In October 1970, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami arrived in India with twenty of his Western disciples to re-ignite the dying flames of Krishna consciousness in the land of its ancient origin. Srila Prabhupada and his Dancing White Elephants were an immediat…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Positive momentum in Zagreb with new name for the temple
→ Dandavats
Govindananda das: After several years of yatra consolidation what resulted in expansion of preaching activities, new devotees joining and inspiring energy in the temple and congregation, 1st of January 2019 the temple of Zagreb was named “NOVA JALADUT…
Celebrating the Juhu Temple Opening
→ Dandavats
By Giriraj Swami Today, January 14, Makara-sankranti, marks the anniversary of the grand opening of Sri Sri Radha-Rasabihari’s temple and cultural complex in Juhu, Bombay. Two days after the opening, The New York Times ran an article on the front page…
How Lord Krishna is the Source of all Avatars
→ Dandavats
By Sri Nandanandana dasa In spite of the fact that everything comes from the Supreme Being, He is still aloof from it all. He does not disengage Himself from His eternal pleasure pastimes with His devotees in the spiritual realm. So, in the process of…
The Price of Causeless Mercy
→ Dandavats
By Srimati Devi Dasi Mahaprabhu’s lips quivered in the ecstasy of jubilation as He sang the glories of the Holy Name. His effulgent body, stoked and fueled by prema, illumined the small dark room to reveal His two constant night companions. In great ec…
The Stay High Marriage
→ Dandavats
By Partha Das and Uttama Devi Dasi As we devotees would say in the early days of ISKCON, “Chant Hare Krsna and stay high forever!” Krsna is known as Stavyapriya, one who likes being praised, so it is natural that we also find it uplifting. Srila Pra…
Living in Sri Dham Mayapur
→ Dandavats
Srila Prabhupada: “… in the whole Nadia, this part is very sacred, Mayapur Candradoya Temple. So by Krishna’s grace, you have got this opportunity to live here. Take advantage, full advantage of this opportunity, spiritually fortunate”. (From lecture o…
Vraja Mandala Parikrama 2018
→ Dandavats
Every devotee awaits for the auspicious month of Kartika and specially those who join the Vraja Mandala Parikrama keep waiting impatiently for the Kartika the whole year.Read More…
Viplavah Revolution Through Education – A Journal of the ISKCON Ministry of Education
→ Dandavats
By ISKCON Ministry of Education Vision statement: To provide Krishna conscious education of high quality to everyone through temples, educational institutions and various global initiatives. Mission statement: To develop comprehensive educational syste…
Discovery of Radha Kunda (video)
→ Dandavats
HG Deena Bandhu Prabhu’s lecture in ISKCON SYDNEY Radha Gopinath TempleRead More…
Baroda Devotees Hold Three-day Walk To Dakor Dhama
→ Dandavats
About sixty padayatris attended Rupa Raghunath Maharaja’s early morning arati to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai, but as soon as the padayatra departed at 6.30am more devotees joined for the first leg of the walk, almost doubling the number of participants. Dakor …
Meeting with Ambassador of India to Ireland
→ Dandavats
By Praghosa Das We were very happy to accept the kind invitation of the new Ambassador of India to Ireland to meet with him at the embassy in Dublin this January. It was a most rewarding meeting, not least to learn of Ambassador Sandeep Kumar’s stron…
Be a Pioneer for ISKCON’s 50th UK anniversary!
→ Dandavats
By Praghosa Das “It has been a most momentous 50 years. From the devotees first arriving on UK soil to where we are today and everything in between has been some journey of hard work, good fortune, unexpected twists and turns, great struggle and even a…
Practical Spirituality – More Than Crystals & Candles
→ Dandavats
By Bhaktivedanta Manor Russell Brand releases latest podcast with one of his mentors and spiritual teachers – HH Radhanath Swami. An enlightening and pragmatic podcast questioning the role of religion, spirituality and our own place in modern society.R…
Fortifying the Foundation of ISKCON
→ Dandavats
By Paramadayala Nityananda Das Very few can immediately give up all material activities; therefore, mundane morality must be observed. But we must understand the fallacies, otherwise materialism will go viral in the movement. If we cannot, at least an…
Message from the Chairman of the TOVP
→ Dandavats
By Ambarisa das We have completed the year 2018 which was another landmark year for the TOVP in Sridham Mayapur. The most auspicious event of the year was setting the goal to move the deities into their new home by 2022. Mission 22 Marathon has become …
Scottish Parliament offers recognition to the GBC Ministry for Cow Protection and Agriculture
→ Dandavats
By GBC Ministry for Cow Protection and Agriculture The following is a recognition EDM (Early Day Motion) text which Dr Lisa Cameron, Member of the Scottish Parliament who opened our 11th ISKCON European Farm Conference last September, submitted in Parl…
HG Kaliyaphani Prabhu Eulogy
→ Dandavats
By Danavir Goswami January 5, 2019: we just learned of the passing of our dear Godbrother, Kaliyaphani dasa Prabhu. I would like to give a little eulogy based on my association with him. I first met Kaliyaphani Prabhu at the Bhaktivedanta Manor in Lond…
Obituary to Kaliyaphani prabhu
→ Dandavats
By Adikarta das It is with great sadness that we announce the unexpected loss of our dear godbrother and friend Kaliyaphani dasa, who was killed in a motorcycle accident Thursday night in Alachua Florida. I knew Kaliyaphani since he joined ISKCON in 19…
Nitai-Gaurasundara’s Cart: An Expansion Of Lord Balarama
→ Dandavats
Acarya Das: Throughout the seven years that I have been involved with padayatra I have always felt the cart of our Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurasundara to be very special. Their Lordships have been carried on it for so many years that in the words of my Gurudev…
The Atma Paradigm workshop at the London College of Vedic Studies
→ Dandavats
Science and philosophy have common goals: to explore and uncover answers to the big questions of existence and to apply that knowledge for the benefit of the entire humanity. It turns out that the seemingly simple question, ‘who am I’, has plagued not …
New Year Festival at ISKCON Gaya
→ Dandavats
On 31st evening ISKCON Gaya celebrated new year festival theme “Naya saal ka umang .. Krishna Kanhaiya ke sang”. Program started with a Krishna conscious movie followed by a number of dances and dramas by ISKCON Youth Forum and ISKCON Girls Forum devot…
Secret appearance of Vrajendra Nandan Krishna!
→ Dandavats
By Giriraj dasa The different between Krishna’s appearance in Vrindavana and His appearance in Mathura and Dvaraka is described in, Yamala Tantra: “The Krishna known as Yadukumara is Vasudeva Krishna. He is different from the Krishna who is the son of…
20 Day Odisha Padayatra Organized By Iskcon Bhubaneswar
→ Dandavats
For remembrance, the Sri Krishna Balaram Temple of Bhubaneswar was the last project founded by Srila Prabhupada, and it was inaugurated in 1991. It was Srila Prabhupada’s dear disciple, Gour Govinda Swami, the epitome of Krishna consciousness in Odisha…
Srila Prabhupada’s ecstatic dancing – rare video!
→ Dandavats
Srila Prabhupada dances in ecstasy with Vishnujana Swami and other devotees in the old Los Angeles Iskcon Temple.Read More…
On a morning of Saphala Ekadasi…
→ Dandavats
Hari-sauri dasa: May Srila Prabhupada and her beloved Sri Sri Bana Bihari take her back to Their eternal abode. We have suffered a great great loss.Read More…
An album of old photos of mother Yamuna
→ Dandavats
Yamuna Devi Dasi, disciple of Srila Prabhupada, well known as Govindam prayers that we hear and chant daily morning 7:15 at darsan arati, for her love of pure kirtan, for her ecstatic award winning cook books which were infused with spiritual anecdotes…
WSN November 2018 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur Sasi dasa For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following results of book distribution for the month of November 2018 from the whole planet. World Totals, Monthly Congregation and Weekend Warriors, Monthly Continents…
Approaching The New Year By Making New Resolutions To Come Closer To Krishna
→ Dandavats
By Radhanath Swami Patanjali writes in the Yoga Sutras that attachment arises from remembering past pleasant activities. As we remember the pleasure of these activities, we become attached to doing them again. Detachment works in a similar way: we rem…
The Aim of life – Human life is simply meant for self-realization
→ Dandavats
The age of Kali is very dangerous for the human being. Human life is simply meant for self-realization, but due to this dangerous age, men have completely forgotten the aim of life.Read More…
Gita Jayanti Mayapur 2019
→ Dandavats
On the day of Gita Jayanti, the devotees from the Mayapur community, Brahmacari asrama and department and Sankirtana department recited the entire Bhagavad-gita along with the hundreds of visiting pilgrims. This recitation was headed by His Holiness Bh…
Change of Heart
→ Dandavats
By Giriraj Dasa As we come into Krishna consciousness then many a times we may get lost in the philosophy itself. The mind too likes newer subjects and intellect is also satisfied by gaining deeper understanding. However we should be careful not to fee…
Gita Jayanti Celebrations in Vrindavan
→ Dandavats
Vrndavan Krishna Balarama Mandir celebrated its 19th Annual Recitation of the Sanskrit verses of the Gita Mahatmya and the Bhagavad Gita in the temple courtyard 19 Dec. 18, Moksada Ekadasi. It was a wonderful Community Event and we thank everyone fo…
When Faith is not Blind
→ Dandavats
By Srimati Dasi Srila Prabhupada tells us: It is useless to obey an imperfect person. That is the blind following the blind. If the leader does not follow the instructions of the supreme controller, he is necessarily blind, and he cannot lead. Why shou…
Gita Jayanti in Bali, Indonesia
→ Dandavats
By GJN Committee The concluding program was held three days later in the prestigious ‘Institute of Art University’. Over 1000 guests attended the event to show their appreciation towards the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. To start the event, prizes w…
Encouraging Words
→ Dandavats
By Karnamrita Das Everyone falls short, or doesn’t progress as fast as they would like, on their spiritual journey. Can we ever think we love or serve Krishna sufficiently, when even great souls consider themselves deficient in devotion? Therefore, I a…
Bomb scare at LA Temple possible hoax
→ Dandavats
Bomb scare at LA Temple, mandatory evacuationRead More…
Poetry from the Walking Monk – *BEST AVATAR*
→ Dandavats
I consider myself to be in good hands—God’s—when trekking a trail. Despite the mild weather of today and the willingness to experience the +3°C, destiny had it that I was to be temple-bound all day long. For me the high point of the day entailed the m…
Mayapur International Preaching – Srila Prabhupada’s Dancing Elephants
→ Dandavats
With over 25 songs with various instrument accompaniment and many dance routines and their skills in kirtan, the Mayapur International Preaching group is fully equipped to inspire through their own example how to live a Krishna conscious life. These de…
Gita Yoga in Bali, Indonesia – Gita Jayanti National
→ Dandavats
By Nila Kamala das On Sunday 16th December, devotees in Bali, Indonesia celebrated one of the biggest events of the year. Gita Yoga was the event and preparation for this event had taken months of determination and dedication. What is Gita Yoga? Gita …