By GBC SPT What we are discussing today is from that time of Mahaprabhu where He was traveling for six years and He set off from Jagannath Puri towards south India. When Mahaprabhu set out for this journey, Srila Prabhupada has helped us understand the…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Namo Maha Vadanyaya Meets Namo Brahmanya Devaya (video)
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson fed by Food For Life
→ Dandavats
By Tarakanatha Dasa The Prime Minister said he had a confession to make. “When I was about 17, I took my girlfriend who later became my wife. I was so poor. I didn’t know where to take her for lunch.” the Prime Minister revealed, “I took her to the Ha…
New Gokula Farm – Newsletter March 2021
→ Dandavats
Due to the cancellation of the Rathayatra festival devotees came together to perform a parikrama around the farm. The beautiful deities of Guara Nitai were taken on a tour of the picturesque New Gokula Farm. The mood of devotion was amplified as devote…
Srimad Bhagavatam class in Vrindavan- Putana Lila (video)
→ Dandavats
How Lord Krsna stole away the life air of PutanaRead More…(This post has been viewed 310 times so far)
Navadwip Parikrama 2021 (video)
→ Dandavats
The annual ISKCON Mayapur Festival Navadwip Parikrama 2021Read More…(This post has been viewed 331 times so far)
Sri Purusottama Dasa Thakura
→ Dandavats
Sri Purusottama Thakura had three main disciples: Sri Madhavacarya, Sri Yadavacarya and Devakinandana dasa, who were born in Kulina brahmana families. Madhavacarya married Nityananda Prabhu’s daughter, Ganga-devi. Devakinandana was the author of the bo…
My Prabhupada! (video)
→ Dandavats
A very sweet and candid talk by a wonderful servant of Srila Prabhupada who spent 2 and a half years in his personal service.Read More…(This post has been viewed 332 times so far)
Approaching Radha Krishna through Gaura Nitai (video)
→ Dandavats
By GBC SPT In our Krishna conscious movement we should follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya and the six Goswamis of Vrindavan. They were always serving Krishna in the mood of separation, they never said now I’ve seen Krishna or last night I danced …
Japa – Going deeper in your Meditation (video)
→ Dandavats
A very practical, easy to follow guidelines on the mood and logistics around successful japa meditation by Mahatma PrabhuRead More…(This post has been viewed 337 times so far)
Mayapur Kirtan Mela 2021 (video)
→ Dandavats
Mayapur Kirtan Mela 2021 Day 3 Kirtan By H.G Madhurika devi dasiRead More…(This post has been viewed 333 times so far)
Exploring the many dimensions of Caitanya-caritamrita (video)
→ Dandavats
By GBC SPT I wanted to create places where after people received the book they could come and be cultivated and I perceive that for the non-Indian audience the temple seen as the first stop most of the time doesn’t make it and so how did kind of a lou…
8 Steps for Prayerful Reading of Srila Prabhupada’s Books
→ Dandavats
By Payal ShahIn older civilizations, it was possible to conceive, understand and retain spiritual knowledge by simply hearing from a spiritual master. In today’s day and age, however, the majority of us need to read scriptures alongside hear in order t…
Sri Caitanya-caritamrita – Lessons in Flexibility
→ Dandavats
Lessons in Flexibility-remaining fixed on principles and ductile on detailsRead More…(This post has been viewed 333 times so far)
Achintya Bheda Abheda Tattva (video)
→ Dandavats
Achintya Bheda Abheda Tattva with Bhakti Rasayana Sagar SwamiRead More…(This post has been viewed 338 times so far)
Approaching Radha Krsna through Gaura Nitai (video)
→ Dandavats
Approaching Radha Krsna through Gaura Nitai with Varsana SwamiRead More…(This post has been viewed 337 times so far)
Jagannatha Puri Yatra and Pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu (video)
→ Dandavats
Jagannatha Puri Yatra and Pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu with Chandan Yatra DasRead More…(This post has been viewed 337 times so far)
[Interview] with H.G. Gauranga Prabhu: Books are the Basis (video)
→ Dandavats
By ISKCON Ministry of Education “Has anyone ever become convinced in Krishna Consciousness by listening to this record? No. He will simply think it is nice magical sounds, that’s all. But, if he reads one book, he will be convinced about spiritual life…
Understanding the internal mood of Lord Caitanya (video)
→ Dandavats
By GBC SPT Krsna was always amazed by Radharani’s love. “How does Radharani give Me such pleasure?” He would ask. In order to study Radharani, Krsna lived in Her role and tried to understand Himself. This is the secret of Lord Caitanya’s incarnation …
Remembering His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami
→ Dandavats
Please accept our heartfelt condolences to friends, and disciples of HH Tamal Krishna Goswami, and to family, and friends of HG Vrindavanesvari devi dasi who both passed away on 15th March just outside Mayapur, India.Read More…(This post has been vie…
Reflections on the Older Brother (5 min. video)
→ Dandavats
HH Tamal Krishna Goswami played the role of the older brother to so many godbrothers and godsisters in ISKCON, and he played it exceedingly well. He was loving, caring, expert, and resourceful in many, many ways. He could give expert advice and practic…
Hare Krishna Movement-One person’s vision, explosion into a revolution (video)
→ Dandavats
By GBC SPT Visakha Prabhu is such a well-known devotee because of her contribution to this movement in her so many various different capacities, as a writer as Srila Prabhupada’s photographer, as a co-producer and co-director for this wonderful movie …
Ultimate social work-sharing KC as enunciated by Lord Gauranga (video)
→ Dandavats
By GBC SPTKripamoya Prabhu: As part of my preparing for this class, I did a lot of reading. And I kept seeing this word “Āliṅgana” and it means that wherever Lord Chaitanya went, He was embracing the people, so it wasn’t just the chanting of Hare Kris…
Why I Decided that Getting Vaccinated Against COVID-19 Was the Right Choice for Me
→ Dandavats
By Vaisesika Dasa While getting vaccinated against COVID-19, I remembered these words from Āyurveda-śāstra: auṣadhi cintayet viṣṇum. When taking medicine, one must remember Viṣṇu because ultimately He is the active ingredient that makes any medicine po…
The magical CC publishing marathon (video)
→ Dandavats
The magical CC publishing marathon w/ HH Devamrita Swami!Read More…(This post has been viewed 335 times so far)
Mayapur Kirtan Mela 2021 (video)
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur.TV ISKCON Mayapur and ISKCON Kirtan Ministry – working together. Day 1 (of 4) 13 March 2021. Kirtan ‘Online’ from around the world 22.00 – 23.00 Agnideva Prabhu 23.00 – 24.00 Śri Vallaba Prabhu & family 00.00 – 01.00 Sarath Prabhu an…
Gaura Purnima 2021 – Festival Inauguration, Sri Mayapur Dham
→ Dandavats
By ISKCON MayapurIt is all by the blessings and mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as we happily welcome you all to Sri Mayapur Gaura Purnima 2021. Do not hesitate to join us whether present in Mayapur or not! With the raising of Garuda and Hanuman flag…
The gate of the mind
→ Dandavats
By Krishna Ragini devi dasi There was no time in the history of computers when they have been used for better purposes than today. Previously, a home computer was long time employed for entertainment, thus becoming a tool for a wasted life. Nowadays, u…
Both read the Bible day and night, but thou read black where I read white (video)
→ Dandavats
“The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brāhmaṇa, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste].” (Bg. 5.18) On the spiritual platform, the learned person not only gives up the duality of man an…
HG Srutidharma Das Memorial Program (video)
→ Dandavats
By Bhaktivedanta Manor Bhaktivedanta Manor celebrates the life and selfless service of His Grace Srutidharma Das. For forty years he was a major pillar in the activities and achievements of Bhaktivedanta Manor, a genuinely caring and affectionate devot…
Holy Names-The crest jewel of the age of Kali (video)
→ Dandavats
By GBC SPT Caitanya Mahaprabhu says: “I have brought medicine to awaken very living being from perpetual sleep. Please receive the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, and awaken. One has to continue chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and…
Exciting moments
→ Dandavats
After half an hour or so he began asking me to sell him the Gita. I was, frankly, very selfish and politely refused, expressing what would I do if I did not have this book with me. I was alone, those days no mp3 players, not even prasadam. I was lookin…
Srutidharma das – a Spiritual Giant
→ Dandavats
My eyes opened at 2.00am today. Unable to sleep, I showered and went down to the Patrons office. When I walked in I saw the smiling portrait of Srutidharma Das. On this day, one year ago, he left the world. He invested the entirety of his being into se…
Remembering the Sri Caitanya-caritamrita publishing marathon (video)
→ Dandavats
By GBC SPTFrontline servants: Remembering the Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta publishing marathon Join GBC SPT to meet the veterans and know what happened behind the scenes when Srila Prabhupada engaged his disciples in publishing Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta that…
New wonderful facility for reading Srila Prabhupada’s books in Vrindavana (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
HG Daivishakti mataji opened her new Book store with such a wonderful comfortable place to read and perusRead More…(This post has been viewed 346 times so far)
The Phone – A true Story!
→ Dandavats
Setting it on the table I lifted the receiver to my ear. I casually said to the now fully shocked Mr. Jain, pointing to the telephone receiver as I spoke “Forgive me but I have an important call.” Clasping the phone between my hands as in making Namast…
To hell with your knowledge if you don’t have love (5 min. video)
→ Dandavats
HG Yogesvara Das: You remember that story in the krishna book when krishna was pretending to have a headache and he says only the dust from the feet of my devotees will cure my headache so his messenger goes to the shastric brahmanas you know and they …
Acintya Bhedabheda Tattva (video)
→ Dandavats
About Radheshyam Das
He is a President of the Pune branch of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) that has over 600 centres worldwide and
Director of Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture & Education (VOICE)
He holds an M.Tec…
Message from Kirtan Minister
→ Dandavats
By Lokanath Swami It is my great pleasure to inform you that the first online Nityananda Trayodasi Festival hosted by the Kirtan Ministry was a resounding success. And the Ekadasi Sravana-Kirtana Festival is slowly, but surely becoming a part of devote…
Manjuali Devi Dasi – A Life Shared on the Bhakti Path (video)
→ Dandavats
By Urban Devi She revealed how contemplative prayer, daily practice, and an enthusiasm to meet life’s daily challenges with awareness, support our quest for self-realization and a loving relationship with the Divine. She shares her insights from a lif…
FIRM FAITH: A Bedrock for Progress in Bhakti
→ Dandavats
By Subhag Swami Faith is not bhakti but is a very important part of bhakti. The Cambridge dictionary defines ‘faith’ as, “a great trust or confidence in something or someone.” Śrīla Prabhupāda has explained that “faith means unflinching trust in someth…