Preaching Mistakes I Have Made or Have Seen Other’s Make
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Hare KrishnaBy Mahatma Das

1. Preaching without trying to understand people’s needs and interests 2. Continuing to speak without determining if people are understanding or accepting what you are saying 3. Not paying attention when people talk 4. Interrupting people when they talk 5. Not letting people talk 6. Speaking in a dogmatic way rather than making a logical and scientific presentation 7. Introducing or speaking elaborately on a very elevated subject that people may not be able to understand 8. Introducing or getting stuck on controversial topics 9. Compromising the truth to speak palatably 10. Not compromising the truth, yet not speaking in a way to get people to accept 11. Not giving enough preliminary explanation on a subject 12. Not relating the subject to people’s practical lives

Second Call for Homages for Srila Prabhupada’s 2017 Vyasa Puja Book
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Hare KrishnaBy Dravida dasa

*Absolutely no offerings will be accepted after April 15, 2017.* Offerings must be in English. Please restrict the length to a maximum of 3,000 words. Please omit all diacritics on words that can be found in the VedaBase. It’s easier for us to put them in. If you quote a verse from outside the VedaBase or compose original Sanskrit, please include diacritics. Do not “recycle” an offering — no offerings from previous years will be accepted. The Vyasa-puja book is meant for glorifying Srila Prabhupada, not venting grievances. The BBT reserves the right to reject an offering it deems inappropriate or to ask for a rewrite. When writing an offering on behalf of a temple or other unit, please try to write in such a way that the other devotees in your unit can also identify with the offering. Who may write an offering?

Reasons We Blame or Criticize Others
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Hare KrishnaBy Mahatma das

You feel entitled to special treatment or status, and when you don’t get it you become critical of those who should give it (or who should arrange for it to be given). You have a strong need to be right which manifests as a strong need to make others wrong. You are trying to get attention or communicate your feelings but you lack the proper skills to do this, and thus the only way to get attention is through criticism. You are an expert in a specific area(s) and therefore criticize or condemn others for their ignorance or inability. When you are misunderstood, your frustration manifests as criticism of other’s lack of ability or intelligence to understand you. You feel rejected by someone through their words or behavior and you condemn them for rejecting you.

Happiness in Devotional Service
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Hare KrishnaBy Romapada Swamii

Here are some of the following few ways to practically apply and understand whether the happiness experienced is for own satisfaction or for the satisfaction of the Lord: 1. We can check our internal consciousness when we experience happiness (i.e. introspect). Ask yourself “Is this experience based on a selfish motivation, e.g. derived from an activity that we love to do, or perhaps an activity which will put us in the forefront, making us more noticeable thus helping us to gain appreciation from others?”

Vaishnava winter festival – BALTIC 2017
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Hare KrishnaBy Vaishnava das

Winter Festival is being held in exceptionally beautiful place – Seminar and recreation center “Dubingiai”. Residential space is located in 4 separate buildings. Conference halls are in a separate enclosure near residential buildings. During the festival the devotees are able to rest in comfortably furnished rooms. In each room there are comfortable beds, white linens, shower, wc. Children at the festival will be able to participate in their own workshops, which will take place in a separate room. One separate room will be devoted to recreation for mothers with young children.

Anand Utsav celebrated at ISKCON Gaya
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On 13th Evening Anand Utsav(Festival of Joy) was celebrated at Dharm Sabha Bhawan, Gaya. Inspite of a cold weather about 500 people attended and enjoyed the festival. Program started with a melodious kirtan followed by a wonderful lecture by Hg Devaki Nandan Prabhu (Zonal Secretary, Bihar & Jharkhand). He declared that very soon a beautiful Radha Krishna temple will be built in the holy land of Gaya. A drama on Me & Mind was performed. Program ends with Aarti and delicious dinner prasadam

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Sworn With the Bhagavad Gita Once Again
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Hare KrishnaBy

WASHINGTON, DC–Last week Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) celebrated her re-election to US House of Representatives and was sworn into session. She took her oath of office on the Bhagavad Gita once again. After the ceremony, family, friends, and supporters gathered together and visited Rep. Gabbard and congratulated her. “Tulsi shared how the Bhagavad Gita continues to serve as an inspiration in her life, and how grateful she is to the people of Hawaii for allowing her to continue to serve in Congress,” said a statement from her office. Separately, sealing a historic breakthrough for Indian-Americans, five were sworn-in on earlier this month as members of the US Congress — one of them, Kamala Harris, becoming the first to become a Senator. Ami Bera, who was the only Indian-American in the 435-member House of Representatives and re-elected in the November elections, was joined by the four others, increasing the Indian-American contingent to five members in the Congress. All five are Democrats and three of them — Harris, Bera and Representative Ro Khanna — are from California. The other two Representatives are Raja Krishnamoorthi from Illinois and Pramila Jayapal from Washington state.

TOVP Chairman’s 2016 Year End Report
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Hare KrishnaBy Darpa-ha Krishna das

Ambarisa das: 2016 was a challenging year for the TOVP. However, we have come through unscathed and stronger than before. Construction continues unabated, and fundraising is branching out into newer areas all the time. Significant challenges remain, including the recent currency upheaval in India. The TOVP is more than ever depending on the friends and supporters of Srila Prabhupada’s TOVP to finish this project for the glory of Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada.

Do …barbers exist?
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Hare KrishnaVaisnava dasa: How can you say that,” asked the surprised barber. “I am here, I am a barber and I just worked on you!” “No!” the customer exclaimed. “Barbers don’t exist because if they did there would be no people with long dirty hair and untrimmed beards like that man outside.” “Ah, but barbers do exists! What happens is people don’t come to me.”

An ethical scorpion
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Hare KrishnaKunja Bihari Devi Dasi: Although they speak about universal love and brotherhood, the non-theistic moralists, like their immoral brothers, are unable to appreciate others as anything more than dull matter. Their perception is limited to the external body, and the relationships they form with others are similarly skin- deep—shallow, short-lived, and ultimately prone towards exploitation. Since they identify themselves as temporary matter, there is no reason for them to perform truly selfless acts.

After the Disappearance of Sri Guru
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Hare KrishnaBy Gour Govinda Swami

“Krishna is My life. Now My life has gone out. I cannot see Krishna, I cannot find Krishna.” He cried piteously when Haridas Thakur disappeared. “Krishna is so merciful. He gave Me the association of such a dear devotee who was always with Krishna. But now he disappeared, so I cannot feel the presence of Krishna who is My life. I am without life, I am without life.” That is how one should cry.

After the Disappearance of Sri Guru – Part Two: The Dark Period
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Hare KrishnaBy Gour Govinda Swami

Still, after the disappearance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, a black period was there. Who fulfilled Mahaprabhu’s prediction? Bhaktivinode Thakur started. Because India was blindly following the West, he thought that the books and teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu should be presented in English‚ and that this science should be taught in the Western world.

How is Space in Srimad Bhagavatam Different from Space in Modern Science?
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Hare KrishnaBy Rsiraja Das

Material and spiritual “sciences” are different because their roots are different. But the underlying principles of space and position are similar and can be understood in a similar manner. By understanding how atoms in material space are nodes of a tree emanating from Ksirodakasayi Visnu, we can understand how the soul is an atom emanating from Krishna. Ksirodakasayi Visnu is in each atom not physically but semantically: to understand the atom, we must know the root from which it emanates. Similarly, Krishna is in all of us not physically but semantically: if we know how we are connected to Krishna, we fully know ourselves.

December marathon 2016 — VrindavanDham
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Hare KrishnaBy bhaktin Anya

Every day thousands of people from all over India come to Vrindavan. Especially over the last few years the number has been increasing very rapidly. I was surprised to see that the people didn’t know much about the extreme sanctity and transcendental value of the place they were in. In this way I had a nice opportunity to speak about Vrindavan. I used to say: “Do you know that you are very fortunate? Do you know why? It is because you are in the spiritual capital of all the three worlds. Everyone who comes to Vrindavan gets special benefit.” Like this I was addressing each family. And after that we had nice discussions about Bhagavad Gita and the philosophy of Krishna consciousness. Sometimes some persons refused to take a book because they considered themselves contaminated. Yes, nowadays, even in India, people are inclined to do many kinds of nonsense such as drinking liquor or going to nightclubs and so on.