Preaching program with HH Bhakti Vrajendranandana (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If one renders even a small amount of sincere devotional service, Krishna becomes obliged to elevate such person; and what to speak of one whose entire life and soul has been dedicated to Krishna’s service. Letter to Harer Nama, November 6, 1969.
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Preaching program with HH Bhakti Vrajendranandana (Album with…
March 10. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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March 10. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Prabhupada and Dreams.
The appearance of Srila Prabhupada in dreams is a shaky kind of evidence that cannot always be held as absolutely true, free of all symbolism or mental concoction. We often don’t like to hear other people’s dreams about Prabhupada, especially when they claim they are literally true. If Prabhupada appears in a dream and says, “There’s going to be a world war. You should immediately go to south Italy.” – It may mean many things. It may not be a literal order from Prabhupada himself.
Still, dreams are worth pursuing. Much of our conscious life is spent trying to capture Prabhupada’s presence, but so much time is spent in sleep. If one can dream of Prabhupada and Krishna, then that time will not be wasted. And in fact, dreaming of Prabhupada or Krishna may be a good sign that Krishna consciousness is finally infiltrating one’s heart.
One who craves to be with him will accept whatever he can get, even infrequent, inconclusive dreams.
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Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Holy Disappearance day
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“Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaja was respected by all the Vaisnava community and was thus known as Vaisnava Sarvabhauma, or chief amongst the Vaisnavas. There are some nice stories connecting him with the finding of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabh…
Distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in Czech Republic…
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Distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in Czech Republic (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Whatever Krishna said, that is good, and everything else bad. Bas. Our confusion is finished. Bhubaneshwar, January 23, 1977
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Sankirtana is for everyone!
Titiksu dasa: I would like to share…
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Sankirtana is for everyone!
Titiksu dasa: I would like to share one story from the UK about some non devotees doing book distribution.
In Rochester, we have an ISKCON charity shop. Many charities raise funds in the UK by renting a shop and selling old clothing and other items donated by the public. Its traditional that people wanting to do something to help charities volunteer their time to help in these shops, and in Rochester they have volunteers like this. They are not devotees and not even vegetarians or anything. During the Marathon, Mukunda put a book table outside the shop and had these volunteers man it. He had written on some cards a few lines about the different books so they could tell interested people. If anyone was more seriously interested they were to be directed to Mukunda. In this way books were going out and the volunteers were getting very happy! Soon the most popular job in the charity shop was manning the book table. He couldn’t get them to stop.
This proves the point that anyone can be engaged in SKP, even non-devotees!
Your servant, Titiksu dasa
Preaching program in Nepal with Mahavishnu Swami (Album with…
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Preaching program in Nepal with Mahavishnu Swami (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: How can we think mundane thoughts and at…
Gunagrahi das Goswami Health Update – Official.
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Gunagrahi das Goswami Health Update – Official.
Fortunately, there has been no increase or spreading of the cancer to any othe…
Radha Kunda Seva: February 2016 Photos and Updates (Album with…
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Radha Kunda Seva: February 2016 Photos and Updates (Album with photos)
Today is the most auspicious Maha Shiva Ratri day. Lord Shiva, in his form of Gopeshvara Mahadeva, is the guardian of the Dhama and it is only when he opens the door to the Dhama that one is allowed to live and serve there. Six years ago, on this very day the deal was finalized for the purchase of our land in Govardhan. Now construction has begun on a temple on the land. And our Padma Charitable Trust parcel is waiting and ready for the construction of a kitchen to begin. On this day honoring Lord Shiva, we are praying to him that he open the door so that we can be allowed to continue serving the Dhama and the Dhama Vasis.
This month we share with you the news of Guru dasi’s passing. She had been ill and weak for many months. Your sponsorship of her allowed her some basic comforts in her final days, and we are happy to report that her passing was peaceful and auspicious. We are posting photos of her cremation ceremony. It was beautiful to see how her daughter and friends came together to honor her and chant the Maha Mantra for her eternal spiritual benefit.
And as always there’s our favorite news each month – the cleaning and prasadam distribution are continuing unabated each and every day. All glories to the combined effort of many Vaishnavas both on the ground at Radha Kunda and around the world for coming together to do this service.
Jai Jai Sri Radheeeee, Shyam! Gopeshvara Mahadeva Shiva Shankara ki, Jai!
Please browse our latest photos and join our efforts by visiting
Your servants, Mayapurcandra dasa, Campakalata Devi dasi, Padma Gopi Devi dasi, and Urmila Devi Dasi.
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March 9. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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March 9. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Prabhupada’s Expectations for Us.
Prabhupada is always the instructor for his disciples. There is usually an edge of chiding in his voice, but it is still gentle and loving. Of the disciple, Srila Prabhupada writes: “… A disciple cannot disobey the order of his spiritual master, that is the relationship between the disciple and his master.” He gives the example of Arjuna who surrendered to Krishna “without any vanity regarding his own erudition, and without any reservation.” If you relax your defenses and allow him to instruct you, even in how to fold a cadar, then your relationship will be smooth. You will not become aggravated and neither will he become displeased; you will quickly learn how to do things his way. The spiritual master is to train you to be expert in spiritual activities, including the details of how to fold a cadar. As soon as you resist, thinking you know how to do something, or that he is too demanding, then there will be trouble.
Prabhupada wants us to understand the difference between the temporary, material world and the eternal, blissful world of Goloka Vrindavana. This is the life-work that Prabhupada wants from us, to somehow fill our minds with more and more Krishna and less and less maya. And Prabhupada is with us in our attempts to hear about Krishna. It is the basis of our relationship with him. Srila Prabhupada spoke specifically of Krishna. He described His flute and the feelings of separation the gopis experienced. Prabhupada was fully absorbed in Krishna. He wrote in KRSNA Book, “The spiritual masters should enrich the devotees to the highest devotional perfection. Feeling constant separation while engaged in the service of the Lord is a perfection of Krishna consciousness.” (KRSNA, Vol. 1, page 231)
To read the entire article click here:
Harinama in Accra, Ghana (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada:…
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Harinama in Accra, Ghana (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Both for spiritual and material prosperity, everyone should dev…
Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji – Disappearance day
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Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji – Disappearance day
gauravirbhava bhumes twam nirdesta sajjana priyah
vaisnava sarvabhauma sri jagannathaya te namah
“I offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaja, who is respecte…
Kavicandra Swami: Devotees serve sanctified food (prasadam) to…
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Kavicandra Swami: Devotees serve sanctified food (prasadam) to the thousands of guests at the annual Shantipur festival.
The Sh…
Yate Festival, Brimsham Green School – 2nd March 2016 (Album…
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Yate Festival, Brimsham Green School – 2nd March 2016 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: I don’t say, “Follow me.” I say “Follow Krishna.” Krishna says, “Surrender unto Me.” I say “Surrender unto Krishna.” Is there any difference? My position is simply repeating because Krishna says, “Anyone who preaches this confidential subject matter, he is dear to Me.” Allahabad, January 18, 1971
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Thrilling To See! (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: On…
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Thrilling To See! (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: On Vijaya ekadasi we visited Nityananda vat, near Madan Modan temple, on the banks of the Yamuna river. My old friend, Anup Goswami, who is a direct descendent of Lord Nityananda, once again allowed me to chant 16 rounds on the original beads of Srila Jiva Goswami. He also gave us darsan of the jewels that Lord Nityananda wore when He went on harinama samkirtan in Bengal 500 years ago. Towards the end of the day he showed us a very historic document that is rarely seen. It is a deed granting the land and temple of Nityananda vat to Anup Goswami’s ancestors. It was personally signed by the Mogul emperor, Aurangzeb. Although Aurangzeb is infamous for destroying many temples in Vrindavan, he spared Nityananda vat. When he and his warriors arrived at Nityananda vat during the destruction he was impressed by the courage and determination of the Goswami’s residing there to protect the sacred property. So Aurangazeb not only spared the temple, but officially granted it to those ancestors of Anup Goswami. It was thrilling seeing the original document.
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Inauguration of ISKCON Food Foor Life in Mayapur. Free food to…
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Inauguration of ISKCON Food Foor Life in Mayapur. Free food to 800 pilgrims at a serving. (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada…
Beautiful wedding of Vrajananda devi and Radhika Nagara prabhu…
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Beautiful wedding of Vrajananda devi and Radhika Nagara prabhu (Album with photos)
At Jagannath Mandir in Rajapur (Mayapur) on Monday March 7, 2016. Many exalted souls were in attendance, including Niranjana Swami, Kesava Bharati Maharaj, the saintly twin brothers Jananivas prabhu and Pankajanghri prabhu, Mahatma prabhu, Vrajendranandana prabhu, and others. The bride’s mother Yadavi Devaki Devi and father were also present. And of course, the most beautiful Lord of the Universe presided over the festivities with His customary beaming smile, showering blessings upon all present!
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March 8. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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March 8. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Krishna’s Recognition Comes Through Srila Prabhupada.
Lord Krishna demands that we present ourselves to Him as followers of Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada is our “passport” to the spiritual world.
“… Unless one gets the association of a devotee like Narada Muni or his servant in the disciplic succession, one’s dormant spirit of renunciation cannot be awakened. It is not a fact that because material enjoyment involves so many painful conditions, one will automatically become detached. One needs the blessings of a devotee like Narada Muni. Then one can renounce his attachment to the material world. The young boys and girls of the Krishna consciousness movement have given up the spirit of material enjoyment, not because of practice, but by the mercy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His servants. – (Bhag. 6.5.41, Purport)
Prabhupada grants renunciation; he grants devotion. We work to achieve it, but it comes by his grace. Therefore, any disturbance to our relationship will be like a grating sound in your car’s engine – something is wrong, something is going to break down. He has to be pleased.
To read the entire article click here:
3rd Day of Gaura Purnima festival in Mayapur- 7 Feb 2016 (Album…
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3rd Day of Gaura Purnima festival in Mayapur- 7 Feb 2016 (Album with photos)
The number of devotees arriving for the festival is increasing! Panca Tattva hall was packed and everyone was trying to get into the hall to take part of this eternal Sankirtan lila of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates! HH Lokanath Swami gave today’s lecture on the famous verse:
Krishna varnam tvisa krsnam – where the incarnation of Lord Krishna as Gaura Avatar with the weapon of Sankirtan is predicted. The lecture is available at archives.
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Lord Chaitanya (new, expanded, second edition)
Urmila Devi…
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Lord Chaitanya (new, expanded, second edition)
Urmila Devi Dasi: Teacher/Parent Guide activities for children aged 4-18
Sri Sri Radha Madhav Mandir, ISKCON Kanpur, is celebrating…
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Sri Sri Radha Madhav Mandir, ISKCON Kanpur, is celebrating ISKCON 50, on 9th April 2016 for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. We are organizing a Mega Youth festival named “Xpression: A Festival of Gratitude”.
For more info:
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Mayapur Kirtan Mela Inauguration Evening (Album with photos)…
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Mayapur Kirtan Mela Inauguration Evening (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: O my Lord! Persons who chant the holy names of …
“I want you to go to China.”
Tamal Krishna Goswami:…
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“I want you to go to China.”
Tamal Krishna Goswami: Our Radha Damodar party was quite energetic. By the time a year was over, forty percent of the total BBT proceeds came from our party. But we were creating quite a bit of disturbance because some brahmacharis were leaving their temples, wanting to be with the sannyasis, and the sannyasis were saying, “It’s better for the brahmacharis to be with us than to be under these grihastha temple presidents.”
So, by the time we went to India, we brought with us ninety brahmacharis. The Radha Damodar party had the whole third floor of the lotus building. We were riding the crest waves of success.
The Christmas marathon had been a heavy competition between Jayatirtha in California and the Radha Damodar party. Ramesvara kept on asking me, “How much are you going to give to the book fund?”
I said, “I’m going to send you a blank check. Put it in your safe and whatever the amount Jayatirtha gives, add ten thousand and deposit it and it will clear at the end of the month.” I was very determined to defeat them.
By the end of the 1975 Christmas marathon, the Radha Damodar Party gave one hundred ninety-five thousand dollars to the book fund. We did a quarter of a million Back to Godhead’s and sixty thousand big books. It was a massive thing.
But people were getting agitated. In Mayapur, all the temple presidents complained to Prabhupada. I was sitting in the room and Prabhupada was looking at me. When everybody left I kept sitting there because I thought, “I’d better talk to Prabhupada alone.”
Prabhupada looked at me and I said, “I don’t know what to do. Maybe I should go to China or something.” To go to China was like going to the moon. It was said like that. Anyway, I walked out.
The next morning, right in the middle of arati, Prabhupada’s servant tapped me and said, “Prabhupada wants to see you.” I said, “I’m not going.” I meant, “I’m not going up to see him, and I’m not going to China.”
Finally I had to go to Prabhupada. Prabhupada said, “I want you to go to China.” I said, “China? The Radha Damodar Party—I have to be there.” He said, “No, I want you to go to China,” and he walked out to go to the bathroom, brush his teeth, and freshen up for his walk.
He came back and put on tilak. He said, “I want you to go to China.” I started to give excuses, that “If I go to China, what’s going to happen to the Party?” Prabhupada said, “Don’t worry about the Party.”
His bottom lip started to quiver. His hand was shaking. He said, “Don’t worry about the Party.” I said, “But this is an important service.” He said,
“Then I take that service away from you. You have no other service to do now. Either you go to China, or you sit in Mayapur and chant Hare Krishna. There’s nothing else for you to do.”
Gurukripa was sitting behind me, and he said, “I’ll go to China.” Prabhupada said, “No, he must go to China.” I was sitting there going, “Oh.” Then I suddenly realized, “Wait a moment, the Radha Damodar Party is meant for Prabhupada’s pleasure, and if by going to China Prabhupada will be pleased, my life is made.”
So I immediately looked at Prabhupada and said, “Okay, I’m ready to go.” Prabhupada beamed. We went upstairs, because Prabhupada would walk around and around on the roof.
He announced, “Tamal Krishna Maharaj is going to China.” Everybody went, “Jai, hari bol!” Prabhupada turned this heavy situation into a glorious act. He was so expert. He never said too much about the whole thing.
He never said to me, “People are complaining about you,” or this or that. He found a way to correct the entire situation and open up something wonderful for Krishna. He found a way to turn what appeared to be a negative situation into a positive event.
—Tamal Krishna Goswami
Excerpt from “Memories-Anecdotes of a Modern-Day Saint”
by Siddhanta das
March 7. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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March 7. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Prabhupada Wrote His Books for Us!
Prabhupada loved to write because it was an effective way to spread Krishna consciousness. He got good results from his writing. He also communed deeply with the previous acaryas when he wrote. He felt their power, even when his essays weren’t being read. Writing seemed to be his dharma. Even his spiritual master encouraged him to write. So, Srila Prabhupada became occupied with writing books, and he saw temple construction as not important for him, especially in the years before he came to America. He saw himself as following his guru’s example, and his order: “If you ever get money, print books.” Prabhupada wrote that the first duty of a sannyasi is to write books.
Prabhupada’s books teach us about the spiritual relationship between the disciple and the spiritual master. Prabhupada’s books are like the map, but I still have to undertake the journey myself. I study the symbols on the page; they refer to a situation like my own, describing what is required of me as a disciple in giving my whole life to Srila Prabhupada. The map marks out hazard areas – don’t be whimsical, don’t disrespect the spiritual master, pray to him, inquire from him … But it remains general. Each of us has to make our own journey guided by the map of the sastra. The journey is meant to be long; one has to pass through all phases of life in this body while he traverses the path. But still, the sastra gives us only general guidelines.
The Nectar of Devotion states that one should accept the shelter of a bona fide spiritual master, accept initiation from him, and receive instruction in Krishna consciousness while serving him in faith and confidence. But even Rupa Gosvami admits that he is speaking only basic principles. Prabhupada comments,
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2nd Day of Gaura Purnima festival in Mayapur- 6 Feb 2016.
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2nd Day of Gaura Purnima festival in Mayapur- 6 Feb 2016.
After the ecstatic Sri Radha-Madhava Elephant Procession & Adhivas ceremony of Kirtan mela on the first day of the festival, the day 2 of the Gaura Purnima began with packed Mangala arotika & Srngar arotika darshan and HH Sivaram Swami‘s lecture on the glories of the Holy name -a topic in line with Kirtan Mela! Maharaj spoke on the verse from Brihad Bhagavatamrta, which is:
“Dearer to the Lord than even His own beautiful form, His easily worshiped holy name benefits the entire world. Indeed, nothing is as full of nectar as the holy name of the Lord.”
After Sravanam, devotees joyfully took breakfast prasada at Gada hall, sponsored by Mr. Naresh Soken. Kirtan Mela day1 started with Agnidev prabhu’s kirtan, followed by Kamalgopal Prabhu.
HH Jayapataka Swami has arrived in Mayapur. We are happy to welcome HH Jayapataka Swami. A new Annadan complex , an initiative of Food for Life is being opened today with the deity installation and Maharaja will grace the occasion to bless the project.
Barsana Parikrama (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: Barsa…
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Barsana Parikrama (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: Barsa means rain. We wandered through the enchanting pastime places that are sprinkled around Barsana, begging for Radharani’s mercy! For here, not ordinary rain is falling, but rain of Krishna Prema! Then we went to Vrinda Kunda to honor the delicious wedding feast of Warsa and Vyas from Holland! Dive into the nectar with Vittalrukmini’s pics!
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Srila Prabhupada In Bombay (Album with 409 beautiful photos)…
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Srila Prabhupada In Bombay (Album with 409 beautiful photos)
Morning Walks, Inauguration, Sri Radha Rasabihariji Darsan , Lect…
Love & Peace Revolution! (3 min video)Fortunate…
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Love & Peace Revolution! (3 min video)
Fortunate People’s ‘Chant for LOVE and PEACE’ 50K campaign is now ON!
Check the NEW page!
ENJOY surfing and ADD your CHANT!
(Official Launch video. 3 min. watch HD)
Captive! Thought-provoking! Innovative! Thrilling!
Watch it here:
Preaching program in Goa with Radhanath Swami.
From 12th to 14th…
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Preaching program in Goa with Radhanath Swami.
From 12th to 14th of February 2016 Radhanath Swami was at Goa, India. He addressed 9000 Goans at a two day event called Maha Jagruti, ‘the great spiritual awakening’, celebrating ISKCON’s Golden Jubilee. The festival was held at Dr Shyam Prasad Mukherjee Indoor Stadium.
The chief secretary of the Goan Government R. K. Srivastava, chairman of Dempo group Srinivas Dempo, chairman of NRB group Narayan Bandekar, and chief editor of magazine Viva Goa were present for Maha Jagruti.
At a program in Kranti Yoga Village Radhanath Swami reminisced about his Goan visit of 1971, details of which are found in his book The Journey Home. Kranti is a popular yoga school located amid tranquil coconut groves and luscious palm trees of southern Goa. 60 western yoga students attended the talk; 45 purchased The Journey Home. The Founder and Director of Kranti Yoga, Tarun Agarwal, was also present.
At another event, the inauguration of an ISKCON temple in Goa, Radhanath Swami said, “People from all over the world come to Goa in search of happiness, and so we have the chance to share with them the secrets of spiritual happiness as taught by Sri Chaitanya and Srila Prabhupada.”
Preaching program in England with Kadamba Kanana…
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Preaching program in England with Kadamba Kanana Swami.
…Finally, we arrived at Suan Mataji’s house. It was a nice and cozy place near the edge of a forest just outside of London. Being a Chinese devotee, her home had an interesting mix of very devotional paraphernalia like Vaishnava paintings, books and sculptures juxtaposed with classic Chinese paraphernalia like those traditional lanterns with red and gold motifs. Curiously enough, on the wall of her living room was a humongous map of the world. Maybe it’s to keep Suan Mataji motivated in her mission to take over the world and flood it with the Holy name!!
And of course in the center of her room were gorgeous deities of Gaura Nitai. The crowd was mostly Chinese students, bankers and doctors but there were also a few European and Nepali students as well.
To read the entire article click here:
March 6. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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March 6. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Prabhupada’s Dream.
When asked about his dream on board the Jaladutta, Prabhupada said: “The dream was I must come here … The dream was that Krishna in His many forms was rowing the boat.”
Be true to the great personality who brought pure love of God, be true to yourself who desires pure life and freedom in love of Krishna, be true to this highest mission for the world’s welfare. In other words, I realize I cannot force anyone, and all will have to withstand maya on their own, but if they will only follow His instructions, they will be safe. Otherwise, all this danger, implications; caught in the web of action-reaction.
To read the entire article click here:
KK Bindu #370, three crucial points for making advancement from…
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KK Bindu #370, three crucial points for making advancement from Vallabhacharya, plus more.
The latest issue of Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu e-magazine was just released.
This issue includes:
* DISCIPLE MEANS DISCIPLINE – An excerpt from a lecture by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
* BHAJANA IS NOT FOR SHOW – Valuable instructions from a letter written by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada to a disciple.
* WISDOM, PATIENCE AND SURRENDER – A first time translation done especially for this issue of Bindu from Srila Vallabhacharya’s Viveka-dhairya-asrayah regarding three crucial points for making advancement on the path of devotion.
* NAMA-TATTVA: EVEN DRUNKARDS AND BRAHMIN KILLERS – A verse from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana. It can be downloaded here:
Gita Upadesham – an offering for ISKCON 50.
All glories to…
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Gita Upadesham – an offering for ISKCON 50.
All glories to ISKCON’s 50th Anniversary! With great pleasure, we would like to announce that the Temple President of Sri Jagannatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, HG Kripa Sindhu Krishna Das has received the Congregational Preaching Medal from HH Jayapataka Swami the Co-GBC for ISKCON Malaysia.
Some of the preaching activities that actively is conducted by the Congregation devotees of SJMKL currently are Gita Upadesham home to home preaching, Bhakti Vrikshas, Nama Hatta, Harinam & Palanquin Processions, Book Distribution Activities.
The Gita Upadesham programme is specially designed as an offering to Srila Prabhupada for ISKCON’s 50th anniversary.
The congregation of Sri Jagannatha Mandir is taking up to this service very enthusiastically and up to date the devotees have visited 900 homes. The aim is to complete 5000 homes by December 2016.
The Gita Upadesham is a simple programme whereby a devotee approaches people by going home to home. If allowed devotees will chant a verse of Bhagavad Gita and explain it’s meaning to the residents of the home. The Hare Krsna mahamantra is also introduced to them. All this is done in less than 15 minutes and we move on to another home. It is not only easy to do for the devotees but is preferred by the residents of Kuala Lumpur as it suits their busy schedule.
The Gita Upadesham also acts as a tool to identify potential people who will be interested to attend a more comprehensive programme and learn more. It helps the SJMKL preachers to channel those interested to weekly Bhakti Vriksa programmes. As for the Bhakti Vriksa programme, SJMKL Congregation is now conducting a total of 22 house programmes in Kuala Lumpur. The aim is to conduct 50 house programmes by December 2016
We seek the blessings of the glorious Vaishnavas to make this endeavour a success.
More photos here:
Jayapataka Swami visits the new Iskcon temple at Ekachakra after…
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Jayapataka Swami visits the new Iskcon temple at Ekachakra after exiting the hospital (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: On…
You are a pujari and you are too busy for making ghee wigs by…
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NBS#32 Lord Kapila’s Teachings.
This issue dives deeper…
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NBS#32 Lord Kapila’s Teachings.
This issue dives deeper into the philosophies presented by The Supreme Lord to mother Devahuti.
NBS # 32 Features:-
1) What is Sankhya Philosophy ?
His Divine Grace A .C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
2) Further Inquiries By Mother Devahuti
Sri Maitreya Rishi
3) Material Life
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur
4) Renunciation Of Conduct Unfavorable To Pure Devotion
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur
This issue can be viewed through these links:
March 5. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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March 5. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Pioneers of Kirtana.
Prabhupada gave us – and is giving us – the great opportunity to be pioneers in the spreading of kirtana. Often the word “pioneer” conjures up the image of leaving our home country and going to open a centre in a different part of the world, or join a world tour of kirtanas. However, Prabhupada also encouraged us to perform kirtana among our own people. Therefore, he made those of us who were pioneering among the student population in Boston as much a part of the pioneering movement as those who went to Germany and London, or later, Japan and Africa. We always felt that Prabhupada was with us and that we were trying to accomplish what he asked of us. We could only pray to be successful. No one could sit down and relax. We were so caught up in immediate preaching that we had no time to reflect on our relative position to other temples, or what the non-devotees would think of as later. To serve Prabhupada, we were forced to live in the present. We hardly had time to think. Such a life thoroughly engaged our minds and senses in Prabhupada’s service and we left it to him to define whether it was pleasing or not, and to encourage us.
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Mayapur GBC Meeting (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami: Every year…
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Mayapur GBC Meeting (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami: Every year at the time of the Mayapur Gaura Purnima festival, the GBCs fr…
Iskcon Toronto: We are happy to share our March edition of our…
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Iskcon Toronto: We are happy to share our March edition of our monthly newsletter!
ISKCON 50th – This year, around the world, ISKCON is celebrating it’s 50th anniversary! Our Founder Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada incorporated ISKCON in 1965 in New York. Global festivities will celebrate Krishna conscious values, spiritual contributions by Srila Prabhupada, and the incredible impact ISKCON has had around the world! We encourage you to help us showcase Krishna consciousness through books, prasadam, educational initiatives and even by simply encouraging your friends and family to visit the temple! The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple is working on very exciting plans to celebrate ISKCON’s 50th anniversary! You can read more about the international celebrations at ISKCON 50.
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Seminar: Sri Tattva Sandarbha – The Life of Jiva Goswami –…
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Seminar: Sri Tattva Sandarbha – The Life of Jiva Goswami – Romapada Swami.
HH Romapada Swami Maharaja is a disciple of ISKCON Founder Acarya His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He was first introduced to this movement of Krsna consciousness when he was a college student more than 37 years ago. He has accepted renounced order of life- sannyasa, and preaches the message of true devotion by traveling all over the United States of America, Canada, the Caribbean, India, and many other parts of the world. With his most kind and loving persona, he inspires his followers to take to the process of devotional service. He is also serving the movement for years as a Governing Body Commissioner (GBC) of ISKCON in the North America region. HH Romapada Swami very strongly believes in educating everyone in the process of devotional service. He frequently makes presentations and delivers seminar lectures across the world, in many famous educational institutions such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Harvad University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Penn State University, Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, BITS-Pilani, and at many renowned corporate offices such as Microsoft, Lucent Technologies, just to name a few.
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Krishna-conscious Carnival at Hungarian Nursery Schools.
It is…
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Krishna-conscious Carnival at Hungarian Nursery Schools.
It is an age-old custom in Europe that in every February, people say goodbye to the cold and dark winter and welcome spring in a celebratory way, singing, dancing, and dressed up in colorful costumes.
The students of Krishna-valley and the Budapest Gurukula’s nursery schools did not want to miss out on the fun all their fellow nursery schoolers enjoy during this season, so with the help of their teachers, they also put up their own show.
The day of the carnival was full of activities – they decorated the school, enjoyed dancing and singing, playing with the balloons, eating delicious donuts, but everyone agreed, the highlight of the day was the Krishna-conscious costume party.
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