By Ananta Shakti DasaThe Divine Form. “Then, as if by divine providence, an art college friend, upon returning from a visit to Bangkok, gave me some rice-paper rubbings taken from bas-reliefs of divinities of the temple of the reclining Buddha. Althoug…
Author Archives: Dandavats
The Divine Form
Eric Clapton’s Guitar with Hare Krishna Stamp
→ Dandavats
“‘I think this is the star of the show,’ Clapton said prior to the 2004 Crossroads Guitar Auction at Christie’s, where it sold for $847,500. Even though the guitar was 40 years old when Clapton sold it, it was in remarkably good shape. Even the Hare K…
The Amazing Print/ebook Combo!
→ Dandavats
There are two main reasons for the print/ebook combo concept: 1. To supply the ebook, free of charge, to the buyer of the printed book. Many people like to have both: the printed book at home, and the ebook for traveling. 2. To supply the book distributors with the perfect response to people saying “I only read ebooks.” The devotees can now distribute ebooks and printed books in one go. At no additional cost to the temples. At no additional cost to the person buying the book.
The Issue of the Proto-Indo-European Language
→ Dandavats
By Sri Nandanandana dasa There has been an attempt to explain the origins of such languages as Sanskrit, Greek and Roman for many years. This is because there has been a recognition of many similarities between them, but the exact original language whi…
List of English Words derived from Sanskrit via Latin Greek Persian
→ Dandavats
By Jaya Gurudeva dasBe it Greek Latin English Hindi Lithuanian – Sanskrit is the mother of all Languages. Even Scholars like Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, etc believed that Sanskrit was the root of all Indo-European languages. “I am convinced that everythi…
Desire Nothing But Bhakti
→ Dandavats
By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhuapadaSuppose you go to Svargaloka and become Indra, the king of the heavenly planets. That is not a permanent position. By pious activities you can become Brahma, Indra, and so many demigods. You can …
ISKCON devotees at Launch of Court
→ Dandavats
Subroto Das: In a bid to make the inauguration ceremony of Tehatta sub-divisional court building in Nadia district auspicious, the devotees of International Society for Krishna Consciousness Mayapur were invited by Hon’ble District Judge Smt. Rai Chatterjee on 1st of September 2018.
Krishna, Lord of Paradox
→ Dandavats
By Satyaraja DasaThe Bhagavad-gita is one of the world’s perennial wisdom texts. Because it offers knowledge of the Absolute Truth, some of its texts can be difficult to understand. Few are as difficult as verses four and five of Chapter Nine: “By Me, …
When your “gift wrap’s” stripped away your jewel will be set free…
→ Dandavats
“I looked in the mirror and what did I see, but a little old lady peering back at me With bags and sags and wrinkles and wispy white hair, and I asked my reflection, ‘How did you get there?’ You once were straight and vigorous and now you’re stooped a…
Dearest Srila Prabhupada…
→ Dandavats
By Indradyumna Swami
“Victory! Victory! Victory! I behold something wonderful! All the inauspiciousness of the living entities is destroyed. No one is going to hell. Yamaraja has no more work to do and the effects of Kali-yuga have ceased to exist. This is because all over the world an increasing number of Lord Visnu’s devotees are singing His names while dancing and playing musical instruments.” [ Divya-prabandha, Tiruvaymoli 5.2.1 by Nammalvar, one of the twelve great Vaisnava saints from South India ]
The many reasons why you should love Krishna (and Radha)
→ Dandavats
By Administrator A recent class of Rupa Vilas prabhu in the temple of Soho street, London, nicely analyzing the so many attractive qualities, activities and behaviors of Lord Krishna. The Lord is making so many arrangements to come towards us but unfor…
Offering to Srila Prabhupada by Trivikram Swami
→ Dandavats
Hail, Srila Prabhupada, full of grace! Empowered to save the human race. Had you not come with vigor and brace, Humanity’d fall into utter disgrace. Following your order, there’s a hope We can live up to and manage to cope.Read More…
What’s new with the multilingual Bhagavad-gita App
→ Dandavats
Originally launched with the full text in English and Russian, we’ve now added German, Russian, Norwegian, Danish, and Lithuanian, with more languages to follow. Includes an extensive, captioned image gallery, including paintings and photos of Srila Prabhupada and inspiring quotes about the Bhagavadgita or its philos ophy from his books, letters, and conversations.
The “sweet” story behind this photo
→ Dandavats
Balabhadra Das: The photo of Srila Prabhupada eating Sugar cane was taken in the first preaching center in Hawaii in an area named Kaaawa in March of 1969. It was Srila Prabhupada’s first visit to Hawaii and Govinda Dasi had arranged many preaching pr…
Getting the Bhagavad-gita As It Is back from Macmillan
→ Dandavats
Ramesvara das: In 1974 we were faced with a great dilemma. Our most important single book for distribution was the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. The rights had been given to Macmillan in 1969 and 1970 before Prabhupada even dreamed of his own Society distri…
The first Vyasa Puja book
→ Dandavats
By Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami The next day was Vyasa-puja day, the celebration of Prabhupada’s seventy-fourth birthday. That morning a package arrived from New York containing several copies of the Vyasa-puja booklet, a twenty-five-page paperback filled w…
Honoring Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Senapati-bhakta
→ Dandavats
By Iskcon Mayapur How is it possible that in the face of encroaching materialism and a culture of sense gratification, a process which preaches the reverse is spreading? How is it possible that as problems and suffering increase exponentially on the gl…
Stay Closer to Srila Prabhupada!
→ Dandavats
I am very pleased to hear that you are increasing in your distribution of our books and magazines. This is a good sign that your preaching work is also strong. The more you increase your strength in preaching, the more you will go on selling books. I …
Kirtan Fest Houston – Compassion Week Chant (video)
→ Dandavats
Kirtan – Compassion Week Chant. Kirtan Fest brings together kirtaniyas, traveling preachers and devotees to our state-of-the-art temple in Houston, Texas. Kirtan Fest Houston 2018 is extraordinarily special as it falls during the Janmastami Festival on Monday Sept 3 and Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day on Tuesday Sept 4! KIRTAN FEST HOUSTON offers a very unique kirtan immersion experience in one of the largest and most majestic temples in the world. Thank you for joining us for a rejuvenating weekend of positive sound vibrations and an escape from the ordinary. Please take advantage of this special opportunity to experience enlivening kirtan in the company of senior Vaishnavas who have a deep taste for the Holy Name! Guests include: HH Indradyumna Swami, HH BB Govinda Swami, HH Giriraj Swami, HH Bhakti Sundar Goswami, HG Bada Hari Prabhu, HG Akincana Krishna Prabhu, HG Havi Prabhu, HG Krishna Kishor Prabhu and more…
Railway station in Jharkhand for a tie-up with ISKCON
→ Dandavats
“The Jharkhand government wants to develop Nagar Untari as Banshidhar Nagar and model it on the lines of Mathura and Vrindavan in Uttar Pradesh. They have plans to make ‘Banshidhar Nagar’ part of the Lord Krishna religious circuit. They are examining proposals for a tie-up with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) also,” said a senior government official, confirming that the Centre had cleared the proposal.
The Janmashtami celebrations at Mayapur was covered by The Times Of India
→ Dandavats
KOLKATA: Three days (S eptember 2 to 4) of festivities and fervour will mark the Janmashtami celebrations, the birthday of Lord Sri Krishna and the global ambassador of Sanatan Dharma, Swami A C Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupad, founder Acharya of Interna…
Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Predicted in the Scriptures
→ Dandavats
By Demian MartinsSrila Prabhupada’s appearance and accomplishments are a turning point not only in Gaudiya Vaisnavism, but in the very history of human civilization, so it is not surprising that they were predicted many centuries ago. In several …
Jagannath Ratha Yantra Nusantara
→ Dandavats
By Hari Narayana Das Lampung Krakatau Festival is the core event of Lampung regional tourism which is held every year, in 2018 stepping on the 28th implementation. Aside from being an activity to commemorate the eruption of Mount Krakatau on August 26 …
The Mystery of Lord Krishna’s Birth
→ Dandavats
By Giriraj Swami Many residents of Mathura believe that Lord Krishna appeared in Mathura, but the residents of Vrindavan know that He was born in Vraja, in Gokula. Yet Srimad-Bhagavatam states that Lord Krishna appeared in the prison house of Kamsa in …
Srila Prabhupada and some of his disciples talk about Janmastami, Montreal, August 16, 1968
→ Dandavats
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila PrabhupadaSo today is that auspicious day, Janmastami, when Lord Krishna appeared five thousand years ago in India, Mathura. Those who are Indian ladies and gentlemen present, they know very well where…
Sweetest Description of Janmastami-lila
→ Dandavats
By Srila Kavi Karnapura Cymbals, damru drums, bherries, and big drums vibrated auspicious sounds in specific melodies. A celestial concert of precise poetical meters, proper rhythms, and metrical compositions suddenly manifested there. The musical ense…
Sri Madhava – He who is the Sweetest in the Whole World
→ Dandavats
It was the middle of the night in the monsoon season and raining heavily, and there were auspicious omens present everywhere. Lakes were full of blossoming lotus flowers and the forests with singing birds and dancing peacocks. The demigods were showeri…
The Gitas Of The Bhagavatam
→ Dandavats
By Gauranga Darshan Das The Srimad-Bhagavatam contains many beautiful gitas or songs sung by various illustrious personalities. These songs inspire and enlighten us with spiritual knowledge of various levels. The following is a brief summary of the pop…
Heartfelt Chanting
→ Dandavats
By Sacinandana Swami Have you heard kirtana leaders say “Chant from the heart!”? What do they mean by this? We have three hearts: the physical pump, the emotional heart and the spiritual heart. Whenever we want to align ourselves to the chanting of the…
The Appeal of the Printed Book
→ Dandavats
By North European BBT The reliable recording format for professional and personal use. Tried and tested for 600 years. Opens in a millisecond. No electricity required. Totally independent of network connections. Protected from any sort of planned obsol…
ISKCON Nigeria Celebrates Rathayatra 2018
→ Dandavats
Mahavrata Devi Dasi: it was fun filled as Lagos Nigeria, host this year Rathayatra festival. The four days event was filled with devotional atmosphere, as devotees all over West Africa and beyond converge in the beautiful city of Lagos to worship lord…
What is the relationship of the small group of devotees to ISKCON?
→ Dandavats
By Kripamoya DasaThe original roots of an organisation – the regional headquarters or a national office – serve its branches and the branches serve the head office, or in our case the head temple or national ISKCON structure. If the head office provid…
Material and Spiritual – What’s the balance?
→ Dandavats
By Yamuna Sundari devi dasiYou have to tear yourself between what you think is real life and your spiritual application. But that’s only because you’re in the illusion that whatever you’re doing is real because you feel you need to do it, not because …
Finding Ultimate Meaning
→ Dandavats
By Nikunja Vilasini Devi Dasi Just as Narada had guided Dhruva, Srila Prabhupada encouraged people to serve God, thus delivering the remedy for their unsatisfied hearts. Whether they were full of material desires, just curious, or seeking genuine spiri…
Differentiating material and spiritual attachments
→ Dandavats
By Radhanath Swami Shivananda Sen, he was taking all the 200-300 devotees from Bengal to Puri. They were walking so many days. And a little dog just started following. And that dog… he wasn’t a kind of pedigree, beautiful kind of dog. He was just the k…
My dear fellow prabhu/mataji, is it you the pure devotee? An ancient story retold for the devotees
→ Dandavats
By Citraka dasa “Prabhus,” the temple president said, “I have incredible news. I have just been told, without any room for doubt or question, the following. A pure devotee is amongst you!” Vaishnava das, a faithful servant of Srila Prabhupada, for m…
Mystic Understanding
→ Dandavats
By Kesava Krsna dasa The dialogue of Bhagavad-Gita was transmitted as a live commentary from the heart of Sanjaya to Dhrtarastra. Such mystical ability did not require communication masts or radio waves, but the grace of Guru, in this case Srila Vyasad…
Free Audiobook
→ Dandavats
Dhruva Maharaja dasa: Lord Caitanya’s teachings to Rupa Gosvami at Prayag narrated in Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila Chapter 19 are like a treasure map leading one to love for Radha-Krsna in Goloka Vrindavana. The path taught by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu begins with conditioned souls wandering in the material world (Texts 135-147) and reveals the course they should follow, symptoms detailing their progress, obstacles along the way, and finally the jewels of bliss in various forms (bhavas) derived from following this map. As an offering for Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa Puja this year I recorded Texts 135-257 with his purports as a 3 hour audiobook, and want to share it with devotees. Please visit and choose an option: listen online — download the files — or subscribe to the podcast.
The Out of Africa Theory Versus the Vedic View
→ Dandavats
By Sri Nandanandana dasaMany geneticists view that modern man developed and came out of Africa where they migrated across lands to settle in ancient India. From there they spread out in all directions, even into Europe. This is called the “Out of Afric…
Bhakti Comes from Bhakti
→ Dandavats
By Giriraj Swami Someone could question, “Why should Krishna listen to the prayers of a devotee? So many people are praying to Krishna; why should Krishna listen especially to a devotee? Is that not also partiality?” Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura…