On Saturday 7th September, ISKCON Leicester hosted a grand celebration in the city in honor of the 50th anniversary of ISKCON UK and HDG Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in London.Read More…
Author Archives: Dandavats
ISKCON Leicester host UK 50th celebration in the city centre
“No Faith In War”
→ Dandavats
For the month of October, we will be cooking and distributing 20,000 plates of delicious Prasad daily to the Eco Activists in London. These young people are passionate about seeking solutions to the problems of the world, just as in the sixties and sev…
The spiritual world is conducted by the internal potency – Radharani
→ Dandavats
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaSo today, this evening, we are talking about Radhastami. We are trying to understand the chief potency of Krsna. Radharani is the pleasure potency of Krsna. As we understand from Vedic literature, …
Hare Krishnas Celebrate 50 Years In The UK
→ Dandavats
This Saturday, the Hare Krishnas will share the popular Hare Krishna mantra and distribute hundreds of cakes to shoppers and visitors to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in the UK.Read More…
Varshana – Sunrise Aerial Darshan (video)
→ Dandavats
Prananatha das: I had spent two weeks at Govardhan last October working on the film “Govardhan Seva” but during that time I didn’t get the opportunity to visit Varshana. So, on the morning I was leaving, my taxi was heading towards Delhi and I asked t…
Thousands of pure devotees in the Sadhu Sanga Festival in Russia (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: The Sadhu Sanga Festival in Russia opened last night. Many thousands of devotees have gathered right next to the Black Sea for a week of intense hearing and chanting in the association of some of the most advanced devotees in th…
Words Of Wisdom On Radhastami
→ Dandavats
Visakha Priya dasi: So each, everyone shall treat others as “My master.” This is the Vaisnava system. Read More…
The most amazing Radhastami of my life
→ Dandavats
Manjari Gauthie: Sweet, heavy smoke is pouring off the altar – the curtains are opening! Oh, so painfully slow they are opening. On my left, Tulsi Priya is sobbing. All the frankincense is now escaping, huge billows rolling over the crowd, so thick th…
Radhastami Puja !!!
→ Dandavats
Sastric Quotes: In fact, Radharani is the internal potency of Sri Krishna, and She eternally intensifies the pleasure of Sri Krishna. Impersonalists cannot understand this without the help of a maha-bhagavata devotee. The very name Radha suggests that …
Srimati Radharani’s Beautiful Mood
→ Dandavats
By Anantacarya dasaSrimati Radharani, the tenderhearted, feminine counterpart of Godhead, is that one person in all of existence who knows best how to express love for Krsna. She is the supreme container of love for Him, and, as such, She is known as t…
Very important news from Yama Niyama Dasa Brahmachari!
→ Dandavats
His Grace Yama Niyama Dasa Brahmachari speaks on the importance of, and his involvement in, the 2019 MANtra Retreat at New Vrindavan.Read More…
Janmashtami festival in Jaipur
→ Dandavats
Jaipur is known as gupta-Vrindavana, as the Lord Shri Govinda-devji, Shri Gopinath Ji and Shri Madan Mohan Ji (later went to Karoli) came from Shri Vrindavana Dham. Since then, Jaipur became the place of pilgrimage for Vaishnavas. In 1972, Srila Prabhu…
Take advantage of the Bhadra Moon!
→ Dandavats
By Vamsuli Dasa In ancient times, farmers followed the moon cycles across the year to sow or harvest their crops, knowing well that their investments are protected by taking advantage of such opportune moments. Devotees similarly have the opportunity …
Live Your TOVP Pledge Campaign Launch
→ Dandavats
By TOVP team We launched our newest campaign to encourage donors to complete their pledges, the TOVP Live Your Pledge Campaign. This awareness campaign is simply a reminder to keep your commitment to Srila Prabhupada to fulfill your pledge by 2022 or s…
Ukranian leadership discusses supplying the Deities with dairy from protected cows
→ Dandavats
By Ukranian IMCPAUkraine held the first ISKCON Farm Organization meeting in New Mayapur, from the 16-18th of August. The event targeted on how to accomplish the recent GBC resolution that by Janmastami 2022, all ISKCON centers should have a plan on how…
Sridhar Swami Memorial Video!
→ Dandavats
When I was a new devotee, maybe less than two years in the movement, I approached Srila Prabhupada one day while he was getting his massage on the veranda of the Calcutta temple. “Srila Prabhupada,” I said, “I have been thinking about what pleases you …
An enlivening Sri Balarama Jayanti celebration in Iskcon Prahalada Desh!
→ Dandavats
The appearance day of Lord Balaram symbolizes to resemble the devotees to be prepared for greeting Lord Krishna. Lord Balaram is firstly and in conclusion defined as THE SERVITOR GOD TO LORD KRISHNA.Read More…
These Golden Days
→ Dandavats
By Indradyumna Swami The fortunate town of Navadvipa remains on the earth. The seashore remains. The city of Jagannatha Puri remains. The holy names of Lord Krsna remain. Alas! Alas! I do not see anywhere the same kind of festival of pure love for Lord…
Janmastami in Melbourne Australia
→ Dandavats
Bhakta dasa: Once again, we celebrated another Sri Krishna Janmastami festival here in ISKCON Melbourne, we had over 10,000 guests over the three-day festival. Everyone was fed sumptuous feast throughout the day and night.Read More…
From the Astrologer’s Diary: The Night Dacoits Stole Srimati Radharani
→ Dandavats
By Shyamasundara DasaThis is a revised and expanded edition of an article that I originally wrote in 1995. It weaves together, through the lens of Vedic Astrology, the history of how the ISKCON Mayapura temple was first victimized by thieves who stole …
An Appeal To Help Ramdas Abhirama Das Who Is In Critical Condition
→ Dandavats
Indradyumna Swami: We are again making an appeal for financial support, this time for a very dear and loved devotee who has made significant contributions to the cultural expansion of our Krishna consciousness in the world. Ramdas Abhirama Das, a disc…
Complaints Of Love
→ Dandavats
By Gauranga Darshan Das Krishna’s pastimes are most enchanting, but when His pure devotees like the gopīs or Sukadeva Gosvami in the Bhagavatam narrate them, they taste even more nectarean, being mixed with the love of these devotees. Thus, Mother Ya…
Retiring From Family Life
→ Dandavats
Devaki Devi Dasi: Throughout the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Srila Prabhupada emphasizes again and again the importance of retiring from family life around the age of fifty. He clearly gives this deadline – again and againRead More…
Do devotees suffer?
→ Dandavats
Purushottam Nitai Das: A serious spiritual practitioner knows well that his uncontrolled senses and mind are his biggest enemy and cause of miseries, so he carefully employs his senses in executing any activity. Unless and until we completely give up a…
Journey of Self Discovery of Wellington, New Zealand celebrated Janmashtami 2019 on a grand scale
→ Dandavats
More than 450 devotees attended this outreach event. The event consisted of maha-abhishekam for the Lord, melodious kirtan, spiritual discourse by HG Ambarish Maharaj das emphasizing the importance of chanting, kids drama (How Krishna preserves what we…
WSN July 2019 – World Sankirtan Newsletter – Manor: 234% increase, London :116% increase!
→ Dandavats
By Vijaya das In July, the two main UK temples, Bhaktivedanta Manor and London-Soho, had a great month. They had a summer marathon (see att. image) as they celebrate fifty years of Hare Krishna culture in the UK this year. The Manor did 6,154 book poin…
“ISKCON, with all thy faults, I love thee”
→ Dandavats
As for your nice sentiments about our first meeting on Houston Street, it was all arranged by Krishna. That was practically a favor shown to me by Krishna because I came in your country by superior order.Read More…(This post has been viewed 15823 tim…
His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami reads Gopal Champu’s 15 Chapters for you
→ Dandavats
Here is a present from His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami in the form of these Audio Books, now available. Enjoy the nectar!Read More…
New York State Appellate Court Denies Former Brooklyn Temple Directors’ Application for Injunction
→ Dandavats
By Bhakta George Pratt August 14, 2019 – On Sri Balaram Jayanti Mahotsava (the Appearance Day of Lord Balaram), ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (“GBC”) and the Board of Directors of Bharati Center, Inci. (“Brooklyn Temple” or “Temple”) won a notab…
Huge celebrations in Iskcon Brooklyn and new positive legal developments!
→ Dandavats
By Yasoda-dulal Das Friday: There were kirtans, three talks on Krishna (three!!) during the evening, a play, bathing of the Deities, and grand darshans. A new concept they tried out was a block party outside the temple from 4 to 9 pm, even while the fe…
Srila Prabhupada Vyasa Puja Offering from Ambarisa and the TOVP Team, August 24, 2019
→ Dandavats
Srila Prabhupada, by your unreserved mercy we would like to take this opportunity to glorify you on your most divine appearance day and also present you with an offering updating you about your most important project in ISKCON, the Temple of the Vedic …
Padayatra UK 2019 – The Canterbury Tale
→ Dandavats
Dayal Mora das: O hail to thee, lover of a tale from Canterbury. Hark! Lend thine ears! Listen to a tall tale that was many times told. A tale of war and peace, of crime and punishment and of a midsummer night’s dream. Many a pilgrim has walked th…
Srila Prabhupada 2019 Vyasa Puja Book available online for free download
→ Dandavats
By Brahma Muhurta Das Each year, the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust publishes a limited number of copies of a Vyasa-puja book—a collection of homages to Srila Prabhupada from devotees and temples all over the world. Srila Prabhupada’s unique position as the …
People pray to God; the Vrajavasis pray for God — Meditation on Nandotsava
→ Dandavats
By Chaitanya Charan das “Let others, fearing material existence, worship the Vedas, the Vedic supplementary Puranas and the Mahabharata, but I shall worship Nanda Maharaja, in whose courtyard the Supreme Brahman is crawling.”Read More…
The Most Appropriate Plan
→ Dandavats
By Indradyumna SwamiI bow down to the beautiful lotus feet of my spiritual master, by whose causeless mercy I have obtained the supreme holy name, the divine mantra, the service of the son of Sacimata, the association of Srila Svarupa Damodara, Rupa Go…
NASN July 2019 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur Sasi dasa For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of July 2019. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Indiv…
A Child Sent by Krishna
→ Dandavats
By Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami In a little house in the Tollygunge suburb of Calcutta, a male child was born. Since he was born on Nandotsava, the day Krsna’s father, Nanda Maharaja, had observed a festival in honor of Krsna’s birth, the boy’s uncle called…
Srila Prabhupada Remembers His Childhood
→ Dandavats
Srimati Dasi: Have you ever wondered about the circumstances of Srila Prabhupada’s birth? What he was like as a child? What he experienced and learned at that tender age? We have — and we felt compelled to do a little research. Those sweet “childhood” …
Meaning of the Auspicious Marks on the Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna
→ Dandavats
BARLEYCORN (Jon) – This mark signifies that His devotees receive all enjoyable opulences of prosperity by serving His lotus feet. It also means that once one finds shelter at His lotus feet, then the devotee’s former journey through many, many births a…
The Role of Sex in Spiritual and Religious Life: A Vaishnava Perspective
→ Dandavats
Sexuality is at the core of human experience. There is little room for arguing this point, given that the very existence of the human race depends on sexual intercourse as a means of procreation. And with sex playing such a central role in the daily af…