HSBC Global Headquarters, London, hosts Bhakti Charu Swami
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Hare KrishnaBy Sri Radharamana dasa

The central question explored at the event revolved around what wisdom from the Vedic philosophical tradition can be used to provoke thought in the workplace to positively impact the life of millions. In doing so, the event focused on the topic ‘Being At Our Best.’ While lamps are used in the festival to encourage one on a journey of darkness to light, ‘Being At Your Best’ is central to achieving this virtue. The story of Diwali illustrates the need to be inwardly and outwardly balanced to enable satisfaction of the self. While Diwali is an epic of trials and tribulations, the pastimes of Sita & Rama demonstrates how to remain peaceful amidst the volatility of life, and in doing so become healthy, wealthy and wise. Diwali prompts respect and responsibility towards both others and oneself in carrying out prescribed duties at work and in wider life.

Receiving the Blessing
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Hare KrishnaBy Ravindra Svarupa Dasa

Srila Prabhupada took especial pains to bestow his vakya through the medium of written English and to publish those writings in book form. Prior to embarking from India in 1965 on his solo expedition to the West, Srila Prabhupada, working virtually alone, had composed and published, in three hardback volumes, his English-language translation and commentary on the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam. He brought boxes of these books with him aboard the Jaladuta, and they accompanied him on the voyage of over 9,000 nautical miles from Calcutta to New York. There he began to gather, organize, and deploy the necessary and spiritual resources—material, human, and spiritual— for their eventual distribution and reception worldwide.

Appointment of Global Duty Officers by the GBC
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Hare KrishnaBy the GBC Nominations Committee

Srila Prabhupada said that a GBC member could have “thousands of secretaries,” and in keeping with this principle the Governing Body has designed new posts for senior devotees to be engaged in assisting the GBC expand the oversight of the Society’s development. One such post is that of Global Duty Officers (GDO), who help the Governing Body and its members by taking up important services giving support and leadership in fields such as preaching initiatives, educational programs, administration and legal matters. They can assist and serve in special projects commissioned by the GBC, assist GBC Standing Committees, assist Global Ministries, assist committees involved in the Strategic Planning Network, and attend and serve during GBC meetings. At their half-yearly meeting in Mumbai in October the GBC Body appointed the following devotees as Global Duty Officers, for a renewable one-year tenure.

ISKCON Youth Forum Ahmedabad – A Youth Wing of ISKCON Ahmedabad
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Hare KrishnaBy Sakshi Mohan Das

ISKCON Youth Forum (IYF) is the youth wing of Sri Sri Radha Govind Temple, a branch of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). IYF is aimed towards nourishing the hearts of today’s youth with the sublime message of the scriptures and helping them flourish in their lives in a wholesome manner. Happiness and the true fulfillment of the soul and unending success have been the goals of humanity from eternity. The purpose of life is a life of purpose and what makes a life valuable is the perfect blend of knowledge, skills and values. Most of us simply go through life but in the pursuit of going through life, we forget to grow through life. Therefore the reality is” one cannot upload love, one can’t download time, one can’t google all of the life’s answers therefore one must actually live some of his life.

50th Anniversary of ISKCON celebrated at House of Lords
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Hare KrishnaBy Sri Radharamana dasa

Bhakti Charu Swami travelled in from India to present the keynote speech. His Holiness began by reflecting on his privilege in being present at a historical place of British Parliament where many significant decisions had been made throughout history that affected the entire world. His Holiness described the objective behind ISKCON and the many sacrifices made by Srila Prabhupada in its establishment. In detailing the prediction of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, His Holiness demonstrated how Srila Prabhupada inundated the entire world with a spiritual revolution that places a solution to all problems of life and the world through devotional service to Lord Krishna. His Holiness shared some of his intimate moments with Srila Prabhupada to exemplify the magnanimity of the Founder-Acharya. Out of love for Srila Prabhupada, His Holiness once expressed how he wished that he could’ve served Srila Prabhupada when he was alone in the beginning days in New York. Srila Prabhupada affectionately responded saying that he was never alone since Krishna was always with him. His Holiness described how ISKCON came to the UK and requested for all people to seriously consider the message of Srila Prabhupada for the upliftment of each individual and mankind.

The Call of Dharma at EY Headquarters, London
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Hare KrishnaBy Sri Radharamana dasa

The ‘Call of Dharma’ marks the evening of a daylong celebration across the firm which included Diwali prashadam sweets distributed to all UK and Ireland EY offices along with festive cards and animated media wall messages. In the spirit of the festival, EY hosted a ‘dress colourful’ day across UK and a lunchtime Bharat Natyam performance at the UK Headquarters. With over 100 professionals in attendance at the evening event, His Holiness explained how one can take lessons from the story of Diwali and reflect them in our professional lives. Due to huge demands, the event was streamed live via the ‘Veda London’ page on Facebook where people in their thousands, from all over the world, tuned in to watch the keynote speech. His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami explained how the Ramayana literally documents the ‘Journey of Lord Rama’ to exemplify ideal character and virtues through the history of Lord Rama’s journey for global peace and prosperity despite life’s various challenges. Diwali appears as the summation of that journey. In explaining the Call of Dharma, His Holiness used various examples to describe the dormant nature of the living entity and subsequent Dharma, which when followed, grants permanent peace and prosperity.

Lord Jagannatha lights up light festival of Banding, Indonesia
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Hare KrishnaBy Hari Narayana Das

The annual Bandung Light festival to commemorate the anniversary of Bandung city this year was celebrated on October 09, 2016. The grand festival was attended by most people in Bandung. This public festival was a chance for the devotees to introduce the Hare Krishna movement in Bandung. As Srila Prabhupada mention in his letter that “The time is fast approaching when we will have to perform such public kirtana in all the important cities of the world. Here also, in the Expo, they have performed kirtana for two days, and it is wonderfully successful.” (SPL to Yamunä, July, 1968). The devotees did ratha yatra on the festival and this was the third Jagannath Ratha-yatra held in Bandung.

Recognizing the BBT/BBTI for Their Service to the TOVP
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Hare KrishnaBy the TOVP team

The entire TOVP Team wishes to publicly take this opportunity to recognize and thank the managers and devotees of the worldwide BBT/BBTI for their cooperation and service to the TOVP project since its beginnings in 2009. To date over $1.7 million has been given by the BBT/BBTI to the project, a most significant amount. Many devotees are unaware of the financial commitment made by the BBT/BBTI to fund the construction of the TOVP. This is in accordance with Srila Prabhupada’s instructions that the BBT utilize the profits from the sales of his books to fund temple construction and other projects throughout the world. It is most laudable that this directive of Srila Prabhupada has been maintained and such a large financial commitment has been directed to the TOVP year after year. We could not have come to the point of our current construction without these funds. And based on future financial projections we feel we will realize our common goal to together celebrate the Grand Opening of the TOVP during Gaur Purnima 2022.

Diwali message from UK Prime Minister
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Hare KrishnaBy Theresa May

“I am delighted to send my very best wishes to everyone celebrating Diwali, a festival which holds such significance for so many people. Indeed, right across the world, lights decorate the streets, flowers adorn homes, treats are served and presents exchanged – all marking the triumph of light over darkness. But the festival of lights isn’t just relevant for Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists. It is relevant to all of us, those of all faiths and none. We can all learn from the example set by Lord Rama, whose return from exile is marked by these 5 holy days. That epic story teaches us about building strong families and communities, shunning wrongdoing and evil, and choosing the right path. It promotes the values of service, responsibility, unity and tolerance. We need those values more than ever as we build a country that works for everyone – a country where no matter what your faith, your beliefs or your background, you can reach your full potential. In Britain’s Indian communities, we can see the good that can be done when people’s talents are unleashed. I think of all those running their own businesses, taking risks and working hard so that they can provide for their families and take on staff. I think of all those public servants whose hard work and dedication makes our hospitals, schools, police forces and armed forces what they are today. I think of the volunteers who give up their own time to look after elderly neighbours or help provide food for families who are less well off. These people are the backbone of our communities. And I will be so proud to highlight the achievements of British Indians next month when I make my first official visit to India as Prime Minister at the invitation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, celebrating the relations between our countries and our shared ambitions for the future. As we start the Hindu New Year, it is an occasion for people to reflect on the 12 months that have passed and look to the opportunities ahead. So as friends and families come together, in reflection and celebration, let me wish you all a Shubh Deepawali, and send my good wishes to Sikhs celebrating Bandi Chhor Diwas too.”

Diwali Forever stamp released by US Postal Service
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Hare KrishnaBy Indian express

A Diwali stamp was launched here by the US postal service, capping seven-year-long efforts by Indian-Americans and influential American lawmakers to commemorate the festival of lights. The stamp was unveiled at the Indian Consulate at an elaborate “first-day-of-issue” dedication ceremony on Wednesday. The US Postal Service (USPS) commemorated the Hindu festival of Diwali by dedicating the Diwali Forever stamp. The stamp shows a photo of a traditional ‘diya’ lit against a sparkling gold background and the words ‘Forever USA 2016’ written below. The ceremony was attended by Consul General Ambassador Riva Ganguly Das, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Diwali Stamp Project Chair Ranju Batra, USPS Vice President for Mail Entry and Payment Technology Pritha Mehra, India’s former Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Hardeep Singh Puri and eminent Indian-American attorney Ravi Batra.

ISKCON UK Child Protection
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Hare KrishnaBy Daksina Devi Dasi

As an offering to Srila Prabhupada for ISKCON’s 50th anniversary, Bhaktivedanta Manor, the Global Headquarters for ISKCON Child Protection, hosted a child protection training seminar for more than 20 leaders, GBC members, temple presidents and ISKCON charity trustees from across the UK. The training was delivered by Paul and Derek from RWA Child Protection Services and the Manor Child Protection Team. Ray Wyre Child Protection Services are an independent child protection specialist organization that, for the last eight years, have been assisting the UK Regional Director, Daksina devi dasi, in an advisory capacity. This intensive one-day training was the first of its kind in the UK, where leaders gathered to learn about all aspects of child protection, including what child abuse is, the mindset of offenders, how to prevent child abuse and how child abuse is dealt with within ISKCON.

A Riverbed of Desire
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Hare KrishnaBy Shatakshi Goyal

As we drove back to Keshi Ghat, I recalled a conversation with Shivarama Swami. Yamuna Devi is always flowing in Vraja in aprakata, or unmanifested, form, he said, but her disappearance in drishtva form, or that which we can see, shows that she is offended by how Vrindavan is being exploited – dirt and filth everywhere, rampant corruption, lack of building codes. Shivarama Swami reminded us that our Save Yamuna Campaign is not just about moving politicians, courts, and policy makers; it’s also meant to create a bed of desire and welcome to show Yamuna Devi that we want her to return to Vrindavan. If she wants to come, she can just burst that dam in Delhi and come straight through. So it’s not the dam that’s going to keep her there.

ISKCON Vladivostok: Where Krishna Reigns in Russia’s Far East
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Hare KrishnaBy B.V.V. Narasimha Swami

Despite many challenges, the intrepid devotees in this remote city 5,700 land miles from Moscow built a suitable temple to worship the Lord. The city of Vladivostok (“Ruler of the East”) is situated in the far east of Russia, a few hundred kilometers north of China. The region was long under Chinese rule, but Russia acquired it through the Treaty of Beijing in 1860. In time Russians migrated from the western part of the country, and it is now an important port serving the eastern region of Russia. In the late 1980s, when the USSR gave up its communist regime and opened its doors to other ideals, the Krishna consciousness movement established centers across Russia, Vladivostok being one city where the people were immediately interested.

Interesting insights of classes by Iskcon devotees
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Hare KrishnaBy Krishna-kripa das

I share many powerful insights from Srila Prabhupada’s lectures and his books. I include excerpts from Satsvarupa dasa Goswami’s Begging for the Nectar of the Holy Name. I transmit some nice realizations from Janananda Goswami, speaking at 26 Second Avenue in New York City on the fiftieth anniversary of the first Tompkins Square Park harinama, October 9, 2016, and also some cool insights from his godbrother, Mahavirya Prabhu, also speaking at that occasion. I share a nice point from a lecture by Candrasekhara Swami. I share several profound quotes from Sadaputa Prabhu’s collection of articles, published as God and Science. I share notes on a lecture by Shyamananda Prabhu, a senior Radhanath Swami brahmacari from Pune and Chowpatty. I share notes on lectures by young devotees who attend The Bhakti Center morning program, Virabhadra Rama Prabhu and Bhakta Cesar Prabhu, along with many comments on their lectures by Adi Purusha Prabhu, who has been a devotee since the 70s.

ISKCON devotees attend Diwali at Number 10 (British Prime Minister’s residence)
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Hare KrishnaBy Radha Mohan Das

Srutidharma das was invited to the Diwali function at Number 10 Downing Street, the residence of the British Prime Minister, Theresa May MP. Along with the Prime Minister and other dignitaries such as the Indian High Commissioner Mr Dinesh Patnail, Srutidharma das lit the ceremonial lamp before being invited to say a few words and lead the Diwali prayers. He shared three meditations: Diwali is all about giving to our families, community and our country. Through forgiveness we can have a new start. The Lord forgives, so we are we not to? Being grateful. With Remembrance Sunday coming up, a day when all those that made the ultimate sacrifice in war are remembered, he asked those present to be grateful for the religious freedom and equal opportunities we share today. Echoing the Prime Minister’s own words, Srutidharma das added that the fact that the community is celebrating Diwali at the Prime Minister’s home is the symptom of “a fairer Britain.” He then proceeded to recite the first verse of the Sri Isopanisad, the Panca-Tattva mantra and the Hare Krishna mantra.

After 50 years, Hare Krishnas are no longer white hippies who proselytize in airports
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Hare KrishnaBy Julie Zauzmer “We used to worship different forms of God, all the forms of God. … We were like a supermarket of gods,” said Manoharan, an IT contractor for the Department of Homeland Security . Not long after Manoharan and Jeyabalan moved to the United States in the late 1990s, they were told by a relative about a palace in West Virginia built in the style of an Indian shrine. So they decided to take a sightseeing trip. “And right in this place,” Manoharan says, pointing at the ground in the West Virginia temple, he picked up his first copy of one of Prabhupada’s many books. Now, standing in the same spot years later, he points out the book that changed his life to his 10-year-old daughter Hamsika. He came to believe what the book said, he tells Hamsika — that there was only one God, Krishna, and that he should worship only the deities who are forms of Krishna.

ISKCON Celebrates 50 Years Since Its Founding
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Hare KrishnaBy Ronak D. Desai

Anuttama Dasa, the gala’s primary organizer who serves as ISKCON’s Communications Minister and Governing Body Commissioner, noted “It was humbling to see government officials, religious leaders, and academic scholars all come together to honor Swami Prabhupada and the religious society he began that has made significant contributions to the areas of philosophy, culture, literature, religious freedom, and social welfare in the last 50 years.” ISKCON’s followers include some of the country’s most prominent figures. Alfred B. Ford, great-grandson of car magnate Henry Ford, is one of the organization’s leading figures and addressed the gala regarding ISKCON’s landmark spiritual project in West Bengal inspired by the teachings of Swami Prabhupada, the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. Former Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs recounted in his famous 2005 commencement speech to Stanford University how he relied on ISKCON temples to feed himself: “I didn’t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends’ rooms. I would walk the seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it.”

Srila Prabhupada’s blessing to Bhaktivedanta Hospital & Research Institute
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Hare KrishnaBy Kiranbala Lakhmania

H. G. Brindaban Chandra De, the youngest son of Srila Prabhupada, had a blockage in the Left Coronary Artery of his heart which resulted in chest pain. After undergoing Angiography in Kolkata he entrusted Bhaktivedanta Hospital & Research Institute with the responsibility of caring for his heart and restoring him to health. Accompanied by his wife H. G. Chhobi De and their son H. G. Shashank De, he travelled all the way from Kolkata to Mumbai to undergo treatment by our team of expert medical professionals. On 1st October 2016 the De family arrived at the Hospital and were welcomed with garlands by Dr. V. G. Shanbhag, Deputy Director – Spiritual Care Training & Education.