ISKCON’s Govardhan Eco Village (GEV) wins Water Digest Water Award 2017
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Hare KrishnaBy Anand Caitanya das​​

On behalf of Govardhan Eco Village, Vrajendra Nandan Prabhu, ISKCON India Communications Head went to receive the Water Digest Award. The Awards were graced by several prestigious personalities such as Shri Vipul Goel, Cabinet Minister for Ministry of Industries and Commerce, Ministry of Environment & Ministry of Industrial Training, Government of Haryana; Ms. Dana Kursh, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel; Mr Mitrasen Bhikajee, Senior Programme Specialist, Natural Sciences, UNESCO; Hon’ble Justice Dr. Mukundakam Sharma, (Former Judge, Supreme Court of India); Mr. D.S. Rawat, Secretary General, ASSOCHAM & Shri. K. B. Biswas, Chairman, Central Ground Water Board

Sripad Aindra Prabhu Appearance Day
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Hare KrishnaBy Iskcon vrindavan

Born and brought up in the countryside in America, in a very liberal household, Sripad Aindra Prabhu was from his very childhood an expert musician and was inclined towards spiritual realization. Although in his childhood he was exposed to various influences of this age of kali, as soon as he came into the association of devotees, within a very short span of time he gave up all his relations in this material world and took the process of Krishna consciousness to heart. In the year 1973, Aindra Prabhu joined the International society for Krishna consciousness and dedicated his entire life to the movement for the pleasure of his spiritual master Srila Prabhupad. In the beginning years he was engaged in distributing books, performing sankirtan and also helping with deity worship, till the year 1986, when he visited Mayapur for the festival marking the 500 hundred years of Mahaprabhu’s birth. In Mayapur he had a desire to start a travelling Sankirtan party but for various reasons this idea of his did not manifest and he came to Sri Vrindavan dham, where he was to spend the rest of his life in the service to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar.

An Ekadasi Memory
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Today being Ekadasi, I was considering whether or not to go out on an errand, and I recalled an incident that took place on Ekadasi in Madras in 1971. Achyutananda, Bhavananda, and I were based in a supporter’s house, and Bhavananda and I were in the mood to go out and preach. Acyutananda, however, said, “No, it’s Ekadasi. We shouldn’t go out. It’s inauspicious. And besides, it looks like rain.” But we thought, “Oh boy, he is so attached to external rules and regulations. We have the real spirit of preaching. We are not going to worry about Ekadasi or some rain.”
When we went out, there was only a light drizzle, but within minutes the sky poured down rain. And the rain didn’t stop; it came down heavier and heavier. In Madras then, at least where we were walking, there was not much of a drainage system—just an open ditch two or three feet deep, lined with concrete. And as the storm continued, the channel filled with water, and soon we couldn’t distinguish between the water on the street, the water in the ditch, and the water in the fields beyond.

Meeting The Dalai Lama in Vrindavan
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Hare KrishnaBy Indradyumna Swami

Yesterday on parikrama with a group of devotees in Gokul, Vrindavan we passed by Karshni Ashram run by Sharanananda Ji Maharaja. When we noticed a small crowd gathering outside we stopped to inquire what was happening. Much to our amazement we were told that His Holiness the Dalai Lama was visiting. We were even more surprised when the leaders of the asrama invited us to meet with him. We spent part of the morning discussing spiritual topics with him and then participated in a yajna and Siva puja in his honor. Later in the afternoon he did a public program that was attended by many important spiritual leaders from Vrindavan. As we drove away after the program I turned to one of our devotees and said, “It’s pretty amazing isn’t it? Of all places, we met the Dalai Lama in Gokul, Vrindavan!”

Barn Ready, Rock Steady: Ananda Vidya and Lalita Gopi
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Hare KrishnaBy Madhava Smullen

Ananda Vidya and Lalita Gopi’s service is often not easy. In the wintertime temperatures regularly drop below freezing. The couple have to break the ice in the water trough so that the cows can drink. They struggle to clean the barn when the cow dung is frozen to the floor and the shovel. And they’ve had to wear heavy layers of clothes and gloves, still shivering because the freezing wind blows right through cracks in the doors and walls. Recent developments, fortunately, have made winters more manageable. Former ECO-V project manager Mukunda Das installed foam insulation in the barn, filled up all the cracks, added a layer of paneling on the walls, and put in new insulated doors; while Mother Jayasri’s son Vasudeva Gosh donated a powerful heater, turning the barn into a warm shelter.

The Legend is Back in Mo-town!
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Hare KrishnaBy Uma devi dasi

When Arjun Bhattacharyya started telling us that Agnideva Prabhu, the legendary Agnideva Das, was coming to Detroit, most of us didn’t believe him. In the spirit of serving a dear and surrendered disciple of Srila Prabhupada, many of us offered to assist in preparing his residence. But our hearts weren’t quite ready to accept that he would actually come; it would be too painful if it didn’t work out and with Prabhu so in demand, we had every reason to think it wouldn’t. But Krishna can make anything happen and He sure did! Agnideva Prabhu came and his depth for kīrtan and bhajan stole the hearts of Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, Novi, Farmington Hills… the heart of Michigan.

Books Are The Basis bulls And Cows Provide The Oasis
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Hare KrishnaBy Daiva dasa

Iskcon Silicon Valley has a most solid reputation for taking wholeheartedly the order of guru and Gauranga, with ‘books are the basis’, as their battle cry. There is no doubt that this community of hard-working, humble and empowered Vaishnavas, will manifest amazing results with this latest venture into cow culture, knowing that all the books that have been distributed, all the seeds of bhakti that have been planted will one day result in millions of people wanting to take up the life of bhakti.  Then we will be sufficiently ready on the farms, where the ‘cows and bulls create the oasis’, for all to take up ‘simple living, high thinking’, living as Krishna Himself lives surrounded by cows and bees in the land of milk and honey.

Steps to Initiation
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Hare KrishnaBy Kripamoya Das

On the day of initiation you will be promising to follow the regulative principles and to chant sixteen rounds every day. You may also be promising to read Srila Prabhupada’s books and to remain faithful to his society. Your guru will give a talk either on the significance of initiation or on the ten offences to the Holy Name. Three strands of tulasi beads will be placed on your neck. You will be asked to perform acaman – a purifying ritual involving sipping water and saying a mantra. You will then be called forward to make your obeisances to Srila Prabhupada and to your guru. Then you will be asked to recite the vows. You’ll be handed your chanting beads, and then given a name ending in dasa or dasi, indicating that you are now initiated. A fire sacrifice follows during which you’ll join in the chanting of prayers to the members of the Vaishnava parampara and the Deities. During the fire sacrifice you will be directed to offer grains into the flames. It is traditional for the new disciple to beg for some alms to give to the spiritual master immediately after the fire sacrifice.

ISKCON Food Relief Foundation receives IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award
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Hare KrishnaBy Radha Krishna Das

The Awards ceremony which was held at Y B Chavan Auditorium Mumbai on 16th March, 2017 saw a gathering of eminent individuals from various sectors like FMCS, Transport, Finance, Healthcare and Social Work. The event was presided over by the esteemed panel consisting of Mr Deepak Premnarayan – President IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr Niraj Bajaj – Chairman, IMC RBNQ Award Trust, Mr Suresh Lulla- Chairman IMC RBNQA as well as members of the Managing Committee of the IMC. The Chief Guest for the evening was Dr R. A. Mashelkar, FRS – National Research Professor & President, Global Research Alliance. Dr Anil Kakodkar – Chairma, Rajiv Gandhi Science & Technology Commission was honored with the IMC Juran Quality Medal 2016.

Kulimela: The Next Generation
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Hare KrishnaBy Madhava Smullen

On the tenth anniversary of the first Kulimela, Kulis explore how to create a new and better world for future generations. There’s a consensus that focusing on healthy marriages and happy families will make for a stronger ISKCON. Kulis are encouraged to invest in the future by teaming together on projects that positively affect children in their local communities. They also discuss making lots of small specialized groups in their communities to encourage members’ interests and make them feel like they belong. The conversation is always empowering. “We are the community, we are the temple, we are ISKCON,” says audience member Syamasundari Dasi from Alachua. “So if something needs to be done, we must step up and do it ourselves.”

Markendeya Rsi prabhu becomes Bhakti Mukunda Swami!
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Hare KrishnaBy Nanda Priya Nivedita Devi Dasi

Markandeya Rsi das from ISKCON Malaysia accepted the renounced order of life from Jayapataka Swami, on the auspicious occasion of Gaura Purnima,14th of March at Sri Mayapur. His new name is Bhakti Mukunda Swami. Joined on the seats of honor along with Jayapataka Swami were Gauranga Prem Swami, Bhakti Nityananda Swami ,Prabha Vishnu Prabhu and Atul Krishna Das. Over 500 people witnessed the Sanyas ceremony. Prabhu Vishnu prabhu spoke about Bhakti Mukunda Swami’s numerous achievements and wished him all success.Jayapataka Swami expressed his happiness on awarding Markandeya prabhu Sanyas and sincerely wished that he would carry forward Srila Prabhupada’s mission. When he received the saffron cloth from Jayapataka Swami, the audience cheered, chanting “Hari Bol! and the traditional Bengali Ulu dhwani.

Becoming a Disciple: Entering the Ocean of Nectar
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Hare KrishnaBy Kripamoya Das

When Srila Rupa Goswami talked about chanting the holy name of Krishna he said that he wished he had hundreds of tongues to sing it, and thousands of ears to hear it. Not for nothing is his book named the Bhakti-Rasa-Amrita-Sindhu or the Nectar Ocean of Devotion. Strangely enough, he also said that the five primary items in the life of bhakti all had to do with taking shelter of a guru and accepting initiation from a guru. Why strange? Because the very name of Krishna, that sound vibration which made him ecstatic, was the same that had been given away freely by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – without the need for initiation. The giving of a – normally secret – mantra is one of the components of traditional initiation into any of the streams of Vedic philosophy and practise. So why is initiation required when the mantra is no longer secret, and when it has been already given to the prospective chanter, perhaps even in the street?

The Guru: A Checklist
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Hare KrishnaBy Kripamoya Das

Here is a brief checklist to help you with your testing of a prospective guru. Education. Has he studied Vedic literature sufficiently to become a teacher? Has he become an expert in any particular literature? Has he passed any examinations? Can he recite verses from memory? Does he demonstrate his learning by references when he gives classes? Is he faithful to Srila Prabhupada’s translations and commentaries in his presentations? Are you sure that he does not unduly emphasize any particular portion of the philosophy but provides a balanced presentation? Is he knowledgeable of Deity worship? Does he perform Deity worship himself? Can he conduct ceremonies and teach others how to celebrate festivals? Does he know how to cook for Krishna? Does he know the standard Vaishnava songs and prayers?

Opposites & Unlikely Sources
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Hare KrishnaBy Kesava Krsna dasa

Just as the pumpkin transformed into an impressive stagecoach which took Cinderella to the ball, the magic of trnad api …. By which we can obtain Sri Guru’s grace, Sri Nityananda’s grace who as Sri Balarama will be pleased to transform Iskcon into a dazzling Vaikuntha airplane. Our ploughing will then become an easier affair.

New questions same as the old ones
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Hare KrishnaBy Kripamoya Das

I often get asked questions by people who are looking for a guru: “What sort of teacher should I be looking for?” is shortly followed by: “And where do I begin looking for someone like that?” After they’ve thought a few moments the next question is: “What sort of things do I have to do before I can become someone’s student?” “What happens if I don’t quite measure up?” Some time later the questions are more about what will happen after they become initiated: “What is he supposed to teach me?” “How do I know if he’s teaching me the right things?” Lots of questions but, strangely enough, the same questions that people have been asking for a long time. Proof of this is that way back in the 14th century a great spiritual teacher named Vedanta Deshika gave answers to these questions in a short book – Nyasa Vimsati. The answers proved so popular and correct that Gopala Bhatta Goswami included them in his handbook of devotional practise, standard for Gaudiya Vaishnavas for the last 500 years.

BBT Day 2017
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktivedanta Book Trust

Our Relationship with Srila Prabhupada’s Books. Srila Prabhupada was concerned that devotees (“centres”) producing his books independently was undermining and potentially threatening the viability of the BBT. · “This must not go on” illustrates an unambiguous desire on his part to stop any printing of his books separate from the BBT. · He stresses that he created the BBT specifically to be the exclusive medium by which his books, lectures, and so on, are to be published and made available. · The BBT has an economic role in funding ISKCON projects. · Diverting revenues elsewhere (by setting up independent printing operations) would undermine the revenue sources for such projects.

Back home, to our True Shelter
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Hare KrishnaBy Romapada Swami

We are very limited. We have tiny knowledge and tiny happiness and tiny free will. We don’t miss our free will, proof is, here we are the place people reside who misused their free will. Some few rathayatras ago I was introduced to a Chinese lady, married to an Indian man. That was a very interesting combination. An elderly, little older and when introduced to her she said I just have one question. What is that? Why creation? I said fantastic question. And the short answer is two parts. We wanted it, when we make a mistake isn’t there a good reason for wanting it? Try to come up with the good reason for wanting it, there isn’t any good reason. It was bad and its really dumb to make such a free will choice, as wanting a place of enjoyment separate from Krishna, such a place doesn’t exist there is no such thing, its illusion, its maya, that’s what maya means, that which it is not. Ma Ya, not this. Doesn’t exist, we desired it, that’s one of the reasons. Opportunity for living to try to fulfill their desire and enjoy separately from Krishna, when here is no such thing. So, the creation comes. And the other is, for Mahavishnu to provide an opportunity for the living entities to come to the position where the fullness of their happiness can be experienced, that’s the hidden purpose of creation. The misery and disappointment, when we want happiness, we get something else, is to help us have the impetus to turn to Krishna again. And there is another reason giving maya something to do. It’s compassion, compassion, and compassion.