Please join us in prayers for our dear Godsister Aditya Devi Dasi, who left this world here in Vrindavan on Ekadasi evening!
Giriraj Swami: Aditya Dasi was a pure, devoted soul who sincerely served Srila Prabhupada and his Lords for the last forty-five years. She was our secretary in Juhu, and after Prabhupada’s departure she did wonderful service in his quarters, and then she went to Vrindavan to serve him. She was ill these last days and wanted to leave her body on Ekadasi, and Prabhupada fulfilled her desire. We feel her separation, but we take solace in knowing that she has gone to continue her service to him and his Lords in a better situation. Nonetheless, I am praying for her. And I am reminded of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta’s description of Haridasa Thakura’s funeral ceremony: “Thereafter, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu bade farewell to all the devotees, and He Himself, with mixed feelings of happiness and distress, took rest.”
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Please join us in prayers for our dear Godsister Aditya Devi…
The personal and dear servant of Srila Prabhupada, Srutakirti…
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The personal and dear servant of Srila Prabhupada, Srutakirti Prabhu, recovering after suffering a seizure.
Vishakha Fiorentino: My husband was discharged from the hospital. Cat scans for head and stomach didn’t show anything that could trigger seizures. All of his vitals are normal. He has bad pain in the middle of his back and it’s difficult for him to breathe if he is standing up or sitting straight.
Thank you all for all your love, care and prayers.
We were happily celebrating my husband’s birthday with our family and friends on the Big Island. My husband was talking about Srila Prabhupada and his mother. Suddenly he got quiet and started shaking in seizure. Thankfully there were 2 registered nurses. They took control of the situation. I will not tell you all the sad and shocking details. Later on, he regained consciousness. We are in the hospital now. He is going through checkup. Will update when we will hear anything from the doctors. Big thanks to Debra , Radhana Rupini, Mayapur and Campakalata and all the devotees for the help and prayers.
Urmila Devi Dasi: He was speaking at his birthday party about Prabhupada, and then said, “I need to go now” and then went into a grand mal seizure for a long time. He seems to be mostly ok now and is recovering at his son’s home. After many tests at the hospital, the doctors were not able to discover the cause. Prayers are welcome.
Further updates:
Understanding Kirtan With Kripamoya Das (5 min video)
Our family…
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Understanding Kirtan With Kripamoya Das (5 min video)
Our family business: The Holy Name, Books, and Prasadam. Doing the chanting right is import…Read More…
Soma Prabhu – Interview (30 min video)A senior devotee from the…
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Soma Prabhu – Interview (30 min video)
A senior devotee from the USA is narrating how he came in contact with the Hare Krishna movement, his mee…Read More…
Kirtan Forever – Bada Hari Das Prabhu (6 min video)Even a…
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Kirtan Forever – Bada Hari Das Prabhu (6 min video)
Even a moment of Kirtan can change your life. What to speak of doing Kirtan day in and day out for the past 48 years. We are so honored to be able to share this interview with Kirtan legend @Bada.Haridas Prabhu. Listen carefully and you’ll save years quality chanting!
Watch it here:
Harinama at Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia – 18…
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Harinama at Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia – 18 June 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
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Interview with Yadubara Prabhu and Visakha Mataji (16 min…
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Interview with Yadubara Prabhu and Visakha Mataji (16 min video)
Their life experience of shooting films about Prabhupada, growing children and p…Read More…
Education with ISKCON (video)HH Hanumat Presaka Swami, Recorded…
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Education with ISKCON (video)
HH Hanumat Presaka Swami, Recorded on 06-11-2017, ISKCON of Silicon Valley.
Watch it here: More…
6th Annual Jagannath Rath Yatra Bloomington IL June 18….
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6th Annual Jagannath Rath Yatra Bloomington IL June 18.
Damodarananda Das: We successfully conducted our 6th annual Jagannath Rath Yatra attended by app 700 people. HH Romapada Maharaj was the Chief Guest along with many few more Prabhupada’s disciples. Afterward, there was a cultural program followed by a free feast and kids’ Mela.
London Rathayatra (Album with photos)
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London Rathayatra (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: All glories to the chanting of Hare Krishna mantra or Krishna sankirtana movement. All gl…Read More…
He who has grasped hold of the lotus feet of Radha with great…
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He who has grasped hold of the lotus feet of Radha with great care obtains the lotus feet of Krsna, which are like priceless jewels.
Srila Bhakti…Read More…
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DARSHAN OF LORD JAGANNATH AT RATHA-YATRA –His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada addresses the question as to whether *everyone* who sees Jagannath at Ratha-yatra gets liberation.
Devotee: Prabhupada, can you explain a little more about Ratha-yatra? Anyone who takes part in Ratha-yātrā, are they liberated?
Prabhupada: Certainly.
Devotee: Does that mean they will not take birth again?
Prabhupada: Yes. Yes, provided they take it seriously. Otherwise, if they keep their mentality differently, then according to mind, one has to get a body. But… Just like so many boys. They come here in the beginning out of curiosity, but gradually, they get the chance of becoming devotee. Similarly, if they take the chance, then they will be liberated. They come out of curiosity, but if they take it seriously, then they will be liberated. Just like hospital is meant for curing disease. So one should take the treatment. If he simply goes and visits the hospital and thinks “Now I am cured,” how it can be done? Hospital is a… Suppose if I advertise that “Anyone who comes to this hospital, he will be cured of his disease,” that’s a fact. But if he thinks that “I have come here. Now I am going,” then how he will be cured? To see Jagannātha on the Ratha-yātrā, his way for liberation is open, but if he comes back again and entangles himself, then? One goes to the doctor. He gives injection. The disease is cured. But again he comes back and does the same thing so that he develops this disease again. So whose fault it is? This is called hasti-snāna. Hasti-snāna. The elephant takes bath very nicely, and as soon as comes on the bank of the river or the lake, he takes dust and throws it over body again. If we do that, then we shall remains always dirty. You go, take bath, cleanse, but don’t take dirt again. That is not going on. They become immediately mukta, liberated, but they come, again becomes entangled. If it is a fact seeing Jagannātha is mukta, that’s all… He becomes mukta. But if he again comes to māyā, then who can check him? Just like you are all on the path of liberation, but if you again come back to māyā, then where is your liberation? Why Jagannātha in the ratha here? If somebody comes here and sees his path for liberation is open… Now he should protect himself. Just like disease, fever is subsided. Now one should be careful not to relapse the fever. That care is in my hand, everyone’s hands. And if you become prone to be relapsed again, then again the same thing. Just like in Christian church they confess. Of course, that is the injunction. That’s all right. After confessing, the sins are excused. That’s a fact. But if he comes back, again commits the same, then where is the effect? But they are happy in that way. They are… “After one week, I shall go to the church and confess my sins. Then everything will be neutralized.” This is all right. Suppose on Sunday you become free from all contamination of your sinful activities. And Monday you again do the same thing. So you become again contaminated. And, say, on Tuesday if you die, then you are dying with sins. Is it not? Then what is your condition? If the God or Christ excused you of your sinful life, that’s all right. But when you come back, you don’t commit again sin. Then you are all right. But we have taken it as a business that we go to Sunday, neutralize our sins, and come back again and do the same thing. So from logical point of view, suppose you do the same sinful activities, and if you die immediately, then you die with sinful activities, go to hell. What benefit you derive by confessing in the church? This business is going on. “Now I have seen Jagannātha. My liberation is guaranteed. Now I can do anything.” That’s all. This mentality. This mentality will not give you liberation. You have seen Jagannātha, your sinful activities are now neutralized, but don’t commit again. Now make progress. Then your liberation is guaranteed. Is it clear?
KK Bindu #402: The Mystery of Jagannath’s Return Ratha-yatra part 2
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada addresses the question as to whether
*everyone* who sees Jagannath at Ratha-yatra gets liberation.
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada describes the deep behaviour of
the Gaudiya Vaishnavas.
Bhaktivinode speaks about an allegorical meaning behind the forms of the
deities in Jagannath Puri.
concluding installment of a two-part series analyzing how we are to
understand Lord Jagannath’s return Ratha-yatra festival, wherein he leaves
the Gundhicha temple and comes back to the Sri Mandir.
This issue can be downloaded at the following link:
Interview with His Grace Sesa Prabhu!! Minister of Education…
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Interview with His Grace Sesa Prabhu!! Minister of Education (video)
Srila Prabhupada: This life of material existence is just like hard wood, an…Read More…
‘Hare Krishna’ Surpasses Box Office Expectations!
Hare Krishna:…
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‘Hare Krishna’ Surpasses Box Office Expectations!
Hare Krishna: The Mantra, The Movement and The Swami Who Started It All, which focuses on the life of Srila Prabhupada, who in the 1960s tapped the counter-culture in America, igniting the Hare Krishna movement in this country, had an impressive start in a single New York location. The feature grossed $21,473 Friday to Sunday.
Abramorama pointed out Sunday that the feature performed despite not receiving a New York Times review. “It exceeded our projections, indicating that it reached beyond the Hare Krishna community,” explained Abramorama’s Richard Abramowitz Sunday. The title will next head to L.A. on June 23 as well as other cities around the country. Moving forward, the feature will have a mix of one-night screenings and traditional runs.
Panihati Festival in Iskcon New Govardhana, Pot Art Auction – 18…
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Panihati Festival in Iskcon New Govardhana, Pot Art Auction – 18 June 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One should invite people, chant…Read More…
“It is only because of Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami…
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“It is only because of Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada that the bhakti movement started in the Western world and spread like wildfire for good all over the world It appears as if it is a miracle, but it is so true. The greatness of bhakti is such, as is the greatness of Lord Krishna and the spirit of Srila Prabhupada.”
– Tridandi Chinna Sriman Narayana Ramanuja Jeear Swami, renowned saint and scholar in Ramanuja Sampradaya.
Kripamoya das: Recently, on a south India train journey from Tirupati to Chennai, a middle-aged man sat down opposite me. His distinctive tilak markings made it obvious which philosophical school he belonged to: the Tenkalai sect of the Sri Vaishnava sampradaya. It wasn’t long before we started a conversation, mainly consisting of me asking questions about one of my favourite subjects of interest: authority and transmission in Vaishnava history, and he answering from the Sri Vaishnava point of view. As we talked, he revealed that he was associated with a sannyasi known as the Chinna Jeeyar Swami. My travelling companion was surprised when I mentioned that the same sannyasi was scheduled to visit the Bhaktivedanta Manor just after I returned to England.
Chinna Jeeyar Swami is becoming well known for his travelling and teaching. He took to the sannyasa order at the tender age of 23 and is continuing the mission of his guru to preach the siddhanta, or philosophical conclusions, of Sri Vaishnavism. Of course, many are doing that in India, but he has taken the unconventional step to travel beyond India.
For us in the Hare Krishna movement the fact that a sannyasi came out of India to preach and start a world movement is the stuff of legend. Srila Prabhupada did it, and thereby set the pattern for all future members of the senior renunciate order in the line of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. So we might naturally assume that all sannyasis would also be world travellers. Yet the centuries-old rules for the sannyasa order forbid the crossing of bodies of water, and the majority of orthodox sannyasis still follow this rule. For this reason, many traditionalists in India consider that the spiritual purity of the two or three Vaishnava sannyasis from the Madhva or Ramanuja lineages that have visited America or Europe has been compromised.
But these teachers have responded to the stark facts of modern life: that many young people from Vaishnava families have left India for education or careers in the West yet have not completely abandoned their culture. Who will help them to learn and practise more if not the travelling preachers of Vaishnava siddhanta? Everyone needs help and guidance in order to fully reap the benefits of spiritual life; book knowledge alone is insufficient. But even such book knowledge as this generation has is sometimes inaccessible to them because they cannot read the Tamil or Telugu language, even though they may speak it with their parents. So there are moves within the orthodox Sri Vaishnava community to render the classical texts in the English language for the next generation. With that comes the challenges of making the traditional Vaishnava lifestyle practicable in western cultural settings.
There’s less problem keeping to Vaishnava practises in your own home, before breakfast, especially with a supportive family. You may need advice, ongoing guidance, and a certain amount of willpower but nobody will prevent you from your own religious choices. Outside the home, at university, in the workplace, within your diverse social circle, at the restaurant or at parties – all these situations present a range of extraneous influences and often perplexing choices. Sri Vaishnava teachers now have to concern themselves with helping this generation in situations that never arose in India in more classical times. In this respect the orthodox Vaishnava teachers who now come west have a lot in common with Vaishnava teachers in ISKCON.
Chinna Jeeyar Swami arrived at Bhaktivedanta Manor on a very cold, blustery, wet afternoon. He walked bare-shouldered with two disciples chanting verses behind him. I received him with a small Vedic ceremony involving a kumbha (coconut-pot) and lamp, and invited him to take up his seat in the Manor theatre. The word had got around and the theatre filled up quickly. He spoke on Krishna and the blessings of the great Vaishnavas. Afterwards the Swami said that he would like to return to the Manor on a future date, when he next comes to England. We all wish him well in his western preaching.
London Ratha Yatra today (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada:…
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London Ratha Yatra today (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If we simply place ourselves at the lotus feet of Krishna by taking to Krishna co…Read More…
Interview-Agnidev- Laguna Beach Temple Purchase (audio)
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Interview-Agnidev- Laguna Beach Temple Purchase (audio)
Agnidev tells how they got the temple in Laguna Beach even though the whole town was agai…Read More…
Kalindi and her Boyfriends (5 min video)Chayadevi: Kalindi was…
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Kalindi and her Boyfriends (5 min video)
Chayadevi: Kalindi was only 3 years old and had produced
23.096 pounds of milk but she couldn’t get pregnant again and her milk production had fallen below 60 pounds a day when the dairy farmer who owned her was about to sell her for meat. ISCOWP members purchased her and saved her from becoming meat on someone’s dinner plate. This video is about her life and the life of 2 of her friends (also saved from slaughter) 2 years later.
Watch it here:
The Art of Teaching – A Guide for Training Our Children in…
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The Art of Teaching – A Guide for Training Our Children in Krishna Consciousness by His Grace Bhurijana prabhu, is now available as an eBook on Amazon Kindle.
eBook link:
A valuable resource for parents, teachers, preachers, and anyone else who wants to teach. Bhurijana Dasa began his teaching career in 1976, working with students and developing curriculum. This book contains the essence of his years of teaching experience and his study of Srila Prabhupada’s instructions on education. Included are such topics as the importance of the mode of goodness in teachers and students, how to become self-disciplined, principles of organization and management, ideas for setting and achieving objectives, how to lead discussions, ask effective questions, listen, and counsel. Also, contains Srila Prabhupada’s quotes on gurukula and a section on child protection.
Devotees may also avail of the hardback from the same above link.
For bulk orders of the hardback book, please write to
Harinama in Western Siberia, Altai Krai, Russia (Album with…
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Harinama in Western Siberia, Altai Krai, Russia (Album with photos)
With every step of Harinama on Earth
Life becomes purer, brighter and wonderf…Read More…
1st Video Contest on the occasion of 46th Kolkata…
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1st Video Contest on the occasion of 46th Kolkata Rathyatra
organized by ISKCON.Read More…
Shoes made for walking: Monk walks through Craig, Colorado,…
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Shoes made for walking: Monk walks through Craig, Colorado, USA.
Marathon walker Bhaktimarga Swami — The Walking Monk — is passing through Craig and Moffat County this weekend. Swami, formerly John Peter Vis, a 64-year-old Canadian, has been taking long walks since he was about 5 years old. He adopted the monastic lifestyle of the Hare Krishna order in 1973 and incorporated marathon walking into his spiritual practice. In 1996 he walked across the entire length of Canada which was documented in the Canadian film “The Longest Road.” This year he is walking across America in honor of his guru, Swami Prabhupada, and in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the incorporation of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in America.
Cultural presentation of Krishna consciousness in Moscow (Album…
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Cultural presentation of Krishna consciousness in Moscow (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, we gradually …Read More…
Kaliya Lila – HG Bhurijana Prabhu (video)10 June 2017 at Hare…
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Kaliya Lila – HG Bhurijana Prabhu (video)
10 June 2017 at Hare Krishna Valley, Victoria, Australia.
Watch it here:
1st South America Conference on Sustainability in Spirituality…
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1st South America Conference on Sustainability in Spirituality (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: In this Age of Kali, the process of worship…Read More…
Harinama in Auckland, New Zealand (Album with photos)
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Harinama in Auckland, New Zealand (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: May the glorification of the transcendental name, form, qualities, and pa…Read More…
NYC premiere of “Hare Krsna! The Mantra, the Movement and…
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NYC premiere of “Hare Krsna! The Mantra, the Movement and the Guru who started it all.” (Album with photos)
Ramesvara das: Just attended the NYC premiere of the movie.
Seeing it on a big screen in a sold out theater – was one of the greatest experiences of seeing and being with Srila Prabhupada that I’ve ever had! I’m ready to buy tickets to bring friends and family this weekend –
Everyone’s HEART beating wildly with LOVE; everyone’s eyes filled with tears!
Impressions that will last forever!
Your aspiring servant, Ramesvara dasa
Who would have thought we would ever see so many devotees all together in a movie theater in New York City. Premiere night of the biggest movie in Iskcon history. Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
Find them here:
A Prestigious Centre In Oxford (Album with photos)
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A Prestigious Centre In Oxford (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Oxford, a city in central southern England, revolves around its prestigious university established in the 12th century. ISKCON’s Saunaka Rsi Das established the Oxford Centre For Hindu Studies there in 1997 with the aim of sharing our Vaisnava tradition with the academia and students of Oxford. The project has brought great recognition and honor to our movement. A number of scholarly devotees serve in the Centre. Myself and Bada Haridas led a small program for local devotees during our stay in Oxford.
Find them here:
TOVP: The shining Chakra ready to be installed (Album with…
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TOVP: The shining Chakra ready to be installed (Album with photos)
In the images, you can see how the work on the Chakra is going on.
The Nava Ya…Read More…
How the Hare Krishna Movement Started 51 Years Ago in the East…
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How the Hare Krishna Movement Started 51 Years Ago in the East Village.
Kasper Van Laarhoven (for This Friday, June 16, Hare Krishna! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami Who Started It will premiere at Village East Cinema. The documentary tells the story of Srila Prabhupada, a disheveled 70-year-old Hindu who boarded a freighter to the U.S. in August 1965 with little more than three self-translated religious texts and instructions from his guru to “offer spiritual wisdom to the people of the world.”
Prabhupada – back then still called Bhaktivedanta Swami – struggled through life on New York City’s rough “bum Bowery” until one of his early admirers found him a place one avenue over. It was here, in a tiny storefront at 26 Second Avenue, that Prabhupada established what would become the very first Krishna Consciousness temple outside of India.
To read the entire article click here:
Sunday Lecture with HH Subhag Swami – June 11th, 2017…
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Sunday Lecture with HH Subhag Swami – June 11th, 2017 (Video)
Every Sunday free vegetarian feasts and priceless association with mystics devoted …Read More…
Today’s Kanchi Sri Varadaraja Swamy car festival.
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Today’s Kanchi Sri Varadaraja Swamy car festival.
Srila Prabhupada: Once can be free from all sinful reactions after reaching a place of pilgrimage, but one can have the same benefit at home or at any other place simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord. (Srimad Bhagavatam 2.7.15)
Vegetarian beef farmer gives herd to animal sanctuary.
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Vegetarian beef farmer gives herd to animal sanctuary.
A vegetarian farmer has given his herd of cows to an animal sanctuary to protect them from the slaughterhouse.
Jay Wilde, 59, who farms in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, sent 63 cattle to a Norfolk rescue centre as he could no longer bear to send them to be killed.
Mr Wilde, a vegetarian for 25 years, grew up herding cows and took over the family farm when his father died.
“Cows have good memories and a range of emotions. They form relationships. I’ve even seen them cry,” he said.
“It was very difficult to do your best to look after them and then send them to the slaughterhouse for what must be a terrifying death.”
The Hillside Animal Sanctuary near Frettenham said 30 of the cows are pregnant and all the animals “would live out their lives essentially as pets”.
Founder, Wendy Valentine, said Mr Wilde is not the first farmer to have donated his herd.
She recalls a couple who “could not bear to continue dairy farming and kept their cows as pets with the help of the sanctuary”.
To read the entire article click here:
When the East came west.
New Vrindavana – On the weekends,…
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When the East came west.
New Vrindavana – On the weekends, around holidays and Hindu holy days, it gets busier at the temple, said Vrindivan Das, the communications director for the community.
“We see more than 30,000 people a year,” he said. “People come because they are curious. They come to see the beautiful palace, and, also, because they are pilgrims.”
Visitors, he said, come from all over the country and Canada, Europe and India.
“We get a lot more corporate people,” he said. “They come for the meditation and to relax.”
Along with the palace, there’s a community temple that could easily hold several hundred, a gift shop, a yoga studio, an inn and a vegetarian restaurant, which serves Indian food and pizza.
Adherents to the Hindu faith do not eat meat because they believe it attracts negative karma. However, dairy products are permitted. The New Vrindaban Community has a small dairy.
To read the entire article click here:
London Rathayatra.
Date: Sunday 18th June 2017
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London Rathayatra.
Date: Sunday 18th June 2017
Procession starts: 12 noon, South Carriage Drive, Hyde Park
Processions ends: 2 pm, Trafalgar Squa…Read More…
Cure Racism Today by Sivarama Swami (2 min video)
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Cure Racism Today by Sivarama Swami (2 min video)
Only by understanding and realizing the simple fact that we are not our material bodies we can experience, as spiritual entities, our being equalRead More…(This post has been viewed 729 times so far)
TOVP: Watch as the Kalash is being installed (2 min…
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TOVP: Watch as the Kalash is being installed (2 min video)
Sadbhuja Das: After many weeks of assembling the titanium nitride Kalashes, we are now…Read More…
Annual Chip Rice Festival (6 min video)
Overview of the Atlanta…
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Annual Chip Rice Festival (6 min video)
Overview of the Atlanta New Panihati Dhama Annual Chip Rice Festival. The preparations of the offerings.
…Read More…
Fired Up Harinama in London, United Kingdom (Album with…
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Fired Up Harinama in London, United Kingdom (Album with photos)
Lord Chaitanya, however, has recommended only one yajna, or sacrifice, called the…Read More…