By the TOVP team Dear Devotees, Donors, and Well-wishers, Hare Krishna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I want to share with you the latest news from the TOVP project in Sridham Mayapur. Construction continues to move forward with emphasis on the c…
Author Archives: Dandavats
New TOVP Newsletter October – December, 2016
WSN September 2016 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur Sasi dasa Among the large temples, Durban had a 148% increase in book distribution in September, with 2,070 book points. I have distributed books in Durban. It’s very difficult. You have to be resolute in purpose – vyavasayatmika buddhir. T…
Say ‘no’ to Junk!
→ Dandavats
By Vaisesika Das Why do i need all these things. I mean if you listen to any of the airwaves now days they will introduce you to unlimited ideas and worries that you never need and knew you needed to have and that you get to carry around. It’s clutter …
My Arjuna Moment
→ Dandavats
By Ananda Vrindavanesvari Devi DasiThere comes a time, sometimes regularly, where we may feel, Oh, Krishna. I can’t do this anymore. This ‘this’ will be different for everyone. It happened to Arjuna in the Gita – he wanted to give up, not to fight, and…
Kartika does not end on the last day of Kartika!
→ Dandavats
By Giriraj dasaSrila Prabhupada: You have asked about the specialness of the month of Karttika, and the answer is that it is a special inducement for persons who are not in Krsna consciousness to perform some devotional service. For persons who are do…
How Shri Krishna Calls Us Back
→ Dandavats
By Abhaya Mudra Dasi
By enacting His intimate pastimes, Shri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, evokes deep primeval emotions in the hearts of the sleeping souls. Generally, when the Lord displays His pastimes in the material world the mood is one of separation. This mood of separation is very important for the conditioned living entities who are dwelling in this material world. Not only they have forgotten their eternal identities as Shri Krishna’s servants but they have fallen into the mode of unrealistic feelings. All their sentiments are masked by the false pursuance of temporary happiness. The Supreme Lord comes to shake the rusty and crude feelings of the conditioned living entities whose hearts have become like stones. He knows exactly how to call the ones that are ready to come back to Him by playing the deepest sentiment of disconnection. This mode of separation is the surest attracting factor that propels the living entity to realize that he needs to reunite with the Supreme Lord as His eternal loving servant. The Supreme Lord plays the lila of separation although in fact He is never separated from the living entity. He is all-cognizant at all times and at the same time He is in everyone’s heart.
The pen is mightier than the sword
→ Dandavats
By Vaisesika Dasa Journalist Thomas Paine in 1776 sparked the American Revolution by writing and widely distributing his pamphlet, Common Sense. Fidel Castro – while in a Cuban prison – crafted his speech History will Absolve Me, had it smuggled it out…
Hearing Krsna-katha as the new sadhana
→ Dandavats
By Sacinandana Swami The samvartaka cloud, urged by Indra, became exhausted. Indra was hissing, but after some time even Indra could not fail to notice that there is no effect. He has noticed joyful flute music coming from under the hill. The boy looke…
Analogies for Preaching
→ Dandavats
By His Divine Grace A.C.B. Swami Prabhupada Over 175 selected analogies from Srimad Bhagavatam (Cantos 1‑4 & 9‑11), Bhagavad‑Gita As It Is, Teachings of Queen Kunti, Teachings of Lord Kapila, Life Comes from Life, and Path of Perfection. Activitie…
Karttika: Lord Krishna’s Favorite Month
→ Dandavats
By Vamsi Vihari DasaA Month of Love: Devotional service can be performed at any time, in any place, yet devotees know well that devotional service performed during Karttika is especially pleasing to the Lord. Therefore they perform additional austeriti…
→ Dandavats
By Chaitanya Charan Das One of the important legends associated with Diwali is Damodara lila, a pastime in which mother Yashoda tried to tie Krishna with a rope. The rope turned out to be two fingers short. So she tied more rope, but, no matter how ma…
Bonds of Love: Racitambara Devi Dasi
→ Dandavats
By Iskcon Vaishnavi Ministry
In early ’77, when Prabhupada came to Juhu for the last time, I was at the back of the crowd thinking, “Oh, Srila Prabhupada, you have so many disciples. I’m also your disciple, but do you know me?” Srila Prabhupada got out of his car and instead of sweeping into the building as we expected, he stopped, looked over the crowd, and saw me. He looked deep into my eyes, into the soul, gave me a smile as if a million suns had come out at once, and nodded his head. I clearly heard him say, “Of course, I know you. We have an eternal relationship.” Since then I’ve always felt Prabhupada is with me and knows me, for we have an eternal relationship.
Minister of Education-Sri Lanka received the Bhagavad Gita As It Is
→ Dandavats
By Sudarshan Cakra dasa
National Institute of Education (NIE) – Sri Lanka celebrated the annual Navaratri festival during the first week of October. Participants were the Minister of Education Mr. Radhakrishnan and all leading educational officers from different districts of the country. On this occasion, ISKCON devotees were invited as guests along with Buddhist head-monks and Christian priest. As ISKCON’s representative, Vasudeva Datta Prabhu spoke in length on the importance of adding the study of Bhagavad Gita As It Is in the religious school curriculum in Sri Lanka. He stressed that the students are the future of the country, so it is great responsibility on the teachers, professors and government officers to give proper spiritual guidance to their pupils. Not only this, they should first teach by their good example – yad yad acarati sresthas tat tad evetaro janah. He explained the word “acharya” and cautioned the esteemed audience not to be like his European teacher who would with a cigarette in his hand say to the students – “It is not good to smoke”.
NASN September 2016 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats
By Mayapur Sasi dasa For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of September 2016. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 …
History of ISKCON Press
→ Dandavats
By Swarup Das Devotees from other centers such as Buffalo, Columbus, New Vrindaban, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. were also coming to Boston to see Srila Prabhupada. On the day he was due to arrive a school bus was rented to transport e…
Damodara 2016 Sastra Dana and Anna Dana in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
→ Dandavats
By Simheswara Dasa
21OCT’16 Hare Krishna. Today we began the DAMODARA 2016 SASTRA DANA & ANNA DANA, one book & one meal program at “SJKT Bangsar” for the KL – KLANG VALLEY zone. We are to reach “20 schools and 15,000 students.” A total of 120 students and 16 teachers received books and respected prasadam today. May Lord Sri Krishna bless Sriman Logenthiran and family for sponsoring prasadam meals and books for today’s programme and may the Lord also bless today’s volunteers for their dedicated services.
$3 Krishna lunches hit spot
→ Dandavats
By Ortago Daily Times
University of Otago – Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. After moving to Dunedin to retire, Jane Beecroft soon found herself with more on her plate than she first anticipated. “I came here hoping to take it easy. “Then I started teaching vegetarian cooking; soon enough word got out and it turned into the lunches.” The numbers • 500,000 meals served since 1997 • 250 The approximate number of students fed daily • 150 samosas handed out daily • 20kg of rice dished out daily This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Hare Krishna vegetarian lunches on campus at the University of Otago, an initiative started by Ms Beecroft in 1997. On a busy day more than 300 students could arrive for a meal in the space of two hours. The $3 main courses are served four days a week, Monday to Thursday, with Wednesday’s fresh bread and soup a favourite.
Srila Prabhupada discusses the early days of Back to Godhead Magazine in the US
→ Dandavats
By Ranjita Dasa Prabhupada: There was advertisement. So I went to Long Island. That two machines… I asked, “What is the price?” “$150 each.” Then he wanted to take away the machines. Machine was all right. And then I told him that “I have got $150 on…
Writing for Krishna: The Price and the Prize
→ Dandavats
By Chaitanya Charana Dasa
Srila Prabhupada has expressed his fond dream for BTG: “As I have told you several times, I am awaiting for the day when this paper will take the shape of Life magazine or similar other magazines in the matter of its popularity.” (Letter dated June 1968) The popularity of BTG depends on many factors: for example, the reach and appeal of our movement; the magnitude of the efforts to distribute BTG; the format, feel, and cost of the issues. But the most important factor, the factor I can influence, is its core content—the quality of its articles. The only way I can improve the quality of my articles is by improving the quality of my writing.
Back to Godhead 1966: Gargamuni Dasa Remembers
→ Dandavats
By Gargamuni Dasa In a Back to Godhead we’d have twenty to thirty pages in those days, which means if we printed 500 copies, which was the normal run, we’d print 500 copies, I’d have to spread out twenty to thirty pages of 500 copies. When it was all p…
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the First Publication of Back to Godhead Magazine in the West
→ Dandavats
By Ranjita Dasa On this day in 1966, Srila Prabhupada’s Diary records: “Back to Godhead published again today.” On the same day, it records that Gargamuni Dasa was initiated. Gargamuni Prabhu’s account of the beginning of the magazine at 26 Second Av…
Glorification of Sri Nathji Prabhu From the GBC Executive Committee
→ Dandavats
By the GBC Executive Committee His Grace Sri Nathji Prabhu was a Vaisnava of rare caliber indeed, teaching by example the true meaning of selfless devotional service. From his youth, he was in search of a genuine guru. His mother encouraged his intere…
In Glory of Sri Nathji Das
→ Dandavats
By Ranjit das
Due to his exemplary example, Back to Godhead magazine published an article on him in the May 1981 issue. With his strong business mind and very gentle Vaisnava heart, he never missed an opportunity to help any individual soul or project that needed his expert guidance and financial support. He strongly believed in helping anyone who sincerely expressed a desire to serve Krishna and fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s mission. In that mood he stepped forward to help and ensure financial stability when Back to Godhead in Mumbai began printing in 1995.
Srila Prabhupada’s Concern For Russia
→ Dandavats
By Govinda Dasi
Srila Prabhupada sat in the front passenger seat, and we all sat in the back. Shyamsundar read Mondokini’s letter aloud, and when Srila Prabhupada heard that she was ready to depart for Russia and marry this young man, his joy knew no bounds! “While this letter was being read, I snapped two pictures of Prabhupada. He was smiling the biggest smile I had ever seen! He was so overjoyed to hear her reply! To him, this was the beginning of the conquest of the demonic atheism that had invaded the land of the rishis, Rishiya.”
Tuscon’s Iskcon 50 Gala
→ Dandavats
By Sandamini devi dasi
On Saturday, October 15th, under a brilliant Karttika moon, sixty-plus devotees and VIP guests celebrated ISKCON’s 50th anniversary in the courtyard of Govinda’s Natural Foods Buffet. The setting couldn’t have been more fitting. For thirty years Govinda’s has served as the temple’s portal to Lord Krsna’s sublime food, music, wisdom, and dear devotees—a spiritual oasis in the Arizona desert—what everyone had come to celebrate. As a harpist stroked heavenly notes, devotees and guests feasted on Govinda’s prasadam, forging new friendships and renewing old ones, for one thing was clear: practically everyone had been here before, setting the stage for the tributes.
Departure of Sriman Vrajavasi Prabhu
→ Dandavats
By Guru Prasad Swami On the morning of 18 Oct, Sriman Vrajavasi Prabhu, a Srila Prabhupada disciple from Mexico, left this world. He was in a coma for a week, with his loving family caring for him as best they could. He was one of the first, and bigge…
Lokanath Swami’s offering to Srinathji Prabhu
→ Dandavats
By Lokanath Swami
Srinathji: So I was thinking, ‘Why is Prabhupada talking so much? There must be some hidden agenda coming up soon.’ Prabhupada knew that my father was treasurer of the Congress party. And sure enough, Prabhupada said, ‘I need visas for all my disciples’. First thing, please realize they are not CIA. You must see that in parliament they stop the inquiry against my pupils and me. My father said that he had a friend who was the minister in charge and he would talk to him and definitely do something. The third bombshell wiped Mr Desai off his feet. Prabhupada wanted American born Jayapataka who was in his early twenties to be given Indian citizenship. Prabhupada: I want you to adopt him. There is a procedure for making a foreigner an Indian citizen. You have to stand guarantee.
Damodara Janani – all the details of the Damodara lila as you have never heard them before!
→ Dandavats
By Sivarama Swami
On my request in the spring of 1999, Gopi-paranadhana prabhu translated all the Acharyas’ Sanskrit commentaries to the verses relevant to the damodara-lila as an audio recording. Incorporating these recordings and scriptural references from Padma Purana, Brahma-vaivarta Purana, Brhad-bhagavatamrta, Ananda-vrndavana-champu, Sanatana Gosvami’s commentary on Sri Damodarashtakam, and Gopala-champu, I am retelling this special pastime as a wonderful narrative like the Krishna Book and it’s a flood of sweet nectar. There is also a fresh rendering of the Damodarashtaka prayer.
Playlist of All Videos Recorded of Sriman Srinathji Prabhu
→ Dandavats
By the Iskcondesiretree team
Srinathji Prabhu has been a prominent all-India industry leader and was the past President of ELCOMA (Electrical Lamp and Component Manufacturers Association), AMPS (Association of Manufacturers of Petroleum Specialties) and many other associations. Dr. Desai was the Chairman of DGTD ( Govt. of India) Panel for Light Electrical Industry and was a member of the Managing Committee of Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ Association (IEEMA). He had twice been the Secretary General of International Interfaith Conferences, which were attended by Nobel Laureates such as Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, etc. to promote world peace, human welfare and religious understanding. In May 2011, he was invited by Milken Institute, Los Angeles, USA, to speak in a Global Conference on “India: The Tiger Economy is Roaring”.
His Grace Sri Nathji Das – A Hero of the TOVP Departs
→ Dandavats
By the TOVP team
On behalf of Jananivas, Ambarisa, Svaha and Braja Vilas prabhus and the entire TOVP Team, it is with great sorrow and bereavement that we have learned of the passing of one of the TOVP’s first heroes, His Grace Sri Nathji prabhu (Dr. N.D. Desai) yesterday, October 17th. We are in shock at his sudden departure at the age of 76 due to heart failure during a visit to Bhutan. It is truly a dark day of loss for the TOVP and for his family. We offer our condolences to his wife, two sons and daughter during this challenging time. His cremation ceremony will be held on October 18th in India. He will be greatly missed by us all.
HG Shrinathji prabhu, left his body today in Bhutan
→ Dandavats
By Deena Bandhu Das Just received the very sad news that Sriman Srinathji prabhu, who was very dear to Srila Prabhupada, left this world in Bhutan apparently from a heart attack! Please join us in prayers for this wonderful soul! He was the main pillar…
New Vrindaban Devotees Serve Prabhupada at His Palace With Renewed Enthusiasm
→ Dandavats
By Madhava Smullen
Overall tourism at Prabhupada’s Palace has increased from 20,000 annually to approximately 30,000. One woman took the tour this summer after she saw the Palace in a commercial. During the tour, she was listening very intently, really absorbing all the information. Then, when we turned the corner, entered Srila Prabhupada’s study, and saw him behind his desk writing in his murti form, she began to cry. Tears were running down her face, and she was overwhelmed with emotion. The others on the tour felt it too. And at that moment I knew that Srila Prabhupada is here – and that although he might physically appear to be absent, he will always be in his Palace.
Second day of the GBC meetings in Mumbai
→ Dandavats
By Praghosa Das From the four corners of the globe the GBC convenes in Mumbai for its annual mid-term meeting. After acting locally for the last 6 months or so the GBC members are now, as a body, thinking globally as directed by Srila Prabhupada. Bhakt…
Amazing Russian Padayatra Report
→ Dandavats
By Narada dasa
We started 13 May 2016 from Samara Finished 9 September (Radhashtami) in Ershov village 69 devotees participated (39 men and 30 women) Lasted for 120 days 76 harinam-sankirtan on the streets 3080 Srila Prabhupad books distributed 342 audio disks with kirtans and lectures 350 «Golden Age» magazines 29 cities 16000 km the total distance covered
Kartika and Sarat-purnima: Special Mercy and the Dance of Divine Love
→ Dandavats
By Giriraj Swami Srila Rupa Gosvami compiled the law book of Krsna consciousness, the science of devotion, in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, translated by Srila Prabhupada in a summary study as The Nectar of Devotion. There the observance of Kartika is me…
Full of Abundant Grace
→ Dandavats
By Braja Sevaki Dasi
An article about the early days of the Deities in Mayapur, from a 2006 edition of Mayapur Magazine. Thirty-two years elapsed between the time Srila Prabhupada first mentioned life-sized Panca-tattva Deities and Their arrival in 2004. But you could hardly call the devotees at Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir “idle” during those intervening years. Two of the Deities’ oldest servants guide us through a brief history of Mayapur Deity worship
Best activity and best vrata for Kartik
→ Dandavats
By Sanatana Gosvami Karttika is the best and most glorious month, purest of pure. It is particularly dear to Lord Krishna, because it is the month of Srimati Radharani. This month is full of love of the Lord towards His devotees. Any vow followed in t…
It’s Kartika, Damn It!
→ Dandavats
By Tulasi-Priya dasi
At the risk of losing more Kartik Kredits, I’ll tell you that my main vrata this year is to keep my hand in the beadbag whenever it’s not required elsewhere. In spite of having a lot to do, I managed to fulfill my quota today. But if I happen to remember at 11pm that there’s a load in the washer that is on the verge of mildewing (not that that happened tonight, for example), I’m not going to resent the boring necessity of hanging them up for taking me away from my chanting. It’s Kartika, damn it! This is my opportunity to surrender to what ever life-fate-Krishna dishes out, and get the big bhakti bucks back for doing so.
1st day of Kartik in Vrndavana, May I be of any service?
→ Dandavats
By Mahadevi dasi It was formerly a custom that if one wanted to remember something constantly, he would transform it into poetry or have this done by a professional poet. It appears that Mother Yasoda did not want to forget Krsna’s activities at any ti…
Have you updated your antivirus?
→ Dandavats
Rupeshgauranga Dasa: Just like computer gets attacked with viruses, our human mind also get succumbed to the viruses in the form of depression, stress, anxiety, anger, frustration, lust, greed, lethargy etc.Read More…