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“Those in Vraja-maṇḍala bitten by a snake, killed by animals, killed by fire, water or any unnatural cause become residents of my own planet.” (Skanda-purāṇam, Mārgaśīrṣa-māhātmya, Chapter 17, Verse 50) Govinda Swami: Yesterday we lost an effulgent young Vaisnavi here in Vrindavan. Braja Vallabhi, a disciple of HH Indradyumna Swami, passed from this world to Radhe Shyam’s world, in a traffic accident near Radha Kund, Govaradhan. She was ever bright, decorated with a beautiful smile, always devoted to her guru, vaisnavas, and a real lover of Radha Raman. She was just 23 years of age. Now she will be a much younger girl, an ever fresh Kishori in Vrindavan, to serve Sri Radha as She serves her Ramana.