By Sunanda Das In the wake of the recent historic Chakra installation ceremony on February 7th, the TOVP is pleased to release this specialTribute song, Temple of the Vedic Planetarium, to all devotees worldwide. Written and composed by Yamuna Jivana d…
Author Archives: Dandavats
TOVP Tribute Song Official Release
Hinduism and Ecology: Towards a Sustainable Future
→ Dandavats
By Vaishnava Das Govardhan Ecovillage hosted a 4-day conference, Hinduism and Ecology: Towards a Sustainable Future, from 11th to 14th of December 2017. The conference was jointly organized by Yale University, Govardhan Eco Village, Bhaktivedanta Vidya…
NASN January 2018 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur Sasi dasa For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of January 2018. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 In…
Saraswati Thakur’s Preaching Mission in Bangladesh
→ Dandavats
By honika Gope-Kumar A lot of Bengali devotees lament that even though A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada instructed a number of his senior disciples to preach in Bangladesh, he personally never visited Bangladesh. However, devotees would be hap…
The Future Hope – Srila Prabhupada’s Younger Generation
→ Dandavats
By Pandava Sena Global It was through the youth that Srila Prabhupada established this International Society and it was the youth that he engaged in fulfilling the desire of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! In order to help build and further develop youth grou…
An audience with the Queen at Buckingham Palace
→ Dandavats
By Radha Mohan Das On Wednesday 15 February, Sruti Dharma das, Temple President of Bhaktivedanta Manor (UK), joined 1000 dignitaries from across the British Commonwealth at Buckingham Palace. He was then invited to have a private audience with the Qu…
Improving Classes
→ Dandavats
By Krishna Dharma DasIt is often said that chanting is the most important limb, but Prabhupada interestingly makes the following comment, “When we speak of hearing and chanting, it means that not only should one chant and hear of the holy name of the L…
Srimad Bhagavatam class from Mayapur, 11 February 2018
→ Dandavats
By Bhakti Vinoda Swami
As leaders we get to do so many different things but we should be knowing that we are under the radar of Maya and Kali. “You are the leader who is going to take people out of the world and send them to Godhead, you are working for Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s organisation! You are a dangerous guy for me. I am going to attack you!” And definitely iskcon leaders who are proponents of pure bhakti are going to be attacked more and more in their leadership positions.
Srimad Bhagavatam class from Mayapur, 8 February 2018
→ Dandavats
By Radha Krishna Das
Who remembers the motto of the Strategic Planning team? “More devotees, happier devotees.” Why is it we are focusing on more devotees and happier devotees? Because Krishna will be pleased. If they are not happier there won’t be more. More devotees means external growth. Happier devotees means internal growth. Which one is more important? It’s just so interesting we are focussing really a lot on spreading Krsna consciousness. And that’s a really good goal and we should focus on that, but at the same time we should really focus on developing ourselves. Growth starts with you first.
The DAKSA yajna
→ Dandavats
By Sankirtana das In this article I will analyze the personal and social consequences that arise from inner conflicts and we will investigate its concomitant “sense of personal failure”. We will then examine progressive and regressive reactions to deal…
Chanting Siva mantras
→ Dandavats
By Danavir Goswami As mentioned in our previous posts Yoga Mart and Zombie Jamboree, catering to the whimsical public taste can compromise our faithfulness to the parampara. It is very risky to adopt a process of chanting that was not handed down throu…
Sadhana, Seva, Sangha
→ Dandavats
By Bhaktimarga Swami Srimad Bhagavatam class in Mayapur, 13 February 2018. Hiranyakasipu was terrorizing the universe, abusing his own son and was atheist. But Prahlad Maharaja, risking his life, he kept sharing Krishna consciousness. Similarly in this…
Doors To Hell
→ Dandavats
By Abhaya Mudra Dasi In the material world the three gunas function simultaneously. In some situations and individuals sattva will prevail, in others rajas or tamas. They all are necessary for the proper function of the material machine. But when a m…
In Search of the Greatest Vaishnava
→ Dandavats
By Patita Pavana das
“Lord Shiva, the spiritual master of the entire world, is free from enmity. He remains ever peaceful and self-satisfied. Among the devatas, no one is greater. How, then, is it possible that Daksha could be inimical towards such an auspicious personality?” (SB 4.2.28)
GBC College 2018 Graduation Ceremony – ILS, Mayapur
→ Dandavats
By Vrsabhanu das
In the “sublime and auspicious land of Gaurasundara on the charming bank of the Bhagirathi, Gaudadesh[Sridham Mayapur], which is eternally shining and full of bliss” (extracted from Navadvipastakam Verse 1, Srila Rupa Goswami), on the auspicious Appearance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, the GBC College for Leadership Development held the 2018 Graduation ceremony at the ILS (ISKCON Leadership Sanga). Twenty-three leaders from various locations in Africa, Bangladesh, China, India, Italy, Russia and Singapore, received their GBC College Graduation certificates and gifts in the presence of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, Srila Prabhupada, and over 600 ILS devotees including many ISKCON Gurus, GBCs and sannyasis.
News from the Manor: A small school with a big heart, Doctor in the House, Gitas for london Crematorium
→ Dandavats
By Radha Mohan das
The Manor School children participated in an inaugural ceremony to mark a new chapter in their school’s history. The primary school has been situated at Bhaktivedanta Manor for the past 35 years. Due to various challenges associated with the building of the new Haveli on the site and the required demolition of two of the classrooms, the school has been relocated into a new temporary premises not far away. The renovation of the existing buildings took over eight months to complete, and involved top architects, structural engineers, two major building contractors and a big investment from the temple. Kaushik Patel was hands on at every step and the Patrons Working Committee oversaw the entire development.
West Bengal’s chief minister Mamata Banerjee visited Sri Sri Chandrodaya temple of Iskcon Mayapur
→ Dandavats
By Thakur Saranga dasaWest Bengal’s chief minister Mamata Banerjee visited Sri Sri Chandrodaya temple of Iskcon Mayapur where he was greeted by the GBC ( governing body commission ) sannyasis with warm welcome and the chief minster was then escorted to…
Outreach activities in Malaysia
→ Dandavats
By Simheswara Dasa
ISKCON is a preaching movement. Srila Prabhupada wanted the respiritualization of the entire human society. In the preface for Canto 1 of the Srimad Bhagavatam Srila Prabhupada wrote “Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the fields of material comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire world. But there is a pinprick somewhere in the social body at large, and therefore there are large-scale quarrels, even over less important issues. There is need of a clue as to how humanity can become one in peace, friendship and prosperity with a common cause. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam will fill this need, for it is a cultural presentation for the respiritualization of the entire human society.” It is indeed a big order. But it can certainly be done in small and big installments by the combined preaching efforts of all preachers.
Where Do You Go When You Die? The Increasing Signs That Human Consciousness Remains After Death
→ Dandavats
By Newsweek Europe
“I don’t mean that people have their eyes open or that their brain’s working after they die,” Parnia said. “That petrifies people. I’m saying we have a consciousness that makes up who we are—our selves, thoughts, feelings, emotions—and that entity, it seems, does not become annihilated just because we’ve crossed the threshold of death; it appears to keep functioning and not dissipate. How long it lingers, we can’t say.” Clinically, we understand death to mean the state that takes hold after our hearts stop beating. Blood circulation comes to a halt, we don’t breathe, our brains shut down—and that’s what divides the states we occupy from one moment (alive) to the next (dead). Philosophically, though, our definition of death hinges on something else: the point past which we’re no longer able to return. Those two were more or less the same until about 50 years ago, when we saw the advent of CPR. Today, someone’s heart can stop and they can be dead, and then they can come back.
Leadership in Iskcon
→ Dandavats
By Bhakti Vinoda Swami In ISKCON, when you become a leader you may obtain several assets. By being in a dress of a sadhu, with the tilak and the saffron, people will bow down to you and worship you and they may give your donations or properties, so man…
History and Rationale of the “No Objection” Procedure
→ Dandavats
By Praghosa das
The aim of this paper is to present how the “No Objection” procedure, the mechanism the GBC has established to encourage devotees to serve as diksa-gurus in ISKCON, is not contrary to Gaudiya Vaisnava siddhanta. We will examine how the system came to be and why it remains in place as the best option available for now for the GBC to ensure as best it can, that ISKCON has qualified diksa-gurus available to its aspiring bhaktas. It will also look at how the procedure best helps the GBC manage a multi-guru system within one organization. That dynamic of a governing board managing an institution, which includes within it multiple gurus, is, of course, a relatively new concept in Gaudiya Vaisnava history. However, regardless of the structure, Srila Prabhupada certainly expected those serving as diksa-gurus to be qualified. The question then arises: should ISKCON’s ultimate managing authority, the GBC body, be responsible along with the prospective disciples to ensure that those serving as diksa-gurus meet set qualifications? However we manage the procedure that allows diksa-gurus to initiate in ISKCON, ISKCON’s performance in this area puts Srila Prabhupada’s glorious reputation very much at stake.
From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir, Srimad Bhagavatam class, February 3, 2018
→ Dandavats
By Vaisesika Das When you give to Krishna, because we are parts and parcels of Krishna, then we also become enriched simultaneously. This is a principle that Prahlad Maharaj mentions in the ninth chapter of the Bhagavatam. He gives the example that whe…
The Test for Best
→ Dandavats
By Nikunja Vilasini Dasi I grew up thinking that I had to be the best—in the classroom, in extramural activities, and in everything else—to be successful in life. Although I excelled in most of what l did and was at the top of my class, the unimaginabl…
Why to perform devotional service
→ Dandavats
Anu Aniruddha: Fearfulness, lamentation, moroseness, self pity and Negative thoughts, if you are experiencing such emotion that means you are dominated by the mode of darkness and ignorance. Read More…
Teaching evolution in schools: what science explains and what explains science
→ Dandavats
By Chaitanya Charan Das “The great delusion of modernity is that the laws of nature explain the universe for us. The laws of nature describe the universe, they describe the regularities. But they explain nothing.” That’s why the truth-claim that evolu…
ISKCON Bangladesh arranged ‘Narottama Purnima’ festival for the first time in Kheturi Dham
→ Dandavats
By Rasika Kanai Das
On the occasion of ‘Narottama Purnima’, the birth anniversary of Prema Bhakti Mahajan Srila Narottama Das Thakur Mahasaya with fully auspicious festivity in Kheturi Dham, Godagari, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabu left behind Krishna Prema through Padmavati, the river Padma flowing by the side of Prematali, the most auspicious holy place for the vaishnavas. At the age of twelve Narottama dasa Thakura had a vision of Lord Nityananda in a dream. He told Narottama to take bath in the Padma River whereupon he would receive love of Godhead. Following the instructions of Lord Nityananda, Narottama bathed in the Padma regardless, and the Goddess of the river appeared and on the order of Lord Chaitanya, gave him pure love of Godhead. The color of His body changed into Gaura (Yellowish) from blackish.
A Happy New Year: Sustained Growth and Renewal at ISKCON New Goloka
→ Dandavats
By Lila-sakti Devi dasi
2017 was a year full of forward movement and positive changes at ISKCON New Goloka. Established in 1985, our aging temple infrastructure is currently being upgraded and updated to comply with required local building codes. Orange County, North Carolina is particularly stringent with their commercial code requirements, so the renovation process has been long, tedious, and costly. By Krishna’s mercy, however, we are in the home stretch of completing the first part of a multi-phase infrastructure improvement initiative at ISKCON New Goloka, home of Their Lordships Sri-Sri Radha-Golokananda. When complete, Their servants will prepare bhoga offerings in a brand new commercial kitchen, and Their paraphernalia will be stored and maintained in a spacious and well-appointed pujari room. All glories to the devotees who have continuously undergone great austerities to wonderfully serve the deities despite so many challenges.
International Seminar on Vedanta and Science, Kendari, Indonesia
→ Dandavats
By Hari Narayana Das
Sulawesi is one of the main islands of Indonesia and Kendari is the capital city of South East Sulawesi. We took a flight from Bali to Makassar for a transit of about two hours then another flight to Pomala airport at Kolaka, Sulawesi where devotees were eagerly waiting to receive us. That evening we had the opportunity to interact with few guests who were leaders of Hindu community there. They were happy to discuss Bhagavad-gita with us and also took some books. Next day, 26 Feb 2018, we started for Ladongi, driving almost three hours via the mountains, where we have the Gaura Nitai centre and which is also conducting Jagannatha ratha yatra every year. Although the number of devotees are less, they are nonetheless very enthusiastic… taking into consideration the fact that the small centre is situated in a forested area and before, due to misjudgement, the local people there used to throw stones at the temple… but after the first ratha yatra in the year 2014 which was fully supported by the Mayor of the locality and the Hindu Parisada there, the locals started to visit the temple and also bring flowers and fruits for the deities.
International Conference: Vaishnavism: Theory And Practice
→ Dandavats
By Rasika Raman Das
A two-day international conference on Vaishnavism: Theory and Practice was held on 18th and 19th December, 2017 at Jadavpur University, organized in collaboration with Stockholm University (Sweden). In this session devotees from various academic fields represented proper a understanding of Vaishnavism and the impact of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement. Pro Vice Chancellor of Jadavpur University, Prof. PK Ghosh, spoke on the importance of interdisciplinary studies, religious embeddedness in society. He acknowledged the contribution of Prof. Ruby Sain in the formation of Centre for the Study of Religion and Society at Jadavpur University.
All the video-recordings from the glorious Chakra installations today in the TOVP
→ Dandavats
By A beautiful ceremony, attended by thousands of vaishnavas from the international community of Iskcon and from more than 1 million viewers through the TV stations which broadcast the’s live transmissions, was concluded successfu…
Hundred people start regular chanting after week-long discourse in Surat
→ Dandavats
By Romapada Das
Over 100 new people committed to chanting at least one round of the Hare Krishna mahamantra everyday at a week-long Bhagavata Saptah discourse from 9th January to 15th January in Surat. Almost 1500 devotees thronged to hear the discourse based on the story of Prahalada Maharaja in the Srimad Bhagavatam, delivered by Chandra Govinda Das, an eminent exponent of Srimad Bhagavatam, who is a disciple of His Holiness Radha Govinda Swami. “The lectures started with melodious kirtan and bhajans every day,” said Ramanatha Das, one of the organizers of the discourse. “People listened to the story of Prahlada Maharaja and the glories of Lord Narsainghadev with rapt attention. We also served a sumptuous vegetarian prasadam dinner every day after the discourse.”
Srimad Bhagavatam class in Mayapur by Bhakti Rasamrita Swami, 05 February 2018
→ Dandavats
By Bhakti Rasamrita Swami Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur was the president acarya and also the founder Acharya of the gaudia mutt. In the gauida magazine it was described that Srila Bhakti Siddhanta is the instrument and the counterpart for th…
2nd day of the GBC meetings
→ Dandavats
By Bhakti Chaitanya Swami
The GBC meetings continued today with an amazing two hour presentation on book distribution from Vaisheshika prabhu, one of the main leaders of the resurgence of the distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books around the world. All the GBC members were deeply affected by his sincerity and heart felt commitment to this most essential program of His Divine Grace. The enthusiasm generated in the room was quite overwhelming, and many of the members, who previously had done a lot of book distribution, spoke of their experiences and desires to see it come to the same levels it was at in the time of Srila Prabhupada’s physical presence.
Interview of Ambarisa Prabhu in Newspaper
→ Dandavats
By Subhasish Chaudhuri Ambarish Das, better known as Alfred Ford, said on Monday that a gold-plated stainless steel giant wheel or chakra would be installed on the top of the massive dome of the under-construction Temple of Vedic Planetarium on Wednesd…
Srimad Bhagavatam class in Mayapur by Devakinandan Das, 04 February 2018
→ Dandavats
By Devakinandan Das
King Pṛthu is herein compared to the earthly planet as far as his tolerance is concerned. Although the earth is always trampled upon by men and animals, it still gives food to them by producing grains, fruits and vegetables. As an ideal king, Mahārāja Pṛthu is compared to the earthly planet, for even though some citizens might violate the rules and regulations of the state, he would still be tolerant and maintain them with fruits and grains. In other words, it is the duty of the king to look after the comforts of the citizens, even at the cost of his own personal convenience. This is not the case, however, in Kali-yuga, for in Kali-yuga the kings and heads of state enjoy life at the cost of taxes exacted from the citizens. Such unfair taxation makes the people dishonest, and the people try to hide their income in so many ways. Eventually the state will not be able to collect taxes and consequently will not be able to meet its huge military and administrative expenses. Everything will collapse, and there will be chaos and disturbance all over the state.
Iskcon Leadership Sanga in Mayapur, Day 1 and Day 2
→ Dandavats
By The video recordings of the main events of the two first days of International Iskcon Leadership Sanga which is taking place in Mayapur these days. You won’t believe how much Iskcon has grown up!Read More…
Changing our outlook
→ Dandavats
By Giriraj das
“Therefore sometimes, when people say in India, ‘Swamiji, you have done wonderful.’ And yes, I do not know. I’m not a magician. But, so far I am confident that I did not adulterate the words of Krishna. That’s all. That’s my credit. I did not like to take the position of Krishna. I remained a servant of Krishna, and I spoke what Krishna said. That’s all. This is my secret. So everyone can do that. There is nothing magic. The magic will act as soon as you become a pure devotee of Krishna. The magic will be done by Krishna, not by me or you. He will do it. ” (Srila Prabhupada Lecture, Los Angeles, May 19, 1972)
Srimad Bhagavatam Class in Mayapur about Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur
→ Dandavats
By Bhakti Rasamrita Swami His instructions, his organization, his strategies, his priorities and his disciples. Teaching by example and by words. How did he correct his disciples? Are all these relevant today in Srila Prabhupada’s Iskcon? Is Iskcon ful…
The GBC meetings start
→ Dandavats
By Bhakti Chaitanya Swami Yesterday the GBC meetings started. The Organizational Development made various presentations to the GBC Body of items for streamlining the functions of the Body, and making the Body’s activities more effective for spreading S…
Media coverage of Gour Purnima and ILS
→ Dandavats
By Press Trust of IndiaWith a month left for ‘Gour Purnima’, the biggest festival for the Gaudiya Vaishnavs of Mayapur, devotees from across the world are arriving at the global headquarters of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) t…