By Srimati Dasi Yes. Blinded by prejudice. Who? Me?! Never!!! Prejudice is the cause of so much heartbreak and violence in this world — I don’t want to know about it! I’m a very liberal person. I’m not judgemental. I’m not blinded by prejudice! Oops! …
Author Archives: Dandavats
Blinded by Prejudice
Sampradaya Acharyas Glorify Srila Prabhupada #2 (video)
→ Dandavats
The TOVP is ISKCON’s most important and historically significant project. In the short term the temple will provide the long-awaited new home for our beloved world Deities Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tattva and Sri Nrsimhadeva, and bring much at…
Prayers required for HG Parvati Devi Dasi ACBSP, presently in ICU – updated
→ Dandavats
Prayers required for HG Parvati Devi Dasi ACBSP, presently in ICURead More…
Sri Krishna Katahmrita Bindu issue 490
→ Dandavats
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu, the free e-magazine from ISKCON Gopaljiu Publications which was started in 2001 as a humble attempt to serve Srila Prabhupada and the preachers of the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu is es…
WSN March 2019 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Vijaya das The New York Harinama has risen to No. 11 in the world. Amazing! It started with Rama Raya Prabhu and a few devotees chanting Hare Krsna. Now, by Lord Caitanya’s mercy, there’s not only a big harinama 365 days a year but book distribution…
Harinama in Sheffield, UK (video)
→ Dandavats
News from the Hare Krishna Festival team in UKRead More…
Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam
→ Dandavats
HH Satsvarupa Das Goswami: This sloka appears in the First Canto at the end of a string of verses identifying the incarnations. Krsna is also mentioned on schedule.Read More…
NASN March 2019 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur Sasi dasaFor the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of March 2019. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Indiv…
Listen to Brihad Bhagavatamrta by Sanatana Gosvami online
→ Dandavats
Dhruva Maharaja dasa’s Podcasts. Readings from Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryasRead More…
New Lectures from the Hare Krishna temple in Alachua (audio)
→ Dandavats
Lectures and kirtans from the Hare Krishna temple in Alachua, FloridaRead More…(This post has been viewed 4692 times so far)
Hari is the antidote to worry – How to stop worrying and start living (video)
→ Dandavats
Lectures on “How to stop worrying and start living “ by His Holiness Bhakti Rasamrita Swami MaharajRead More…
Savitri Devi Dasi from ISKCON Philadelphia Passed Away
→ Dandavats
By Sangita devi dasi On Sunday, April 21, 2019, Her Grace Savitri devi dasi, a beloved member of our ISKCON Philadelphia Temple peacefully passed away. Surrounded by her closest friends who were chanting the Hare Krishna mantra at her bedside, Savitri …
A Report on The Glory of Saurashtra – ISKCON Rajkot Temple
→ Dandavats
By Kalacakra Krsna das The inauguration ceremony of ISKCON temple in Rajkot, “The Glory of Saurashtra” was celebrated with great enthusiasm on the auspicious day of Sri Rama Navami (14th Apr) in the presence of exalted sannyasis, senior disciples of Pr…
Is a devotee also an eco-warrior?
→ Dandavats
By Parasuram das For the last 11 days and nights a massive eco demonstration has taken place around the planet, here in London 5 main traffic arteries have been blocked by concerned activists and over a thousand people arrested. Hitting the headlines o…
Introducing Our Watford Community Cafe – Seva In Watford Be the change!
→ Dandavats
Introducing Our Watford Community Cafe – Seva In Watford Be the change!Read More…
Kartik Navadwip Mandala Parikrama 2019
→ Dandavats
It is our great pleasure to announce ISKCON MAYAPUR’s 7th annual six-day Kartik Navadwip Mandal Parikrama during the most auspicious month of Kartik Read More…
Devotee care in Vrindavan (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats
Close proximity to the Temple creates opportunities to serve within the Community such as giving Classes, inspiring younger devotees and engaging in regular Temple activities. We can also organize younger devotees in the Community to serve their elders…
His Grace Braja Vilasa Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Fundraiser May 7-17, 2019
→ Dandavats
His Grace Braja Vilasa Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Fundraiser May 7-17, 2019Read More…
Appreciating others’ individuality for redefining preaching, Shaunaka Rishi (video)
→ Dandavats
The Gita for Daily Enrichment presents insights from the Bhagavad-gita insights through succinct reflections that provide daily inspiration for self-improvement throughout the year.Read More…(This post has been viewed 6116 times so far)
Happy Rath Yatra festival!
→ Dandavats
One who always remembers your activities and My activities also, and who chants the prayers you have offered, becomes free, in due course of time, from the reactions of material activities.Read More…
Childhood Pastimes of Lord Krishna with Candramauli Swami (video)
→ Dandavats
Featured videos from Iskcon classes, events, seminars, festivals etc.Read More…(This post has been viewed 8016 times so far)
Is God Partial?
→ Dandavats
By Gauranga Darshan Das How would you feel if your parents are partial towards your sibling? Would you be comfortable when your teacher is biased towards your classmate? It is natural to expect from one’s superior or guardian a similar treatment as one…
Preaching in Miami and New York City
→ Dandavats
Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka – By Krishna Kripa DasRead More…(This post has been viewed 4394 times so far)
Govinda’s Restaurants
→ Dandavats
ISKCON operates many Govinda’s restaurants around the world. They are difficult to manage, but determined devotees, who are expert in cooking and management, come forward and take the burden. It is excellent preaching. People get to eat delicious veget…
His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaja Inaugurates the TOVP Daily Victory Flag Tradition
→ Dandavats
On April 16th, to begin the celebration of Jayapataka Maharaja’s auspicious 70th Vyasa Puja celebration, thousands of his disciples and well-wishers, gathering at the TOVP office, looked on as Maharaja officially inaugurated the TOVP Daily Victory Flag…
His Holiness Bhakti Marg Swami Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Matching Fundraiser
→ Dandavats
His Holiness Bhakti Marg Swami Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Matching FundraiserRead More…
TOVP Directors visit US Iskcon Temples
→ Dandavats
By TOVP staff Braja Vilasa prabhu, the International Fundraising Director of the TOVP, recently paid a visit to the TOVP office in Alachua, Florida. He also arranged to visit three temples in the U.S. with Ambarisa prabhu during that time, and to hav…
“Philosoph(ies) of Education” – a call for papers and volunteers from ISKCON educators/devotees worldwide
→ Dandavats
“Philosoph(ies) of Education” and includes a call for papers and volunteers from ISKCON educators/devotees worldwide.Read More…
21 Maha & big books in one shot!
→ Dandavats
Yuga Dharma NYC: Interesting stories from book distribution in New YorkRead More…(This post has been viewed 17478 times so far)
Kids Bhagavatam 1.3 Summary Video from LightofGodhead
→ Dandavats
Verses 1-5: Suta Gosvāmī summarizes how the Lord expands as the three puruṣa avataras for the sake of creation. He mentions that the second puruṣa is the source of all the incarnations within the universe, 22 of which he will mention next.Read More……
His Holiness Bhakti Chaitanya Maharaja Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Matching Fundraiser
→ Dandavats
His Holiness Bhakti Chaitanya Maharaja Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Matching FundraiserRead More…
Wonderful Worcester
→ Dandavats
By Madhumangal das On the auspicious day of Ram Naumi 2019, we inaugurated a monthly outreach programme called “The Vedic Essence” and also a harinam in Worcester town centre. A group of devotees (some from London) performed a 5 hour harinam in Worce…
Biggest ever shipment of Srila Prabhupada’s books arrived at the Yuga Dharma ashram
→ Dandavats
New Shipment of Srila Prabhupada’s books arrived today at the Yuga Dharma ashram. Total of 732 boxes, biggest order for North east USA since 1981.Read More…
Notre Dame burning
→ Dandavats
By Chandrashekhara acharya dasa “Notre Dame is damaged; The Holy Name shines on. “Some thoughts on the recent burning of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. I cannot count how many rounds of japa I have chanted inside the shelter of Notre Dame, hearing m…
Bhakta-vasyata: Bound By Love
→ Dandavats
Lord Krsna, the son of Mother Yasoda, is easily accessible to devotees engaged in spontaneous loving service, but not to mental speculators, aspirants of self-realization, or those in bodily identification.Read More…(This post has been viewed 2365 …
The glory of Rama (3 min. video)
→ Dandavats
Subuddhi Ray das: No matter how many years pass, but the glory of Rama and the beautiful Sita does not fade. They showed the world an example of loyalty, courage and duty. We congratulate you on Rama Navami – Ramachandra’s birthday.Read More…
Touring Ramesvaram The Land Of Lord Rama
→ Dandavats
By Sri Nandanandana dasa While visiting Madurai and the surrounding area, it is easy to catch the early morning train for Ramesvaram. It is a relaxing ride (about six hours) as we head toward the coast. The first time I went there, it was a pleasant t…
Reach for The Stars
→ Dandavats
By Louise Guthrie This is no ordinary shopping-carrier. It hails from the Indian city of Mayapur, spiritual capital of the world, and it depicts the vision that founder of the Hare Krishna movement, Srila Prabhupada, had for a unique ‘Temple of the Ve…
The Appearance of Lord Ramachandra
→ Dandavats
AUSPICIOUS APPEARANCE OF RAMA — Another first-time translation for this issue of a song glorifying the appearance of Lord Ramachandra, from the medieval Bengali poet Krittivas.Read More…
The Pastimes Of Ramachandra
→ Dandavats
Gautam Saha: The avatara came as Ramachandra Scion to the dynasty of Raghukula He is ever seen with Laxmi as Sita, Laxman and Hanuman, His servitorRead More…