The “Love’s Lessons” Book. Author: H.G. Bhakti Vijnana…
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The “Love’s Lessons” Book.
Author: H.G. Bhakti Vijnana Goswami.
At the end of last summer, Bhakti Vijnana Maharaj published a new book called “Love’s Lessons”. It became apparent right away that it was going to be the pearl of spiritual literature. On one hand, “Love’s Lessons” permeates right into your heart, ignoring all those mental channels that have been stuffed with media noise and stereotypes. On the other hand, it is very rare to find such a brilliant description of a great personality through the idea behind that personality, rather than the biography.
“Love’s Lessons” – is a collection of stories about one of the greatest sage of India in the 20th century – A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It is a deep look at the man who, following his spiritual master’s order, came to the West at an older age and by his own example was able to convince thousands of people from all over the world to take on a higher consciousness path.

The effect of some books can be compared to medication. Such effects can be experienced by reading “Bhagavad Gita” translated by Srila Prabhupada, “Journey Back Home” by Radhanath Swami, “Diary of a Traveling Monk” by Indradyumna Swami, the wonderful pieces by Sacinandana Swami, and by Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj. If we commit to take these medications regularly, with faith and under doctor’s supervision, then the effect can be very dramatic. One’s mind and heart can be cured. The mind quiets down and becomes inspired to serve God. The heart becomes rejuvenated by the interaction with the Source. That is how the spiritual medication works – it transforms lives. Often, we do not even need a lot of time for that to happen. By reading only one chapter, one sentence or sutra, we can experience absolute happiness and purifying pain. Our eyes become watery and we want to read it over and over again, because there is a high chance that something very deep has just permeated into our hearts.

That is what “Love’s Lessons” is about. It is about transformation and how to transform. It talks about crossing the boundaries of the inert material world subduing all the obstacles for the benefit of our souls.

Bhakti Vijnana Goswami:

“I did not get a chance to meet Srila Prabhupada. I have only heard stories about him and associated with those, who met him. But looking back at my life, I can say that he has influenced my life much more than the people whom I met in person. So, this book that you are holding – is my attempt to explain this secret of influence, which, I am confident, has been experienced by many, who have never met Srila Prabhupada.

When I started collecting stories about his life, which were very touching to me, never did I ever imagine that there would someday be a book based on them. I simply enjoyed hearing and sharing those stories with others. Analyzing the stories and trying to imagine being in Srila Prabhupada’s shoes, I was learning about his attitude toward the world, trying to see the internal mechanisms that supported his words and actions, which at times were so paradoxical and unexpected.

It was not until later when I realized that all of that was an essential part of bhakti yoga. Bhakti begins with hearing the stories about love toward God. Namely with hearing: we hear about other beings’ love toward Krishna, the obstacles they overcome for the sake of this love, and the sacrifices they make. By hearing about the great sages, we unwillingly identify ourselves with them and their mood enters our hearts and becomes our reality. The feelings that drive the great sages get transferred to those who hear about their pastimes, just as the feelings of movie or drama characters get transferred to the viewers.”


We can advance ourselves on the path of devotion only by the mercy of Krishna. Unfortunately, the lazy people of Kali Yuga often confuse “mercy” with “miracle”. Hoping for mercy, they are actually expecting a miracle, and when miracle does not happen, they become disappointed and lose faith in God’s mercy. There is, however, a considerable difference between miracle and mercy. Miracle happens all at once, while Krishna’s unconditional mercy is usually distributed in small, barely noticeable amounts. Krishna gives us a small piece of His mercy and then watches what we are going to do with it. If we appreciate His mercy and accept it with gratitude, Krishna give us a little more, but if we take it for granted, Krishna takes away everything He has given us before. So, it may seem like Krishna gives His mercy only to those who are patient and humble, but that is actually not true: Krishna showers everyone with Him mercy, but only the patient and the humble are able to preserve and grow it.

In his “Renunciation Through Wisdom” book Srila Prabhupada writes: “But because it is impossible to surrender to God in an instant, similarly we should not expect God’s mercy to come to us in an instant. Although certainly both God and even His servants sometimes create miracles, we still should not expect that those miracles would be happening with us. At the same time, we should never have any doubts that God’s mercy can exceed the level of our devotion. There is yet another danger: if we obtain all of God’s mercy at once, that would make us corrupt and fallen, which happens to many yogis who obtain mystical powers. For us, it is way much better to continue performing our duties by serving the Lord, with patience and enthusiasm; and at the end, that will lead to God gifting us with all of His mercy.”


Srila Prabhupada had an unlimited faith in guru and Krishna – that is an unquestionable fact. One can praise and marvel that, but I think his other quality is way more marvelous – the trust in people, his incompetent and unexperienced but full of enthusiasm disciples and even simple people, who just happened to interact with him somehow. In actuality, his trust in people is part of his faith in guru and Krishna: he knew that Krishna and spiritual master could turn any person into a tool of service toward them. That is exactly what he was aiming at – to turn all and every person into Krishna’s servants to free them from suffering. This strong desire to engage both worthy and unworthy people in the service to Krishna has transformed the hearts of those who interacted with him.


Born out of false ego the desire to enjoy, no matter its form, makes everything around us dead, distorting our original purpose, and eventually it slays our consciousness forcing our souls to be born again and again. But the spirit of service fills this slay and boring world with life and gives back natural immortality to our souls. Service is the only way to get rid of the influence of illusion. No matter how hard those prideful people try to comfort themselves with the belief that there are many paths leading to the spiritual kingdom, there is only one path from the material world to the spiritual reality – it is a narrow and thorny path of meekness and humility, and only the most patient ones can successfully complete it.


At times, Srila Prabhupada’s compassion was ruthless and his truthfulness did not fit into the societal norms of good tone. He got it from his spiritual master, who was not afraid of publicly admitting that compassion is based on truth and that lie has nothing to do with it. “This is the reason “Bhagavatam” recommends to start life from scratch: “Intelligent people should get rid of bad association and start communicating with sadhus. There is no doubt that sadhus are capable of killing all the bad qualities of a person’s mind. Because of this ability, communication with sadhus is beneficial for all”. There are many things we can try to hide from sadhus, but a true sadhu will make us confess in everything we are hiding in our hearts. He then takes his knife out. There are no other meanings of the word “sadhu” except this one. He is standing by the sacrifice block with his knife raised up high above. Our lustful desires are like goats. Sadhus come into our lives and compassionately chops off all those desires with a sharp sacrificial knife of word. If a sadhu lies, then he is harmful to us just as an enemy. Sadhu’s lies can only push us to walk the path that leads to enjoyment, but it never to true happiness.”
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App by Northern European BBT for Bhagavad-gita As It Is. First…
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App by Northern European BBT for Bhagavad-gita As It Is.
First it was eBooks, then an online store for multimedia, now the Northern European BBT has released Bhagavad-gita as it is, the App.
The App is currently available for iPad and iPhone, with an Android version being planned. It contains the full text of Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita as it is. You can make notes, use bookmarks and adjust the screen brightness, as well as use day and night themes. You can adjust the font type and size, search the text to find what you need and choose between scrolling or swiping pages.
To read the entire article click here:
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Vesu (Surat) Rathyatra And Book Distribution Report (Album with…
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Vesu (Surat) Rathyatra And Book Distribution Report (Album with photos)
There was arranged a small rathyatra in one of the newly developing area of Surat called Vesu by the devotees of Sri Sri Sacinandan Bhaktivriksh group on 16th July, 2017 under the guidance of ISKCON Surat vice president H.G. Vrindavan Dasa prabhu. The purpose of this rathyatra was to attract people towards Krsna Consciousness. The route of this Rathyatra covered more than 6 residencies area. As Srila Prabhupada once wrote in his letter of 16th july, 1969 to Brahmananda “This sankirtana party and our book department are very, very important; they are our right and left hands, so everything should be done very carefully and in remeberance that this is Krsna’s bussiness that we are executing. Because we are doing Krsna’s bussiness does not mean that we should be less careful, but it means we should be much more careful than someone who is performing activities simply for sense gratification. So instruct boys in that way.” So H.G. Radhesh Dasa prabhu instructed his team of 20 devotees in the same manner as Srila Prabhupada wanted and devotees got much enthusiasted so that they could be able to distribute 795 Srila Prabhupada’s books in just 2 hours.
The books distribution report of this rathyatra is as follows:
Maha Big Books – 321
Medium books – 51
Small books – 423
BTG member – 1.
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KIRTAN MELA – 2017, MOUNTAIN ALTAY Russia (Album with photos) …
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KIRTAN MELA – 2017, MOUNTAIN ALTAY Russia (Album with photos)
Another Kirtan Mela rumbled, already the fifth! Again, it was a tremendous feast of the celebration of the Holy Name and the magnificent feast of bhakti. Sweet kirtan Aditi duhkha hee Prabhu, Vaishnava prana Maladhary, Mukunda, Vishnu-tattva, Krishna creeps, Abhay Chaitanya, Rasa-lila gets carried away beyond the material creation, far, far away, in a wonderful country where the holiday never ends Where the inhabitants do not know about the separation, Where the inhabitants are unaware of sadness, Where music is not divided into sounds, Where there is no time, and no pity. Rupa Goswami says that the path of love is tortuous, and the closer we are to Krishna, the more we feel separation from Him, the stronger becomes this unbearable feeling that is causing us tears of love. Kirtan Mela on even the stoniest heart can melt, I say this from my own experience :)) raga nectar that poured from the heart kirtan and Vaishnava caught up by friendly chorus took on unprecedented power to change the heart. Weather contributed to this – the bright and hot sun quickly gives way to a dark leaden clouds, and our little Vrindavan flooded with torrents of rain, as if in Govardhan lila, and we found shelter at the Govardhan – altar with beautiful Deities and the Holy Name, which was the main deity in this Festival. And there was more nectar delicious variety of prasadam, which is under the guidance of Krishna Prabhu creeps prepared team of chefs – Chef – Bhagavan and his aides Audarya Radhika and Roma, Andrew and Nama priya, Roma Koltakov and others. Unearthly tastes! And there were master classes on playing the mrdanga, karatalah, harmonium and the basics and etiquette of kirtana and harinama. It was very lively fun and interesting. And also 2 wonderful seminars Aditi duhkha-hi and Vishnu tattva prabhu, where they revealed the innermost essence and meaning of chanting the holy name, and also that preliminary and necessary conditions for correct repetition are very important. Bathing in cold refreshing Katun, fun children’s programs, football with our guests, delicious prasadam by Abhay Chaitanya, pizza from Roma Kripakova, nectar service in the kitchen, a lot of nectar to communicate with friends, which can only be seen at the festival, dance till you drop a kirtan Aditi And many good things that words can not convey, but you can only experience yourself, so I invite you all to the next “Kirtan Mela”! Many thanks to all the organizers and especially Krishna Prabhu.
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The Miracle Garland! Acarya Dasa: Our pada-yatra party was…
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The Miracle Garland!
Acarya Dasa: Our pada-yatra party was passing through the village of Talugudi on June 14th. Rupa Ragunath Maharaj was about to leave for Argentina after having spent some time with us. He said to me that day, “We should dress Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar very nicely with beautiful garlands.” We usually make simple garlands but I agreed that having nice garlands for Their Lordships would attract more people to take Their darsana too. After walking for some time I came across a garland shop where I saw a pair of fresh and beautiful garlands. I rushed over to the shopkeeper and asked him about the garlands. He said that the garlands had been ordered by a marriage ceremony and was priced at 1800 rupees. I thought about how beautiful the garlands would’ve looked on Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar and was saddened that I could not get them.

No coincidences!

While I was thinking like this a local namahatta devotee came to pay obeisances to the Lord. He wanted to offer something to the Lord so he went to the very same garland shop and bought the very same garlands I was looking at. When he approached me with the garlands I was so happy I immediately offered them to the Lordships. They looked very beautiful. Afterward, I asked the devotee, how he obtained the garlands since they were ordered for a marriage ceremony? He said that the couple had canceled their order and took some other garlands.

This was no coincidence! It is all part of the Lord’s lila. He must have inspired the namahatta devotee to bring the garlands for Him. Everything is possible for the Lord. He can read the hearts of His devotees and the devotees have no desire except to please the Lord.

Such are the glories of our Sri Sri Nitai Guarsundar.
In the photo Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar wearing the garlands.

Pada yatra 2017 in Tapolca and Keszthely, Hungary (Album with…
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Páda yátra 2017 in Tapolca and Keszthely, Hungary (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: As far as possible, therefore, the devotees in the Krishna consciousness movement gather to chant the holy name of Krishna in public so that both the chanters and the listeners may benefit. (Sri-Caitanya-Caritamrta, Antya-lila 1.101)
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Iskcon Zagreb’s sankirtan festival (Album with photos)…
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Iskcon Zagreb’s sankirtan festival (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Hare Krishna movement is present in every millennium of Lord Brahma’s life, and the holy name is chanted in all the higher planetary systems, including Brahmaloka and Candraloka, not to speak of Gandharvaloka and Apsaroloka. The sankirtana movement that was started in this world five hundred years ago by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is therefore not a new movement. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 2.7.15 Purport)
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Hare Krishna Festivals UK – Dalston, Hackney Harinam – 15th July…
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Hare Krishna Festivals UK – Dalston, Hackney Harinam – 15th July 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that since His spiritual master ordered Him only to chant the holy name of Krishna, He always chanted the Hare Krishna maha-mantra according to this direction (“krsna-mantra” japa sada—ei mantra-sara). (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 7.72 Purport)
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Harinam Sankirtan in Union Square park Saturday, July 15th…
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Harinam Sankirtan in Union Square park Saturday, July 15th (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
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Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha launches CAITANYA SUBODHINI Adi lila, A…
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Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha launches CAITANYA SUBODHINI Adi lila, A Systematic Study Guide for Sri Caitanya Caritamrita.
Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha (BVVP): The Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha at ISKCON Govardhan Eco Village has been publishing many series of books, in the last two years, in service of the Vaishnava community, to assist in the understanding of Srila Prabhupada’s books, Srimad Bhagavatam and Sri Caitanya Caritamrta.
The first of the publication series, called BHAGAVATA SUBODHINI, is systematic study study guide for Srimad Bhagavatam. Last year on the occasion of ISKCON’s 50th anniversary, the Vidyapitha completed Bhagavata Subodhini series upto Cantos 1 till 6 in four volumes.

The second publication series is called BHAGAVATA RATNAMALA, a pocket size book containing the most vital and nectarean verses of Srimad Bhagavatam, which has been published in two volumes. The Vidyapitha also published CAITANYA RATNAMALA, a pocket book of the nectarean verses from Sri Caitanya Caritamrita.

The Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha has now come up with another wonderful series called CAITANYA SUBODHINI, A systematic Study guide for Sri Caitanya Caritamrita. On the most auspicious occasion of the 29th Brahmotsavam of Sri Sri Radha Gopinathji, the first volume of this series on ADI LILA of Sri Caitanya Caritamrita is being launched on 16 July 2017.

Following a similar presentation style of Bhagavata Subodhini, this new series CAITANYA SUBODHINI also presents the verse by verse overview of Sri Caitanya Caritamrita systematically with sections, sub sections, tables, flow charts, important notes from the purports and also special thematic compilations and other appendix materials to assist a systematic study of the Caitanya caritamrita chapters. We hope that this humble attempt in presenting this study guide would be pleasing to the Vaishnava community.

More information about the book can be found at

Watch the promo of the book at

Marriage Matters! Visakha Dasi: Everyone’s goal is to enter and…
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Marriage Matters!
Visakha Dasi: Everyone’s goal is to enter and remain in that elusive condition called happiness.
To be happy we must be peaceful (in Krishna’s words, “How can there be happiness without peace?”) and to be peaceful we must be content with the situation we are in, whatever it is.
We could choose to accept our lot in life and be happy, even if we don’t completely settle our marital discord. “One should be satisfied with whatever he achieves by his previous destiny, for discontent can never bring happiness.” (Srimad Bhagavatam [SB] 8.19.24) In the circumstances of our life, there is no element of chance. They are the result of the law of karma, a law that cannot err, and they are our destiny created by our past activities. It is as futile to rail against our pains and misfortunes, as it is to toil to increase our pleasures. “Without endeavor, one can get the amount of happiness and distress for which he is destined, and one cannot change this. Therefore, it is better to use one’s time for advancement in the spiritual life of Krishna consciousness.” (SB 7.7.42, purport) A person, content in their circumstances, can still choose to improve his or her life.
This attempt to change is not a gnawing dissatisfaction with the status quo, but a desire to fulfill our responsibility as a husband or wife and to advance spiritually.

“For spiritual advancement, one should be materially satisfied, for if one is not materially satisfied, his greed for material development will result in the frustration of his spiritual advancement. [On the other hand], one should not be poverty-stricken, but one must try to be fully satisfied with the bare necessities of life and not be greedy. For a devotee to be satisfied with the bare necessities is, therefore, the best advice for spiritual advancement.” (SB 7.15.21, purport)

A historical example of a content husband can be found in the prince, Priyavrata. He was content to live as a monk but due to the needs of the kingdom, he was requested by his elders to marry and rule as King. His marriage and rule were a sacrifice of his own desire. Yet instead of being bitter, he was just as content as a husband, father, and king for he never forgot his purpose and he conquered the modes of passion and ignorance in all their aspects including lust, greed, and envy as well as anger, bitterness and resentment. Srila Prabhupada explains that although Priyavrata was forced to break his vow of celibacy, he did not look upon his elders with resentment but with deep respect.

Unlike Narada Muni and Priyavrata, conditioned souls bind themselves to misery by holding resentments. Forgiveness (which does not necessarily mean approval of the act that caused the problem), frees one from this bondage.

First contentment, then peacefulness, and then happiness all become reality when we learn to forgive. And the first person to forgive is oneself. We can’t forgive others unless we first forgive ourselves for our own mistakes and character flaws.

“One should try to keep himself satisfied in any condition of life—whether distress or happiness —which is offered by the supreme will. A person who endures in this way is able to cross over the darkness of nescience very easily.” (SB 4.8.33) A contented person remains so through all acts of providence, whether those acts involve change or a lack of change. Contentment is accepting oneself, one’s partner and one’s situation with grace.

Harinam, book and prasadam distribution @ Sindhu Beach, Bali, …
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Harinam, book and prasadam distribution @ Sindhu Beach, Bali, Indonesia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Comparing one’s own suffering to the suffering of others, one should be kind to all living entities. Once cannot avoid the sufferings inflicted by providence, and therefore when suffering comes one should fully absorb oneself in chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 7.15.24 Purport)
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Don’t give up. Have hope! Byron Kyle: I grew up being…
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Don’t give up. Have hope!
Byron Kyle: I grew up being taught a few core values, of those, faith and hope were of great importance. For me, faith is believing in what you cannot see. Hope is having faith that you will one day see what you believe. Realization is having your faith confirmed, that is, actually witnessing what you believe. It is problematic that faith is used to describe hope but the two support each other. Explained differently faith is an affirmation or declaration while hope is the doing. You must have heard people say, “Don’t give up! Have hope!” Hope is the will to carry on and this is why I write to all of you.
Joining this community of faith, I heard many grand stories of transformation. You hear them within every faith. Tales of triumph that sound like the basis for a Hollywood blockbuster or best-selling biography. Usually, you’ll find that these stories take place over just a few weeks to a few months. The intentions of these stories are good. They are meant to encourage and excite, and on most occasions they do, but I am here to tell you differently. For many, including myself, these stories are just stories. These stories are just puffed up tales of grandeur with no solid basis or traceable line of evidence. At least, these are my feelings and I am sure the feelings of many others.
A life in pursuit of perfection is undoubtedly going to be a life of struggle. Not all of us get it right the first time or the thousandth time! I am here to offer encouragement to all those who experience the path as arduous; who no longer feel ecstasy in kirtan; or who harbor difficult and compulsive behaviors in secret. I am here to encourage devotees who have been at this lifestyle for a while and are thinking they are not making much progress while novices seem to overtake them. And I am speaking as a young person and a university student facing the greatest social pressures he’ll probably experience in his life.

I encourage all of you to look back. It is only in retrospect that you will see all the footholds that have carried you across the fast flowing river of challenges that we call life. And moving forward, I encourage you to be more discerning in choosing where you’ll place your feet and which direction you’ll take. Life is certainly a marathon, not a sprint. Real, lasting change is often deep and gradual rather than quick and dramatic. Real change is usually quiet and an almost unnoticeable affair. Real change requires consistency and not just an intense burst of energy. This model for change applies not only to our devotional life but to all our endeavors.

So I say to all of you, my friends, to look back on your effort and to applaud yourself for it. Applaud the faith you have even if it comes and goes in fits and starts. And I say to you, in the words of Bhakti Tirtha Swami to “…resist the temptation to be normal, because those who are considered normal accept the values and practices of an insane world.”

Don’t give up. Have hope. The victory you are looking for may be just around the corner. You may lose many a battle but you have a choice on the outcome of the war. Jay Sri Krishna!

New Ekacakra Dham in Slovakia (Album with photos)The center of…
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New Ekacakra Dham in Slovakia (Album with photos)
The center of the Slovak ISKCON is located in a small village Abranovce in Presov. In the beautiful surroundings of the Slanské Hills, is developing a temple project and a rural community. The motto which underlies the Movement Hare Krishna is “Simple Life and high thinking” as it is taught by A.C.Bhaktívédanta Swami Prabhupada in his books. The aim of this project is to show the way of life that is based on spiritual understanding and simple way of living. And just to show, but also practically to live this way of life, as well as teach it and lead people to this natural way of life. Such a way of life according to the Scriptures makes a person happy and satisfied.
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Clean Your Heart Before You Go! Vaisesika das: My father used…
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Clean Your Heart Before You Go!
Vaisesika das: My father used to engage our family in cleaning our whole house before leaving for a vacation.
As a youngster, I naively once questioned him: “Why clean now since we won’t even be here?”
He answered, “You’ll appreciate it the moment you return.”
I did.
When we leave our present gross material bodies, we carry with us our subtle bodies in which are recorded the impressions we have accumulated during our present lives.
One who takes the time and trouble – during the current span of life – to cleanse one’s heart, begins the next life with a clear advantage.
Or, those whose leave this world with completely clean hearts, don’t take another birth in the material world again; rather they ascend to the spiritual world.

Those who spend time cleaning their hearts before they are forced to leave their present body are wise and will come to fully appreciate the fruit of their work either in this life or in the next.

“On taking such a birth, he revives the divine consciousness of his previous life, and he again tries to make further progress in order to achieve complete success, O son of Kuru. (Bg. 6.43)

“By virtue of the divine consciousness of his previous life, he automatically becomes attracted to the yogic principles-even without seeking them. Such an inquisitive transcendentalist stands always above the ritualistic principles of the scriptures.” (Bg. 6.44)

The Bhagavad-gita As It Is
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The Bhagavad-gita As It Is.
I approached a middle-aged couple. I offered a Gita to the husband, who said he did not have time to read this type of book.
I answered that if he had a desire, then he would find time to fulfill it. Having a strong desire, people find time to build houses, skyscrapers, spaceships, cars and so on.
The man responded that he had no such desire to buy the book.
But I replied that “I” had a desire to give him the book. God sees whose desire is stronger and fulfills the stronger one. The man continued to refuse.
I smiled and said that his wife would do it. Turning to her, I said, “If a man conquers the whole world but loses his soul, he will lose everything. While if he loses everything but not his soul, he will gain everything.”
Smiling, she said, “I’m definitely taking this book.”
Just at the same moment, as if he had been ordered, he took a big banknote from his pocket and handed it to me.
I concluded: “Now you see I was right.” So they left happily.
Vaninath Vasu Dasa

The biggest Bhagavad Gita
Vijaya das: While visiting an influential friend in London, I noticed a very large Bhagavad-gita in his living room, five times bigger than our Deluxe Gita. Only a hundred and eight of them were printed by the Meditteranean BBT. They cost about $1,300 each. They were published with top VIPs in mind. The London temple gave a copy to my friend because of his long-time support of the temple. It must have weighed around twenty pounds.
Bhagavad-gita ki jaya!

“Contentment” (5 min video)Mahatma das: It is…
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“Contentment” (5 min video)
Mahatma das: It is impossible to be content when you’re hankering for something, not connected to Krishna, that you don’t have. If you want to be content appreciate how much God has already given you.
So one of the problems we face in our culture is that were made to feel that we never have enough that we never are enough but there’s something wrong with us or there’s somebody better than us and if we just have what they have then we’ll be okay, if we’re just different them we’ll be okay.
So it’s kind of kind of like sometimes put ourselves in a corner where it’s actually impossible to be happy, it’s impossible to be content which is really the opposite of Krishna consciousness. Because Krishna consciousness means we are merged in an ocean of bliss which satisfies, just by hearing and chanting about Krishna and we’re appreciating so much the association of devotees, chanting the holy names, hearing the Bhagavatam, all the nectar of the richness of the culture, we’re just feeling always grateful and appreciative. At least we should be.

So what the material culture does and materialism does it makes us feel there’s something we need that has nothing to do with Krishna, to make us happy.

So we should understand that appreciation and self-satisfaction being full in Krishna consciousness they go together and if we’re not appreciative it means something is lacking in our Krishna consciousness, something is missing and if something is missing and often we’re going to try to fill it with something that’s not Krishna conscious so that’s a dangerous position. To try to fill our needs with something that takes us away from Krishna.
If we can just appreciate what Krishna has given to us and glorify Him, honor Him even if we’d like more, even if maybe we think we deserve more, when Krishna sees that you’re appreciating whatever it is He’s given you then He’s more willing to give you more.

Prabhupada wanted us to be satisfied with some service and with the Holy Name, some association, he wanted us to be satisfied simply and that’s a sign of advancement, a sign of the devotees being very simple and satisfied.

So if we’re not satisfied, if we’re hankering too much materially should be a sign that material fever is rising and we need to become more grateful for everything that we have in Krishna consciousness every day all day.
Watch it here:

“Every Town & (Gypsy) Village” (Album with…
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“Every Town & (Gypsy) Village” (Album with photos)
The wonderful Temple of New Ekacakra situated in the rolling hills of Eastern Slovakia is a jewel to behold. Beautiful Nitai Gaurasundar Deities and so so sweet devotees. Coming here with Harinam Ruci SKP Party was very special. Our general, Visnu Jana prabhu was born here. Even before meeting devotees he was going from town to town square and drumming up a storm. We feel very privileged and thankful to travel with him and the other boys on the party. More than any devotee We’ve met he embodies the spirit of the saintly Vishnujana Swami. Lord Krishna has certainly empowered him to infuse the Holy Name into the hearts of everyone he meets. Crowds come to life and almost immediately begin to chant and dance under his direction. His determination and fearlessness is a wonder to behold. There are many Gypsy Villages in the vicinity of the Temple who’ve been getting the mercy of the Harinam and the devotees for years. They know the Mantra, the dance steps and chant with abandon. Harinam Samkirtan Ki Jaya!
Find them here: