Sometimes Yasoda saw the curly, dark blue locks of baby Krishna as swarm of bumblebees surrounding His face. Intoxicated from drinking too much honey nectar, the bees just hovered in the sky. His thick, beautiful blue hair appeared like the dark night….
Author Archives: Dandavats
Baby Krishna’s captivating beauty
Braided Basil Pesto Bread
→ Dandavats
Braided Basil Pesto Bread The Vaishnava Chef By Chandrashekara Das Pesto Ingredients 1 ½ cup fresh basil 1 tsp hing 2/3 cup olive oil ½ cup cashews or pine nuts 125g Parmesan cheese; grated ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp salt 2 Tbsp lemon juic…
NASN March 2022 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur Sasi dasa For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of March 2022. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Indi…
Simply depend on Krishna
→ Dandavats
Draupadī was also first of all trying to save her cloth. And what she can do? She is woman, and they were two men. Karṇa and Duḥśāsana was trying to make her naked. So she was crying and praying to Kṛṣṇa, “Save my honor.” But she was trying…
NZ Police Representatives from the High commission of India And NZ Government for 50th anniversary of Sri Sri RadhaGiridhari (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
As part of the celebrations dignitaries from NZ Police Representatives from the High commission of India And NZ Government enjoyed the wonderful anniversary by offering flowers to Radha and Kṛṣṇa Placing garlands on Srila Prabhupada performing abhesika…
The easiest process of meditation in this age
→ Dandavats
Chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is the easiest process of meditation in this age. As soon as one chants the Hare Krsna mantra, he sees the forms of Krsna, Rama and Their energies, and that is the perfect stage of trance. One should not artificially t…
Stop Killing, Start Living!
→ Dandavats
Click below to start the player Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.19.17: Wednesday (27 Apr. 2022) Morning SB Class : HG Praghosa Prabhu Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.19.17: Wednesday (27 Apr. 2022) Morning SB Class : HG Praghosa Prabhu Posted by Dublin Krishna T…
Be a dhira
→ Dandavats
“A dhīra is one who is not disturbed by material illusion. No one can be undisturbed unless he is perfectly spiritually realized, at which time one neither hankers nor laments for anything. A dhīra realizes that the material body and mind he has …
Report of Krsna Balaram Shobha Yatra celebrated in Himachal Pradesh
→ Dandavats
Śrī Śrī Kṛṣṇa Balarāma Śobhā-Yātrā Celebrations in Himachal Pradesh Aseem Krsna Das In the Brahma-saṁhitā, Lord Brahmā glorifies the Supreme Lord’s residence, Goloka, as a place where every word is a song and every gait a dance, where the soil is purpo…
Harinama in Pokhara, Nepal (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
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Krsna consciousness means to be always remembering Krsna in some way or other
→ Dandavats
“We are all originally situated on the platform of Krsna consciousness in our eternal personal relationship of love of Krsna. But due to forgetfulness we become familiar with the material world or Maya. As soon as one chants the Hare Krsna Mantra…
New Dwaraka Sankirtan
→ Dandavats
The legendary Bhrgupati Prabhu, the “deliverer of the 3 worlds” give mercy to all jivas! Bhrgupati Prabhu and new Bhakta Emile (see photo for before and after) distributed a Srimad Bhagavatam set at a Long Beach University. The guy came bac…
A charity walk to raise more funds for Ukraine
→ Dandavats
A charity walk was organised by the combined efforts of Bhativedanta Manor and the Lotus Trust to raise more funds. The walk took place Sunday 24th April from the Krishna Avanti Primary School on Camrose Avenue in Edgware, and reach Bhaktiv…
Vidura: A True Friend (video)
→ Dandavats
At New Vrindaban with Sankirtana Das Click below to start the player Mayapur TV Livestream Posted by New Vrindaban on Sunday, April 24, 2022 (This post has been viewed 31 times so far)Read More…(This post has been viewed 31 times so far)
My homage to Pankajanghri Prabhu
→ Dandavats
Ananda Tirtha das: The heart of any community is not its buildings, however grand; not even in Mayapur, despite the grandest building being raised before our eyes. Mayapur’s heart is not limited to even just the Deities, central though they are and wor…
A short statement on the philosophy of Krsna Consciousness
→ Dandavats
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is a worldwide community of devotees practicing bhakti-yoga, the eternal science of loving service to God. The Society was founded in 1966 by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhu…
Proprietor, Friend, and Enjoyer
→ Dandavats
So knowledge means to know only that Krishna is the Proprietor of everything, that Krishna is the Friend of everyone, and that Krishna is the Enjoyer of everything. These three things: Proprietor, Friend, and Enjoyer. If somebody knows this, he is actu…
Why the Demigods Want Birth on Earth
→ Dandavats
by Sri Nandanandana dasa (Stephen Knapp) Sometimes I hear devotees or bhaktas, both young and old, accusing themselves of being slow or even stupid in attaining the right understanding on the importance of engaging in devotional service to Lord Krishna…
Walking for Ukraine
→ Dandavats
Walking for Ukraine A charity walk has been organised by the combined efforts of Bhativedanta Manor and the Lotus Trust to raise more funds. The walk will begin at 9:00 AM on Sunday 24th April 2022 from the Krishna Avanti Primary School on Camrose Aven…
Do not waste any time
→ Dandavats
“Do not waste any time, but work always to please Krishna within your heart. He is witnessing everything. He only wants us to constantly remember Him. Is it very difficult?” (Srila Prabhupada Letter, August 21, 1975) (This post has been vie…
New look for Srila Prabhupada Samadhi Museum (video)
→ Dandavats
Click below to start the player Posted by Pancagauda Das on Thursday, April 21, 2022 (This post has been viewed 6 times so far)Read More…(This post has been viewed 6 times so far)
Bhaktapur Mystical Events (Album of HR photos)
→ Dandavats
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Travelling from Lviv to Kharkiv (video)
→ Dandavats
We had really busy Sunday and Monday. We have teamed up with our friends from another charity Fundacja Historia Vita Tomasz and Przemyslaw who helped us a lot and drove another van with supplies for us and for their charity. Travelling from Lviv to Kha…
For most a living hell, for devotees a blissful opportunity to serve
→ Dandavats
For most a living hell, for devotees a blissful opportunity to serve Parasuram das We have just returned from our second tour of Ukraine and we must offer our deep appreciation for the devotees living in the Ukraine who are super wonderful, serving Sri…
Thinking of Krishna at the time of death
→ Dandavats
“Regarding thinking of Krishna at the time of death. It is stated in Bhagavad gita 8th chapter as follows; abhyasa yoga yuktena/ cetasa nanya gamina/ paramam purusam divyam/ yati parthanucintyan (BG 8.8). He who meditates on the Supreme Personali…
World Sankirtana Party
→ Dandavats
by Syamasundara dasa “There is no other alternative in this age.” These events are historic in the annals of Vaisnava history, since the whole town of Surat was situated on the sankirtana platform. Everywhere we went, people chanted with us…
The nectar of book distribution!
→ Dandavats
Recently, I was distributing at Orange Coast College, and a student came to the table and showed an interest in getting Bhagavad-gita. I explained it to him a little. Then he opened it, to see what he could get out of it. He opened it to text 4.22: “He…
Mystical Sankirtana – it can happen in any way
→ Dandavats
In today’s world, many people in both the younger and older generations have individual Facebook accounts. For devotees, this is useful as a platform to preach the glories of harinam sankirtana. I posted on Facebook an excerpt from a lecture by Srila P…
Ready to Come Back from Goloka
→ Dandavats
Ready to Come Back from Goloka. “Regarding your request for your deliverance from the clutches of Maya, please rest assured of being delivered, because we have captured the strong chain of disciplic succession. This chain is coming down from the …
Iskcon Las Vegas (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
Books and prasadam flying out at Sunset Park last Sat. Glories to the Las Vegas temple team headed by Bhagavat Priya. Source: (This post has been viewed 7 times so far)Read More…(This post has been viewed 7 times so far)
The cure we all need
→ Dandavats
Do you feel the strong urge to do something to help our dear planet and fellow inhabitants? In these dire times, the world is looking for solutions but in the wrong places. The Srimad Bhagavatam provides answers and strength to transform ourselves and …
The Lotus Foot Of Lord Vishnu (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
Indradyumna Swami: An actual imprint of the lotus foot of Lord Vishnu has been worshipped in Gaya since Satya Yuga. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu took initiation from Isvara Puri in front of this footprint. As Isvara Puri chanted the 10-syllable Gopal mantr…
A mother who gave birth to Patri Prabhu arrived Kathmandu (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
A mother who gave birth to our dear Patri Prabhu arrived Kathmandu today from Ukraine in between this time of war between Russian and Ukraine. Find them here: (This post has been viewed 10 times so far)Read More…(This post has …
Always remember Krishna!
→ Dandavats
“Always remember Krsna Who is your dearmost friend and always serve Him just to please Him, and He will give you all intelligence how to be a first-class devotee. Just try to learn all about Krsna, chant Hare Krsna, and you will be a great preach…
Professors help with book distribution
→ Dandavats
At a university in Los Angeles, a student with a walker came straight away to my book table and declared, “I know the Bhagavad-gita, and let me tell you this is not a book of rainbows and fairy tales. Arjuna wanted to save the bodies of his family memb…
A super favorable scientist from China
→ Dandavats
It was a little quiet at my book table, so I was reading a verse from the Gita for inspiration. And then I hear someone saying, “Haribol! Haribol!“ I looked up. It was this super-favourable scientist and gentleman named Leo, from China. He met devotees…
Harinama in Prague, Czech Republic (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
(This post has been viewed 11 times so far)Read More…(This post has been viewed 11 times so far)
Who is Srimati Radharani
→ Dandavats
“Srimati Radharani is as fully spiritual as Krishna. No one should consider Her to be material. She is definitely not like the conditioned souls, who have mental bodies, gross and subtle, covered by material senses. She is all-spiritual, and both…
→ Dandavats
ISKCON RELIEF FOR UKRAINE Week 7 ISKCON Relief – Figures Devotees from Europe and even other parts of the world have tirelessly continued their sincere endeavors to help devotees and refugees from Ukraine to find shelter, care and support. The followin…
Ratha Yatra in Belgaum, India (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
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