“Hare Krishna!” – The legend of a spiritual warrior
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Hare KrishnaBy Purushottam Nitai Das

I was reluctant. What will be new in it? “I know the story, have seen multiple videos about him and moreover it will be available on youtube in few months.” But none of my arguments cut the ice with my wife, she was so eager to watch the “Hare Krishna!” movie that I had to finally relent. I was skeptical when I was entering inside the hall but was thrilled while coming out. My wife was too happy. We both soon started inquiring about the possibility of buying the next show tickets. It was a perfect wedding anniversary gift for both of us. The memory of the movie will remain with me for a very long period, may be till my last breath. It is a must watch for those who want to know how an old man struggled all alone to create a worldwide movement.

Today’s New York Times Article about the Brooklyn Temple
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Hare KrishnaBy Kaya Laterman

The poet Allen Ginsberg, an early devotee who attended some of the first outreach sessions in New York, told The Times in 1966 that the chanting “brings a state of ecstasy.” Swami Prabhupada, known to his followers as Srila Prabhupada, officially founded the Hare Krishna Society that same year. Its first temple was located in a former gift shop at 26 Second Avenue in Manhattan. Early devotees were mostly white Westerners, many of whom were disillusioned with American culture as the Vietnam War bore on.

Sankirtana Seminar Gives Alachua the Book Distribution Bug
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Hare KrishnaBy Madhava Smullen

The encouraging atmosphere, expert techniques and lack of pressure yielded inspirational results. One devotee who felt too shy to distribute went along just to accompany his wife, but ended up distributing a hardback Bhagavad-gita for the first time ever. A new bhakta from the Krishna House, who also had never gone on book distribution before, distributed three Bhagavad-gitas and felt so enlivened that he now wants to go out regularly. New Raman Reti’s head pujari, who had never been able to distribute big books, was thrilled that she distributed four hardbound Gitas and can’t wait to do more. After the Sankirtan Festival, while honoring first-class prasadam together – an essential part of every MSF – devotees shared realizations. “I’ve been very focused on my own devotional life,” said one new devotee. “But now I realize the importance of showing compassion to others.”

The Primary Citizens
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Hare KrishnaBy the MCO

“According to smrti regulation, the cow is the mother and the bull the father of the human being. The cow is the mother because just as one sucks the breast of one’s mother, human society takes cow’s milk. Similarly, the bull is the father of human society because the father earns for the children just as the bull tills the ground to produce food grains.”

The Simple Method
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Hare KrishnaBy Padmapani das

In November of 1969 while speaking in London’s Conway Hall, Srila Prabhupada stated the following: “The process is very simple. Just keep a picture of Lord Caitanya with His associates. Lord Caitanya is in the middle, accompanied by His principal associates—Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara, and Srivasa. One simply has to keep this picture. One can keep it anywhere. It is not that one has to come to us to see this picture. Anyone can have this picture in his home, chant this Hare Krishna mantra, and thus worship Lord Caitanya. That is the simple method. But who will capture this simple method? Those who have good brains. Without much bother, if one simply keeps a picture of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at home and chants Hare Krishna, then one will realize God. Anyone can adopt this simple method. There is no expenditure, there is no tax, nor is there any need to build a very big church or temple. Anyone, anywhere, can sit down on the road or beneath a tree and chant the Hare Krishna mantra and worship God. Therefore it is a great opportunity.”

Remembering His Holiness Bhakti Vrajendra Nandan Swami
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Hare KrishnaBy Subhag Swami

I am very happy to hear that devotees are gathering together in Penang to pay their homage to His Holiness Bhakti Vrajendra Swami Maharaj and showing their love, affection, dedication and loving service to the cause of our society, mission of Sri ChaitnyaMahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada. He is definitely a great soul, Mahatma… I know him from Birmingham from early 70’s. He used to come to the Birmingham centre and whatever he gets, he used to help the centre as the temple used to have hard days during that period. Later on, he came to London and used to distribute book, to work very hard and everybody appreciated his service – because Srila Prabhupada says ISKCON is a preaching movement, and ultimately book distribution. Krishna says, “No one was or will be so dear to Me than one who preaches this Krishna Consciousness.

Community by Design
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Hare KrishnaBy Danakeli dasi

Srila Prabhupada wanted us to show by example how to become freed from dependency on city life and satisfied with the village idea. “ But we are not going to develop a competitive farming enterprise for making money. The basic principle is to become independent of artificial city life …Gandhi had this idea, the one defect was that there was no Krishna in the center. So the same idea of village organization , but keeping Krishna in the center should be introduced on our farm projects . ”

Celebrities and the media along with the public, in India, thrilled by the “Hare Krishna!” film
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Hare KrishnaBy Yadubara das

Actors Namitha and Veera reviews. Financial Express article. Bhanu Swami interview. Yadubara das⁩ interview with Hrishi K on radio one. Urban Asia interview. IANS Review. Movie Talkies Review. Vivek Bindra, a well known motivational speaker, talks about movies then HARE KRISHNA!