Seminar on “Power of Habits”
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktin Debasmita

London College of Vedic Studies was very honored to have HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami deliver a powerful and relevant seminar entitled ‘Power of Habits’, on Sunday 8th July 2018. The College serves as the educational wing of ISKCON-London, offering a wide range of educational, spiritual and practical courses, seminars and workshops aimed at nurturing character, personal fulfilment and spiritual progression.

Sri Mayapur International School Celebrates the Panihati Chida Dahi Utsava
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Hare KrishnaBy ISKCON Mayapur

To this day, the Panihati Chida Dahi festival is celebrated in Panihati Dhama and all around the world. Panihati Dhama is located near Kolkata, and annually the festival is celebrated there in the same style as it was in Raghunatha Dasa’s time. Every year, a busload of devotees from the Mayapur temple goes and assists in the Panihati festivities. ISKCON Panihati organizes this festival for the mass distribution of prasadam and pilgrims in the thousands from surrounding states come to participate in the celebrations.

From Krishna’s Castle to Trafalgar Square – A Food Love Story
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Hare KrishnaBy Louise Guthrie

Holborn is a strange place to build a castle. Not only that, but I can’t seem to find it. Surely Krishna’s Castle must be here somewhere, because, not only does this fantastic Food Fort commendably provide 1,500 free meals a day to those in need, but it (most importantly) has an official London postcode and address. However, as we all know, London street-numbers are not necessarily any more visible to the naked eye than hidden castles, and those door-numerals that are apparent don’t necessarily follow in sequential order.

The Unknown History of Big Book Distribution
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Hare KrishnaBy Mahatma Das

(The following is an excerpt from an unfinished book about my life in Krsna consciousness. It details the history of how big book distribution began in Iskcon, a history which has not been chronicled in any Iskcon publications. The scene takes place in Vancouver, Canada, November of 1971.) At this time in Iskcon (1971) big book distribution had not yet begun. We only distributed Back to Godhead magazines (BTG’s) on the street. We usually got donation of 25cents per magazine. If we were lucky, we might occasionally get a really big donation of 50 cents. We thought it was difficult to get that much money from most people so we didn’t usually ask for it.

Coordinated, Connected and Committed- Retreat to Re- treat
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Hare KrishnaBy Radhapadma Devi Dasi

It was truly a re- treat from the busy schedule of hustle bustle, traffic and time constraints to fresh air, dense forest, tall green mountains and vast expanse of water around, so much to experience it in essence. The valuable subject matter of our life is the true connection with the Absolute Truth. As Srila Prabhupada quotes, “Because human life is a combination of matter and spirit soul, the whole process of Vedic knowledge is directed at liberating the spirit soul from the contamination of matter.”

BBT News
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By the BBT June 21st is the beginning of summer. Summer means that most students are away from school for two months, many more people are engaged in outdoor activities, and there are more visitors/tourists come to your city/town. We suggest that you c…

Enlightenment: Brahma gayatri mantra
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Hare KrishnaBy Urmila devi dasi

Through study of the benefits and nature of the Brahma gayatri, those of us who already have received this mantra from a bona fide guru can deepen our meditation when we chant daily at sunrise, noon, and sunset. Those of us who haven’t received the gayatri mantra can meditate thrice daily on the light of the sun as Krsna, the eye of the Lord that is actually sustaining everything. To qualify ourselves for initiation into chanting the gayatri mantra, we can have a life filled with light, with goodness. As the Vedas say: Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya, which means “Do not remain in darkness, come to the light.” (lecture Bhagavad-gita 2.16 — Mexico City, February 16, 1975). Krsna in the Gita describes goodness as being symptomized by all the gates (senses) of the body are illumined by knowledge. In a practical sense, such a life means we only allow illuminating, enlightening, uplifting things to enter our senses. For example, one eats only vegetarian food offered to Krsna.Then one has a life that is filled with light.

Pure love binds Krishna, and nothing else
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Hare KrishnaBy Purushottam Nitai Das

Neither Krishna likes to be worshipped as God and nor his pure devotees want to worship him as the Supreme Lord. Krishna prefers an informal relationship with his very close devotees as friend, as son and as a paramour. He enjoys joking, laughing, playing and eating with his friends at the bank of Yamuna. He rejoices teasing and dancing with the girls of Gokula. And at home he is a naughty little child of Mother Yashoda and Nanda Maharaj. In Vrindavan Krishna is the centre of attraction of all, he is their life and soul, Vrajbasis (residents of Vrindavan) just want to do what pleases Krishna and Krishna reciprocates with them. When Krishna is in front of them they relish each and every activity of him and when he is not in front of their eyes then they remember, sing and discuss Krishna’s various heart touching pastimes.