By CDI Team
Along with the recently completed Community Survey, the objective of this conference was to create a platform that allows the community’s voice to be heard, deepen our relationships, and build a shared vision for New Raman Reti going into the future. This exciting event took place at the Alachua Woman’s Club, Sunday, December 3, 2017, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. and followed by sumptuous lunch Prasadam. The overall Vision of the Community Development Initiative (CDI) is a loving and well connected family of Krishna devotees, spiritual aspirants, and friends fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s Mission. Both senior and second generation devotee speakers facilitated the conference with presentations on New Raman Reti’s history and the survey results. They also invited further feedback from the audience on how to enrich our already amazing NRR Community. An important community event.