TOVP: Raising the Standards from the Heights (Album with photos)…
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TOVP: Raising the Standards from the Heights (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: TOVP welcomes the newest addition to our construction team. On Wednesday July 20, 2016 the TOVP’s new red suspended platform arrived on site. The hoist is manufactured by Jaypee and is from Kolkata.
The model is the JSP1000 and it can lift up to 1 tonne (1,000 kilograms) and can climb up to 100 meters. The lift moves at 8.3 meters per minute. It is made of steel and its platform dimensions are 7.5 meters long, 0.7 meters wide, and 1.4 meters high.
It has a unique system for safe working at great heights. Some of the features of the lift are that it has an anti- tilting Safety lock for rope breakage, an electrical control system, and an advanced suspension mechanism.
The hoist is making work easier, lighter, and simpler. Also, it is reducing our cost on scaffolding and helping us complete our work with more efficiency. The hoist is being maintained by a dynamic and simple support system from the roof. It is not bolted to the ground, but rather it is anchored by two levers that each have counterweights that weigh a ½ ton (counter weight system). This makes it very mobile and easy to move to operate at different locations of the TOVP.
A big round of applause for TOVP Team members Prema Avatar Gauranga Das and Parvata Muni Das for seeking and manifesting this savvy and intelligent alternative in construction. As we work at the great heights of the TOVP with our new equipment, we commit to raising the standards. This allows the TOVP to always evolve and adapt the most advanced technology systems possible for the advancement of our construction and the opening the TOVP.
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From The Heart! (6 min video) Indradyumna Swami: Woodstock meant…
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From The Heart! (6 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Woodstock meant many things for different people. For Lord Krsna’s devotees it was a chance to share our good fortune through massive prasadam distribution, Ratha Yatra, good association and most important, the loud chanting of Krsna’s holy names along with our audience in the Mantra Yoga Tent.
Watch it here:

Russian’s new law could lead to religious crackdown! “The…
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Russian’s new law could lead to religious crackdown!
“The United States is concerned with the Russian Federation’s recent adoption of amendments to its anti-terrorism law, which President Putin signed July 7,” State Department spokesman Nicole Thompson told The Daily Signal in an email. “The amendments include a number of provisions which place greater restrictions on the right to freedom of speech, assembly, and religion, and also introduce criminal penalties for those who do not inform the authorities of alleged violations. Particularly troubling are the amendments dealing with religion and missionary activity.”
To read the entire article click here:

Krishna Lunch begins serving its own organic produce. Monday…
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Krishna Lunch begins serving its own organic produce.
Monday through Friday, hundreds of people gather on the Plaza of the Americas to stand in line for Krishna Lunch.
Krishna Lunch has begun featuring foods grown organically in a local garden, maintained by the group’s members.
In mid-Spring, Krishna devotees began planting a garden about 20 minutes north of UF’s campus, said Dhristadyumna “Dennis” Das, the 34-year-old temple commander for the Gainesville Krishna House.
The garden, located at 13700 U.S. Highway 441, had been empty for about eight years until the owner offered the land to Gainesville’s Hare Krishnas, Das said.
Das is known for serving beverages at Krishna Lunch, calling out the names of those who pass by.
Using the property, about three-fourths of an acre in size, the group has planted lettuce, kale, okra, zucchini, cucumber, eggplant and more, Das said.
“Most people don’t know where their food comes from,” Das said. “This is local and fresh.”
For a few weeks during Summer A, 70 to 90 percent of the lettuce served at Krishna Lunch was grown in the garden, Das said.
He said organic eggplants will soon be ready to be served with lunches every Tuesday until November.
Diners may not know where Krishna Lunch currently gets its produce, but that has not stopped some students.
“I trust them enough to know they have good ingredients,” said Aria Nguyen, an 18-year-old UF dietetics sophomore who said she eats Krishna Lunch every Wednesday.
Nguyen said she loves the healthy food options at Krishna Lunch, but that’s not why she enjoys the experience so much.
“The food is the whole reason I came, and I stayed for the people,” Nguyen said.
She said she hopes the garden expands and produces more fresh ingredients, as more students would be likely to eat Krishna Lunch.
“Krishna changed me,” she said. “I have a different view on food, the environment and animals now.”
Currently, the ingredients are delivered by Cheney Brothers and Taylor Farms, Das said.
He said the garden will not raise the price of Krishna Lunch. It may actually be cheaper to grow organic produce than to purchase it from a distributor.
Das said the hope is students will start to drive north to the garden to help grow the foods they will eventually eat.
Part of the Hare Krishnas philosophy is an agrarian and sustainable lifestyle, reflected in the farming, he said.
“Simple living, high thinking,” Das said. “Yeah, definitely quote that.”

Remembering Krishna das Swami.Can you please give us…
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Remembering Krishna das Swami.
Can you please give us some of your childhood background?
I appeared in the town of Kapurthala in Punjab on 2nd June 1932. At a very young age I left my parent’s home and was raised by his maternal grandfather, a devout Vaishnava and a renowned astrologer. Under his personal guidance, I memorised the details of the “Ramayana” at the age of eleven, and a few years later, by the mercy of my Guru Maharaja, I memorised all the verses of Bhagavad Gita. Right from a young age I was raised as a missionary. At the age of 16, in the year 1949, I was initiated into the Vaishnava Sampradaya by His Holiness Tralochandev Maharaja.
When did you come to the West?
I studied at the Punjab University and after qualification joined the Civil Service Education Board, serving as the Headmaster in a Secondary school, teaching English, Hindi and Social Studies. I was ordered by my Spiritual Master to renounce my Civil Servant duties and embark on a journey to the west with the aim to preach Sanatana Dharma. Thus on 3rd April 1966, I left Bharat for the UK and started preaching in London.
How did you meet Srila Prabhupada?
As destiny would have it, one day some ISKCON devotees visited my residence and invited me to the temple in Bury Place. The Temple president kindly requested me to give regular classes, both in English and in Hindi on Sundays and festival days.
Then, during the historical 1973 London Ratha Yatra, when Srila Prabhupada graced the occasion, I had the divine opportunity to take darshan of Srila Prabhupada and later I had a personal meeting with Srila Prabhupada at Bhaktivedanta Manor. At that very first meeting Srila Prabhupada suggested that I renounce the grihasta ashram and take up Sannyasa. Although I was the eldest of seven sons, and also father of three sons, I renounced my family attachments when the sons were old enough and accepted Srila Prabhupada as my Sannyasa Guru.
Are you still travelling and preaching Krishna consciousness?
I had a quadruple heart bypass operation in 1986, but by the Lord’s grace, I had been constantly travelling and preaching the message of Sanatana Dharma all over the world, including countries such Bharat, Mauritius, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Spain, Portugal, USA, Trinidad, Surinam, Grenada, Venezuela, Guyana, UK etc. Nowadays I mainly travel to South Africa, Mauritius and the UK, using Bharat as my base.
(In July 1987, the GBC appointed His Holiness Krishna Das Maharaj as an initiating Guru. Since then he has initiated over 400 disciples all over the world and is an inspiration to thousands of others.)
When did you first meet Srila Prabhupada?
My first face to face meeting with Srila Prabhupada was at Bhaktivedanta Manor after witnessing his incredible pastime at the famous 1973 London Rath Yatra where Srila Prabhupada danced along the whole route of the procession from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square.
Was that meeting important to you?
The meeting at Bhaktivedanta Manor was one of the most significant events of my life. I entered Srila Prabhupada’s room upstairs as a grihasta (living in household life) and a few hours later I left as a sannyasi (renounced order of life).
Wow. That is a big lifestyle change.
When I met Srila Prabhupada, he asked about my past. I explained that I was born in a Brahmin vaisnava family and had accepted initiation from a Vaisnava guru in 1950. Srila Prabhupada asked in what disciplic line was my guru. I answered the Brahma sampradaya and he was ecstatic and immediately requested me to help his movement. However he went further and asked me to accept sannyasa from himself. I was taken back by Srila Prabhupada’s bold preaching and after hours of discussion I was convinced.
However,I said that although I accept him as my siksa guru I would need the permission of my spiritual master before taking sannyasa.
After the meeting I wrote to my diksa guru informing of your extraordinary work and devotion. He immediately replied that I should assist Srila Prabhupada in every way possible and accept sannyasa from you. Since that amazing meeting at Bhaktivedanta Manor I accepted Srila Prabhupada as my siksa and sannyasa guru.

Overcoming fault-finding tendency
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Overcoming fault-finding tendency.
Question: I have a “natural” tendancy to be very critical and hence find mistakes/faults in people. Most of the time, I find fault with people at the mental level and not necessarily express it. This habit also extends to devotees. I feel and know I am not supposed to do this. But, like I said, this has become a habit and I am finding it hard to relinquish it.

Los Angeles City Hospital Patients Receive Prabhupada’s Mercy!…
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Los Angeles City Hospital Patients Receive Prabhupada’s Mercy!
By Krishna’s mercy, we have been very successful in continuing to place Srila Prabhupada’s books in the hospitals of the Los Angeles area. The last hospital that Sastra Dana has placed books in was the LAC-USC General Hospital.
We called this hospital and offered a donation of books on yoga, philosophy and ancient Eastern culture (this is how we present our books to hospitals). The hospital representative expressed her eagerness to accept our donation. She was even happier to hear that we wanted to donate many Spanish books as the majority of their patients are Spanish-speaking.
We asked what they would do with the books we would donate. First, we were told that the hospital has several buildings (the main building has 18 floors) and the books would be placed in all the buildings, and placed next to the patients beds. They added that some books would be placed on the tables in the waiting rooms and others would be gifted to patients. Upon hearing this, our hearts became excited with ecstatic emotions, but externally we remained calm.
Then, we asked how many books they could accommodate in their large facility. The answer was, “As many as you can donate.”
We decided to donate 1,000 books; half in English, and half in Spanish. On that very same day, we nearly emptied out our temples’ book storage room by taking out 1,000 books and delivering them to the hospital.
Upon arriving at the hospital. we were greeted with the greatest of hospitality. The books were handed over to the hospital’s staff that are in charge of book donations. They took our contact address, phone number and email address. The staff said they would like to have us donate books on a regular basis. At this time we were thinking, “Krishna is this possible? It must be Your arrangement. We must have entered into the pastimes of the most merciful, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who desires to bring the light of spiritual knowledge to one and all.” Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ki! Jay!
This situation is similar to most other hospitals we have contacted so far, and they have all taken books. The hospitals have uniform, if not identical, arrangements for book donations. There are many more hospitals we still need to contact, therefore please keep your donations coming. These hospital patients, as well as Sastra Dana, depend upon your mercy.
Thank you. Hare Krishna!

Harinama in Germany – Munich (Album with photos) Srila…
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Harinama in Germany – Munich (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat: even a little devotional service can save one from the greatest danger. Devotional service, which begins with chanting of the holy name of the Lord, is so powerful that even if one falls down, he can be saved from all calamities if he somehow or other chants the holy name of the Lord. This is the extraordinary power of the Lord’s holy name. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.1.63 Purport).
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New Film: Sri Sri Radha Giridhari Abhiseka. ISKCON Auckland 50th…
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New Film: Sri Sri Radha Giridhari Abhiseka. ISKCON Auckland 50th Celebrations (10 min video)
Prananatha das: For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and the world wide devotees, I’ve just released a new film,
shot in 4K, of the very rare occasion of Sri Sri Radha Giridhari’s abhiseka.
Watch it here:

ISKCON of Central New Jersey Deity Installation and Kirtan Mela…
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ISKCON of Central New Jersey Deity Installation and Kirtan Mela 2016.
July 29 @ 6:30 pm – July 31 @ 9:00 pm
Join us for the most awaited event of 2016!
Sri Sri Jagannath Baladev and Subhadra Devi and Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Deity Installation (Murti Sthapana) and Kirtan and Cultural Festival
Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON movement, With the Installation of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Jagannath Baladev & Subhadra!
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON movement, the temple ISKCON of Central New Jersey is pleased and very excited to announce that the installation of the deities – Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai & Jagannath Baladev & Subhadra and Kirtan Mela 2016! – will take place on Ekadasi Day– Saturday, July 30, 2016! The festivities will begin the day before – on Friday, July 29 – and will continue until 7pm on Sunday , July 31 Evening.
To read the entire article click here:

Edinburgh Hosts Hare Krishna Festivals. There are two Hare…
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Edinburgh Hosts Hare Krishna Festivals.
There are two Hare Krishna festivals set to take place in Edinburgh this week to mark the 50th anniversary of the spiritual movement’s arrival in the West from India.
The movement, characterised by the bright and colourful dress, shaven heads and Hare Krishna chanting worn by those who are a part of it, defines itself as “a universal, non-sectarian message of love, simple living, service and above all – connecting the self with the original spiritual source, Krishna.”
The events will be organised by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), a world-wide organisation set up in the 1960s which today boasts 700 temples and centres around the globe.
The first of the festivals will take place on Saturday 23 July 2016 at 2pm. Beginning in The Meadows, there will be a large procession moving through towards the High Street down to Holyrood Park where there will be a free vegan feast beginning at 4pm.
Aditya Devi Dasi, the main organiser behind the event said: “This event commemorates the story of Lord Jagannath being paraded through the streets of Puri, east India. The huge processions accompanying the chariots play music, instruments, and devotional songs, including the infamous Hare Krishna mantra.
Here in Edinburgh we’ll be parading through the city with our chariot. Anyone is welcome to come along and take part in this auspicious occasion.”
To read the entire article click here:

Deena Bandhu Das: Please join us in prayers for our very dear…
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Deena Bandhu Das: Please join us in prayers for our very dear Godbrother Krishna Das Swami who just left this world a few minutes ago. He was on his way to Vrindavan, and after entering Vraja Bhumi, fully conscious and with devotees chanting in the vehicle, he peacefully departed.
He was born in Punjab and took diksa from Madhva Sampradaya. He was lamenting when he met Srila Prabhupada and knew his glories, that he couldn’t take diksa from him. So Prabhupada gave him sannyasa! Krishna Das Swami was very instrumental in preaching in UK, South Africa, and Mauritius. He even convinced the municipality in Mauritius to name the neighborhood of our Sri Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir as Vrindavan!

Srila Prabhupada: “Write a letter to the Coca-Cola company and propose that they change the name of their drink to ‘Enjoy Hare Krishna’
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Srila Prabhupada: “Write a letter to the Coca-Cola company and propose that they change the name of their drink to ‘Enjoy Hare Krishna’
Danavir Goswami: Prabhupada spoke to guests at the Sunday night programs. At the end of his le…

“A kind request to all devotees to pray for the well-being…
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“A kind request to all devotees to pray for the well-being of His Holiness Krsnadas Swami Maharaja. His material condition is such that the request is to kindly pray to Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna for his safe journey back home, back to Godhead”
HH Krishna Das Swami is presently in ICU in Paras Hospital, Gurgaon and Maharaj’s health is deteriorating day by day with multi-organ failure.

Srila Prabhupada’s fingertips. Throughout our lives, we…
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Srila Prabhupada’s fingertips.
Throughout our lives, we benefit from the selfless gifts of our spiritual master. He teaches us things so essential that we forget that there was a time when we did not know them. He shapes us in ways so fundamental that we could not be called human without them. He gives us gifts so profound—protection, wisdom, love, and life itself—that there is no way to measure their value. He cleans up our mistakes, looks after us even when we want to avoid him, and speaks the truth even when we would rather not hear it.
Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

“Traversing the U.S. on foot.” Emily Wenger: MUSCATINE, Iowa—…
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“Traversing the U.S. on foot.”
Emily Wenger: MUSCATINE, Iowa— Bhaktimarga Swami, also known as “The Walking Monk,” passed through Muscatine on Thursday as part of his walk across the U.S.
The 63-year-old Swami hopes to encourage people to connect with their spirituality through walking.
He began his trek in New York City and plans to finish his journey in San Francisco in the summer of 2017 after taking a break during the winter months. He timed the end of the walk to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love.
Although his entry into Muscatine Thursday was greeted with rain, everything around him, Bhaktimarga Swami said, reminds him of his spirituality.
“So when you’re outside walking seven hours a day on average you can’t help but see the spiritual things that creep up around you, the rain has a message to tell you,” he said, “Davenport to Muscatine has been one of the most beautiful days.”
While walking to Muscatine on Highway 22, Bhaktimarga Swami said he encountered a curious police officer, and people who have offered him rides along the way. In those interactions, he said, he has seen the kindness the Midwest has to offer.
“The people have been very kind, mostly I would say, with offering rides. And then I have to disappoint them and say I can’t cheat,” he said.
The Swami became a monk in 1973, and said the introspective walks he has been taking for 20 years are a way to raise spiritual awareness.
“It’s my calling,” he said.
What Bhaktimarga Swami has noticed most is the kindness from people along the way. While traversing the U.S., he said he has had a place to sleep every night.
“The people are phenomenal, they have been really kind,” he said.
Every day Bhaktimarga Swami walks around 20 miles, sometimes beginning as early as 3 a.m. to avoid the worst heat of the day. He has friends who follow him, and occasionally check in.
“He checks in sometimes just to make sure I’m still alive,” Swami laughed.
He also takes occasional detours from his walks, to drive to a nearby temple to speak, but he always begins where he left off.
The Swami has crossed his home country of Canada three times (actually it’s four), and he said the Iowa cornfields remind him of home.
“The cornfields are what I grew up with,” he said.
Cars have caused a disconnect among people, Swami said. Returning to walking allows personal connections to form.
“The automobile is cold, you don’t really see each other,” he said.
He hopes that the universal understanding about walking will help raise people’s spiritual awareness.
“It is a kind of non-denominational approach to spirituality,” he said.
The Swami is an instructor of bhakti yoga. Bhakti means “devotion,” and he said the objective of yoga is connection with the divine.
“It’s a very old traditional practice that has roots in India and like the Mississippi it flows through all people, countries, nations, and races,” he said.
He is also a director and playwright of “morality stories” based on ancient Indian epics, which he said are a spiritual outlet for his creativity. Bhaktimarga Swami said walking across countries sometimes reminds him of these plays.
“When you put your feet right on the ground and you meet everybody and you see the way their hair blows, you see the skin color, you see the face of the individual whatever it may be, grumpy or cheerful, that’s like having a drama in itself,” he said.
That drama crosses boundaries of religion, and Bhaktimarga Swami said that while appreciating differences, the unity of people is most important.
“The diversity is beautiful but we really have to look at is the oneness factor,” he said.
While moving across the country, Bhaktimarga Swami hopes to remind people of the need for human connection.
“The intent is to try to encourage people to slow down the pace of life and get connected to their soul,” he said.
Beth Van Zandt took a photo whose caption reads. “It’s not every day you see a monk walking down the street of Muscatine, but, Bhaktimarga Swami of Chatham, Ontario, Canada, walks along Cedar Street Thursday in Muscatine as he treks across the United States, walking from New York City to San Francisco. He is a member of The International Society for Krishna Consciousness and has walked across Canada three times.”
May the Source be with you!

Preaching program in Bologna, Italy (Album with photos) Srila…
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Preaching program in Bologna, Italy (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Others, who are not devotees, may think, “How can people devote so much time simply to talks of God?” The chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is simply the repetition of three words, Hare, Krishna, Rama, but still devotees can go on chanting this Hare Krishna mantra twenty-four hours a day without feeling fatigued. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.13.1Purport)
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Iskcon Amritsar, Punjab: World Of Krishna Consciousness – 50…
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Iskcon Amritsar, Punjab: World Of Krishna Consciousness – 50 Years Of Bliss & Celebrations (Album with 250 photos)
You hardly have seen so many people happy together at one place!
Srila Prabhupada: Srimad Bhagavatam 2.4.15: Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the all-auspicious Lord Śrī KRISHNA, about whom glorification, remembrances, audience, prayers, hearing and worship can at once cleanse the effects of all sins of the performer.
Find them here:

Second North American Sravanam Kirtanam Camp, Seattle, WA USA….
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Second North American Sravanam Kirtanam Camp, Seattle, WA USA.
Devotees from ISKCON Seattle are pleased to announce the Second North American Sravanam Kirtanam camp in ISKCON Seattle temple this year from Aug 12-Aug 14, 2016 (Last year it was in Dallas). Please make it a priority to attend this and other Srila Prabhupada disciples’ programs this year in ISKCON Seattle. A similar camp was done in Damodardesh ( Belgium and an event in Birmingham UK is planned later this year.
A key aspect of this event is continuous lectures and kirtans during the three-day period. The theme of this camp is Sravanam, Kirtanam, Vishnoh. Our hope is that this event becomes as popular as Sadhu Sangha in the east coast in the years to come.
For details click here:

The Hare Krishna devotees preach to thousands in the famous…
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The Hare Krishna devotees preach to thousands in the famous Polish Festival (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Woodstock: the kirtans, the Ratha Yatra’s, the prasadam distribution, the association, the people – everything – was simply out of this world. O Lord Caitanya! Will we ever see such a flood of mercy again?
Find them here:

Just Chant! A short compilation of devotional Kirtan, Sanskrit…
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Just Chant!
A short compilation of devotional Kirtan, Sanskrit chants of the Bhakti tradition, to uplift the spirit and create a blissful atmosphere.
Lead Vocals & Harmonium: Niranjana Swami (Purification & Ocean Of Bliss), Ananta Govinda (Awakening)
Background Vocals: Acyuta Gopi, Ananta Govinda, Akincana Krishna Dasa, Rati Manjari, Krishna Kishora (Kish)
Bass: Purusartha Dasa
Percussion: Ananta Govinda
Flute: Krishna Kishora (Kish)
Kartals: Acyuta Gopi
Recorded at: Butler Recording, Brooklyn, NY
Recording Engineer: Chris Butler
Mix Engineers: Chris Butler & Devananda Sadkin
Produced by: Niranjana Swami & Hrsikesa dasa (Harish Vaswani)
A very special thanks to Bada Haridas for his expert guidance.
Previews and details:

Book distribution is life! Krishna consciousness is not…
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Book distribution is life!
Krishna consciousness is not possible without reaching out to the conditioned souls by distributing Srila Prabhupada books. That is the fastest way to spiritually advance. As Srila Prabhupada famously said, “If you want to please me, then distribute my books.” Also, my guru, His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu, always preaches the importance of book distribution. So it is my heart and soul.
Just before my trip to Vrindavan this year, I heard my guru say in a class that when he goes to India on pilgrimage with His disciples, they go in the mood of service, not enjoyment. So I went to Vrindavan in the mood of service.
I had no idea I would be able to distribute so many books in Vrindavan! When I arrived, I of course had some money with me for shopping, but instead I bought some books and started distributing. So many Indians were interested to take books and give donations–almost every person! For four days I distributed right next to Prabhupada’s samadhi and at the entrance gate. I could feel how pleased Prabhupada was with this service. I felt that he was watching me from His samadhi and blessing me. It was as if he was speaking to me from within: “Don’t mind quarreling and misdoings by others. Just continue distributing my books.”
Before my trip to Vrindavan I was feeling a little down and confused, but Prabhupada clearly showed me how important it is to serve him by distributing his books–no matter where I am–and to never stop no matter what others are doing or not doing. Book distribution is not something we do just once a month or once a week. It should always be in the forefront of our consciousness. No matter where we go, we should always have Srila Prabhupada’s precious books in our bag and be ready to save the fallen, suffering souls by distributing them.
Maya can swallow anyone, and very fast, but if we follow in the footsteps of the previous acaryas, we will be protected. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, Srila Prabhupada, and all of Srila Prabhupada’s sincere disciples emphasize the importance of book distribution. There is not much time left in any of our lives. So we should not waste a moment. We should distribute the mercy wherever we go and whenever we can, so that we can progress from neophytes to advanced devotees who love Lord Krishna and therefore every living entity. And the best way to do this is to always have books with us and distribute wherever we go.
Your servant,
Gopi Gita dd

Hare Krishna Temple Going Strong In East Hartford, Connecticut,…
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Hare Krishna Temple Going Strong In East Hartford, Connecticut, United States, As U.S. Movement Turns 50.
EAST HARTFORD — The modest house at 1683 Main St. would draw little attention during the week, but on Sundays, the unassuming yellow building attracts dozens of Hare Krishna devotees singing mantras, dancing, chanting and, finally, partaking in a vegetarian feast.
To many in the U.S., the words Hare Krishna conjure images of the 1960s and ‘70s, long-robed devotees handing out flowers in airports, and musician George Harrison, but the movement has survived to celebrate 50 years since Swami Bhaktivedanta founded the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in the United States in 1966.
Temple President Pyari Mohan Prabhu, 68, said the East Hartford congregation has been steadily growing since he became president in 1981 and the temple was officially incorporated.
Established in 1978, the temple is the only one in Connecticut. Originally, the movement rented a house on Silver Lane but after a few years bought the 1909 house on Main Street.
“When we first started the building was also very rundown … and we were getting probably about 10 people coming, maybe 15, and now we’re getting at least 70 people on Sundays,” Pyari said. “If we had a bigger place, we’d get more people.”
To read the entire article click here:

“Ocean of Mercy” – Book launch by Bhakti Charu…
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“Ocean of Mercy” – Book launch by Bhakti Charu Swami
“Ocean of Mercy” is a book by His Holiness Bhakti Charu Maharaj about his time with Srila Prabhupada.
In his book, ‘Ocean of Mercy’, HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj takes us by the hand and brings us into Srila Prabhupada’s private quarters and at times to his bedside during the final year of his physical presence. (Excerpt from Foreword by HH Radhanath Swami)
This work describes how the author developed a humble love and dedication to Srila Prabhupada who gave him a life of Krishna-bhakti, and thus revealed himself to be truly an “ocean of mercy”. (Except from Preface by Graham H. Schweig, Ph.D. (HG Garuda Das)
Facebook page:
Book launch at Los Angeles on 27th July 2016:

Paradox! A recent lecture by Brahma Tirtha Das at ISKCON of…
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Paradox! A recent lecture by Brahma Tirtha Das at ISKCON of DC.
Studying and seeking to understand sastra (spiritual literature) can sometimes be a challenge – especially for the science minded. We may come across things that are hard to grasp or full of paradox. Join us as we explore this topic in search of spiritual truths.
Listen to it here: