How the legacy of Srila Prabhupada continues to bring positive changes in the world fifty-plus years since the establishment of ISKCON
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Hare KrishnaBy Anuttama Dasa

It is said the test of a man’s greatness is to measure the long-term impact of his life and teachings—to see if his legacy continues to inspire and guide others after his passing from the world. Here are a few examples of the millions of Vaiṣṇavas who are carrying the Seven Purposes of your ISKCON Mission forward, proving that the life, teachings, and legacy of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda continue to bring positive changes in the world.

Rs 2,000 crore Ford fund for Disneyland-like tourism hub project at Mayapur
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Hare KrishnaBy Times of India

KOLKATA: Want to watch little Krishna slay giant Kalia snake in the Yamuna? Want to steal butter or go cow grazing with him? If all goes well, visitors to Nadia’s Mayapur, will be able to do all this and much more in a Disneyland like massive park that’s being planned as the centre of a tourism hub of international standards just outside the Iskcon temple premises. The project will be done in collaboration with the state government, because none other than CM Mamata Banerjee had personally requested the religious order to do so during her visit to Mayapur in February.

Assam Yatra – Guwahati and Tezpur
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Hare KrishnaBy Chandan Yatra Das

Agnigarh, in the city of Tezpur, which lies north of Brahmaputra river, at a distance of 198 km (via Nagaon) and 181 km (via Mangaldoi) from Guwahati, is connected to Lord Krishna, Banasura and Lord Siva’s pastime. This is the place where Lord Krishna and Lord Siva had a great fight, and Lord Krishna cut off Banasura’s thousand arms. The name ‘Tezpur’ is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘teza’ (meaning blood) and ‘pura’ (meaning town or city). The original name of this place was ‘Sonitapura’ (“sonit” in Sanskrit also means blood). There was so much bloodshed that the place was stained red. This led to the name of the place becoming Tezpur. Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 10 chapters 62 & 63 mentions: The meeting of Aniruddha and Usa, which caused a great fight between Lord Krishna and Lord Siva, is very mysterious and interesting.

Excitement Builds for First Ever Men’s Retreat
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Hare KrishnaExcitement is ramping up for “MAN-tra,” ISKCON’s first ever Men’s Retreat, to be held in New Vrindaban, West Virginia from October 5th to 7th. Headlined by guru Bhaktimarga Swami, kirtaniya Gaura Vani, and comedian Yadunath Das, the event is subtitled “Being a KC Guy in the 21st Century,” and is gathering hype as the place to be this fall. The idea formed while ISKCON Communications Director Anuttama Das was accompanying Bhaktimarga Swami on his most recent walk across the United States.

5th Ratha Yatra in Medan, Indonesia
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Hare KrishnaBy Nila-kamala dasa

On the 11th August 2018, devotees in Medan, Indonesia held a grand Ratha Yatra festival for the pleasure of Lord Jagannath and His pure devotee Srila Prabhupada, under the expert guidance and leadership of HG Maniram das. The devotees in Medan were expecting the arrival of HH Subhag Swami on the day of the event but unfortunately due to Maharaj’s health it was not possible. At 5pm guests started to arrive and at 5 30pm evening arati was performed to the Lord. Following this, Their’ Lordships were carried to the exquisitely beautiful chariot. HG Maniram das then addressed all the devotees and guests present and distinguished guests such as police officers and leaders of the Hindu Parishad spoke. Next a recorded speech by HH Subhag Swami was played to everyone present. Maharaj spoke of the significance of the Ratha Yatra festival and the importance of a service attitude toward the Lord.

ISKCON prison ministry – Strengthening my faith.
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Hare KrishnaBy Janardana Dasa

I joined The Hare Krishna movement in 1982 and have been chanting Hare Krishna regularly since about 1983. I have been more and less steady throughout the years. But never has it been as intense as it has been in these past months of incarceration.  It is said in the sastras that when you are put in adverse situations, all of a sudden, you can really call out to the Lord. Srimati Kunti Devi prayed, “I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths.” 

Russians Experience the Mysteries of the Sacred Universe
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Hare KrishnaBy Abhinanda dasa & Prishni devi dasi

On July 21-22, Yekaterinburg ISKCON hosted a landmark event – a conference of Russian Vaishnavas with scientific qualifications. The forum brought together scientists and scholars from dozens of cities – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Tyumen and Novosibirsk.
This gathering of Vaishnava scholars was initiated by two Russian spiritual leaders – Chaitanya Chandra Charan Prabhu and Bhakti Vijnana Gosvami – whose long-standing desire to implement Srila Prabhupada’s vision for organizing scientific activities in Krishna Consciousness was finally fulfilled. A scientist from the United States, Murali Gopal, PhD Physics, helped to realize the plan by joining the Yekaterinburg conference as a representative of the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies. He offered a seminar on cosmology, as presented in the Srimad Bhagavatam and elucidated by the talented mathematician Sadaputa Prabhu in his pioneering work, Mysteries of the Sacred Universe. Murali Gopala also reported on the current stage of development of the Bhaktivedanta Institute in the United States and abroad.

Rain or Shine, Lord Jagannath will get his Festival
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Hare KrishnaBy Syam Mohini Devi Dasi

After the success of last year’s Chariot Festival, the anticipation of celebrating yet another successful festival was running high.  The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) chapter in Saint Louis, Missouri was excitingly preparing for celebrating The Chariot Festival for the fourth year in a row. This year the organizers and volunteers had worked day and night for months to pull off this festival, wanting to make it the best one yet!. They had meticulously prepared for everything and were expecting a smooth sailing festival. But, the weather had other plans.

All-india Padayatra Enters Maharashtra: A Remarkable Event With A Daily Festival
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Hare Krishna We visited Shirdhon, a small village in the Kavathe Mahankal Talukain Sangli District, located 35 kms East of Sangli District’s headquarters. On getting the news of padayatra’s arrival the local devotees had called for a meeting and planned up everything. All the villagers came together to serve Their Lordships and decorated the road with rangoli designs and flowers. It was amazing to see their cooperation. As we reached, the matajis arrived with big pots of water, washed the hoofs of our oxen and performed arati of the Lord. We were all honored by beautiful garlands. The devotees had displayed about fifteen posters welcoming the padayatra at various places in the village.

Glorious Los Angeles Rathayatra 2018
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Hare Krishna Ramesvara das: Scenes from the 42nd LA Rathayatra Festival in Venice Beach on Sunday, August 5, 2018. Tens of thousands attended and tens of thousands lined the Santa Monica streets and Venice Beach’s Ocean Walk to see the procession. The Deities looked more beautiful than ever and bestowed unlimited transcendental mercy to devotees and non-devotees alike. The chanting resounded throughout the City and Beach and everyone experienced the ecstasy of hearing the Holy Names

Amazing ‘University Students’ Preaching in Kenya
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Hare KrishnaBy Ajamila Dasa

I was the TP in Nairobi from 1975 to 1982 and I know very well the extremely challenging situations preachers face in Kenya. After 36 years I returned to see the progress. Under my almost 7 year watch the preaching on the one side to the Indian community resulted in newly initiated Indian devotees and an increase of life members from 350 to 1,500. Substantial preaching was made with the African community too in terms of newly initiated devotees, Back to Godhead magazine in Kiswahili, regular performance of street and temple kirtans, and prasadam distribution. But all along our outreach to the students at the university campuses has met with very limited results and this of course left Srila Prabhupada’s cherished desire unfulfilled.