours we distributed 84 books, 800 sweets and lots of mantra cards. Book distribution is doable, fun and easy!
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Our annual Kartika parikrama in Sri Vrindavan Dham has just…
Our annual Kartika parikrama in Sri Vrindavan Dham has just begun! Join us this month with our video series, ‘Kartika 2017 Parikrama with Indradyumna Swami.’ (10 min video)
Watch it here:
How Can There Be Peace?
A conversation with His Divine Grace…
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How Can There Be Peace?
A conversation with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Disciple: Srila Prabhupada, in a recent study by U.S. agricultural officials, they found that it’s uneconomical to eat meat. It takes so much energy and man hours to raise and transport and slaughter the cows that it’s very wasteful.
Srila Prabhupada: Wasteful, yes. Therefore I say they have no brain. They are all rascals. Rascal leaders. A little labor in agriculture will be sufficient to produce the family’s food stock for the whole year. You work only three months, and you get sufficient food for your whole family. And in the remaining nine months, you chant Hare Krishna.
If people ate the grain they feed to animals, they could feel twenty times more people than by eating the animals
But these rascals will not do that. They will work hard like asses simply for eating. Nunam pramattah kurute vikarma yad indriya-pritaya aprinoti. They will not accept an easy life.
Disciple: In that agricultural report it said that if people were to eat all the grains they give to the cows and animals, they could get twenty times more calories than by eating meat.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Wrong civilization, rascal civilization. And this is due to this rascaldom called nationalism—“This is my land.” At any moment a person will be kicked out by death, but still he claims, “It is my land.” Janasya moho ’yam aham mameti. This is the illusion. Nothing belongs to him; still he is fighting, “This is mine. This is mine.” “I” and “mine”—identifying oneself with the body and wrongly conceiving that “This is mine.” This is the basic principle of a wrong civilization. Nothing belongs to us. I have come here to Switzerland. Suppose I remain here for one month and I claim, “Oh, this is mine.” What is this?
So, similarly, we come to this world as guests. We come to the womb of a mother and live here for seventy years or so. And we claim, “This is my land.” But when did it become yours? The land was there long, long before your birth. How has it become yours? But people have no sense. “It is mine—my land, my nation, my family, my society.” In this way, they are wasting time.
These things have been introduced by Western civilization. In the Vedic civilization there is no such thing as nationalism. You won’t find it there. Have you seen the word “nationalism” in the Bhagavad-gita? No such thing.
Nationalism is the idea of tribes. In Africa there are still groups of tribes. Nationalism is the most crude idea of civilization. It is nothing but developed tribalism. Modern man is not advanced in civilization. This nationalism is another form of tribalism, that’s all.
Disciple: Today, so-called civilized people are actually just cannibals because they maintain themselves on eating the cow.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes. And they are suffering. Therefore you’ll find that in recent history, every twenty-five years there is a big war with mass slaughter of people. Nature does not tolerate animal slaughter.
Now India has learned to slaughter animals, imitating the Western countries. And now there is war between India and Pakistan. During two wars between Pakistan and Hindustan, millions of people were killed unnecessarily, without any gain.
Disciple: Just recently India exploded an atomic bomb, and now Pakistan is hurrying to get an atomic bomb also.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes.
This is going on.
Disciple: The Indian government promised that nuclear energy would be only for peaceful purposes.
Srila Prabhupada: No, what do they know about peaceful conditions? They are all rascals. They do not know what a peaceful condition is. The actual peaceful condition is described in the Bhagavad-gita:
bhoktaram yajna-tapasam
suhridam sarva-bhutanam
jnatva mam shantim ricchati
“A person in full consciousness of Me [Krishna], knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.”
This is peace. Unless there is Krishna consciousness, where is peace? There cannot be peace. All rascaldom. Na mam dushkritino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah. These rascals and fools—mayayapahrita-jnana—have lost all knowledge. How can there be peace? Their endeavors for peace are all useless.
Russel Brand is “Chasing Rhinos” with Shyamasundara…
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Russel Brand is “Chasing Rhinos” with Shyamasundara Prabhu’s most fascinating book about the beginning of the Hare Krishna movement in the west.
Sankirtan story from Vijaya dasa: From: Vijaya (das) HDG…
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Sankirtan story from Vijaya dasa: From: Vijaya (das) HDG (USA)
Sent: Saturday, October 7, 2017 5:54 AM
I approached an older black man at a street fair. In a respectful manner, he began to question why I believed what was in the books. Considering how good of an event this was, I was surprised that I was giving him so much time. But I would soon find out why.
His daughter (about ten yrs. old) came and sat down next to her father, looked at the books, and said “Hey, that’s Krishna!” Her father and I were both shocked.
I asked, “You know about Krishna?”
She said, “Yeah, my father loves reading about Krishna.”
I was surprised, but by looking at the father I could see thathe was even more surprised.
After inquiring from his daughter, I found out that he had had a stroke in April and therefore could not remember many things that had occurred before then.
Seeing that an opportunity had just just opened up, I seized it by further questioning the little girl in her father’s presence.
I asked, “Does he meditate?”
She said, “Yes.”
Then I asked, “Does he ever chant Krishna’s names?”
She said yes and began to chant the maha-mantra. Her father seemed as amazed as I was.
Although he had no recollection of all this, I found out that he would chant on beads and go to the Detroit temple. This was a devotee!
He then said, “Well, I guess I have to buy this book.”
In conclusion, I told him that he must have found this practice beneficial before his stroke and so he should take it up again. I showed him the address to the temple and thanked him and his daughter. I was left thinking about what Krishna says: “There is no loss or diminution on this path;” “My devotee never perishes;” and “I direct the wandering of all living entities.”
The appearance anniversary of Radha Kunda (audio)
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Today is the appearance anniversary of Radha Kunda, the bathing pond of Srimati Radharani in Vrndavana. Devotees bathe there especially on the midnight of this day.Read More…
Life – An Art of Dying
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Life – An Art of Dying.
Death is that grand test that determines our next destination. Srila Prabhupada once said that ISKCON teaches the Art of Dying. In Srimad-Bhagavatam, we can see that Bhismadev has set the best example of how to prepare o…
Lalita’s Village (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami:…
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Lalita’s Village (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Yesterday we visited Uncagaon, the village of Lalita devi, one on Srimati Radharani’s sakhis. We discussed her pastimes and sang her glories in the pristine, pure atmosphere of Sri Vrindavan dhama. Once again, Ananta Vrindavan das expertly captured the mood with his camera.
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A historic, ecstatic event! (Album with photos)
Mahadevi Dasi:…
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A historic, ecstatic event! (Album with photos)
Mahadevi Dasi: We shared a historic, ecstatic event on Srila Narottama das Thakura’s Disappearance Day during the 1st week of Kartik in Vrndavana.
Srila Prabhupada’s dear daughter Sitala Dasi offering her book: THE GLORIES OF NAROTTAMA DAS THAKURA
to her eternal Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada, her GOURANGA Lord WHO was shining on the altar
and hundreds of simply wonderful assembled devotees.
HH Indradumna Swami was presiding as this is the season for his annual Kartik Vraja Parikramas. Sitala prabhu spoke for more than an hour giving an astounding narration of the Glories of Narottama das Thakura. Astounding!
This Parikrama group loves Sitala and she loves them having spoken about Narottama Mahasya many times in previous years on this day. She said she felt so grateful for their support and enthusiasm through the years which helped her to complete the book.
The proceeds also go to help her husband HG Hari Sauri prabhu who has advanced Parkinson disease. May we take a moment and send a prayer for him.
Madhava and Bada Hari’s Kirtana transported us to Goloka Vrndavana!
Let’s shower our good wishes, congratulations, and blessings on Sitala for the completion of her long-awaited book.
Her book table is in the Krsna Balarama Kartik mini-mall and you can contact her through msg on fb for ordering your copies. Cases are available.
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A serene and thought-provoking journey in Mumbai (Album with…
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A serene and thought-provoking journey in Mumbai (Album with photos)
On 5th October 2017, Gaur Gopal das was invited as a keyno…Read More…
Narottama das Thakura’s Disappearance Day (Album with…
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Narottama das Thakura’s Disappearance Day (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: Yesterday, we celebrated Narottama das Thakura’s Disappearance Day at Sri Sri Radha Braja Mohan Mandir! They were originally installed in Kheturi Gram Festival, but now reside in Vrindavan. There were sweet Narottama bhajans, Narottama katha, aratika, and finally grand feast for 400 Vaisnavas! Join us through the pics of my friend, Shreyas Waichal!
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Devotee-run publishing house Samhita Press presents their first…
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Devotee-run publishing house Samhita Press presents their first children’s books.
Samhita Press is a new, devotee-run publishing house with focus on literature that promotes universal ethics and values, ‘simple living, high thinking’ lifestyle, peace and compassion, respect for the nature, and love for humanity. Promoting cultural and spiritual titles, Samhita Press released their first children’s books earlier this week, The Story of Gajendra, Elephant-King and rhymed story The Walking Monk, both by Anna Milagrits, known among the devotees as Ananda Rupa devi dasi.
The Story of Gajendra, Elephant-King is based on the timeless narration from the Bhagavata Purana. In the described story, Lord Vishnu saves Gajendra, king of the elephants, from the jaws of a giant crocodile.
The hardcover edition has 28 full-color, beautifully illustrated pages, rendered in watercolor and gouache by professional artist Antonina Hordovska. According to the publisher, the book is aimed for wide audience, and it is part of the My Magic Bhagavatam series, with more books to come in the next few years.
“There are a lot of parents out there who want to introduce their children to world cultures, so the kids can be growing up with respect to the traditions and customs of others. We hope The Story of Gajendra, Elephant-King will be appreciated by curious readers who love traveling, exploring, and learning from the world and people in it. This story can also teach children some universal lessons, for instance, that there are situations, when it’s important to ask for help and support, even if one is famous and strong, like Gajendra”, the author says.
The Walking Monk is a rhymed story about a Hare Krishna preacher who travels to share his message of love and peace (‘a happy magic song’) with everyone he meets along his way. In the end of the book it is revealed that his ‘happy magic song’ is actually the maha-mantra. Anna Milagrits (Ananda Rupa devi dasi), the author, hopes that this book will be appreciated by everyone who believes in the universal language of sound and music, and the power of a kind heart. “This book seeks to challenge stereotype and present fresh view on modern spirituality. Who said that monks are old-fashioned, cheerless people who reside in secluded places? The Walking Monk is not like that!” She says the book was also intended for wide audience, as a “fun and easy way to introduce a child to mantra meditation”.
The book is dedicated to Ananda Rupa’s spiritual master, Bhaktimarga Swami, known as the Walking Monk for his inspiring walking journeys. Maharaja just finished his preaching walk across the United States last month, from New York to San Francisco, covering over 3,500 miles on foot, through cities, towns, villages, and farmlands.
Ananda Rupa devi dasi and her husband Vivasvan das, both originally from Ukraine, are devotees residing in Metro Detroit area. The Story of Gajendra, Elephant-King and The Walking Monk are their first books for children, published through their publishing house Samhita Press.
The couple hopes the books will get positive response from the readers, so they can continue their publishing projects. Also, Samhita Press currently accepts submissions from other devotee authors (more details can be found at Samhita Press’ website).
Both books are already available at and selected bookstores (please check the website for more details)
Inaugurating Caitanya Subodhini Madhya Lila Part-1.
Out this…
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Inaugurating Caitanya Subodhini Madhya Lila Part-1.
Out this Kartik, Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha is back with yet another publication in the Subodhini series – CAITANYA SUBODHINI MADHYA LILA – I (Chapters 1–13).
Readers will move further from the Adi-lila, having studied the tattvas of the Lord as well as a glimpse of the childhood pastimes of Lord Caitanya, to His latter pastimes. In this edition, Caitanya Subodhini will take the readers through the overview of the post-sannyasa pastimes of Lord Caitanya – from His travels towards Jagannatha Puri, to His yatra across southern India. This first volume concludes with the Lord’s return to Jagannatha Puri in time to celebrate Jagannatha Ratha Yatra in great jubilation.
As usual, this systematic study guide includes:
Verse by verse overview of the chapters along with summary tables and overview charts.
Special Map of Lord Caitanya’s South India Tour
Spectacular Darshans of Sri Gauranga and Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Behari
Thematic Compilations such as Lord Caitanya’s Prasada Pastimes, Lord’s affectionate dealings and mercy.
…and many more
Caitanya Subodhini attempts to simplify the study of Sri Caitanya Caritamrita by integrating the explanations of Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraj Goswami and Srila Prabhupada thus catering for the taste and needs of avid readers, scholars and even new comers.
Get a birds eye view of Caitanya Caritamrita chapters
Drift in the flow of verses and sections
Savour the special thematic compilations
Zoom into the beauty of Holy name and analogies.
Studying the post graduate scripture of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas, the Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, is now more relishable and accessible to all who would like to dive deeper into the instructive and nectarean ocean like pastimes of Lord Caitanya.
In Your service
Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha:
An Invitation to the 40th Anniversary of Srila…
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An Invitation to the 40th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance, Iskcon Vrindavan October 22nd through October 24th 2017
Sivarama Swami: What they don’t tell you about death! (3…
Sivarama Swami: What they don’t tell you about death! (3 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: It’s not the person who has died, but the body. According to Vedic knowledge, the body is always dead. For example, a microphone is made of metal. When electric energy passes through the microphone, it responds by converting sound into electrical impulses, which are amplified and broadcast over loudspeakers. But when there is no electricity in the system, nothing happens. Whether the microphone is working or not, it remains nothing more than an assembly of metal, plastic, etc. Similarly, the human body works because of the living force within. When this living force leaves the body, it is said that the body is dead. But actually, it is always dead. The living force is the important element; its presence alone makes the body appear to be alive. But “alive” or “dead,” the physical body is nothing more than a collection of dead matter.
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Srimad Bhagavatam 08.07.46 by H.G Pancharatna Das on 18th…
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Srimad Bhagavatam 08.07.46 by H.G Pancharatna Das on 18th September 2017 in Mumbai, Iskcon Juhu Temple (video)
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“One Day Krishna May Kiss You” Saradiya Dasi: Once I…
“One Day Krishna May Kiss You”
Saradiya Dasi: Once I asked Prabhupada, “Are there senses in the spiritual world?” Prabhupada looked at the audience and said, “Look at this little girl. She wants to go back to Godhead.”
And in the course of the answer, Prabhupada said, “One day, Krishna may kiss you.” At that, everyone in the audience laughed
To read the entire article click here:
The Most Sacred Walk (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami:…
The Most Sacred Walk (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Yesterday we happily walked around sacred Govardhan Hill. Offering respects to the hill, the sadhus living there, the cows, the trees, the d…ust and the sacred water tanks, we purified our hearts on the path back home, back to the spiritual world.
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Parijata IC: Wishing a happy 10th Liver Transplant Anniversary…
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Parijata IC: Wishing a happy 10th Liver Transplant Anniversary to Shyamasundara and Gopinath Prabhus (Sam Speerstra & Amol Kulkarni). So grateful that both are in good health, happy, & blissfully engaged in service of Srila Prabhupada & Krishna. Praying both of you have many more such years of extraordinary service & good health.
Giriraj Swami: Gopinath Prabhu (Amol Kulkarni), you deserve a share of the credit for all the wonderful service Shyamasundar Prabhu (Sam Speerstra) had done since the transplant.
Yasoda-dulal Das: It took a lot of courage and surrender to have Gopinath volunteer to give part of his liver to Shyamsundar prabhu. And for you, Parijata IC, as his wife to have willingly gone along with it, with a then very young son in your lives! All glories to you both.
I am happy and proud to have you both in our life as dear friends.
“YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY!”This is what a freshman at…
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This is what a freshman at Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis said after he accepted Bhagavad-gītā & a few smaller pieces of literature from us last week. He was so nice that after expressing his interest in reading this philosophy, he spent a few minutes thanking us for coming to his campus. He said he understood it must be a great sacrifice for us to travel & preach, & he offered his respects repeatedly.
A girl who received BG from us a year ago at IUPUI happily received a few other books this time.
While I was showing the BG to one student, another student enthusiastically interrupted & asked, “Is that the original BG w/ Sanskrit? I’ve been wanting to find that book in its entirety!” Both students accepted a copy.
An older-looking student walked by, stopped, & asked what I was doing. He ended up taking a BG & admitted, “I have no idea why I was walking down this path. I never come this way, for I have no reason to.” I told him nothing happens by chance. 😃
Next we visited the Univ. of IL. One of the first persons to accept a BG from me was an articulate young man. He explained that he grew up in the Muslim tradition but felt dissatisfied w/ its theology. He also felt dissatisfied w/ modern science’s claim that consciousness is a product of matter. Thus in addition to the BG, he eagerly took a copy of the magazine “Origins–Higher Dimensions in Science,” which has an interesting article entitled “The Mystery of Consciousness.”
More than other campuses we visit, we also find staff & faculty members at the U of I taking home some of our literature. This trip was no exception, as three professors accepted a copy of BG.
The first was in the department of Earth Sciences. She expressed her interest in meditation & Eastern thought & gave a generous donation. The second was in the department of Geology. She said, “Oh, BG. I’ve always wanted to read that book.”
The third professor was from Africa & teaches Linguistics. He speaks a half dozen languages & has high regard for Sanskrit. He graciously accepted the BG.
All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!
The Very First Temple (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami:…
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The Very First Temple (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Madan Mohan temple was the first temple established in Vrindavan …Read More…
In a galaxy far far away Luke Skywalker (Mark Hammel) gets…
In a galaxy far far away Luke Skywalker (Mark Hammel) gets Prabhupada’s books! (Album with photos)
Brajananda Das: This past weekend was the annual NYC comic con which I have attended the last 3 years. I met a lot of wonderful people there. In my album’s first picture is a nice fellow from Peru, he was very grateful to get the books. The second is from Dharmaraja, he gave a book to Mark Hammel who played Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars. The third is Kermit the frog (not the original one, hah). The others are a bunch of other great people who value knowledge. It was a successful, yet stressful weekend (NYC is a tough place to get around for this monk, especially if you’re hauling a lot of books and can’t park a big van near the event.) but Krishna always reciprocates, so it was well worth the endeavor. Hare Hare!
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