Srila Prabhupada Book Review Contest’ for 2,500 School Students by Iskcon Miraroad
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Hare KrishnaBy Krishna Nandan Das & Bhagavati Kripa Devi Dasi

As an offering for ISKCON 50 and for the pleasure of Guru & Gauranga, teachers of NICE (Narasimha Institute for Children’s Education) decided to conduct ‘Srila Prabhupada Book Review Contest’ in the schools as an interschool competition. The main aim of this contest was to introduce Srila Prabhupada to as many students as possible. Execution: The teachers of NICE approached 90 schools for this project. We presented this project to the Principal of the school with a file containing a letter, a booklet that described Srila Prabhupada and his achievements, a Question Bank consisting of 100 questions based on this booklet (question bank was prepared by H.G. Kamal Lochan Prabhu). Here the questionnaire was of the objective type. This contest should ideally be conducted in school premises itself, depending on the convenience of school authorities. The students from std. 4th to 6th formed the junior section and students from 7th to 9th, the senior section.

Srila Prabhupada and Moon Landings
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Hare KrishnaBy Sitalatma das​

The subject of Moon landings has been contentious for devotees since forever and it is often cited as a reason to accuse us of shutting down our intelligence and blindly following gurus, or, even worse, as a reason to attack Śrīla Prabhupāda’s integrity. The fact that we don’t have an official position on it doesn’t help either, leaving each one of us to our own devices. There must be devotees who made their peace with it and take one of Prabhupāda’s explanations as a shared truth between them and can’t care less what the rest of the world thinks about it. Intruding into these personal relationships would be inappropriate. Yet there are also devotees who simply don’t know what to say and try to avoid the topic if it comes up or blurt out the first thing that comes to their minds. One such strategy is to compare Prabhupāda’s Moon statements with the bulk of his spiritual message and declare them insignificant. This is a tacit admission that Prabhupāda was wrong. There are also devotees who go into Moon landing conspiracy and continue arguing that it was a hoax, often coupled with arguments that the Earth is really flat and NASA has been lying to people about every aspect of their programs and all other world space agencies and governments are in on it. This makes for a lively debate but also makes them look insane in the eyes of many.

Devotees provide hot, fresh meals for the community
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Hare KrishnaBy Nameera Sarjoo

The Hare Krishna Movement distributed food, drinks and sweet parcels in the Ladysmith community on Saturday morning. They went out to different areas to hand out fresh, hot food and juices. The recipients were extremely grateful for the devotees’ kind gesture, saying that it really touched their hearts and lifted their spirits. The friendly team also took some time to mingle with the people, making it a special day for all. This ‘Food for Life’ programme was initially started by His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It is a worldwide initiative that continues on a daily basis. Ladysmith’s ‘Food for Life’ provides this service once a month to the community and surrounding areas. The members of the Hare Krishna Movement wish to place on record their sincere appreciation to all the donors and well-wishers.

Houston’s Four-Day ISKCON 50 Celebration a Grand Success
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Hare KrishnaBy Chirag Bhatt

Special guests also included Harris County District Attorney, Kim Ogg; Pat Hallisey, Mayor of League City and his wife Janice; Dr. Catherine O’Brien, vice chancellor of San Jacinto College; David Williams, Principal at Seabrook Intermediate School; Matt Khan of Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston, who remarked, “The hospitality was exceptional and I learned a great deal about the history of ISKCON.” Also attending were Rev. Gena Davis of Houston’s grace Episcopal Church, a certified yoga teacher who incorporates yoga in her ministry; Rev. David Carter of the Unitarian Church of Wichita, Kansas perhaps the first Gaudiya Vaisnava devotee to lead such a church and congregation; representatives of the local Focolare community; board members of Houston’s Rothko Chapel; and Dr. Zahra Jamal, Associate Director of the Boniuk Institute for Religious Tolerance at Rice University. Representatives of Hindu organizations included those from BAPS, Voice of Sanatan Hinduism, Hindus of Greater Houston, ICC, the Hindu Heritage Foundation, Ashtalaksmi Temple, Sri Sita Ram Foundation, Mahatma Gandhi Library, Banke Bihari Pariwar, the Indo American Political Group and the Youth Leadership Development Program (YLDP). The gala also featured art and devotional music (kirtan) by local devotees and a unique ice sculpture and rangoli (colored powder) depiction of the ISKCON logo.

Modern science discovers the benefits of meditation
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Hare KrishnaBy Giriraj dasa

But now, scientists say that meditators may be benefiting from changes in their brains. The researchers report that those who meditated for about 30 minutes a day for eight weeks had measurable changes in gray-matter density in parts of the brain associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress. M.R.I. brain scans taken before and after the participants’ meditation regimen found increased gray matter in the hippocampus, an area important for learning and memory. The images also showed a reduction of gray matter in the amygdala, a region connected to anxiety and stress. A control group that did not practice meditation showed no such changes.

The Mauritius Harinama Team Organized 2 Padayatras For Iskcon 50Th Anniversary
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Hare KrishnaBy Panchatattva Dasa

On our way we noticed a wedding ceremony being held and as we got closer, to our surprise, all the baratis or wedding guests came out to join us in the kirtana. The newlywed couple even took the chance to offer incense to the Lords –we are certain that they received Their blessings. Amazingly, we ended the padayatra in an Arya Samaj Hall, even though it is well known that the Arya Samaj in Mauritius do not accept deity worship in their compound. However, we were warmly welcomed with our deities. Asim Krishna Dasa, originally from India, gave a wonderful lecture bringing the padayatra to a close.

Wishing You A Merry Krishnas…
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By Niscala Dasi

It struck me the other day the astonishing similarity between the words Christmas and Krishna- Prabhupada once pointed out the similarity between the words Christ and Krishna, but when “mas” is added, and the “i” is shortened, the similarity becomes much stronger- one could even say to someone “krsnas tu bhagavan swayam” and they might respond “What was that about Christmas?” We all know the magic and enchantment that the word “Christmas” had over us when we were young, as we knew that from this word, everything of our hearts’ desire would be manifest, and as we chanted the word, we would long for Christmas to come. It is not all that different when we chant the name of Krishna- from Him alone, all the gifts in the world are given. Like the personality of Christmas, Santa Claus, there is the personality of Krishna, who through mystic potency or magic, makes gifts for all the children of the world (such as rain, sunshine, fresh air, potent seed grains, our bodies and knowledge), via the help of His people who work on His behalf, the demigods and other devotees who are known as “desire trees”.

ISKCON Connection Hopes to Bring International Family Together
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Hare KrishnaBy Madhava Smullen

New website hopes to get an accurate count of all ISKCON members for the first time ever, and to help them feel part of an international family by connecting them to all the inspirational activities in ISKCON around the world. The website is the face of ISKCON Connection, ISKCON’s global membership program, developed by the GBC and based at ISKCON’s headquarters in Mayapur, West Bengal. “We’re inviting all devotees, well-wishers and friends of Krishna to stand up and be counted as part of our spiritual family,” says team-leader Praharana Dasi. “This is important because we have no idea how many of us there are in the world – we just have guesses.”

The Necessity of Reading Srila Prabhupada’s Books to Keep Him in the Center
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Hare KrishnaBy Kesava Bharati Dasa Goswami

How to judge whether the hearing is being done properly by measuring its effect: “A devotee should always see that his Vaisnava qualities increase with the advancement of his Krsna consciousness. A devotee should be blameless because any offense by the devotee is a scar on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The devotee’s duty is to be always conscious in his dealings with others, especially with another devotee of the Lord.” (Bhagavatam 3.16.5, purport) Herein lies the secret to improving our dealings with one another and, by the cooperative spirit that results from such amicable dealings, to solve seemingly intractable problems.

The Soul of ISKCON
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Hare KrishnaBy Nashvin Gangaram

Srila Prabhupada is the soul of ISKCON and ISKCON is his body. Because ISKCON is a spiritual organization, both body and soul are non-different. Srila Prabhupada continues to act effectively in this world so long as ISKCON remains the instrument of his will. He holds a unique position in ISKCON as its Founder-Acharya: “Just like if I am taken as the origin of this Krishna consciousness movement, that means I know everything directly and indirectly of all this movement. If I do not know directly or indirectly everything of this movement, then I cannot be called the Founder-Acharya.” (Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture, Caracas, 21 February 1975)

Srila Prabhupada Book Distribution Marathon Message
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhakti Charu Swami

Srila Prabhupada: “From your letter, I can understand that you are reading my books nicely and understanding our philosophy. This is wanted. By reading my books carefully, you will become enthused to distribute them more and more in greater quantities. If you continue in this way being very much determined to achieve success in this lifetime, following all the rules, chanting at least sixteen rounds, and reading my books, then all of your desires to advance in Krsna consciousness will be fulfilled and you will surely attain spiritual perfection and be able to go back to Godhead, very soon.”

Natural Economy replaces Capitalism
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Hare KrishnaBy Dusyanta das

Now we can follow the Global Economic model and hear the comprehensive reports and opinions on Capitalistic health it has now become apparent that the capitalistic model is on the cusp of failing and disappearing. It’s not that an economic model that has been conceived by man will last forever as long as we maintain its veracity. All things created by man are imperfect, transient and liable to fail. And today in 2016 the Capitalistic model has reached its zenith and now is on the way down and out. It does not come as any surprise for devotees that man-made processes and systems have a limited capacity and lifetime. Capitalism is created, approximately 250 years ago, its maintained for some time and then its self-destroyed.

Standing Rock: The American Kumbh Mela
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Hare KrishnaBy Sankirtana Das

America, and the world, sorely needs these types of examples more than ever. But warriors have to be leaders and courageous and generous, all at the same time. It’s not easy. The responsibilities of a warrior/leader are brought in sharp focus in the ancient epic Mahabharata. I think Mahabharata is one of the most valuable stories for healing and for seekers of spiritual wisdom in our time. The story is about five warrior brothers – the Pandavas – and their common wife struggling to stand up to tyranny and at the same time keep their humanity. There’s a monumental battle that takes place. One of the most important things for them is to abide in the Dharma, to live with integrity. They strive to live in the courage, justice and humility that is required of them. But just like the rift in our nation, the Pandavas don’t always see eye to eye. They have their contentious moments, but they work through it. This is the very task set before us today. Mitakuye Oyasin.