By Chaitanya Kishore Das People, in general, wish the Birthday boy or girl that they may live many more years, and this day may come again and again, and Devotees sing “May you never take Birth Again” . This may seem odd and strange to a common man the…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Happy Birthday
Cultivating An Empathetic Heart
→ Dandavats
By Arcana Siddhi Devi DasiKrishna helps His fledgling devotees by purifying any mentality that prevents them from coming closer to Him. When we form opinions of people and their situations, we should do so with the desire to be of assistance and to ple…
United We Stand – Yuga Dharma
→ Dandavats
By Navasi DasiSrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura indicates that rather than trying to separate conditioned souls by materialistic distinctions, one should bring them together to chant the holy names of the Lord and propagate the sankirtana movemen…
Catching frogs after church
→ Dandavats
By Mayesvara Das Any parent who has raised a child knows they will sometimes get into mischief that may even be dangerous or problematic. In my case, I drove my mother crazy because I loved to play in the water. It was readily available in the stream t…
“Hare Krishna!” – The legend of a spiritual warrior
→ Dandavats
By Purushottam Nitai Das
I was reluctant. What will be new in it? “I know the story, have seen multiple videos about him and moreover it will be available on youtube in few months.” But none of my arguments cut the ice with my wife, she was so eager to watch the “Hare Krishna!” movie that I had to finally relent. I was skeptical when I was entering inside the hall but was thrilled while coming out. My wife was too happy. We both soon started inquiring about the possibility of buying the next show tickets. It was a perfect wedding anniversary gift for both of us. The memory of the movie will remain with me for a very long period, may be till my last breath. It is a must watch for those who want to know how an old man struggled all alone to create a worldwide movement.
Yet I hold back
→ Dandavats
By Madhumati Pushkarini Devi DasiYes I hold back. There is every reason to surrender to You, every reason to hold on to You. Yet I hold back. This is my precarious condition, dear Lord. While I keep trying to coax my mind to understand what is good for…
Was Srila Prabhupada intimidated with electronics?
→ Dandavats
By Gargamuni Das So I thought, “Boy, how am I going to show Prabhupada how to use this thing? He’s from the village. In Vrindavan, they don’t know what a Dictaphone is.” So I brought it up to Prabhupada’s room, and I showed it to him. I showed him the …
Can Kirtan be a source of maintenance for the body, mind and soul?
→ Dandavats
By Kripamoya Das Sometimes devotees ask: “Can we be paid for doing kirtan?” and the reason why this question comes up is because many of us, especially young people, would like to lead a life of kirtan sharing kirtan with others. There are two conside…
Article on moon in Los Angeles Times, 28 December 1968
→ Dandavats
Swami says people are living on the moon!Read More…
Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha 2018-2020, Admissions Open
→ Dandavats
We are very glad to announce admissions for the Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha (BVVP) batch starting in June 2018.Read More…
“Hare Krishna!” the movie comes to Kolkata, where it all started!
→ Dandavats
By Aradhya Bhagavan Das Friday,15th of December 2017 was a memorial day for all ISKCON devotees in India, as it marked the release of the Hare Krishna! movie – a documentary on Srila Prabhupada’s life – which released simultaneously across 700 screens …
Gita Mela 2017 in Mayapur
→ Dandavats
Gita Mela 2017 From 23 December To 2 JanuaryRead More…
Srimad Bhagavatam class by H.H. Subhag Swami on 1st Dec 2017 at ISKCON Juhu
→ Dandavats
Srimad Bhagavatam 08.12.16 by H.H. Subhag Swami on 1st Dec 2017 at ISKCON JuhuRead More…
Pave the way for the Lord of the Universe
→ Dandavats
Radha Sakhi Dasi: Touchstone Media has churned the ocean of nectar and come up with a marvellous masterpiece, ‘Sri Ksetra: Vaikuntha on Earth.’
“Rise Up your Bhakti Life”, a creative Vaishnava project comes to life
→ Dandavats
Gitavali Devi Dasi: It all started last year when I decided to stop procrastinating and bring to reality a creative project that had been brewing in my mind for a long time, many months, in fact even years.Read More…
Conversation between God and Me
→ Dandavats
Jaya Gaurasundara dasa: HH Giriraja Swami has mentioned that for our New Year’s resolutions, “we can resolve to increase our chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, especially on beads, and our reading of Srila Prabhupada’s books.
“Two Bright Moons”
→ Dandavats
The release of Krishna Sambandha’s second album “Two Brigth Moons”, in one of the most prestigious theaters in ChileRead More…
Latest news, photos, videos and articles from Iskcon devotees
→ Dandavats
Iskcon related news from all over the worldRead More…
Today’s New York Times Article about the Brooklyn Temple
→ Dandavats
By Kaya Laterman
The poet Allen Ginsberg, an early devotee who attended some of the first outreach sessions in New York, told The Times in 1966 that the chanting “brings a state of ecstasy.” Swami Prabhupada, known to his followers as Srila Prabhupada, officially founded the Hare Krishna Society that same year. Its first temple was located in a former gift shop at 26 Second Avenue in Manhattan. Early devotees were mostly white Westerners, many of whom were disillusioned with American culture as the Vietnam War bore on.
H.H. Veda Vyas Priya Swami’s SB class in ISKCON Vrindavan, Dec 20, 2017
→ Dandavats
H.H. Veda Vyas Priya Swami’s SB class in ISKCON Vrindavan, Dec 20, 2017Read More…
Srila Jiva Goswami Disappearance
→ Dandavats
Srila Jiva Goswami made his appearance in 1533 and disappeared from view at the age of 85 in 1540.Read More…
Kurma’s Christmas Fruit Cake
→ Dandavats
This traditional fruitcake is ideal for weddings, birthdays, or any special occasion requiring a luscious, rich cake. It can be kept for several weeks after baking.Read More…(This post has been viewed 3067 times so far)
ISKCON Auckland NZ. Friday night Harinam: Chanting and dancing our way BTG!
→ Dandavats
ISKCON Auckland NZ. Friday night Harinam, Chanting and dancing our way BTG.Read More…
New Raman Reti – Connecting From the Heart
→ Dandavats
While listening to the history presentation of NRR, from it’s very beginning to the present, we were able to see how this community has always worked together towards creating a better future.
Clay Pots that Leak
→ Dandavats
Ananda Vrindavaneswari Devi Dasi: As we approach the end of the year and prep for the next, it’s a natural time to be reflective.
Gita Course Graduation
→ Dandavats
Davender Bhardwaj: BMI-Bhaktivriksha in Bloomington, IL conducted a 10 week course of Bhagavad Gita As It Is for children from ages 9-16.Read More…
International Bhagavad-gita Seminar, Gorontalo, Indonesia
→ Dandavats
By Hari Narayana Das One hundred Bhagavad-gita and other books were distributed during the event. Even though more than ninety percent of the audience were from other faiths they appreciated the clarity of the message in Bhagavad-gita as it is; one stu…
Sankirtana Seminar Gives Alachua the Book Distribution Bug
→ Dandavats
By Madhava Smullen
The encouraging atmosphere, expert techniques and lack of pressure yielded inspirational results. One devotee who felt too shy to distribute went along just to accompany his wife, but ended up distributing a hardback Bhagavad-gita for the first time ever. A new bhakta from the Krishna House, who also had never gone on book distribution before, distributed three Bhagavad-gitas and felt so enlivened that he now wants to go out regularly. New Raman Reti’s head pujari, who had never been able to distribute big books, was thrilled that she distributed four hardbound Gitas and can’t wait to do more. After the Sankirtan Festival, while honoring first-class prasadam together – an essential part of every MSF – devotees shared realizations. “I’ve been very focused on my own devotional life,” said one new devotee. “But now I realize the importance of showing compassion to others.”
The Primary Citizens
→ Dandavats
By the MCO
“According to smrti regulation, the cow is the mother and the bull the father of the human being. The cow is the mother because just as one sucks the breast of one’s mother, human society takes cow’s milk. Similarly, the bull is the father of human society because the father earns for the children just as the bull tills the ground to produce food grains.”
Santiago Municipality in Chile treat Iskcon’s Ratha Yatra as their own festival and provide all facility
→ Dandavats
By Sri Bhakti Das They placed Ratha Yatra posters throughout a large part of the city, they provided implements, part of the security, the stage, etc. Also, the Ratha Yatra appeared on all of its websites as an event co-produced by the Municipality. Th…
Good news from Iskcon France!
→ Dandavats
Visvambhara das: I just could not resist sharing this effort of Janananda Goswami and the devotees from France.Read More…
The Simple Method
→ Dandavats
By Padmapani das
In November of 1969 while speaking in London’s Conway Hall, Srila Prabhupada stated the following: “The process is very simple. Just keep a picture of Lord Caitanya with His associates. Lord Caitanya is in the middle, accompanied by His principal associates—Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara, and Srivasa. One simply has to keep this picture. One can keep it anywhere. It is not that one has to come to us to see this picture. Anyone can have this picture in his home, chant this Hare Krishna mantra, and thus worship Lord Caitanya. That is the simple method. But who will capture this simple method? Those who have good brains. Without much bother, if one simply keeps a picture of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at home and chants Hare Krishna, then one will realize God. Anyone can adopt this simple method. There is no expenditure, there is no tax, nor is there any need to build a very big church or temple. Anyone, anywhere, can sit down on the road or beneath a tree and chant the Hare Krishna mantra and worship God. Therefore it is a great opportunity.”
Remembering His Holiness Bhakti Vrajendra Nandan Swami
→ Dandavats
By Subhag Swami
I am very happy to hear that devotees are gathering together in Penang to pay their homage to His Holiness Bhakti Vrajendra Swami Maharaj and showing their love, affection, dedication and loving service to the cause of our society, mission of Sri ChaitnyaMahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada. He is definitely a great soul, Mahatma… I know him from Birmingham from early 70’s. He used to come to the Birmingham centre and whatever he gets, he used to help the centre as the temple used to have hard days during that period. Later on, he came to London and used to distribute book, to work very hard and everybody appreciated his service – because Srila Prabhupada says ISKCON is a preaching movement, and ultimately book distribution. Krishna says, “No one was or will be so dear to Me than one who preaches this Krishna Consciousness.
Community by Design
→ Dandavats
By Danakeli dasi
Srila Prabhupada wanted us to show by example how to become freed from dependency on city life and satisfied with the village idea. “ But we are not going to develop a competitive farming enterprise for making money. The basic principle is to become independent of artificial city life …Gandhi had this idea, the one defect was that there was no Krishna in the center. So the same idea of village organization , but keeping Krishna in the center should be introduced on our farm projects . ”
TOVP Australasia Tour Report
→ Dandavats
By TOVP staff The tour stopped in the cities and communities listed below and achieved great success, being met by enthusiastic and supportive devotees who made small and large financial sacrifices according to their means for the project. The total am…
Celebrities and the media along with the public, in India, thrilled by the “Hare Krishna!” film
→ Dandavats
By Yadubara das
Actors Namitha and Veera reviews. Financial Express article. Bhanu Swami interview. Yadubara das interview with Hrishi K on radio one. Urban Asia interview. IANS Review. Movie Talkies Review. Vivek Bindra, a well known motivational speaker, talks about movies then HARE KRISHNA!
Shyamasundara Das – On The Power of The Hare Krishna Mantra
→ Dandavats
George Harrison relates a story that a man once attacked him with a knife, at his home some years ago, but George was shouting Hare Krishna at the top of his lungs so loudly that when the man was about to attack, it stunned him so badly that his attac…
Radhanath Swami Speaks at Church College, University of Oxford
→ Dandavats
Christ Church College is one of the largest colleges of Oxford University and is home to over 400 undergraduates and 175 graduates.Read More…
ISKCON Vrindavan: Glorification of H.G. Yamunadevi (video)
→ Dandavats
ISKCON Vrindavan: 13.12.2017_Glorification_of_H.G. Yamuna Mata JiRead More…(This post has been viewed 911 times so far)
There are techniques!
→ Dandavats
Book distribution has always been sort of a mystical thing!Read More…