I approached an older black man at a street fair. In a respectful manner, he began to question why I believed what was in the books. Considering how good of an event this was, I was surprised that I was giving him so much time. But I would soon find ou…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Krishna is Bhakta Vatsala!
Krsna Meditation
→ Dandavats
Krsna was very pleased with the atmosphere of the Vrndavana forest, where flowers bloomed and bees and drones hummed jubilantly. While the birds, trees, and branches were all looking very happy, Krsna, tending the cows and accompanied by Sri Balarama a…
Some ecstatic symptoms
→ Dandavats
I just came back from traveling sankirtan, where many amazing encounters took place. The other day I went into a shop and first gave a small book, then The Science of Self-Realization, and then, when the lady gave a nice donation, also the Bhagavad-git…
How An Age-old Tradition Came to the Western World
→ Dandavats
by Vishakha Devi Dasi In India, people have worshiped the Lord’s form for centuries, and now the practice is flourishing in the West. When Krsna the Supreme Lord appeared five thousand years ago to enact His pastimes, good people rejoiced to be i…
Separating the Saints from the Swindlers
→ Dandavats
Every day the number of people interested in practicing yoga and meditation increases by the thousands. Unfortunately, a person looking for a suitable teacher is likely to encounter a bewildering array of “gurus, “mystics, and self-made god…
One set of the French Srimad-Bhagavatam has arrived!
→ Dandavats
One set of the French Srimad-Bhagavatam has arrived. Before the set will be checked by our quality control team, Brahma Muhurta Prabhu offers the set to Srila Prabhupada during the guru-puja ceremony.Read More…
Mayapur Kirtan Mela with Kirtan led by Her Grace Vrindavani devi dasi
→ Dandavats
Mayapur Kirtan Mela with Kirtan led by Her Grace Vrindavani devi dasiRead More…
Reading SP’s books increases Taste in Krishna Consciousness – H.G. Padmanayana Prabhu
→ Dandavats
Nectar Drops (267) – Reading increases Taste in Krishna Consciousness – H.G. Padmanayana PrabhuRead More…
Srimad Bhagavatam class by H.H. Bhakti Dheera Damodar Swami
→ Dandavats
H.H. Bhakti Dheera Damodar Swami_S.B.10.22.08_21.07.2022Read More…
Chanting Hare Krishna on a Paris Metro with Devotees from Yoga Lyrique
→ Dandavats
Śyāma Kiśora Prabhu Chants Hare Krishna on a Paris Metro with Devotees from Yoga LyriqueRead More…
Ashadhi Ekadasi celebration at ISKCON Kaundanyapur
→ Dandavats
By Akrur Dasa (Temple President) We have ISKCON temple at Kaundanyapur, Maharashtra, India and have deities of Giriraj ji, and Sri Sri Rukmini Dwarakanath. It is the birthplace of Rukmini Maharani. On the auspicious occasion of Devshayani / Ashadhi Eka…
Srimad Bhagavatam class by HH Chandraśekhara Svāmī
→ Dandavats
SB 3.14.1-2 | HH Chandraśekhara SvāmīRead More…
Bhagavad-gita 2:14 Jayasila das
→ Dandavats
You get what you get… don’t get upset. Bhagavad-gita 2:14 Jayasila dasRead More…
Water the Devotional Creeper, Not the Weeds | Mahatma Das
→ Dandavats
Water the Devotional Creeper, Not the Weeds | Mahatma DasRead More…
8 “Srimad Bhagavatam” sets in one shot
→ Dandavats
The Atlanta Sankirtan team distributes 8 “Srimad Bhagavatam” sets in one shot to 8 associates of the “Esperanto Development”!Read More…
Of Lights I Am the Radiant Sun
→ Dandavats
“Godhead is Light, Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no Nescience.” (Srila Prabhupada’s original Back to Godhead logo) “Kṛṣṇa is compared to sunshine, and māyā is compared to darkness. Wherever there is suns…
Srimad Bhagavatam class by Her Grace Danakeli mataji
→ Dandavats
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Vaishnava Etiquette – by His Holiness B A Janardan Swami
→ Dandavats
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Karma-yoga – Action in Krishna Consciousness
→ Dandavats
Karma-yoga – Action in Krishna Consciousness, Part 5Read More…
Bhakti vaibhava
→ Dandavats
BCaiS Media Bhakti vaibhava #21Read More…
Wear Krishna’s Pastimes as a Garland
→ Dandavats
Morning Bhagavatam Class Wear Krishna’s Pastimes as a Garland | Vasudeva dasRead More…
The True Miracle In Life
→ Dandavats
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SPECIAL KIRTAN with my parents in Japan!
→ Dandavats
Read More…
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.49.14-15 * HH Candramauli Swami * 7/20/2022
→ Dandavats
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.49.14-15 * HH Candramauli Swami * 7/20/2022Read More…
Bhagavatam Bites – SB 3.27.6
→ Dandavats
Day 352 – Bhagavatam Bites – SB 3.27.6Read More…
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.1.28-30 – Padmalocan Dasa – 20 July 2022
→ Dandavats
Srimad Bhagavatam class given by HG Padma Locana prabhu at ISKCON New Govardhana Temple.krishnafarm.net Srimad Bhagavatam 3.1.28-30 – Padmalocan Dasa – 20 July 2022Read More…
Krsna has entered another persons life
→ Dandavats
Hare Krishna Dear Devotees, I was distributing in Kilbirnie, Wellington. Amongst many nice young people, I met Alex. He was amazed to see the books and explained that Krishna now has special significance in his life. Yesterday he went to view a room in…
The power of the pictures
→ Dandavats
We had a book table in Hornsby, a northern suburb in Sydney. It was a cloudy day so there wasn’t much crowd. So I decided to walk around and approach people. I saw a young guy smoking and browsing through his phone. I approached him and asked him if he…
Sinister Father Saintly Son
→ Dandavats
“Like father like son,” the saying goes. So how was it that the most sinister personality ever to darken the universe fathered a great saint? Adapted from Srimad-Bhagavatam, translation and commentary by His Divi…
How Much Faith Should We Put in Education?
→ Dandavats
by Ravindra Svarupa Dasa With theories being established, taught, and discarded like disposable napkins, a father wonders whether his child will get a real education. In the summer of 1970, I felt for the first time the fear that parents know when thei…
Krishna Gives, Gives And Forgives. We Get, Get And Forget.
→ Dandavats
Krishna Gives, Gives And Forgives. We Get, Get And Forget.Read More…
Srimad Bhagavatam class by HG Naikatma Prabhu
→ Dandavats
Naikatma Prabhu – SB 3-7-1 – 7-20-22Read More…
Getting to the Soul of Psychology
→ Dandavats
On October 3,1972, psychologist Dr. Gerald Frazer visited His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada at ISKCON’s world headquarters, in Los Angeles. Their conversation follows. Dr. Frazer: I am curious to know what you do when one …
Highlights from a tour of Srila Prabhupada in America
→ Dandavats
In the last eleven years, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has circled the globe thirteen times to talk on Krsna consciousness with disciples, reporters, professors, and public officials. What follows is a sampling of highlights fro…
Srimad Bhagavatam class by HG Pancaratna Prabhu
→ Dandavats
HG Pancaratna Prabhu SB 3.13.50Read More…
Pray to Krishna
→ Dandavats
“Whenever you feel some difficulty, chant Hare Krishna. Pray to Krishna to help you, and there will be no difficulty. Be rest assured.” (Srila Prabhupada Letter, September 9, 1968)Read More…
Bhagavad-gita 2:12 Atmananda dasa
→ Dandavats
How does it feel being an eternal individual? Bhagavad-gita 2:12 Atmananda dasaRead More…
Paramatma comes to help again
→ Dandavats
Ashfield is usually rated as one of the toughest suburbs in Sydney for book distribution, and is famous for it across the Congregational Book Distribution Team in Sydney. I have been there a few times already. So this time I started doubting that anyth…
H.H. Rupa Raghunath Swami | Who is the doer | ISKCON Chowpatty.
→ Dandavats
H.H. Rupa Raghunath Swami Maharaj | Who is the doer | ISKCON Chowpatty.Read More…
Homeless man becomes rich
→ Dandavats
While distributing books in a parking lot in Dallas, I approached a couple of men at their truck and offered them an “Easy Journey to Other Planets.” “This book explains that there is life on other planets, and many of those planets are a lot better th…