By Bhaktisiddhanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, our most noteworthy example, established an international society amidst overwhelming physical handicaps or apparent setbacks that became a precursor to a worldwide society. Then there are his sincere follower…
Author Archives: Dandavats
Difficulties In Devotion: A Blessing in Disguise?
The Man in the Machine
→ Dandavats
By Damodar Prasad das “A person is not considered a great sage unless he disagrees with another sage”. This adage suitably describes the career of La Mettrie, whose contentious writings during the eighteenth century were almost universally reviled b…
Institute of International Social Development, United Nations (NY) awards Iskcon leader
→ Dandavats
By Krishna Kishore Das
On, 17th of November 2016, Institute of International Social Development – New York, an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations awarded a special award to His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami. Over the years, Institute of International Social Development, has grown from a small organization to a vast Non Governmental Organization, helping those in disadvantaged areas. The organization is very grateful for all the support His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj gave them on behalf of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, in spreading the message of spirituality for the World Peace and Understanding between Nations and Civilizations. Institute wanted to show him their appreciation, with this small token of love and sincerity.
A Day With Krishna’s Cows In Vraja
→ Dandavats
By Parsada dasi I watched the happy look on my friends face and gave her, her first assignment, “Please take that pan from this mataji and you go to that part of the barn and fill it up with cow-dung.” With an amazed look her face, she turned to me, “Y…
Historic Ratha Yatra Held In The Heart Of Santiago, Chile
→ Dandavats
By Cintamani Madhavi Devi Dasi
On Saturday, November 12, the Chariot Festival Ratha Yatra was held in Chile, with thousands of people pulling Lord Jagannath’s car through the main avenue of the capital, followed by a cultural show in fron of the Government Palace La Moneda. In an unprecedented event, Santiago’s main street, Avenida Libertador Bernado O’Higgins, was used exclusively by the majestic chariot that carried the Lord of the Universe and the people who pulled its ropes, filling the streets of Santiago with joy and colors like never before. It all started as a dream. When Sri Bhakti Das, in charge of the Department of Culture of ISKCON Chile, visualized Lord Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra in front of La Moneda, he felt that it would be a beautiful offering for Srila Prabhupada on the 50th anniversary of the International Society for Consciousness Krishna.
An account of the Last Journey of H. G. Jagajivan Prabhu (ACBSP)
→ Dandavats
By Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute
H. G. Jagajivan Prabhu joined ISKCON in the year 1970. He was initiated by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada in the year 1972. Throughout his stay at the Hospital H. G. Jagajivan Prabhu was extremely cheerful and always spoke enthusiastically about the preaching mission. He will be fondly remembered by the Hospital team which considers itself fortunate to receive an opportunity to serve this dear devotee of the Lord.
Report on Cow Based Rural Development Seminar
→ Dandavats
By HariKirtan Das
Recently I got an opportunity to attend the conference on Rural development based on cows, conducted by National Institute for Rural Development (NIRD) & Panchayati raj (Ministry for Rural Development, Government of India) Rajendranagar, Hyderabad on 3rd of November, 2016. As a pleasant surprise, I met Rupavilas prabhu (Venumadhuri trust director) who was also giving a seminar sharing his experience about Venumadhuri NGO activities. Seminar was well organized by NIRD inviting the elite group consisting of Senior IAS officers, scientists, doctors, scholars, NGO’s directors. I was the only odd man out representing a spiritual organization. It took me a while to convince the gate keeper to allow me in as he couldn’t believe that in saffron robes I was also a participant.
Self-Denial, With Pleasure
→ Dandavats
By Kesava Krsna Dasa We may be surprised to learn that many things we consider as acts of spiritual advancement in Krishna consciousness, like tapasya or austerity, are actually acts of selfishness, and will impede our real growth. Even following the…
Yamaraja instructs his messengers
→ Dandavats
By Indradyumna Swami
So we should arrange things, we should arrange our life in such a way that we don’t become overburdened with unnecessary things and so our whole life revolves either around chanting the holy names or distributing the holy names to others. This is the Internationals society for…this is our business. To get up in the morning and chant, to join the congregation of devotees and chant and somehow assist the sankirtana movement. A famous verse amongst kirtaniya’s. Whatever results was attained in Satya yuga by meditating on Visnu, in the Treta yuga by performing agnihotra’s or sacrifices and in Dvapara yuga by serving the Lord’s lotus feet which meant technically going to the temple, can be obtained in Kali yuga simply by chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
“Bhagavata Vision” of Actual Anti-corruption Campaign
→ Dandavats
By Gaurachandra Das
Recently, there were incidents of anti-corruption protests started by some national leaders in India. They had started nation-wide awakenings to make the people alert and aware for corruption free India and curbing the use of black-money. Such efforts may be appreciable to some extent but they are not perfect as far as wiping out of corruption from a state is concerned. The people are in general attached to sense gratificatory propaganda, and such protests can’t withdraw sinful tendencies from the minds of the public. Consequently, people are again taken up by such tendencies and the nations can’t breathe relief. The recent incidents of mass killings, terrorism, and rape-incidents are a proof that any attempt to curb corruption by artificial means by above leaders may not be perfect as long as the society is not properly educated in bonafide religion. The Bhagavata vision of anticorruption campaign is in this way different, it is aimed at following four regulative principles and spreading of sankirtana religion. The four regulative principles are no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling and no illicit sex. The history of this fact is corroborated in Srimad Bhagavatam in the event of Maharaj Pariksit curbing the personality of kali-yuga.
Family of famed architect Joseph Goddard present historic archives to ISKCON
→ Dandavats
By Nima Suchak
The archives of famed Leicestershire architect Joseph Goddard were handed over to ISKCON in a ceremony on Monday 14th November. Tony and Joe Goddard, the great grandsons of Joseph Goddard, the architect of Leicester’s Clock Tower and the grade 2* listed former bank on Granby Street, signed over archives and their copyright to the care of ISKCON in the presence of members of Leicester City Council, representatives from The Victorian Society, historians and design students. The archives will be placed in a newly built Heritage Room at the Centre for the benefit of schools, colleges, universities, and the general public. Joseph Goddard designed and built the grade II* listed heritage property at the heart of Leicester City Centre in 1874 as the headquarters of the Leicestershire Banking Company. The spectacular gothic building which is now an ISKCON Centre has long been acknowledged as a landmark in Leicester’s Victorian architecture, and one of Goddard’s most important works. The building is set to contribute to regeneration, engagement and a place of a multi-variety of activities to suit the needs of all people.
God Proposes, Man Accepts
→ Dandavats
By Chaitanya Charan Das “Man proposes, God disposes” has been the cause of immense frustration for humanity since time immemorial. The best plans are often foiled forever in a single moment by factors beyond human control. Misery can be said to be the …
200k Book Marathon: The Final Offering [26th Nov-24th Dec 2016]
→ Dandavats
By Radha Mohan Das
As ISKCON’s 50th Anniversary draws to a close, Bhaktivedanta Manor would like to make an epic final offering. Every December the entire ISKCON world focuses all attention on distribution of transcendental literature, something we all know was so close to Srila Prabhupada’s heart. Indeed, he said it gave him life. When a new book was printed, Prabhupada felt as though he had conquered an empire. He told one disciple – “the best of me is in my books.” Last year’s historic “100k Effort” at the Manor was a resounding success, with a record number of devotees participating. This year the team is aiming to distribute 200,000 books for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada!
Selfless Devotion Of Murari Gupta
→ Dandavats
By Radhanath Swami One day Murari Gupta began to reflect, “If I can leave my body in the Lord’s presence then that will be very good.” For this purpose he fashioned a large dagger and hid it in his house. But the Supreme Lord Sri Caitanya, who is total…
NASN October 2016 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur Sasi dasa For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of October 2016. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 In…
Remembering Jagajivan Prabhu
→ Dandavats
By Guru Prasad Swami Jagajivan Prabhu was the main person instrumental in opening Peru and Chile. He was a pioneer in some of, especially at that time, the most difficult countries in Latin America; extreme poverty and lack of education amongst the pop…
GBC Proposals AGM 2017
→ Dandavats
By Ananda Tirtha Das The Annual General Meeting of the ISKCON GBC Society will begin on February 9, 2017. Following the ISKCON GBC Society’s Rules of Order, the GBC Secretariat requests proposals, duly sponsored by TWO GBC members, to be submitted by D…
Western India Division council Meet
→ Dandavats
By WIDC Staff
ISKCON Western India Division Council (WIDC) Brahmachari Sanga was conducted recently at Govardha Ecovillage, Mumbai. It was a 2 day event in the serene and natural setting of GEV located near the Kohoj mountain ranges. The venue provided a naturally refreshing and spiritually enlivening experience to devotees participating from various cosmopolitan cities and rural centers in different parts of Maharashtra. The event was attended by 350 plus devotees from over 43 ISKCON centers. Explaining the vision for this sanga, HG Gauranga Das, Chairman, WIDC, said, “The inspiration for this brahmacari sanga came from the EIDC brahmacari sanga which happens in Mayapur every year. We were inspired to follow in their footsteps last year and this is the second WIDC brahmacari sanga we organized at ISKCON Govardhan Eco Village (GEV). The gathering of hundreds of sincere, dedicated devotees in the renounced order giving shelter and hope to each other and hearing from experienced sannyasis and brahmacaris is a powerful element of Devotee Care. We hope that one day we can have a pan India and a global gathering of devotees in the renounced order spreading Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission.”
What You See Is What You Get
→ Dandavats
By Mahatma Das
I’d like you to take a minute and envision the kind of devotee you would like to be if anything were possible. What qualities would you like to possess? How would you like to act? What kind of mentality and attitude would you like to have?
Puranic Time and the Archaeological Record
→ Dandavats
By Drutakarma Dasa Providing a strong challenge to established academic perception and methodology, Drutakarma Dasa presents the Vaisnava Hindu worldview on the fundamental concepts to the approach to and interpretation of the archaeological record. H…
Vrindavan Forests At GNB – Indonesia
→ Dandavats
By Krishna Prema dasa
Gita Nagari Baru (GNB) is a village where one hundred and fifty devotees live. GNB has six cows and one bull. They are Surabhi, Candani, Godavari, Kaveri, Gauri, Subhadra, and Ram. We have started to make a replica of Vrindavan forests since 2014. Our goal is to make our village like Vrindavan village, and it will help the devotees to remember Krishna’s lilas more easily. Since we opened this forest, we always gather together once a month to do Go-Puja. Some of our cows will be there for grazing every day.
Gopashtami Celebrations at Mayapur Goshala
→ Dandavats
By Visvadhika dasi On the very auspicious 8th day of the bright fortnight of Kartika, Mayapur Goshala celebrated Gopashtami. It was a jubilant day celebrated by residents of Mayapur, devotees and guests from many different regions of India and from all…
Insights from Krishna conscious classes
→ Dandavats
By Krishna-kripa das
I share wisdom from the books and letters of Srila Prabhupada. I include excerpts from Satsvarupa dasa Goswami’s Begging for the Nectar of the Holy Name and Vaishnava Compassion, as well as his online journal. I share inspiration from a lecture by Bhakti Charu Swami. I share notes on a class by Yogesvara Prabhu on Bhagavad-gita. I include some realizations from Ramabhadra Prabhu, president of Radha Govinda Mandir. I also share notes on the morning classes at The Bhakti Center given by Adi Purusha, Shyamananda, Karuna Gauranga, Vasudeva, Murali Gopal, Natabara Gauranga, and Mahosaha Prabhus, and also by Bhakta Josh and myself. “Do not let even one minute go by without doing some sort of service for Krishna. Because as soon as there is a little gap of Krishna Consciousness, immediately maya makes an attack to grab us again. So keep up with your … engagements and always think of Krishna so that maya will not have a second’s opportunity to try to conquer you. And Krishna gives all assurance that the sincere devotee will never know defeat.”
→ Dandavats
By Luke Vanderlinden
The American people have demonstrated by their election of Donald J. Trump into the office of president that the greatest significator for success in our modern age is wealth. As the popular saying goes, “Money makes the world go round.” In this way, the deluding potency of the Supreme Lord lulls souls into a false sense of security, thinking that their material assets guarantee perpetual comfort and happiness. However, sastra warns against cultivating such a worldly mentality, as it disables us from taking shelter of the Lord’s mercy.
Maya: The World as Virtual Reality
→ Dandavats
By Krishna-kripa das
Selected quotes from Sadaputa Prabhu’s upcoming book “Maya: The World As Virtual Reality” “This is ironic, since the very feature of consciousness that disqualifies it for many modern philosophers is the starting point for meditative disciplines that try to realize the self by discriminating it from nonself.” “Whether we use quantum theory or classical Newtonian physics, it is clear that no known computer or process of computation will enable us to predict what billions and billions of molecules will do. Physicists have taken it as a matter of faith that all of the molecules in nature move according to their equations, and in this sense, physics can be viewed as a branch of theology.” “The phenomena studied by parapsychologists seem to radically violate the known laws of physics. If they are real, then physics will have to undergo fundamental modifications, and this is a daunting prospect for many scientists. Nonetheless, the laws of physics have been modified in unexpected ways many times in the past, and it will not be surprising if this also happens many times in the future.”
Jaga Jivan Prabhu (ACBSP) left his body
→ Dandavats
By Bhakta Priya devi dasi H.G. Jaga Jivana Prabhu was from New York. He joined ISKCON in 1970. Jaga Jivan Prabhu was initiated by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada in 1972. He was a GBC member. Thank you, dear devotees for all y…
Misunderstood Renunciation
→ Dandavats
By Kesava Krsna Dasa Does anyone aspire to become a sannyasi? Simply having this ambition in the first place is not the desire of a truly renounced person. On the other hand, all those who relish genuine taste in Krishna consciousness, will know what…
Sustainable Cow Protection
→ Dandavats
By Kurma Rupa Das
If a family keeps a cow and calf and has a few acres of land, a vegetarian diet is easily sustainable. I know a family in Colorado whose cow gives nine gallons of milk a day and she lactates for four to five years. They have enough land for the cow and her offspring to graze on and even with several months of winter they can easily maintain their cow. (see CFC News July 2010). If you mean to ask will protecting a family cow produce enough income to maintain herself and provide for a family of five people with urban habits, then no, it won’t. In an agrarian setting cows actually give more than they take. However, when one tries to produce milk for commercial purposes and requires expensive farming equipment (tractors, bailers, combines, silos etc.) has to pay outrageous prices for veterinary aid, purchase homogenization and pasteurization equipment, conveyances to transport the milk to urban areas and so on, sustainability becomes a problem. In short, what makes cow protection unsustainable today is urbanization and consumerism.
“Embedding Care In Kc Communities – Devotee Care Course Two
→ Dandavats
By ISKCON DevoteeCare The Devotee Care Committee, has been researching and working on creating awareness about embedding care in our communities, projects and yatras. After years of consultation and the study of the diverse needs of the various section…
Which is superior: fate or one’s own exertion and effort?
→ Dandavats
By Bhayahari Dasa Satyavrata Muni is raising the perennial philosophical conundrum of predestination versus free will. In reply, Lord Matsya explains that three elements—fate, effort, and time—conjointly affect the course of one’s life. He gives the ex…
Free will or Destiny (audio)
→ Dandavats
By Vraja Vihari das The “American Dream” is built on the presumption of free will: If we try hard enough and work smart enough, we can reach our goals. Yet karma and destiny are some of the biggest influences in our life. Now new findings in neuroscien…
Lord Damodar with his wooden mortar enters Bollywood!
→ Dandavats
By Mahavaraha Das On the evening of the 27th of Oct 2016, Bollywood fashion designer Rohit Verma invited HH Jayapataka Swami to have a Damodar program at his fashion studio in Mumbai. It was a short and well organized program for which Rohit Verma had…
Controller of the Uncontrollable
→ Dandavats
By Sri Vrindavan das The greatest challenge in performing Sadhana Bhakti is our attempt to serve the Lord with only the cognizance of Him being an almighty God. The immense distance between us and the Lord during the clearing process (Anartha Nivrtthi)…
Synthesising Science and Religion
→ Dandavats
By Vaishnava das
Lets face it: we are tiny tiny organisms on a speck of dust we call the Earth which floats in the unimaginatively vast realms of space. Can we really work it all out on our own? In cosmic terms, are we not like ants?…And, can an insignificant insect ever be able to comprehend human politics? So how can humankind be absolutely sure there is no cosmic hierarchy, beyond what our tiny brains are able to perceive, or our eyes, telescopes and microscopes can see? But to be fair science doesn’t claim it has Absolute Knowledge. Rather it is a process…BUT that process focuses largely on observable matter, detectable by our imperfect senses, or instruments we invent. I argue that spirituality is a type of science which has methods and results which go beyond matter and our traditional five sense experience.
O Resident of Kailash!
→ Dandavats
By Indradyumna Swami
“Just as the Ganges is the greatest of all rivers, Lord Acyuta the supreme among deities and Lord Shambhu (Siva) the greatest of Vaisnavas, so Srimad-Bhagavatam is the greatest of all Puranas.” [ Srimad Bhagavatam 12.13.16 ] Mount Kailash, 22,000 feet (6,705 meters) above sea level, is a special and sacred dhama because it is there that Siva meditates deeply on Lord Krishna and meets with great sages like Narada. It was at Mount Kailash that the Ganges descended with great force from the spiritual world to the material world and was caught by Lord Siva in his matted locks. “The demigods observed Lord S’iva sitting on the summit of Kaila-sa Hill with his wife, Bhava-ni-, for the auspicious development of the three worlds. He was being worshiped by great saintly persons desiring liberation. The demigods offered him their obeisances and prayers with great respect.” [ Srimad Bhagavatam 8.7.20 ] Kailash is also known as Mount Meru, the center of the universe. Throughout the ages it has been called by various names including Jewel Peak, Lotus Mountain, and Silver Mountain. The city of Kuvera, the treasurer of the demigods, is said to be near Mount Kailash.
US Ambassador marks 50th Anniversary at ISKCON Delhi
→ Dandavats
By ISKCON-Delhi Shri Richard Verma, Hon’ble US Ambassador to India visited the ISKCON Glory of India Cultural Center yesterday, 7th October. Time and tide wait for no one. There is danger at every step. You can see how the calamities in the world can c…
Unconditional Surrender
→ Dandavats
By Akruranatha das
Saranagati is the chief symptom of a devotee. Saranagati should be complete. The symptoms of it are there. One should have firm faith, drdah visvas, that “avasya raksibe krsna”, Krishna will protect me. If you have no faith, you cannot achieve the goal; asraddhadanah purusah… says the Gita: You’ll have to come back in this mortal world. The Vedic siddhanta is that everything is based on firm faith, sastriya sraddha. Saranagati, unconditional surrender, is the life of the devotee, through which the most difficult to achieve krsna-prema is obtained, by the mercy of the magnanimous Gauranga. To be akincana, to have nothing in this world that you call yours, is one symptom of saranagati. Atma-samarpana is the same as saranagati… Only a fully surrendered devotee sees Krishna; otherwise, He’s covered by yoga-maya. Those who are fully surrendered are very dear to Krishna. Krishna has not given prema in His Vraja descent, but as Gauranga he gives it freely. He teaches saranagati: Take full shelter of the holy name, then you’ll get prema, through offenseless chanting… 4 things develop pride and prevent from surrender: janma, aisvarya, sruta, sri. So one must become akincana.
Krishna consciousness and the youth
→ Dandavats
By ISKCON’s Congregational Development Ministry
Youth Engagement- Interview with Daru Brahman Das (Social Worker, Care and Assistance, Mayapur) The thing about young people teenagers, in my experience, they won’t go anywhere they don’t feel wanted so we have to somehow convey that we really want and value young people. And has to be real because they can suss. You know, they are going through so many changes in their bodies, in their minds, relationships, their roles, their thinking, they need a place where they can just be and be real and be accepted. We really need to convey that to them, we really need to find the good qualities in the youth we have and really need to build on those, we need to be in a mood of appreciating people and we need to have respect for the Youth. The other thing is that we live in a community with very high ideals and most of us know or some of us know that we can’t reach those ideals immediately and the youth need to be accepted. So it’s the kind of double-edge situation, is difficult for people to live here knowing they don’t reach those ideals unless they feel accepted with their faults. We don’t need to focus on them but we need to give a place for members coming to you who can’t reach those high ideals, who are on the way to them, are interested in getting to them. We have to appreciate, especially in the youth, the fact that they choose to be here, they want to be part of Iskcon, they want to search Srila Prabhupada, they will have something in them that brings them here, whether is the history with their family or something they discovered, some realization etc.
The Magic of Sri Rama in the Magic Circle – preaching program at Clifford Chance LLP headquarters
→ Dandavats
By Sri Radharamana dasa
The day before the start of a three day festival native to India, Clifford Chance LLP hosted their very first employee Diwali celebration; probably the first across any global Law firm. Over 75 top lawyers and business services staff congregated at the Headquarters in Canary Wharf, London on 27th October to understand and extract spiritual wisdom from the pastimes of Lord Rama. Clifford Chance LLP is a multinational law firm headquartered in London, and a member of the “Magic Circle” of leading British law firms. It is one of the ten largest law firms in the world measured both by number of lawyers and revenue. It has 36 offices across 26 countries and approximately 3,300 lawyers. In 2013/14, Clifford Chance had total revenues of £1.36 billion, the highest of any firm in the Magic Circle in that year. Clifford Chance’s main practice areas include Corporate, Banking and Finance, Capital markets, Real estate, Tax, Pensions and Employment amongst others.
Of Saints and Critics
→ Dandavats
By Madhavananda das
Mahattama (“especially great person”) — A mahattama sees whatever good qualities others have and magnifies them, not seeing even the smallest fault. Viswanath describes their attitude, “This person has stolen my cloth because he is cold, and though he has a weapon, he doesn’t attack me because he is merciful. He is virtuous.” Ati-mahattama (“extremely great person”) — An ati-mahattama sees good qualities in others even where there are none. Their attitude is, “In this world there are no bad people. Everyone is good.”