Lessons Learned On Padayatra By Devotees Of The Noida Personal Development Course
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Hare KrishnaBy Acarya Dasa

When these 8 boys joined us they became part of our padayatra party, in fact we felt like they were also padayatris. Their sadhana was very strong- they used to get up at 3 am and chant their rounds before mangala arati. Not only did they attend all the programs with us but they also lead some harinamas and other programs and sang the prayers of mangala arati and Gaura arati with so much enthusiasm. They walked with us all day, tolerating the scorching sun. Sometimes we did not have much water to drink, but they never complained. Almost all of them caught a common cold due to the weather change, but they happily accepted it as part of their padayatra experience. They were all very fervent to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books. One of them exclaimed, “We have never seen such book distribution anywhere! Even Muslims are taking books and participating in sankirtana. It’s a miracle they do it, it’s all mercy. Their hearts are getting transformed by the darsana of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundara.”

The Future of Indonesia get a taste of the Bhagavad Gita
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Hare KrishnaBy Gadadhar Das

Bali has a Hindu population of around 85%. Most of the Hindus in Bali practice the orthodox religion which has been dated back for centuries. The ‘Student Community of Hindu Dharma, Indonesia’ is the largest Hindu youth organization in the island. The mission of this organization is to spread the fundamental teachings of Hinduism to others. In every province in Indonesia there is a branch but the headquarters are in Jakarta. Although Hindus and Muslims live peacefully together in Indonesia there is a vast increase in the conversion rate of Hindus. To strengthen the faith of the Hindu community, especially the youth, the Student Community of Hindu Dharma started to actively preach about Hinduism to try and preserve this age long culture.

New Mayapur – France and the mighty kofta
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Hare KrishnaBy Ajita Dasa

New Mayapur has been tested by the usual lack of resources and succession. Incidentally, New Mayapur, situated in central France, 350km south of Paris, is the last place where Srila Prabhupada’s quarters are kept intact in the European continent. Being somewhat similar to New Govardhana in its history, in 2013 the France GBC requested that I help with the New Mayapur project. I started travelling there two or three times a year, for three to four weeks at a time. The New Mayapur management team secured a stall at a five-day festival in Bourges, 140km west of the project. This was the first testing ground for the famous Australian kofta arriving in the ‘land of fries’. The menu remained exactly the same as the catering menu Australians here love so much – the French dove into the nectar rather than turning up their noses!

Two Seeds that Grew in Iron
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Hare KrishnaBy Urmila Devi Dasi

One day in an Armenian mountain village, a typically atheistic engineer, a man well respected in his community, sat outside for a smoke. When a truck came to deliver a package, he and his friend the truck driver talked about news from the city. As the driver carried the package to the engineer’s house, the engineer saw an unusual book in the truck: a Russian translation of Sri Ishopanishad. Curious, he picked it up. He looked at the photo of Srila Prabhupada on the back and thought, “How amazing that there is someone like this living on this planet!” Then he spontaneously fell on the ground to offer obeisance to the photo.

Jagannath Ratha Yatra at Surabaya Vaganza
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Hare KrishnaBy Hari Narayana Das

Both sides of the streets were packed with people who wanted to see the parade. Devotees distributed one ton of oranges that already offered to the Lord Jagannath which was donated by Dina Dharini Mataji to the audiences. The Hare Krishna Maha Mantra filled the atmosphere. The devotees danced in front of Lord Jagannath and people also followed from their place. They were so happy seeing Lord Chariot. Devotees also distributed Srila Prabhupada’s books. Throughout the journey, many people witnessed various activities and cars followed by the Regional Device Organization (OPD) Pemkot Surabaya, BUMD Pemkot Surabaya, universities, agencies/ambassadors from neighboring cities and also cities from outside the province and outside the island.

To Be or Not To Be- Bhakti solves it all!
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Hare KrishnaBy Suhrit Krishna Das

ARISE with R.I.S.E!!! (Rupanuga Institute of Spiritual Education). The response at the time of registration was overwhelming, entries were very encouraging. Knowing the fact that this is happening for the first time in Auckland, gave enough confidence as to what could be expected. Even though it was a cold evening on Narsimha Chaturdashi yet devotees were enthralled with the idea, came up for registration and could not wait to attend the three session seminar on “ The Journey of Self- Discovery”, a systematic and scientific presentation on the essence of Bhagavad Gita.

ISKCON New Vrindaban Continues its Jubilee-Year Celebrations
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Hare KrishnaBy Anuradha Imseng

On Thursday, 17 May 2018, a second VIP event was held at ISKCON New Vrindaban to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary with dignitaries, supporters, friends, and local and worldwide devotees. It was an opportunity to thank the guests for their unrelenting support during New Vrindaban’s fifty-year journey. The pre-event began with a tour of Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold, the breathtaking memorial shrine (Smriti Samadhi) of Srila Prabhupada, while the lady guests were treated to henna tattoo art and saris to wear to the occasion.

Hon’ble Prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, sends message to Iskcon Russia
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Hare KrishnaBy Sadhu-priya Das

On 20.05.1988, 30 years ago ISKCON Russia officially got registered in USSR . On a beautiful spring day in 1988, the Council for Religious Affairs officially registered the Moscow Society for Krishna Consciousness, concluding, or so it seemed, a longstanding feud between the devotees and the State. It was the first religious society registered in the Soviet Union since World War II. Honb’le Prime minister of India has sent his message on this occasion!

New Raman Reti Community Survey Results
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Hare KrishnaBy NRR Community Development Team

(3.5 MB, 52 pages PDF document) From more than 1000 Devotees, 508 Total Responses, September 2017. The Community Development Initiative (CDI) is organized by a team of community members in conjunction with the New Raman Reti Board of Directors. Our vision: A loving and well connected family of Krishna devotees, spiritual aspirants, and friends fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s Mission. Our Mission: To empower and assist our congregation to live happily in New Raman Reti by giving devotees a voice and building a shared vision which will maximize the long term potential of our temple and community

New Raman Reti’s Community Development Conference a big success!
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Hare KrishnaBy Mukhya devi dasi

The second Community Development Conference was a big success this past Saturday. There were over 100 devotees in attendance, and another 25 facilitators. The essence of the day was moving into specific focus groups of individual interest, and meeting together to see what is working, what is needed, and what being more involved would look like. The teams went through exercises together as a preview of what the actual committees (which will be identified based on a form everyone filled out called “My Offering” commitments) will be doing in conference 3.

Srila Prabhupada Samadhi Mandir in Vrndavana gets waterproofing
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Hare KrishnaBy Parvati devi dasi

Last few months we cleaned the whole dome from top to bottom in preparation for waterproofing on the dome. We have just received the materials and hope to finish the job before the rainy season. We got some special silicon for in between the tiles, reputed to withstand the expansion and contraction of our Vrndavan extreme heat and extreme cold. Then, after any excess is cleaned up, the whole dome will get coated with a clear sealant to protect it from environmental pollutions so it stays white. We might have to keep scaffolding up there for some time. Sorry for the inconvenience. It’s a long, tedious process. We also look after the Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg signs and Bhaktivedanta Swami Arch, and are doing an overall cleaning, repair and painting soon.

The Monarch of the Months
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Hare KrishnaBy ISKCON Mayapur

My bhaktas sometimes commit offenses, but in this Purusottama month, they will be protected from committing any offense. In this adhimasa, those greatly foolish persons who neglect to perform auspicious activities, such as japa, giving in charity, visiting and bathing at the holy places, and who are envious of the dvijas (brahmanas) are deemed wicked, unfortunate and living at the cost of others. Thus, they will not attain a scent of happiness, even in their dreams. Conversely, those who are filled with bhakti will take advantage of this Purusottama month to perform arcana to Me. After enjoying worldly happiness, such as wealth, sons and so on, they will eventually attain residence in Goloka.”

Tonic to Transcendence
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Hare KrishnaBy Madhusudanan Das

Dr. O.B.L Kapoor narrated a story about Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada who was once a pharmacist, gave him a tonic at the pharmacy. When the doctor asked for his tonic to Krishna Prem, Srila Prabhupada replied, “I do not have a tonic, but I have a formula”. This formula was the topic of the seminars during the two day retreat organized for the Wellington devotee community at Otaki, New Zealand. Drawing upon the teachings given by H.G. Radheshyam Prabhu, H.G. Ambarish Maharaj Das gratefully shared his carefully collated knowledge with devotees thirsty for spiritual wisdom.

Life on Krishna’s Farm in the ’70s
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Hare KrishnaBy Padmapani das

One of the most enlivening times for me was when devotees used to lead the chanting of Hare Krishna in the barn for the pleasure of the cows. They all seemed to enjoy the chanting as they happily chewed on their bunches of hay. Milk production increased and we became overwhelmed with surplus amounts. Some cows even gave two full buckets per milking. The Deities were offered many nice milk products made with butter, ghee, curd and whey—so the devotees never went hungry. By serving the Lord and His cows, we all got a taste of what life in Vrindavan must have been like when Krishna Himself lived there 5,000 years ago. It was simple yet sublime.

My First Experience Of Padayatra In India
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Hare KrishnaBy Abhay Charan Nimai Dasa

One day I met Akhila Dhara Prabhu, a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, who told me boldly, “If you want to experience the real nectar, then go on Padayatra”. So I decided to go, thinking, “If I am not going for ever, then at least I should go for a week.” So, on March 13th I joined the Padayatra India party, then in Bangalore, Karnataka. First I saw the magnificent oxen of the Kankrej breed, and I immediately paid my obeisances to them. They are huge and have well shaped body and horns. The two devotees taking care of them, Damodar Lila and Janardan Prabhus, allowed me to help feed and give water to the five oxen. I was told their names were Krishna, Nandulal, Kaliya, Jaya and Narasimha. Having walked 10 years with the padayatra, Narasimha is the senior.

Manipur Yatra ~ North-East India
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Hare KrishnaBy Chandan Yatra Das

The beautiful state of Manipur is in North-East India. Manipur has a unique culture and is also known as ‘Land of Gandharvas’ and ‘Switzerland of East’. Manipur is a Vaishnava state with Krishna Consciousness been practiced widely amongst the common masses. “Royal families at Manipur and Tripura are descendants of Arjuna’s son Babhruvahana”, as stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1 chapter 12 verse 21 purport by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-acarya of ISKCON. Arjuna begot a son named Babhruvahana by the womb of Citrangada, the princess of Manipur.