Mother Kulangana had a special affinity for milk products from childhood as a result of keeping cows on her family farm. Thus, she was naturally attracted to cooking the milk sweets the devotees offered to Krishna every day. She quickly became an exper…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Mother Kulangana remembrances, Bhakti Centre
Fortune in Misfortune
→ Dandavats
By Indradyumna Swami “This material world is certified by the Lord in the Bhagavad-gita as a dangerous place full of calamities. The duty of the sane person, therefore, is to be undisturbed by worldly calamities, which are sure to happen in all circums…
HARE KRISHNA! Opens in 20 Cities in Italy
→ Dandavats
The hit film on Srila Prabhupada’s life, HARE KRISHNA! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami who started it all opens in 20 cities in Italy starting Jan. 23 and running through March 15. There is the possibility of releasing the film in up to 100 citi…
Do You Have a Soul? Is There Life After Death? London ANSWERS! (10 min. video)
→ Dandavats
Londoners tell us whether they think they have a soul and believe in life after death… the results are unexpected and entertaining! Watch out for Santa ;)Read More…(This post has been viewed 324 times so far)
World Holy Name Festival Annual Report 2019
→ Dandavats
By Ekalavya Das World Holy Name Festival 2019 was the biggest so far. We celebrated from Sept. 17 – 24, 2019, and focused, as usual, on glorifying Srila Prabhupada as the Global Ambassador of the Holy Name. We provided ISKCON centers with resources fro…
ISKCON Law Department Holds 1st Global Conference of Devotee Attorneys
→ Dandavats
By Govinda Dev Das and Guru Gauranga Das ISKCON General Counsel Devakinandan Das opened the Conference by providing a historical overview of the legal challenges that have confronted ISKCON in the past and the often ad hoc manner in which they were add…
In every town and village the chanting of the Holy Name will be heard! (audio)
→ Dandavats
A narration about how the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra was spread in the west, with the help also of George HarrisonRead More…(This post has been viewed 325 times so far)
A good year for the ISKCON Prison Ministry
→ Dandavats
When farmers have a good harvest, they say it was a good year. That’s the feeling I have at the end of each and every year; “it was a good year.” For the prison ministry, it’s always a good year! The IPM harvest is always aplenty; this is confirmed by …
Prominent Indian Corporate billionaires initiate efforts to develop Mayapur Heritage City
→ Dandavats
By Parijata dasi The first meeting of the Advisory Committee for the development of Mayapur Heritage City was held on 9 January 2020 at Sajjan Jindal’s office. The meeting was initiated by Devakinandan Das, Zonal Secretary and Vice Chairman of Member …
HG Haihaya Das ACBSP departed
→ Dandavats
He was from Colombia, president of the Mexico temple but he preached along with his wife Narmada dasi also in Italy, Spain, India and Berkeley to list a few. He was very deep-hearted and sober-minded, a kind-hearted nature.Read More…(This post has be…
Bhakti Center: A Journey of Self-transformation!
→ Dandavats
The Bhakti Center is more than a Lower East Side yoga studio, a meditation school, a temple or even a cultural center. The Bhakti Center is a place of spiritual education and personal transformation. Each year in January we publish an annual report: a …
Food, Diet and Cooking
→ Dandavats
Srila Prabhupada: Even if we vegetarian are, then how you become big? The goats are vegetarian. Huh? Apadāni catuṣ-padām. This vegetable is meant for the catuṣ-padām, for the animals, four-legged animals. If somebody says that “Why shall I take this ve…
Truth of Life
→ Dandavats
With this in mind just like a drop of rain can become a pearl with the touch of oyster, in the same manner with the touch of a pure devotee we can clean our filthy hearts filled with dust and make it shine like a mirror. But, when that same drop of wat…
Srila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami’s Appearance Day
→ Dandavats
Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, the forty-seventh branch, was one of the great and exalted branches of the tree. He always engaged in discourses about love of Godhead in the company of Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami.Read More…(This post has been viewed…
Pujari available for service
→ Dandavats
Ramananda ACBSP: He is a tireless worker and enthusiastic about everything he does. He wishes to relocate to a warmer climate as the winters in Italy are quite cold. We can provide several references of senior devotees upon request.Read More…(This …
Investing in our ISKCON Youth!
→ Dandavats
Praghosa das: In August 2009, at the tender age of 8, Jagannath moved to Sridham Mayapur with his Mum. He was admitted to Sri Mayapur International School, grade 2 class. His natural attraction to the holy Dham was instant! Jagannath was an all-rounde…
A Sanctified Union
→ Dandavats
Devotee families have their own unique offering to make to Krsna. Theirs is not an inferior brand of spirituality. Nor is marital happiness something shameful, as was often believed in the medieval ages of Christianity. God does not envy our enjoyment….
Holy Gainesville!
→ Dandavats
Prabhupada priya dd: A few days ago, while doing some writing at the University of Florida library, I took a break to chant my midday Gayatri, and as I looked out from the 4th floor over the Plaza of the Americas, I felt Srila Prabhupada’s presence ver…
The mother of HH Subhag Swami left this world
→ Dandavats
When Srila Prabhupada came to Kolkata with Maharaja, Thakur Maa came to him. She asked Srila Prabhupada why he had taken her child, and requested him to kindly return him back to her. Srila Prabhupada asked Thakur Maa, “How many children do you have?” …
Who was Nanda and Yashoda in their previous lives?
→ Dandavats
Purushottam Nitai Das: Nanda and Yashoda comes from the spiritual world to enjoy pastimes with Krishna. And after Krishna unwinds his pastimes in the material world Nanda Maharaj and mother Yashoda merge into their original sources in the spiritual wor…
Your Three Relationships: Improving Your Relationship with Yourself, Others and Krishna
→ Dandavats
You are invited to participate in a four-day retreat aimed at exploring insightful ways of better understanding yourself, improving your relationships and removing obstacles in your spiritual life. Through readings, lectures, discussions, introspective…
Living Name Retreat 2020
→ Dandavats
Divya Dasi: The Living Name Retreat 2020 is a continuation of previous retreats focusing on our personal relationship with the Holy Name. Whether you are a new practitioner or staunch follower of bhakti-yoga, the Living Name Retreat will help you take …
An Invitation to Viplavah 2020
→ Dandavats
Tapana Mishra dasa: We are delighted to inform you that the ISKCON Ministry of Education, will be hosting its 2nd Annual International Symposium of Education “Viplavah 2020” on February 21st & 22nd, 2020, at ILS Venue in Sridham Mayapur.Read More….
Nimai eats offerings prepared by Jagadisha & Hiranya Pandita
→ Dandavats
Chandan Bhatia: If Nimai could not catch a bird He saw flying in the sky He would weep bitterly and roll in the dust. Sometimes, He cried for the moon and the stars in the sky while thrashing His arms and legs violently, if He could not have them.Read …
Does One Man’s Mistake Make Many Culprits?
→ Dandavats
By Gauranga Darshan Das It’s natural to be angry with a person who hurts us. If the pain caused by someone’s actions is too severe, one might even consider punishing them. But how appropriate is it to condemn or punish an entire community or family for…
When Krishna Meet Mohammeds in the form of the Bhagavad Gita
→ Dandavats
This is *Mohammed Khalil* He was rushing to catch his UBER when he zoomed past us at Tambaram Railway Station in Chennai where we were distributing Bhagavad Geeta. A devotee shouted *Hare Krsna* right in his ear when he was passing by us. Fast forward…
GBC 2019 Midterm General Meeting Resolutions
→ Dandavats
By th GBC Conditions for Second-generation Diksa-gurus—2019 [Governing Law]. Whereas at the 2019 AGM, it was resolved that, under certain conditions, disciples can give initiation in the physical presence of their spiritual masters; Whereas this resolu…
Call for Homages for Srila Prabhupada’s 2019 Vyasa Puja Book
→ Dandavats
By Dravida dasaDear follower of Srila Prabhupada, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Kindly submit your homage to Srila Prabhupada for his Vyasa-puja book by April 1. In addition, if you’re a direct disciple of Sri…
Beautiful murti of Srila Prabhupada at The Temple of Understanding
→ Dandavats
Beautiful murti of Srila Prabhupada at The Temple of Understanding today, the 5th Jan, 2020.Read More…(This post has been viewed 0 times so far)
Serving Srila Prabhupada’s Mood
→ Dandavats
By Srimati DasiYes this is Srila Prabhupada’s world — it’s a world of MERCY MAGIC! The visionary mercy of a compassionate Gaudiya Vaisnava’s heart, and the magic of bhakti in action. On this very cold day we have had the good fortune to see so many com…
GBC Organizational Development Committee OPEN POSITIONS
→ Dandavats
Gopal Bhatta das: The GBC Organizational Development Committee is a standing committee of ISKCON’s GBC. We strive to provide proper organizational structure designed to create global alignment and ensure devotional standards and ethos throughout the so…
This year’s resolutions…
→ Dandavats
This year for sure I will grow lungs, feet, learn to walk… Acccording to Darwin…:-)Read More…(This post has been viewed 3943 times so far)
New Ahimsa Milk truck
→ Dandavats
New Ahimsa Milk truck. Love (and offer to Krishna) milk. Hate slaughter (of innocent cows). Raw and whole pasteurized milk are currently being delivered to doorstep/drop-point locations in the North London/within M25 area, and throughout the rest of th…
WSN November 2019 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Vijaya Das Generally people reach the ages of 55 to 65 and gradually retire. But two devotees in the Los Angeles temple, Bhrgupati Prabhu and Sacitanoy Prabhu, now 68 and 67, respectively, are a sankirtan team. They go out daily on book distributio…
ISKCON Congregation Newsletter December 2019
→ Dandavats
“I am the only gardener. How many places can I go? How many fruits can I pick and distribute? It would certainly be a very laborious task to pick the fruits and distribute them alone, and still I suspect that some would receive them and others would no…
Bhagavatam Family tree NOW IN ONE SINGLE PDF
→ Dandavats
Bhakta John: This Family-Tree chart starts at the left with Brahma’s birth, thus, It is read left-to-right. Each vertical column contains descendants who are (approx) contemporaries. Each horizontal line shows the lineage of names of a particular Dyna…
HH Vishwesha Teertha Swamiji’s Disappearance
→ Dandavats
Deena Bandhu Das: He was a profound seer of the Madhava Sampradaya and a close admirer of Srila Prabhupada and a dear friend of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj! He was the one who first accepted the Teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu among the 8 Mutts of Ud…
An Appeal to Help Ramdas Abhirama Das video update
→ Dandavats
We had a lovely visit with Ram das. He has been making small steps in his recovery. We tried many number of questions that he was able to understand and respond to. We also played him some of Srila Prabhupada’s bhajans and almost spontaneously, Ram see…
Perth Harinama (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
Ramai Swami: Perth Temple has organized Harinama on Friday evenings for decades. Usually, the kirtan starts at Northbridge, near our restaurant, and then goes over the walk bridge and through the train terminal to the city. Perth has expanded over th…
Christmas Harinama in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2019
→ Dandavats
Jagat-Prasu das: We’re having some ecstatic harinams before the end of the year in Ljubljana, Slovenia latelyRead More…(This post has been viewed 341 times so far)