The devotes from Kiev, Ukraine, made these very attractive preparations for the Vyasa Puja of HH Niranjana Swami. Hopefully they taste as good as they look!Read More…
Author Archives: Dandavats
108 preparations of never before seen beauty and creativity by Kiev devotees, Ukraine
Toward a Fusion of Theological Horizons: Constructivist Reflections and Responses to the Question of Theism in the Yoga Sutra
→ Dandavats
By Garuda das
IT is important to explore and disclose how–perhaps even why–we are going to speak about Christian and Yogic theism before conducting an exploration on theism in comparative relation between the two traditions. In this kind of discussion, it is inevitable that working definitions of key terms be provided, particular terms that will be clarified and offered to facilitate the discussion. In this study, I examine and draw from the particular studies of three scholars in the field who address the relationship between Christianity and Yoga in order to illuminate the dialectical tension between a resistence toward and the persistence of the development of a yogic theism. I will argue that Yoga as explicated in the Yoga Sūtra possesses a strong and natural theological character, containing a distinct, open-ended raw theism that necessitates the expansion of the domain and definition of the term.
Somehow Fix Your Mind on Krishna
→ Dandavats
By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaKrishna is described as akhila-rasamrita-sindhu, “the ocean of rasas.” There are five primary rasas. Rasa means the mellow or the taste we enjoy in every activity. Everything is done with some tas…
ISKCON sets up immersive 360 degree full dome at Mayapur
→ Dandavats
By Millenniumpost staff Kolkata: ISKCON has set up an immersive 360 degree full dome at Mayapur to preach the message of harmony and world peace. The hi-tech theatre was officially launched for public viewing on the auspicious occasion of Narsingha Cha…
TOVP Euro Tour Day 10: New Yoga Pitha Dhama, Ljubljana, Slovenia
→ Dandavats
By TOVP staff
Lord Nityananda poured His blessings on all the devotees incessantly. After greeting the Padukas and Sitari with kirtan and abhisheka, and speeches by His Holiness Chandramauli Swami, Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus, once again the ecstasy began to flow. Devotees from Croatia were also present and a total of eighty devotees started making their pledges. Eleven pledges were made for Silver Srivas Coins (9,000 Euros/11,000 USD) along with many other large and small pledges. The astounding fact is that before coming to the program many devotees did not expect to give anything significant, and some nothing at all. Yet, due to Lord Nityananda Prabhu’s influence their hearts were changed. The sacrifice of these devotees, like at all the other European temples, is very exemplary and significant, and a sign that our Lord Nitai is anxious to complete the temple.
News from New Govardhan
→ Dandavats
By Mukunda Goswami Srila Prabhupada Uvaca – The Glories of Ramananda Raya – Sacred Sound Retreat – Transformation at SSR – Each Year Becomes Sweeter – BB Govinda Swami Aussie Visit – Let The Games Begin – New Horizons – Strong Foundations – Home Group…
ISKCON Devotee to Win Eurovision
→ Dandavats
ISKCON devotee Yashodamayi d.d. (Ieva Zasimauskaitė) will be representing Lithuania in a popular international song competition Eurovision. She is a disciple of Srila Prabhupada’s disciple and initiating spiritual master HG Sankarshan das Adhikari. We encourage everyone to vote for her on the 8th of May (information on how to vote is given below).
Newsletter from Iskcon’s Sannyasa Ministry
→ Dandavats
By Prahladananda Swami
This is Issue Number Eight of the Sannyasa Newsletter. Revealing one’s mind in confidence is one of the six loving exchanges between devotees that nurture the creeper of bhakti. I hope that this sannyasa katha inspires in you a deeper sense of commitment to the mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu under the guidance and example of Srila Prabhupada and his sincere followers.
Vedic Cosmology: Integrating God and Physics
→ Dandavats
By Mauricio Garrido, Ph.D. One of the strongest points of tension that often comes up in cosmology between science and religion is the age of the universe. Some interpretations of the Bible calculate it to be about 6,000 years old, while the most recen…
Vedic cosmology
→ Dandavats
By Drutakarma Dasa Cosmology is defined as the study of the origin, purpose, structure and functioning of the universe. Vedic cosmology gives a vast amount of information about not only the structure of the phenomenal universe as we see it, but also a …
Where am I in Krishna consciousness!
→ Dandavats
Arjuna said: My dear Krishna, O infallible one, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy. I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions.Read More…
First Jagannath Ratha Yatra in Parigi Moutong, Central Sulawesi
→ Dandavats
By Hari Narayana Das Parigi Moutong District is one of the Second Level Regions in the province of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The district capital is in Parigi. Parigi Moutong district covers most of the eastern coast of Central Sulawesi and Tomini …
My Thoughts on Cancer
→ Dandavats
By Sruti Dharma Das The last month has been a rollercoaster journey. For over 40 years I have spoken about the harsh reality of life in lectures, funeral sermons, congregational gatherings and personal meetings. Now I am facing those same realities in …
TOVP Euro Tour Day 9: Vienna, Austria
→ Dandavats
By TOVP staff Leaving the wonderful temple of Sri Sri Dayal Nitai Vijay Gauranga in Budapest, Hungary, we traveled by car three hours to Vienna, Austria arriving on Monday, April 23rd. This small Gaur Nitai temple was started less than three years ago …
Krishna’s Mercy Benefits The Aged
→ Dandavats
When Srila Prabhupada began to promote Krishna Consciousness in America, he found a lot of young energetic followers. Many of these new devotees came from the Hippy culture and were disillusioned with the state of the world.Read More…
Sri Nrsimha caturdasi celebration ISKCON Salem, Tamilnadu, India
→ Dandavats
We had wonderful celebration of Nrisimha caturdasi festival @ ISKCON Salem, Tamilnadu, India.Read More…
Preaching programs in Wellington, New Zealand
→ Dandavats
Material enjoyment resides in the novelty of things,” he said. “We may be excited about a new phone or a new car, but how long does it last? A week? A day?”
“—this is the nature of material enjoyment. It is fleeting. But this is not the case with spiritual bliss. Lord Krishna is always new!
TOVP Euro Tour Day 8: Budapest, Hungary
→ Dandavats
By TOVP staff The Hungarian Yatra has been personally built up and developed with the oversight and guidance of Sivarama Maharaja for over thirty years. It is a smooth running and well organized zone with many Krishna conscious activities, and self sus…
A Vaishnava is an Ocean of Mercy
→ Dandavats
Giriraj Swami: Two days after I first saw Srila Prabhupada and the devotees at Brandeis University in Boston, on Nrsimha-caturdasi, May 1, 1969, he gave a beautiful talk about the nature of a Vaishnava, how a devotee is an ocean of mercyRead More…
Srila Rupa and Sanatana Goswami about Lord Narasimha
→ Dandavats
Millions and millions of obeisances to the protector of the devotees. Millions and millions of obeisances to the killer of the demons! Millions and millions of obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead! Millions and millions of obeisances to L…
“Sri Nrsimhapalli” Or Devapalli
→ Dandavats
By Chandan BhatiaThe Place Where Lord Nrsimhadeva Came To Take Rest And Wash The Blood From His Hands After Killing Hiranyakasipu. Sri Nrsimhapalli is located on the eastern and southern boundaries of Navadvipa Dhama and is known by the names Nrsimha P…
TOVP Euro Tour Making History
→ Dandavats
By TOVP staff
Although the tour is nearing completion in a few days, already over $1 million U.S. has been pledged from only 7 temples, many of them very small and having only 20-30 devotees and congregation! This is a total reverse of expectations and a sign that the Lord in everyone’s heart is giving inspiration and intelligence for His service, and He is eager to see this great Temple of the Vedic Planetarium manifest and benedict the world with the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu: “An astounding temple will appear and will engage the entire world in the eternal service of Lord Caitanya.” (Lord Nityananda, Sri Navadvipa-Mahatmya, Parikrama Khanda, Chapter 4)
ISKCON Highlights Child Protection on Nrsimha Chaturdasi
→ Dandavats
By Madhava Smullen
“It’s an opportunity to bring positive attention to the topic of child protection,” Lilasuka Dasi said. “As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And research shows that one adult who is trained in child protection can protect an average of ten children from sexual abuse.” To this end, the North American Child Protection Office is conducting more trainings in the US and Canada this year than ever before. So far Lilasuka has already visited Towaco, New Jersey; Central New Jersey; Philadelphia; and Gita Nagari, and done online training for Ottowa, Canada. In May, she’ll be going to New Vrindaban; Seattle; Vancouver; and Farmington Hills, Michigan.
Jayananda Thakura, ISKCON’s First Saint
→ Dandavats
By Iskcon Mayapur Sriman Jayananda Thakura left his body in full glory during the auspicious time of brahma-muhurta on May 1, 1977, listening to a tape of his beloved spiritual master chanting in his ear, and with a maha garland from Lord Jagannatha cr…
Lord Nrisimhadeva’s Appearance to a sincere devotee
→ Dandavats
By Madhavendu das Lord Nrisihadeva is very merciful to His devotees, and his mercy can be experienced in Andhara Pradesh, at a village called Darpally near Niazamabad, where a couple lives with the bare necessities of life. This devotee was Lord Nrisi…
Lord Nrisimhadeva’s Appearance (Hiranyakashipu’s Disappearance) Day!
→ Dandavats
From Srimad-BhagavatamIn this narration about Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, various expansions or incarnations of the Lord have been described, and the killing of the two demons Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu has also been described. Thi…
Preaching program @ Pollachi, TN, INDIA (Album with photos)
→ Dandavats
Srila Prabhupada: That is the process of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s bhajana: feeling of separation, vipralambha, vipralambha-seva. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu, feeling the separation of Krsna, He was falling down on the sea.Read More…
→ Dandavats
By Vaishnava seva dasa
Behind the television project is hard work and united effort of 38 devotees working together full time in ISKCON Desire Tree. Since its launching in 2016 Janamasthami, Hare Krsna TV has grown rapidly. In India, it is roughly estimated that it is reaching more than 3 million televisions. Besides India, it has started to appear in following countries: Australia, Canada, Europe, Fiji, Guyana, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, New Zealand, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, UAE, UK & USA. Hare Krsna Television is now available in India on IN Cable #535, NXT Digital Channel #919, DIGI #519, ABS #521, 7 STAR #384, RVR #927, HATHWAY #845, UCN #616, WIN TV #600, TJ CABLE #303, HARIKA STAR #30.
TOVP Euro Tour Day 6 – Slovakia, New Ekachakra Dhama
→ Dandavats
By TOVP staff
This miraculous visit to New Ekachakra Dhama on Wednesday, April 18th has become another history making event on the TOVP Euro Tour. So much so that we will also include some related lilas that led to the planning and arrival of Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Sitari in Slovakia. The story begins in 2015 with Mahasankarsana prabhu, one of the temple leaders from New Ekachakra Dhama, speaking with Tukarama prabhu in Mayapur.
WSN March 2018 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Vijaya Dasa March was another great month of book distribution, with almost 500,000 books and magazines distributed. Surely Srila Prabhupada is pleased with the steady distribution of his books more than forty years after his departure. It’s still …
For Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Appearance Day
→ Dandavats
By Urmila Devi Dasi Dozens of prayers, verses, references, and ideas for fun, deep service and mediation on the Lord. Several summaries of the story are included for absorption in the Lord’s pastimes. Here are a free e-book and colorful posters to enha…
TOVP Euro Tour Days 4 and 5: Wroclaw, Poland
→ Dandavats
By TOVP staff Each temple had about 25-35 devotees in attendance, and as usual the Lord was greeted with an arati, abhisheka and kirtan. Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus both spoke and presented an inspiring video. But the real miracle began when devo…
The Dearmost Wife of the Supreme Lord Ramacandra
→ Dandavats
By Iskcon Mayapur It is impossible for a materialistic person like Ravana to touch Srimati Sitadevi, just as it is impossible for anyone within the material world to enjoy the energy of the Lord no matter how they try to exploit it for their own pleasu…
ISKCON Chittagong Successfully Conducted S.L.A.T.E Camp in Bangladesh
→ Dandavats
For the first time, by the presence of all prominent ISKCON Leaders of Bangladesh, “Servant Leaders Applied Training and Education (SLATE)” camp are successfully completed this week.Read More…
Food for Life program in Glasgow, Scotland
→ Dandavats
Dwaipayana das: We have a wonderful programme of giving out free prasad to students on a Wednesday at Glasgows main university we are having up to and over 60 students lining up for our nutritional vegan meals.Sundays we give out prasad to everyone stu…
Hare Krishna! The Movie, in the biggest theatre of The Hague, Holland
→ Dandavats
Malati Dasi: Devotees in The Hague are working hard to premiere the movie in their prestiguous theatre. After being sold out for the smaller hall which we had booked first, the premiere will be now in the biggest hall on Sunday 22 April 5pm.Read More…
New Devotee Website “Second Half” Launched into Orbit: The Fusion of Farming and Preaching
→ Dandavats
Devotees living at New Talavan Farm Community in Southern Mississippi have launched a dynamic new website called The Second Half ( The name “Second Half” references Srila Prabhupada’s expressed desire for land-based preaching prototypes that make the philosophy and culture of Krishna consciousness approachable and understandable to Western people.
Grand event hosted by ISKCON Kanpur despite thunderstorm’s destruction
→ Dandavats
As a matter of fact, the event was scheduled for the eve of 7th of April 2018, but throughout the previous night tumultuous lightning and thunderstorm reigned. Thus, all the arrangements were shattered, materials tattered and broken, sound boxes and g…
“Maya Times” – The fake news agency
→ Dandavats
By Purushottam Nitai Das Maya forces us to believe that happiness can be attained in this material world. Srila Prabhupada points out, “This place is miserable. But maya’s illusion, we are taking this miserable condition of life as happiness. This is c…
TOVP Euro Tour Days 2 and 3: Koln, Germany – Gauradesh
→ Dandavats
By TOVP staff
To everyone’s surprise, this became a miraculous visit with less than fifty devotees pledging over $150,000 U.S.! This precedent setting example shows that the hearts of the devotees and not the size of the temple is what really counts. When there is a will, there is a way. Make the commitment and the means will manifest. This was also Srila Prabhupada’s mood.