By Mahatma Das The husband as the guru of the wife is an interesting topic. Some men operate under the paradigm that since I am the guru of my wife, she is duty-bound to do anything I ask of her. I am not saying it is not the duty of the wife to submis…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Husband as Guru
Parallels (Alien Identities)
→ Dandavats
By Krishna-kripa Das
“This idea of love in relation to the Supreme Person can be compared with the ‘universal love’ mentioned in many UFO communications. These communications often define the ultimate One as an impersonal energy or force. Yet love is something having to do with persons. If the One is impersonal in nature, then how can love have a truly universal role? Note that this problem does not come up in modern scientific theories. According to modern science, love is simply a recent outgrowth of hominid evolution in Africa, and it has nothing to do with ultimate causes. But if the personal quality of love is a fundamental feature of nature, then it is natural to ask how this could be. If there is a Transcendental Person behind the universe, then the answer is that the universe was crafted according to the loving intentions of that person.”
Gujaratis donate over $1mn for Iskcon temple project
→ Dandavats
By The Times of India Ahmedabad: Alfred Brush Ford and his wife Sharmila organized a fundraiser at Iskcon temple on Saturday evening for the ambitious Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir (Temple of the Vedic Planetarium). Ford had started his Gujarat travel…
Beautiful New Mayapur, France
→ Dandavats
By Vrsabhanu dasa The community of New Mayapur is situated near the Loire Valley in Central France. On the property of 80 hectars we find the beautiful Chateau d’Oublaise, rebuilt in the late 19th century. In the mid-seventies Srila Prabhupada visited…
Four key things for raising children in Krishna Consciousness
→ Dandavats
By Urmila Devi Dasi What are the principles that make the difference in whether or not children take up Krishna consciousness? Here are four powerful and effective keys regardless of where your children go to school, where you live, or what your family…
A letter circulated to Jim Kohr’s (Jayananda) classmates
→ Dandavats
By Andrew Hallum I was repeatedly asked, “What was Jim like in school?” Well, you know, that was quite a few years ago. I had even forgotten, or just not given a thought to the fact that Jim and I lived in the same cabin in summer camp. I forgot that u…
What Abortionists Don’t Know
→ Dandavats
By His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada This is a very important verse. The modern scientists, philosophers, they say that after finishing this body, we no more exist, finished, everything finished. This is not new. In olden times also t…
The Yoga of Love – Beyond illness and psychotherapies
→ Dandavats
By Matsyavatar das
Normality and illness only exist in the illusionary vision of man. In reality, there is only the immense path of spiritual evolution, characterized by vicissitudes, incidents, stages, progresses, stasis, deviations, falls and imprisonments. Certain incidents are isolated and classified by medicine and psychology as “illness”. Then medicine and psychology study them under an unconscious perspective and do not take under account the evolution context in which they are inserted. These sciences can still obtain respectable, considerable and useful short-term results, but these are only limited to the symptoms. They can also have a certain prevention capability, however the entity and means of their cure and prevention cannot go beyond to reach the substance. This is because they are not contextualized into reality and into the process of spiritual evolution, which are mostly invisible even though they are sometimes remotely perceivable.
Curing Depression with Spirituality
→ Dandavats
By Sri Nandanandana dasa In spite of what a person who is suffering depression may think, it is actually very easy to overcome depression from a spiritual point of view. It is not at all as difficult as one imagines. And this is a major issue, since it…
Psychotherapy and the Practice of Krishna Consciousness
→ Dandavats
By Karnamrita Das and Arcana siddhi Devi Dasi Chanting the holy name and engaging in Bhakti-yoga (Krishna consciousness or devotional service) is the ultimate process of purification and healing in our tradition of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. The process of c…
Where Do Our Departed Vaisnavas Go?
→ Dandavats
By Kesava Krsna Dasa We all practice sadhana-bhakti, and to achieve perfection in it by taking another happy birth enables a Vaisnava/i to associate with and obtain blessings from those eternally liberated souls forever serving with the Lord. In this …
Natural Economy, Cow Protection and the Mode of Goodness.
→ Dandavats
By Dusantya Das
Like so many things, both Economy and Cow Protection can exist in the Mode of Ignorance, the Mode of Passion and the Mode of Goodness. And although the Economic models can be perceived easily through the different modes of Nature, its way more difficult to differentiate Cow Protection within the different modes of Nature. It’s only been within the last 20 years or so that Cow Protection has taken on any kind of form. That it is not just a bunch of cows hanging around a field with red hands all over them and old Maha garlands hanging dishevelled on their horns. At least, on some Cow Protection projects it has been realised there are models to follow, albeit within the two lower modes of nature.
Successful methods of outreach
→ Dandavats
By Kalakanta Das A recent presentation in Bhaktivedanta Manor about Iskcon Gainesville’s, (Florida, USA) successful program of bringing in new devotees. Focusing on recruiting, preparing the proper environment, tolerate breaking secondary rules and cor…
The Magic of Hearing About Krishna and His Devotees
→ Dandavats
By Vishakha Devi DasiWhy hearing is the first and most important of the nine kinds of devotional service to the Lord. When I first read that hearing is the most important of the nine kinds of devotional service, I was confused. I was twenty-one at the …
The Fallacy of Fault-finding
→ Dandavats
By Madhavananda Das
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami: You have no right to chastise, no right to correct anyone. You are not guru. Guru has that right. If you see something and you have a good heart, “He is doing something wrong that is detrimental to his bhakti.” Then go to him, pay obeisances, and tell him confidentially, not in front of others, “O my brother, I see this thing and it pains me very much that you are doing this and this. This is a great impediment on the path of devotion. I fear you will not be able to make any advancement. Therefore I am coming to you and telling you. O my friend, please don’t do it. Be serious about your bhajana.
World Holy Name Week 2016 report
→ Dandavats
By Ekalavya Das
ISKCON or the International Society for Krishna Consciousness has been known for propagating the Holy Name of Lord Krishna through the Hare Krishna Mahamantra worldwide as instructed by our previous acharyas. The weeklong festival celebrated every year aims towards engaging devotees in spreading the glories of the holy name everywhere through special kirtans, events, harinams and much more. For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and in celebration of ISKCON50, World Holy Name Week 2016 was celebrated between July 18 – August 14, 2016. We have received a total of 44 reports – 5 from overseas and the rest from India.
India: Ahmedabad, Amravati, Aravade, Baroda, Beed, Belgaum, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Chennai, Dabilpur, Delhi, Govardhan Eco Village, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Katra, Kaundanyapur, Kurukshetra, Manipur, Mayapur, Nagpur, Nasik, Nellore, Nigdi, Noida, Panchsheel, Pandharpur, Pune, Rajkot, Siliguri, Solapur, Surat, Tirupati, Udhampur, Vijaywada and Vrindavan
Overseas: Australia, Mauritius, New Zealand, Singapore and UK
The Need for Struggling Together to Help Each Other
→ Dandavats
By Niranjana Swami I wanted to express my convictions today, not based upon my position as an “authority”, but from a personal and open-hearted viewpoint of someone who has had many years of experience in ISKCON. If you see any validity to these years …
North American Leadership conference 2017
→ Dandavats
By Mukhya Devi Dasi
Recent studies have shown that excessive incense smoke inhalation is on a similar level to inhaling secondary cigarette smoke, it contains volatile compounds which are toxic to the human body. Two members of the ISV congregation went for a physical and the doctor asked them how long they had been smokers. They had never been smokers. Inquiring about their lifestyle he deduced their smoker’s lungs were the result of excessive exposure to incense smoke. He related an article on Buddhist monks who had led a simple pure life being diagnosed with lung cancer and it was discovered this was a result of the exposure to so much incense smoke. A proposed solution, a recommendation, which the deity worship minister concurs is fine, is to offer one stick only or even cut the stick in half or less. And after offering make a place outside and plant it there. But don’t snuff it out after offering.
You are too weak to ride on the bus. You will ride in my car!
→ Dandavats
By Yamuna Devi DasiHe was so engaged, so busy, preaching to tens of thousands of people and taking care of our entire Society, yet he personally took charge of my recovery. To this day I become emotional just remembering this. For me it only increased …
Caring For Devotees: The Spiritual Counselor System
→ Dandavats
By Radhanath Swami A devotee has given his whole life to serve this mission, and then he becomes very sick. He needs help. He lays sick on the floor “I can’t do my service.” And we say, “You are in maya. You are not the body.” “Thank you. Philosophical…
Wikipedia features Srila Prabhupada and the 50th anniversary of Mantra-Rock Dance on its Main Page
→ Dandavats
By Madana-mohan das On January 29, Wikipedia made a tribute to ISKCON50 by featuring a prominent reference to the 50th anniversary of the Mantra-Rock Dance, complete with an image of the famous promotional poster with Srila Prabhupada, under its “On Th…
Krishna is fond When we do bond In sharing views We destroy our blues
→ Dandavats
By Bhaktimarga Swami Another verse from the Bhagavad-gita confirms the notion of chatting on spiritual topics. Such activity brings about the greatest joy. If we talk of practical matters we may get bored. If we talk of purely mundane matters that ar…
Offering Dandavat: A Nurturing Display of Surrender
→ Dandavats
By Urmila Devi Dasi Surrender to the Supreme Whole is not an abnegation of will but a willful decision to “respond rightly to the dancing of Krishna” rather than dance independently, as Prabhupada writes in Krishna, Chapter 33. He also says that the wh…
No One Can Help You Like You Can
→ Dandavats
By Mahatma Das
A devotee asked Prabhupada for help, saying that he was not able to follow the four rules. Prabhupada looked sternly at him and said, “If you do not follow the regulative principles, then no one can help you’.” Following the practices of Krsna consciousness is the platform from which help comes. It is not that we attract mercy by virtue of the fact that we are so fallen that we can’t follow or don’t try to follow. To think this way only perpetuates the problem. Devotees feel in great need of mercy, not because they are having difficulty following principles or vows, but because they don’t feel they are spiritually advanced and thus need help.
“Giving and Receiving Gifts”
→ Dandavats
By Indradyumna Swami If the opulence or knowledge of many millions of universes were clustered together, they would hardly equal a small fragment of the glory of Krsna’s holy name. Krsna’s holy name is my life. It is the goal of my life. It is the mean…
Preparing For The Final Exam
→ Dandavats
By Bhakti Prabhava Swami Srila Prabhupada recommends that we prepare ourselves for death by training our minds to constantly remember the Lord and His holy names. We should become capable of continuously remembering the Lord, even amidst the disturbanc…
What a saint learned from a prostitute
→ Dandavats
By Chaitanya Charan das Frustration gives way to illumination during one extraordinary night in the life of a prostitute. While prostitutes are often depicted negatively in traditional literature, some religious texts depict them positively as testimo…
The importance of reading
→ Dandavats
By Antaryami das In the Dallas temple, before the devotees and the Deities in early 1983, H.H. Tamal Krsna Goswami read out a letter from Srila Prabhupada: “My dear Tamal, the temple is likened to a military training camp where persons come and are tra…
Schooling In The Realm Of Stupidity
→ Dandavats
By Kesava Krsna dasa
Albert Einstein had the insight to observe that two things were infinite: [1] Human stupidity and [2] The cosmos. But he wasn’t too sure about the second one.. There was one sagely looking fellow, a Mr. Darwin, who when analyzing the complexities of an eye, saw the absurdity of his own evolution theory, but has to his credit, convinced of the subsequent need to institutionalize his theory in school text books worldwide. When our children go to school to be indoctrinated with the thesis that we are just walking mechanistic soul-less bags of chemicals, which yell ouch! when its c-fibers are firing, being mere units of stardust hurtling mindlessly through outer space for no reason whatsoever, except through the velocity of the fateful detonation at the beginning of time, a nasty trend is set.
Gaura-vani: God’s greatest gift
→ Dandavats
By Gokulananda das Through their inspired and enlightening writings, the world can now drink deeply at the inexhaustible fountain of truth of Gaura-vani, His perfect theistic revelations. Although amply confirmed in many Vedic scriptures, His divinity …
The Richard L Thompson Archives: The Oral History Project
→ Dandavats
By Prishni Devi Dasi
RLTA is conducting an oral history project focusing on Sadaputa’s biographical material as a founding member of Srila Prabhupada’s Bhaktivedanta Institute. This interview with Yamaraja dasa, who worked closely with Sadaputa over the years designing the layout and covers for his numerous books and BTG articles, highlights how much he is missed by his many admirers.
The Jewel is rising – A new center opening in East Africa
→ Dandavats
By Caitanya Visnu Das
On 5th January 2016, The ISKCON Dar Es Salaam, centre was opened by HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja. A Yagna and Abhishek were performed to please their Lordships Sri Sri Gaura Nitai. The ceremonies were performed by H.G Seva Atula Das, H.G Radhadyuti Das and H.G Caitanya Visnu Das. Local devotees had travelled from Nairobi to perform Kirtan at the festivals. H.G Umapatti describes the scene” The people of Dar are very simple; most people live in the city. They respect a lot. Very easy to preach. With 50% population being followers of the Muslim tradition and the other 50% Christians still there is so much support, even when we go Harinam they chant and dance.”
Bhagavad Gita As It Is – foundation for peace and happiness of the world
→ Dandavats
By Vikramini devi dasi Looking at the ruins of what we’ve been calling until recently Western civilization, I can say that the mankind is illogical and irrational. Led by misguided and selfish leaders, people themselves planned and led their existence …
108 Mistakes I Have Made or I Have Seen Made by Other Leaders
→ Dandavats
By Mahatma Das 1. When taking over a position, department, project, preaching center, temple, etc., to immediately begin making drastic changes. 2. To play favorites or to speak against or criticize certain sections of devotees. 3. To do or say anyt…
Chanting for Higher Consciousness: A Cultural History
→ Dandavats
By Vaishnava Das It’s a scene that has been repeated countless times on the thoroughfares of cities throughout the Western world-from Hollywood Boulevard and Fifth Avenue in America, to London’s Oxford Street and the Champs Elysees in Paris. There, in…
Bhakti Centre (BC), a HK Youth Hostel in Harrow, London (England)
→ Dandavats
David: Bhakti Centre is a unique project, inspired by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, who wanted to open a Youth Hostel in London to distribute Hari Katha.Read More…
Mayapur Academy opens regional campus in Villa Vrindavan
→ Dandavats
By Nrsimha Kavaca dasa
Mayapur Academy has had great success over the past 10 years, yet it is not always easy for devotees to be away from their service or home for four months. To address this challenge faced by some devotees, ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry is now bringing Mayapur Academy to the world of ISKCON for the first time. This April, ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry, partnering with ISKCON Villa Vrindavan, will expand its offerings by conducting a 12-week training program at beautiful Villa Vrindavan. Villa Vrindavan will become a regional campus of the Mayapur Academy and offer course units in temple worship, brahminical culture & ethics, deity dressing, cooking for the deity, temple festivals (including maha abhisek), jewellry making, and a course in caring for and worshiping Tulasi devi. This will be the first time that devotees will be able to receive comparable training outside of Mayapur, and we encourage all interested devotees to participate.
The spirituality of money
→ Dandavats
By Kesava Swami I recently connected with a childhood friend who also became a monk. As you can imagine, we had lots to talk about, and lots in common. In his tradition, one of the monastic vows is to never touch money; and if he does, even by accident…
→ Dandavats
By Karnamrita Das
Srila Prabhupada has compared chanting the holy name to making ghee. In ghee making, we boil butter, and must work to skim off the “impurities” or milk solids which rise to the surface. Then we will be able to create clarified butter, or ghee, which has so many medicinal properties and uses. This is an interesting analogy which can help us in our daily spiritual practice. We can think of our spiritual practices, like chanting the holy name, as the cleansing fire, that is meant to burn up the impurities or material contaminations. If we expect to go anywhere spiritually we have to keep turning on the fire of purification through the nine processes of bhakti, especially hearing and chanting, so we can remember who we actually are as sparks of Divinity imbued with the serving nature, beyond material changeable designations.
Freedom from feeling blame and offense against oneself
→ Dandavats
By Urmila Devi Dasi
Our life is full of anguish when others unjustly blame us… we feel offended and angry, and feel a strong urge to defend ourselves. Is there another way, a way to freedom? “For it is in this way that you will begin to gain freedom; soon you will not care if they speak ill or well of you; it will seem like someone else’s business. It will be as if two persons are talking in your presence and you are quite uninterested in what they are saying because you are not actually being addressed by them. So here: it becomes such a habit with us not to reply that it seems as if they are not addressing us at all. This may seem impossible to those of us who are very sensitive and not capable of great mortification. It is indeed difficult at first, but I know that, with the Lord’s help, the gradual attainment of this freedom, and of renunciation and self-detachment, is quite possible.”