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Author Archives: Dandavats
Srimad Bhagavatam class by HG Vaisesika Das – New Mayapur, France
The TOVP Presents: Prabhupada Mayapur Quotes
→ Dandavats
This is a large collection of Srila Prabhupada’s known quotes relating to the Mayapur project and the TOVP taken from lectures, conversations, morning walks, his books and other books. It covers a wide range of topics and illustrates how important and …
Padayatra resumes in Nepal’s hill country
→ Dandavats
Padayatra resumes in Nepal’s hill country April 2, 2022 By Dayal Gopal dasa, Nepal sankirtan preacher After a break of a few months to regroup and make minor personnel changes, by the mercy of Sri Guru and Gauranga and by the pure desire of pure devote…
Padma Nabh Goswami’s visit to the TOVP (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
Padma Nabh Goswami: Mayapur’s upcoming biggest attraction is Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP). It was Srila Prabhupada’s dream project which he revealed to Ambarisa Prabhu (Alfred Ford) in Detroit. Srila Prabhupada had a vision to bui…
Tsunami in the gopis’ hearts
→ Dandavats
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Though the hearts of the gopis are like high-standing hills, they are inundated by the waves of the nectarean ocean of Krsna’s beauty. His sweet voice enters their ears and gives them transcendental bliss, the…
Parikrama – Javat – March 30, 2022 (video)
→ Dandavats
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Harinama at Asia’s Longest Bridge Baglung (video)
→ Dandavats
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Srimad Bhagavatam class by HG Sesa Prabhu (video)
→ Dandavats
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Radhadesh: Awesome pictures from our Spring Holi celebration
→ Dandavats
Radhadesh: Awesome pictures from our Spring Holi celebration by Caroline Berveling Thank you for coming and taking really beautiful pictures, Caroline! (This post has been viewed 11 times so far)Read More…(This post has been viewed 11 times so far)
→ Dandavats
Encouraged by the Youth I thoroughly enjoyed the article “Hare Krsna Youth on Tour,” in the January/February issue. Not having the good fortune of living near a temple, I have often wondered about children raised as devotees. Are they happy…
LIVE from Mayapur Bhaktivedanta Anna – Daan Complex 1/04/2022
→ Dandavats
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A simple explanation convinces a young man to dedicate himself to a life centred around chanting the names of and serving God
→ Dandavats
Giriraja Swami Starting To See The Center Of Things A simple explanation convines a young man to dedicate himself to a life centred around chanting the names of and serving God. “Ever since the Stone Age, people have come up with so many nonsens…
The power of book distribution
→ Dandavats
In the early 1980s, my father was a doctor working with the United Nations. He had some friends who were visiting the United States, and while there, they met a devotee in the airport who gave them a BTG. They were Buddists, so they weren’t very intere…
A most amazing distribution point
→ Dandavats
As we know from the “Teachings of Lord Caitanya,” there are no hard and fast rules for chanting Hare Krishna. Similarly, there are no hard and fast rules for distributing books. I was distributing books at a college, and I saw a security guard coming m…
Nanda Maharaja’s Maternal Home
→ Dandavats
Indradyumna Swami: The other day we went on pilgrimage to Batesvar, the maternal home of Nanda Maharaja, where he grew up before marrying Yasoda-mayi and moving to Gokul. It was far away, but worth every minute of the 3-hour drive. Batesvar is situated…
Mother Yasoda’s Maternal Home (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
Yesterday we went to Mehrana, the maternal home of Mother Yasoda. It’s a very beautiful village, not far from Nandagram, where she spent her youth before marrying Nanda Maharaja. After a blissful kirtan, attended by many of the local villagers, w…
Mother Yasoda’s Maternal Home (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
Yesterday we went to Mehrana, the maternal home of Mother Yasoda. It’s a very beautiful village, not far from Nandagram, where she spent her youth before marrying Nanda Maharaja. After a blissful kirtan, attended by many of the local villagers, w…
Krsna’s mercy — take advantage of it
→ Dandavats
Devotee: Prabhupada, before this movement came here we were so caught up in sinful activities. How is it that we were so fortunate to be benedicted with this great Hare Krsna movement? Prabhupada: It is Krsna’s mercy. Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to give…
The Wonders Of Lord Caitanya
→ Dandavats
by Amala Bhakta Swami During His presence on earth about five hundred years ago, Lord Krsna’s most recent incarnation often displayed His divine powers. This is the second of three articles describing the mirac-ulous events in the life of Sri Cai…
Books bide their time before helping
→ Dandavats
I am reading sankirtan stories regularly. They are always inspiring. One day I received an email containing a link to “Vijay Prabhu’s Special Class on Book Distribution.” Before going out to distribute books, I listened to the lecture. A great lecture….
From student to mayor
→ Dandavats
In 1989, I had just returned to Canada from a six-year term in New Delhi, serving there as the temple president. I would walk the halls of McGill University and distribute books to students. One Indian student named Arjun Singh was quite intrigued by m…
A prayer in Istanbul’s Blue Mosque leads a young Christian to Lord Krishna
→ Dandavats
Jananivas Dasa Please Give Me A Sign A prayer in Istanbul’s Blue Mosque leads a young Christian to Lord Krishna. by Visakha Devi Dasi John, a slight, fair-complexioned traveler who’d left home to broaden his perspective on life, found himself stra…
Finding the Silver Lining
→ Dandavats
By Rashi Singh Nurturing our faith helps ease the inevitable suffering of life in the material world. I’m groggy. It’s early. I’m way too tired to go to work today. After nearly shattering my alarm clock, I slowly drag myself out of b…
Mayapur Gurukula (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
Deena Bandhu Das: One day, Nitai Madhav Prabhu invited me to give class at HH Pritivardhana Maharaja’s Gurukula in Mayapur. We were awestruck at the lush beauty and traditional engineering marvel of that place. We saw that students from all over …
Ukraine: Deities and pujaris were moved to safer places
→ Dandavats
ISKCON has temples, either rented or under construction, in 32 cities throughout Ukraine. There are eight cities where ISKCON is located that have seen significant military activity. These include Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Mariupol, Zhytomyr, a…
BBT and Book Distribution in Ukraine
→ Dandavats
There are four BBT titles that are soon going to print in Lutsk, where there is a printing press and a devotee printer authorized by the BBT. He is printing 10,000 copies of Beyond Birth and Death in Ukrainian, and Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita Volumes 1,…
Kripamoya Das: Chapter 44 of the Krishna Book
→ Dandavats
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Ananda Groove @ Spanish Fork Holi 2022
→ Dandavats
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→ Dandavats
I am very glad to learn also that you are feeling joy while chanting the mantra Hare Krishna. Yes, it is exactly like this. If anyone chants this mantra in good faith and in simple understanding, then surely this transcendental vibration will act immed…
NASN February 2022 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur Sasi dasaFor the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of February 2022. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 In…
The two puffed up sons of Kuvera
→ Dandavats
The story behind this verse is that the two sons of Kuvera (the treasurer of the demigods) were puffed up on account of the opulence of their father, and so once on a heavenly planet they were enjoying themselves in a lake with some naked damsels of he…
Importance & Art of Developing Healthy Relationships (video)
→ Dandavats
Bhakti Rasamrita Swami about healthy relationshipsRead More…(This post has been viewed 612 times so far)
William Hurt the Oscar Winning Actor Temple Visit
→ Dandavats
By Sikhi Mahiti das It has been in the news that Oscar winning actor, William Hurt, passed away Sunday, March 13th from cancer. What was not reported is that he spent one week in the guest house of our ISKCON Atlanta temple in 2010. Mr Hurt was acting…
Let us PLEASE work together to support devotee refugees- report from Polish yatra
→ Dandavats
By Rasikendra das, Nama Rasana dd & Jahnavi ddOn Thursday 25th of February we watched the news with horror and we knew at that very moment our next door neighbours will need our help. On the same day we got a call from Ukrainian temple in Kiev, as…
Nrsimhananda’s mother, Mimi Jaffe, departed
→ Dandavats
Nrsimhananda das: My mother , Mimi Jaffe, departed peacefully March 7 at the ripe old age of 100. Her pastimes with Srila Prabhupada are inscribed by his letters to her in response to her many challenges.Read More…(This post has been viewed 60 times…
HELP for the UKRAINIAN DEVOTEES (04 March 2022)
→ Dandavats
By Badrinarayan Swami Hare Krishna. Many devotees and friends are asking how they can help the devotees caught in the middle of the deadly and devastating fighting in Ukraine.
ISKCON has over 3,000 initiated devotees in the country, over a dozen te…
WSN January 2022 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Vijaya Dasa In Ukraine, there is usually nice book distribution. There are fifty-four centers and thousands of devotees, many of whom came because of getting books. Maybe some determined devotees are distributing in places where there’s no invasion…
Sanctimony in a Time of War
→ Dandavats
By Sankirtana Das Sanctimony is not necessarily reserved for the righteous. It’s a condition that could affect anyone: the right wing, left wing, atheists, and even “the sinful.” It means “making a show of being morally superior to others.” We all fal…
GBC EC statement on Ukraine 26 Feb 2022
→ Dandavats
By the GBC EC The devotees wake up to a changed reality — tanks rolling through the streets in some places, explosions in their neighborhoods in others, and the sound of gunshots in the distance. While the tendency for a living entity in such a situa…
RSS Head Shri Mohan Bhagwat’s program in ISKCON Ujjain
→ Dandavats
By Dhira Gaura Das Shri Mohan Bhagwat, the head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) one of the most renowned and influential personalities of India, stayed in ISKCON Ujjain campus for 3 days from 19th February to 21st February. RSS organized thei…