Siddhanta das: Video from several interviews of Yamuna DeviRead More…
Author Archives: Dandavats
In Memory of Yamuna devi dasi (video)
Yamuna devi dasi, beloved daughter of Srila Prabhupada, departed Dec. 20th
→ Dandavats
By Malati Devi Dasi With immense sorrow and deep regret, I beg to report the departure of Her Grace Yamuna devi dasi, premier disciple of Srila Prabhupada, known for her deeply spiritual qualities and connection with His Divine Grace, for her glorious …
Yamuna’s Leftover Rice
→ Dandavats
By Danavir Goswami I may not be the only devotee who wondered what to do with leftover rice prasadam. For years, I have been in a quandary—should it be refrigerated and then served cold the next day? or should it be refrigerated and reheated the next d…
Good news from the Gita Nagari farm!
→ Dandavats
A devotee farmer near the Gita Nagari farm in Port Royal, Pennsylvania, has received a Farm Ownership Loan from the USDA Farm Service Agency, which offers low rates to help new farmers buy farms. The program offers up to 100% financing on up to $600,00…
Prayers request: Temple President of ISKCON Kaduna (Nigeria) and young daughter killed in a motor crash yesterday.
→ Dandavats
HH Kavicandra Swami: This very wonderful devotee, Harililamrta das, along with his beautiful daughter, were killed in a motor crash yesterday. His wife, Prana Priya dasi, is in critical condition. Read More…(This post has been viewed 334 times so …
Iskcon Durban News
→ Dandavats
The work on the cover is entirely digital and was done in the Procreate App on an iPad Pro. I wanted to create a candy-coloured outlook of the spiritual world. I had a specific perspective in mind so I simulated Krishna’s and the gopis’ postures in an …
FFL London to launch UK’s first 100% electric food van bringing treats to Londoner’s this Christmas
→ Dandavats
By ISKCON-London Communications Food for Life London, the food distribution initiative from London’s Hare Krishna Temple, is set to make a milestone this Christmas by introducing the UK’s first fully-electric food van to serve Londoners Read More…(T…
New Science – A Divine Vision of H.H. Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami
→ Dandavats
By Jaganmohini devi dasi This year, in the midst of unprecedented crisis faced by the world due to SARS-Covid-19, there was heartening news which delighted at least all the well-wishers of H.H. Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami. The announcement of Sir Rog…
ISKCON DURBAN: more than fifteen devotees are infected with the COVID virus
→ Dandavats
With the second wave, more than fifteen devotees are infected with the COVID virus. I implore all of you to please be careful. Please stay at home, avoid gatherings, and take all precautions when you have to go out.Read More…(This post has been viewe…
H.E. Shri Narendra D. Modi message express his heartiest wishes to Bhagavad Gita Jayanti
→ Dandavats
It is heartening to learn that ISKCON, Mumbai is organizing an online National Value Education Contest 2020 on the auspicious occasion of Oita Jayanti on December 25, 2020. Bhagavad Gita is a sublime treatise of our rich culture. It teaches us harmony …
A book distribution moment that filled me with goosebumps
→ Dandavats
Gurushakti Dasi: I returned to Reading today where I met Noddy, aged 83. Having successfully stopped him in his tracks, I introduced him to the Bhagavad Gita. I explained it contains the oldest writings known to man. This attracted Noddy’s interest an…
All change at Bhaktivedanta Manor Gurukula – Can you help?
→ Dandavats
By Mohan Luthra The first thing that has changed about the Bhaktivedanta Manor Gurukula is that it is no longer called that, it is now simply referred to as the Gurukula – The Hare Krishna Primary School. This is part of the story that has seen big ch…
HG Vatsala Prabhu ACBSP left his body
→ Dandavats
Indulekha Devi Dasi: Vatsala Prabhu, our spiritual brother, left his body tonight. His whole world was serving at the Indian Festival, whenever I had contact with him he always lived and spoke about this service. Sending my sympathy and support to His …
Srimati Tungavidya Devi Dasi left this world
→ Dandavats
Srimati Tungavidya Devi Dasi, wife of Trikalajna Das, left this world from Sri Vrindavan Dham due to an accute cardiac arrest on 14 December 2020 at 4:20am. Around 1980s, she served Sri Radha Madan Mohan of ISKCON Washington DC with all her love and d…
Online VIHE Govardhana Retreat 2020
→ Dandavats
Every year after kartika the VIHE holds the Holy Name Retreat and the Govardhana Retreat at the foot of Giriraja. However, as many of you might have expected, we will not have the retreats at Govardhana this year BUT we have decided to present to you a…
New Gokula Farm – Newsletter December 2020
→ Dandavats
We look forward to welcoming you all to the farm over the Christmas and New Year period. It will be a festive time at the farm. As well as our regular temple program (which can be found on the website), we will also have daily lively kirtan and will be…
Gitanushilanam – The Biggest Online Bhagavad Gita Competition
→ Dandavats
More than 20000 students are expected to participate in this event. The state government of Jharkhand in India has already declared this as an official event and has directed all Government schools to take part in this event.Read More…(This post has …
Sri Udupi Dhama Yatra
→ Dandavats
By Chandan Yatra Das Holy town of Udupi is famous for its most revered Sri Krishna Udupi Temple. Udupi is said to have attained the status of Vaikuntha, because the Lord Krishna came here from Dwarka and stayed here in response to the desire of His pur…
Caffè Concoctiano: Primordial Soup & Evolution Pie (video)
→ Dandavats
Parividha das: This comedy was staged in the late nineties at the ISKCON annual Summer Festival in Radhadesh. After seeing photographs of this performance, several devotees requested that I share a video of the playRead More…
Russian pioneer HG Brahmananda Puri Prabhu left his body out of Covid
→ Dandavats
Mandakini Devi Dasi: Dear devotees we are very sad to inform you that one of the first preachers in the Soviet Union Brahmananda Puri Prabhu left his body out of Covid. During that time where circumstances were extreme, he published Srila Prabhupada’s …
King of Braj – Jiv jago (Krishna reggae) (4 min. video)
→ Dandavats
Enjoy these ancient mantras set to a sweet reggae tune. “Jiv jago” means “Wake up sleeping soul” as chanting these mantras will reawaken our long-forgotten spiritual identity.Read More…
A summary of the latest news from Iskcon
→ Dandavats
Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection. Srila Rupa Goswami used to say, wishing if he had possessed millions of ears, and billions of tongues then he could chant the …
The Gita Challenge
→ Dandavats
We would like to dedicate the last 18 days of this year to celebrate this festival! The Gita Challenge is ONLY 18 days – from 14th to 31st of December!Read More…(This post has been viewed 337 times so far)
Interview with H.G. Sesa Prabhu (video)
→ Dandavats
“As far as studying my books is concerned, I have already given the order. One hour in the morning class and one hour in the evening and if there is extra time during the day it may be used for studying but we cannot expect everyone to be studious.” S…
The Bitter-Sweet Taste of Living Bhagavad-Gita
→ Dandavats
By Srimati DasiLet’s face it. It’s not easy trying to live Bhagavad-gita in today’s world — it’s tough! And the taste is more often bitter/sweet than sweet/sweet. Govindadeva gives the practical essence of living Bhagavad-gétä in verse 18.66. The Kali-…
Preaching according to time, place and circumstance (3 min. video)
→ Dandavats
By Satya Medha Gauranga dasa Srila Prabhupada introduced the Krishna consciousness movement in the western world keeping in mind the time, place and circumstances. Srila Prabhupada was an expert preacher. He perfectly knew how to preach depending on th…
Srila Prabhupada: Conservative but merciful! (video)
→ Dandavats
Srila Prabhupada, our Founder-Acharya, the perfect example of being conservative but simultaneously mercifulRead More…
Prayers needed for HH Gauranga Prema Swami and HH Bhakti Vilasa Gauracandra Swami (Mayapur)
→ Dandavats
By Jayapataka SwamiIn Mayapur, because of the outreach programs, various namahatta devotees attending in Mayapur, somehow the coronavirus has spread amongst our namahatta preachers. Of them, two swamis, His Holiness Gauranga Prema Swami and His Holines…
Live to Give – Distribute 2 Million Bhagavad Gitas
→ Dandavats
By the BBTWhat is Live to Give? “Live to Give” is the end of year book distribution campaign uniting devotees all over the world to combinedly distribute at least 2 Million Bhagavad Gitas. See here how we are doing as One World Team. Read More…(Thi…
World Gita Day
→ Dandavats
By BBT MCIUpdates on all the exciting events happening on World Gita Day!. Empowered by Gita Contest It’s time to get your creative hat on! Get out your brushes, pens and cameras for the Empowered by Gita Global Contest part of the World Gita Day We …
An interaction that reinforced the paramountcy of standing on the streets and introducing Srila Prabhupada’s books!
→ Dandavats
I stopped Sultana who was instantly drawn to the Bhagavad Gita. She explained that she meditates everyday and chants. Intrigued, I asked her what she chants. Her response was ‘Hare Krishna!’ So naturally my response was to say “you must visit the Soho …
Sankirtana Hero Story
→ Dandavats
You know how Sanskrit names sometimes sound funny in our languages? So this Gautama Rishi went on sankirtana with a friend called Akula Das. Akula means “shark” in Russian. Not “sounds like” but literally means shark. For our English speakers, internet…
Announcing – The BBT/TOVP Books Are Bricks Campaign
→ Dandavats
By the TOVP team In 1971, as a young devotee in Calcutta, Giriraja Swami approached Srila Prabhupada, “I have been trying to understand what your desire is, and two things seem to please you the most: distributing your books and building the big temple…
Bhagavata Pravaha: The Flow of Srimad Bhagavatam at ISKCON Govardhan Ecovillage during the Lockdown
→ Dandavats
By Gauranga Das During the extended lockdown due to the pandemic situation, the residents of Govardhan Ecovillage (GEV) took to an in depth study of Srimad Bhagavatam, making the most of the collective opportunity. GEV is the home for many scholarly …
Highest Damodara Ghee Lamp Offering Score
→ Dandavats
By Taruni Radhe Devi Dasi TOTAL GHEE LAMP OF WHOPPING 132,180! HG Jagabandhu das, a disciple of HH Janananda Goswami Maharaj is a humble youth & highly inspiring devotee who distributes Srila Prabhupada’s teachings through his words, actions and …
Dynamic GBC SPT Service Opportunities – Expanding Our Global Team
→ Dandavats
The GBC Strategic Planning Team (GBC SPT) is looking for devotees to join our team and take on responsible service in several key areas.Read More…(This post has been viewed 1041 times so far)
Interview – Becoming Your Devotee – Krishna Conscious Activities for Kids with Gourangi Gandharvika
→ Dandavats
Gourangi Gandharvika is a second generation devotee from Mayapur who has created the most amazing activity book for children.Read More…(This post has been viewed 333 times so far)
Palace of Gold: We were on Channel 9! (video)
→ Dandavats
In 1973 devotees decided to build a home for Srila Prabhupada, where he could write his books and enjoy the clean country air. A location was chosen for its potential beauty, the land was cleared and construction was started on a simple house. The plan…
Vedantic Theology For the Advancement of Scientific Temper
→ Dandavats
In today’s world, scientific temper occupies the center stage in deciphering the nature of reality. Contrary to the preconceived notion of being dogmatic and ideological, ancient Vedantic theological tradition conforms to the highest kind of rational i…
Departed son’s own words console parents
→ Dandavats
Mathura Lilesvari Dasi: Below is a letter written by HG Vadanya Nitai Das, a disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami and son of HG Mahesh Advaita Das and HG Ananda Sundari DD. Vadanya Nitai passed away on Dec 3, 2016 in Malaysia. He was 27. His parents recentl…